Obstructive sleep apnea in Children with Soto's syndrome. G. Seda, R. Bercovitch, A. Halbower, C. Welsh. presentation at APSS meeting June 2013
Borden Institute, chapter for a book entitled Airborne Hazards. Case Reports -- Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Center Experience with Post-Deployment Dyspnea. Carolyn H. Welsh, MD* and York E. Miller, MD
Cough and Pleural Disease in a Burmese Immigrant – A Masquerader
Volume 4, June 14, 2012
George M. Solomon, MD 1 Eric Schmidt, MD 1,2 Randall Reves, MD 3 Carolyn Welsh, MD
Rebecca Keith, Carolyn Welsh
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accepted to Southwest Journal of pulmonary and critical care, 2011
Carolyn H. Welsh. Obstructive sleep apnea and COPD. chapter in Nosology Textbook of Sleep Medicine
McGhan, Radcliff T, Fish R, Sutherland ER, Welsh CH, Make B. Predictors of rehospitalization and death after a severe exacerbation of chronic obstructive pumonary disease. Chest 2007; 132: 1748-1755.
Marlar RA, Potts RM, Welsh CH. Venous thrombosis; a systems biology approach, Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2007; 18: 215-217.
Welsh CH. Mechanical Ventilation, in Critical Care Secrets, fourth edition
Harahan, S, Welsh CH. Shortness of breath and hypoxemia after chemotherapy with gemcitabine. Chest, 2007
Zwillich CW, Welsh CH. hypercapnic obstructive sleep apnea: an underappreciated marker of severity? Chest 12/2007. 132: 1729-1730.
RA Marlar, R Potts, CH Welsh Accuracy of diagnosis of protein S deficiency by protein S activity and antigen assays. J Clin Chemistry
lack of correlation of the common genetic polymorphisms of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase with plasma levels of homocystien and venous thrombosis. submitted hemostatis, 2/06
RA Marlar, RM Potts, CH Welsh. venous thrombosis: a systems biology approach submitted Hemostasis 3/06
Sujatha Harahan, CH Welsh shortness of breath and hypoxemia after chemotherapy submitted Chest 2006
CH Welsh, RA Marlar ethics of genetic testing for venous thrombosis, Federal Practitioner. in preparation
Welsh, CH, Randy Fugit. Medications that cause insomnia. Encyclopedia Sleep Medicine.
Marlar RA, Potts RM, Welsh CH. accuracy of diagnosis of protein C deficiency by protein C activity and antigen assays. J Clin Ligand 2005. 28: 130-135.
Ryan McGhan, Tiffany Radcliff, Ron Fish, E. Rand Sutherland, Carolyn Welsh, Andrew Kramer, Todd Lee, Barry Make Predictors of rehospitalization or death in VA patients with a history of a severe exacerbation of COPD.
Marlar RA, Potts RM, Welsh CH. Venous thrombosis: a systems biology approach. Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis. April 2007