Nathaniel Greene, PhD

Associate Professor, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Graduate Schools
  • PhD, University of Rochester (2012)
  • MS, University of Rochester (2009)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Wittenberg University (OH) (2004)
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Professional Titles

  • Assistant Professor - Research


  • T32 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Colorado Otolaryngology Department (2015)
  • T32 Predoctoral Fellow, University of Rochester Otolaryngology Department (2012)
  • Loan Repayment Program Recipient, NIH (2020)

Research Interests

Dr. Greene’s research focuses on the mechanics and physiology of the auditory system and hearing. His lab focuses on the effects of using hearing restoration devices, as well as the mechanisms of hearing loss during high level sound exposure. Studies on hearing restoration devices include investigating the causes of loss of residual acoustic hearing in cochlear implant patients, and transmission of sound via bone conduction. These devices often involve substantial surgical procedures that can cause injurious levels of inner ear stimulation. Likewise, normal use of these devices stimulate the inner ear with indirect, non-ossicular pathways, which can resulting in unexpected interactions and perceptions. Current studies are focusing on quantifying these effects, investigating their sources, and developing strategies to mitigate their negative effects.


  • Greene NT, Argo TF, Easter J, Walilko T, Tollin DJ. Frequency dependence and harmonic distortion of stapes displacement and intracochlear pressure in response to very high level sounds. Hear Res. 2024 Nov;453:109121. PubMed PMID: 39332208
  • Sammeth CA, Walker KA, Greene NT, Klug A, Tollin DJ. Degradation in Binaural and Spatial Hearing and Auditory Temporal Processing Abilities as a Function of Aging. bioRxiv. 2024 Aug 3. PubMed PMID: 39026701
  • New EM, Hurd JA, Alarcon GA, Miller CS, Williams PA, Greene NT, Sergott CE, Li BZ, Lei TC, McCullagh EA. Hearing ability of prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). J Acoust Soc Am. 2024 Jan 1;155(1):555-567. PubMed PMID: 38259128
  • Sammeth CA, Brown AD, Greene NT, Tollin DJ. Interaural frequency mismatch jointly modulates neural brainstem binaural interaction and behavioral interaural time difference sensitivity in humans. Hear Res. 2023 Sep 15;437:108839. PubMed PMID: 37429100
  • Anderson DA, Argo TF 4th, Greene NT. Occluded insertion loss from intracochlear pressure measurements during acoustic shock wave exposure. Hear Res. 2023 Feb;428:108669. PubMed PMID: 36565603
  • Boscoe EF, Banakis Hartl RM, Gubbels SP, Greene NT. Effects of Varying Laser Parameters During Laser Stapedotomy on Intracochlear Pressures. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023 Mar;168(3):462-468. PubMed PMID: 35671134
  • Boscoe EF, Banakis Hartl RM, Gubbels SP, Greene NT. Effects of Varying Laser Parameters During Laser Stapedotomy on Intracochlear Pressures. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022 Jun 7;:1945998221104658. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35671134
  • Peacock J, Benson MA, Greene NT, Tollin DJ, Young BA. The acoustical effect of the neck frill of the frill-necked lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii). J Acoust Soc Am. 2022 Jul;152(1):437. PubMed PMID: 35931550
  • McCullagh EA, Peacock J, Lucas A, Poleg S, Greene NT, Gaut A, Lagestee S, Zhang Y, Kaczmarek LK, Park TJ, Tollin DJ, Klug A. Auditory brainstem development of naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber). Proc Biol Sci. 2022 Aug 10;289(1980):20220878. PubMed PMID: 35946148
  • Tasko SM, Deiters KK, Flamme GA, Smith MV, Murphy WJ, Jones HG, Greene NT, Ahroon WA. Effects of unilateral eye closure on middle ear muscle contractions. Hear Res. 2022 Oct;424:108594. PubMed PMID: 35964452
  • Koch M, Eßinger TM, Maier H, Sim JH, Ren L, Greene NT, Zahnert T, Neudert M, Bornitz M. Methods and reference data for middle ear transfer functions. Sci Rep. 2022 Oct 14;12(1):17241. PubMed PMID: 36241675
  • Banakis Hartl RM, Greene NT. Measurement and Mitigation of Intracochlear Pressure Transients During Cochlear Implant Electrode Insertion. Otol Neurotol. 2022 Feb 1;43(2):174-182. PubMed PMID: 34753876
  • Peacock J, Mackey CA, Benson MA, Burton JA, Greene NT, Ramachandran R, Tollin DJ. The Binaural Interaction Component in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta). eNeuro. 2021 Nov-Dec;8(6). PubMed PMID: 34872939
  • Jenkins HA, Greene N, Tollin DJ. Round Window Stimulation of the Cochlea. Front Neurol. 2021;12:777010. PubMed PMID: 34970211
  • Sammeth CA, Greene NT, Brown AD, Tollin DJ. Normative Study of the Binaural Interaction Component of the Human Auditory Brainstem Response as a Function of Interaural Time Differences. Ear Hear. 2021 May Jun;42(3):629-643. PubMed PMID: 33141776
  • Peacock J, Mackey CA, Benson MA, Burton JA, Greene NT, Ramachandran R, Tollin DJ. The Binaural Interaction Component in Rhesus Macaques ( Macaca mulatta ). eNeuro. 2021 Nov-Dec;8(6). PubMed PMID: 34872939
  • Banakis Hartl RM, Greene NT. Measurement and Mitigation of Intracochlear Pressure Transients During Cochlear Implant Electrode Insertion. Otol Neurotol. 2021 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34753876
  • Jenkins HA, Greene N, Tollin DJ. Round Window Stimulation of the Cochlea. Front Neurol. 2021;12:777010. PubMed PMID: 34970211
  • McCullagh EA, Poleg S, Greene NT, Huntsman MM, Tollin DJ, Klug A. Characterization of Auditory and Binaural Spatial Hearing in a Fragile X Syndrome Mouse Model. eNeuro. 2020 Jan Feb;7(1). PubMed PMID: 31953317
  • Sammeth CA, Greene NT, Brown AD, Tollin DJ. Normative Study of the Binaural Interaction Component of the Human Auditory Brainstem Response as a Function of Interaural Time Differences. Ear Hear. 2020 Oct 30. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33141776
  • Peacock J, Spellman GM, Tollin DJ, Greene NT. A comparative study of avian middle ear mechanics. Hear Res. 2020 Sep 15;395:108043. PubMed PMID: 32828615
  • Peacock J, Spellman GM, Greene NT, Tollin DJ. Scaling of the avian middle ear. Hear Res. 2020 Sep 15;395:108017. PubMed PMID: 32709398
  • McCullagh EA, Poleg S, Greene NT, Huntsman MM, Tollin DJ, Klug A. Characterization of Auditory and Binaural Spatial Hearing in a Fragile X Syndrome Mouse Model. eNeuro. 2020 Jan Feb;7(1). PubMed PMID: 31953317
  • Misch ES, Banakis Hartl RM, Gubbels SP, Greene NT. Risks of Intracochlear Pressures From Laser Stapedotomy. Otol Neurotol. 2020 Mar;41(3):308-317. PubMed PMID: 31746814
  • Gonzalez JR, Cass ND, Banakis Hartl RM, Peacock J, Cass SP, Greene NT. Characterizing Insertion Pressure Profiles During Cochlear Implantation: Simultaneous Fluoroscopy and Intracochlear Pressure Measurements. Otol Neurotol. 2020 Jan;41(1):e46-e54. PubMed PMID: 31613835
  • Mattingly JK, Banakis Hartl RM, Jenkins HA, Tollin DJ, Cass SP, Greene NT. A Comparison of Intracochlear Pressures During Ipsilateral and Contralateral Stimulation With a Bone Conduction Implant. Ear Hear. 2020 Mar Apr;41(2):312-322. PubMed PMID: 31389846
  • Deiters KK, Flamme GA, Tasko SM, Murphy WJ, Greene NT, Jones HG, Ahroon WA. Generalizability of clinically measured acoustic reflexes to brief sounds. J Acoust Soc Am. 2019 Nov;146(5):3993. PubMed PMID: 31795698
  • Misch ES, Banakis Hartl RM, Gubbels SP, Greene NT. Risks of Intracochlear Pressures From Laser Stapedotomy. Otol Neurotol. 2019 Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31746814
  • Gonzalez JR, Cass ND, Banakis Hartl RM, Peacock J, Cass SP, Greene NT. Characterizing Insertion Pressure Profiles During Cochlear Implantation: Simultaneous Fluoroscopy and Intracochlear Pressure Measurements. Otol Neurotol. 2019 Oct 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31613835
  • Mattingly JK, Banakis Hartl RM, Jenkins HA, Tollin DJ, Cass SP, Greene NT. A Comparison of Intracochlear Pressures During Ipsilateral and Contralateral Stimulation With a Bone Conduction Implant. Ear Hear. 2019 Aug 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31389846
  • Jones HG, Greene NT, Ahroon WA. Human middle-ear muscles rarely contract in anticipation of acoustic impulses: Implications for hearing risk assessments. Hear Res. 2019 Jul;378:53-62. PubMed PMID: 30538053
  • Banakis Hartl RM, Greene NT, Benichoux V, Dondzillo A, Brown AD, Tollin DJ. Establishing an Animal Model of Single-Sided Deafness in Chinchilla lanigera . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Dec;161(6):1004-1011. PubMed PMID: 31570054
  • Peacock J, Al Hussaini M, Greene NT, Tollin DJ. Intracochlear pressure in response to high intensity, low frequency sounds in chinchilla. Hear Res. 2018 Sep;367:213-222. PubMed PMID: 29945804
  • Alhussaini MA, Banakis Hartl RM, Benichoux V, Tollin DJ, Jenkins HA, Greene NT. Intracochlear Pressures in Simulated Otitis Media With Effusion: A Temporal Bone Study. Otol Neurotol. 2018 Aug;39(7):e585-e592. PubMed PMID: 29912830
  • Banakis Hartl RM, Greene NT, Jenkins HA, Cass SP, Tollin DJ. Lateral Semicircular Canal Pressures During Cochlear Implant Electrode Insertion: a Possible Mechanism for Postoperative Vestibular Loss. Otol Neurotol. 2018 Jul;39(6):755-764. PubMed PMID: 29889786
  • Greene NT, Alhussaini MA, Easter JR, Argo TF 4th, Walilko T, Tollin DJ. Intracochlear pressure measurements during acoustic shock wave exposure. Hear Res. 2018 Aug;365:149-164. PubMed PMID: 29843947
  • Jones HG, Greene NT, Chen MR, Azcona CM, Archer BJ, Reeves ER. The Danger Zone for Noise Hazards Around the Black Hawk Helicopter. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018 Jun 1;89(6):547-551. PubMed PMID: 29789088
  • Greene NT, Anbuhl KL, Ferber AT, DeGuzman M, Allen PD, Tollin DJ. Spatial hearing ability of the pigmented Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus): Minimum audible angle and spatial release from masking in azimuth. Hear Res. 2018 Aug;365:62-76. PubMed PMID: 29778290
  • Alhussaini MA, Banakis Hartl RM, Benichoux V, Tollin DJ, Jenkins HA, Greene NT. Intracochlear Pressures in Simulated Otitis Media With Effusion: A Temporal Bone Study. Otol Neurotol. 2018 Aug;39(7):e585-e592. PubMed PMID: 29912830
  • Greene NT, Alhussaini MA, Easter JR, Argo TF 4th, Walilko T, Tollin DJ. Intracochlear pressure measurements during acoustic shock wave exposure. Hear Res. 2018 Aug;365:149-164. PubMed PMID: 29843947
  • Greene NT, Anbuhl KL, Ferber AT, DeGuzman M, Allen PD, Tollin DJ. Spatial hearing ability of the pigmented Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus): Minimum audible angle and spatial release from masking in azimuth. Hear Res. 2018 Aug;365:62-76. PubMed PMID: 29778290
  • Jones HG, Greene NT, Ahroon WA. Human middle-ear muscles rarely contract in anticipation of acoustic impulses: Implications for hearing risk assessments. In Press, Hearing Research.
  • Anbuhl KL, Benichoux V, Greene NT, Brown AD, Tollin DJ. Development of the head, pinnae, and acoustical cues to sound location in a precocial species, the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). Hear Res. 2017 Dec;356:35-50. PubMed PMID: 29128159
  • Greene NT, Jenkins HA, Tollin DJ, Easter JR. Stapes displacement and intracochlear pressure in response to very high level, low frequency sounds. Hear Res. 2017 May;348:16-30. PubMed PMID: 28189837
  • Maxwell AK, Banakis Hartl RM, Greene NT, Benichoux V, Mattingly JK, Cass SP, Tollin DJ. Semicircular Canal Pressure Changes During High-intensity Acoustic Stimulation. Otol Neurotol. 2017 Aug;38(7):1043-1051. PubMed PMID: 28570420
  • Banakis Hartl RM, Mattingly JK, Greene NT, Farrell NF, Gubbels SP, Tollin DJ. Drill-induced Cochlear Injury During Otologic Surgery: Intracochlear Pressure Evidence of Acoustic Trauma. Otol Neurotol. 2017 Aug;38(7):938-947. PubMed PMID: 28598950
  • Anbuhl KL, Benichoux V, Greene NT, Brown AD, Tollin DJ. Development of the head, pinnae, and acoustical cues to sound location in a precocial species, the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). Hear Res. 2017 Dec;356:35-50. PubMed PMID: 29128159
  • Jones HG, Greene NT, and Ahroon WA. Assessment of Middle Ear Function during the Acoustic Reflex Using Laser-Doppler Vibrometry. USAARL Tech Report 2017-16.
  • Walilko TJ, Lowe RD, Argo TF, Meegan GD, Greene NT, and Tollin DJ. Experimental Evaluation of Blast Loadings on the Ear and Head with and Without Hearing Protection Devices. In Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Volume 6: Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics. 2016 Sept; 6:101-9.
  • Banakis Hartl RM, Mattingly JK, Greene NT, Jenkins HA, Cass SP, Tollin DJ. A Preliminary Investigation of the Air-Bone Gap: Changes in Intracochlear Sound Pressure With Air- and Bone-conducted Stimuli After Cochlear Implantation. Otol Neurotol. 2016 Oct;37(9):1291-9. PubMed PMID: 27579835
  • Greene NT, Mattingly JK, Banakis Hartl RM, Tollin DJ, Cass SP. Intracochlear Pressure Transients During Cochlear Implant Electrode Insertion. Otol Neurotol. 2016 Dec;37(10):1541-1548. PubMed PMID: 27753703
  • Greene NT, Mattingly JK, Jenkins HA, Tollin DJ, Easter JR, Cass SP. Cochlear Implant Electrode Effect on Sound Energy Transfer Within the Cochlea During Acoustic Stimulation. Otol Neurotol. 2015 Sep;36(9):1554-61. PubMed PMID: 26333018
  • Brown AD, Beemer BT, Greene NT, Argo T 4th, Meegan GD, Tollin DJ. Effects of Active and Passive Hearing Protection Devices on Sound Source Localization, Speech Recognition, and Tone Detection. PLoS One. 2015;10(8):e0136568. PubMed PMID: 26313145
  • Mattingly JK, Greene NT, Jenkins HA, Tollin DJ, Easter JR, Cass SP. Effects of Skin Thickness on Cochlear Input Signal Using Transcutaneous Bone Conduction Implants. Otol Neurotol. 2015 Sep;36(8):1403-11. PubMed PMID: 26164446
  • Anderson DA, Argo TF, Greene NT. Occluded intracochlear insertion loss measurements during acoustic shock wave exposure. In press, Hearing Research.
  • Banakis Hartl RM, Greene NT, Jenkins HA, Cass SP, and Tollin DJ. Lateral semi-circular canal pressures during cochlear implant electrode insertion: A possible mechanism for postoperative vestibular loss. In press, Otol. & Neurotol.

Professional Memberships

  • Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Member
  • Society for Neuroscience, Member
  • The Acoustical Society of America, Member
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Member

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Specialty Information

  • Certified Occupational Hearing Conservationist (CAOHC), Certificate (2016)