Lorraine Kubicek, PhD

Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics-Developmental Pediatrics


  • Danielson, M.L., Kassab, H.D., Lee, M., Owens, J.S., Evans, S.W., Lipton, C., Charania, D., Young, H.E., Kubicek, L.F., Flory, K., & Cuffe, S.P. (2023). The utility of the Behavior Assessment System for Children-2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in predicting mental disorders in the Project to Learn About Youth-Mental Health. Psychology in the Schools, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22856.
  • Kubicek, L.F., Jansen Thompson, L., Luna, A., Henderson, S., & Hubbard, R. (2020). closing the gap through enhanced, family-centered approaches to care navigation: Increasing successful referrals for developmental delays with Colorado Project LAUNCH. ZERO TO THREE Journal, 40(3), 48-56.
  • Danielson, M., Bitsko, R.H., Holbrook, J.R., Charania, S.N., Claussen, A.H., McKeown, R.E., Cuffe, S.P., Sarno Owens, J., Evans, S.W., Kubicek, L.F., & Flory, K. (2020). community-based prevalence of externalizing and internalizing disorders among school-aged children and adolescents in four geographically dispersed school districts in the United States. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-15, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-020-01027-z
  • Kubicek, L.F., Luna, A., & Baumann, C. (2019). Grantee-Specific Final Comprehensive Evaluation Report (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2019).
  • Moody, E.J., Kaiser, K., Sharp, D., Kubicek, L.F., Rigles, B., Davis, J., McSwegin, S., D'Abreu, L.C., & Robinson Rosenberg, C. (2018). Improving family functioning following diagnosis of ASD: A randomized trial of a parent mentorship progrogram. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-12
  • Kubicek, LF, Riley, K, Coleman, J, Miller, G, and Linder, T (in press) Assessing the Emotional Quality of Parent-Child Relationships Involving Young Children with Special Needs: Applying the Constructs of Emotional Availability and Expressed Emotion
  • Kubicek, L.F., Riley, K., Coleman, J., Miller, G.L., & Linder, T. (2013). Assessing the emotional quality of parent-child relationships involving young children with special needs: Applying the constructs of Emotional Availability and Expressed Emotion. Infant Mental Health Journal, 34(3), 242-256.
  • Frankel, K., Croy, C., Kubicek, L.F., Mitchell, C.M., Spicer, P., & Emde, R.N. (2013). Toddler socioemotional behavior in a Northern Plains Indian tribe: Associations with maternal psychosocial well-being. Infant Mental Health Journal, 35(1), 10-20.
  • Hoover, S.D., & Kubicek, L.F. (2013). Early Childhood Mental Health in Colorado: An Environmental Scan of Challenges, Progress and Recommendations for the Social and Emotional Health of Colorado's Children.
  • Hoover, SD, Kubicek, LF, Robinson Rosenberg, C, Zundel, C, and Rosenberg, SA (2012) Influence of Behavioral Concerns and Early Childhood Expulsions on the Development of Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation in Colorado, Infant Mental Health Journal, 33(3)
  • Kubicek, LF, and Emde, RN (2012) Emotional Expression and Language: A Longitudinal Study of Typically Developing Earlier and Later Talkers from 15 to 30 Months, Infant Mental Health Journal, 33(6)
  • Kubicek, LF, and Emde, RN (2012) Emotional Expression and Language: A Longitudinal Study of Typically Developing Earlier and Later Talkers from 15 to 30 Months [Response to Commentaries], Infant Mental Health Journal, 33(6)
  • Reyes, N.M., Moody, E.J., Hightshoe, K., Davidon, S.L., Rosenberg, S.A., & Kubicek, L.F. Performance of the Social communication Questionnaire: An examination of the English and Spanish Version in a non-ASD sample.
  • E. J. Moody, K. Kaiser, D. Sharp, L. Kubicek, S. McSwegin, L. C. D'Abreu, & C. Robinson. Improving family quality of life and satisfaction with care through family support: Parent-to-parent mentoring and education. Under review.
  • Kubicek, L.F., Thompson, L.J., Luna, A., Henderson, S., & Hubbard, R. (in-press). Closing the Gap through Enhanced, Family-Centered Approaches to Care Navigation: Increasing Successful Referrals for Developmental Delays with Colorado Project LAUNCH

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Specialty Information

  • Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics