Kelsey Chow, Ujala Rana, Karen Helm, David Wagner and Susan Majka. Isolation and Characterization of Mouse Lung Mesenchymal Stem Cells. JoVE. Submitted 2/2011.
S. Majka, Moira Hagen, Julie Harral, Robert Gendron, Helene Paradis, Eva Grayck, Kurt R. Stenmark, and James West. Endothelial – Specific Expression of BMPR2delx4+ Transgene in Mice Results in Pulmonary Thrombosis & Hypertension. Under Revision Respiratory Research. To be resubmitted 3/2011.
D. Jun, C. Garat, J.West, N. Thorn, K. Chow, T. Cleaver, T. Sullivan, E. Torchia, C. Childs, T. Shade, M. Tadjali, A. Lara, E. Nozik-Grayck, S. Malkoski, B. Sorrentino, B. Meyrick, D. Klemm, M. Rojas, DH. Wagner Jr and S. Majka. The Pathology of Bleomycin induced Fibrosis is Associated with Loss of Resident Lung Mesenchymal Stem cells which Regulate Effector T-cell Proliferation. Accepted Stem Cells Jan 2011. ePub 2/2011.
Ganna Bilousova, Du Hyun Jun, Karen B. King, Stijn De Langhe, Wallace S Chick, Enrique C Torchia, Kelsey S Chow, Dwight J Klemm, Dennis R Roop and S. Majka. Osteoblasts derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells form Calcified Structures in Scaffolds both in vitro and in vivo. Stem Cells Accepted 11/ 2010, ePub 12/10.
S. Majka, K. Fox, J. Psilas, K. Helm, C. Childs, A. Acosta, M. Garcia, B. Woessner, T. Shade and DJ. Klemm. De Novo Generation of White Adipocytes From the Myeloid Lineage Via Mesenchymal Intermediates Is Age, Adipose Depot and Gender Specific. PNAS. 107:14781-14786.
Z. Van Rheen, CL. Fattman, S. Domarski, S. Majka, D. Klemm, KR. Stenmark and E. Nozik-Grayck. Lung EC-SOD Overexpression Lessens Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension and Vascular Remodeling. Accepted AJRCMB 5/2010.
11. EL. Burnham, M Mealer, J Gaydos, S.M.Majka and Marc Moss. Acute lung injury correlates with increased colony formation by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Accepted 8/09. AJRCMB ePub.
S. Majka, Moira Hagen, Julie Harral, Kurt R. Stenmark, Robert Gendron, Helene Paradis, Eva Grayck and James West. Tie-2 Driven Expression of BMPR2delx4+ Transgene in Mice Results in Pulmonary Thrombosis & Hypertension. Anticipated submission 5/10.
EL. Burnham, M Mealer, J Gaydos, S.M.Majka and Marc Moss. Acute lung injury correlates with increased colony formation by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Accepted 8/09. AJRCMB ePub.
D. Irwin, G. Beckly, B. Forman, T. Sullivan, J. Crossno, J McCord, D. Bailey, S. Flores, S.M.Majka, D. Klemm and M. Tissot van Patot. A potential role for reactive oxygen species and the HIF-1a-VEGF pathway in hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular leak. Free Radic Biol Med. 2009 Jul 1;47(1):55-61.
K. Takeda, M. Okamoto, S. De Langhe, E. Dill, M. Armstrong, N Reisdorph, D. Irwin, M. Koster, J. Wilder, K. Stenmark, J. West, D. Klemm, E.W. Gelfand, E. Nozik-Grayck and S.M.Majka. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-? Agonist Treatment Increases Septation and Angiogenesis and Decreases Airway Hyperresonsiveness in a Murine Model of Chronic Lung Disease. Accepted The Anatomical Record 2009 292 (7):1045-1061.
Tanaka KK, Cornelison D, Hall JK, S. Majka and Olwin BB. Syndecan-4 Expressing Muscle Progenitor Cells in the SP Engraft as Satellite Cells During Muscle Regeneration. Cell Stem Cell, 4: 217-225, 6 March 2009.
Dempsey EC, Wick MJ, Karoor V, Barr EJ, Tallman DW, Wehling CA, Walchak SJ, Laudi S, Le M, Oka M, S Majka, Cool CD, Fagan KA, Klemm DJ, Hersh LB, Gerard NP, Gerard C and Miller Y. Neprilysin null mice develop exaggerated pulmonary vascular remodeling in response to chronic hypoxia. Am. J. Pathol. 2009 174: 782-796.
K. Stenmark, S. Majka and M. Frid. “Pulmonary Hypertension” Chapter “Progenitor cells in pulmonary vascular remodeling” Due Feb 2009. Editor: Jason Yuan.
E. Burnham, S. Majka and M. Moss. “Stem Cells in the Respiratory System” Chapter “Progenitor cells as a biomarker for lung disease” Due March 2009. Editor: Mauricio Rojas.
Dempsey EC, Wick MJ, Karoor V, Barr EJ, Tallman DW, Wehling CA, Walchak SJ, Laudi S, Le M, Oka M, S Majka, Cool CD, Fagan KA, Klemm DJ, Hersh LB, Gerard NP, Gerard C and Miller Y. Neprilysin null mice develop exaggerated pulmonary vascular remodeling in response to chronic hypoxia. Am. J. Pathol. 2009 174: 782-796.
Tanaka KK, Cornelison D, Hall JK, S. Majka and Olwin BB. Syndecan-4 Expressing Muscle Progenitor Cells in the SP Engraft as Satellite Cells During Muscle Regeneration. Cell Stem Cell, 4: 217-225, 6 March 2009.
24. K. Takeda, M. Okamoto, S De Langhe, E. Dill, M. Armstrong, N Reisdorph, D. Irwin, M. Koster, J. Wilder, K. Stenmark, D. Klemm, E.W. Gelfand, E. Nozik-Grayck and S. Majka. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-? Agonist Treatment Increases Septation and Angiogenesis and Decreases Airway Hyperresonsiveness in a Murine Model of Chronic Lung Disease. Accepted 4/09
25. D. Irwin, G. Beckly, B. Forman, T. Sullivan, J. Crossno, J McCord, D. Bailey, S. Flores, S. Majka, D. Klemm and M. Tissot van Patot. A potential role for reactive oxygen species and the HIF-1a-VEGF pathway in hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular leak. Under revision 12/08.
26. EL. Burnham, M Mealer, J Gaydos, S Majka and Marc Moss. Acute lung injury correlates with increased colony formation by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Under revision AJRCCM 3/09
19. J. Martin, K. Helm, P. Ruegg, M. Garcia, E. Burnham and S.Majka. Adult Lung Side Population Cells have Mesenchymal Stem Cell Potential. Cytotherapy 2008 10:140-151.
20. E. Nozik-Grayck, HB Suliman, S Majka, J Albietz, Z Van Rheen, K Roush, and KR. Stenmark. Lung EC-SOD Overexpression Attenuates Hypoxic Induction of Egr-1 and Chronic Hypoxic Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling. 2008 AJP LCMP 295: L422-L430.
S.M.Majka, M. Skokan, L. Wheeler, J. Harral, S. Gladson, E. Burnham, J. E. Loyd, K. Stenmark, M. Varella-Garcia and J. West. Evidence for cell fusion is absent in vascular lesions associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension. 2008. AJP LCMP 295: L1028-L1039.
7. J. Martin, K. Helm, P. Ruegg, M. Garcia, E. Burnham and S. Majka. Adult Lung Side Population Cells have Mesenchymal Stem Cell Potential. Accepted Cytotherapy Jan 2008.
5. D. Irwin, G. Beckly, B. Forman, T. Sullivan, J. Crossno, J McCord, D. Bailey, S. Flores, S. Majka, D. Klemm and M. Tissot van Patot. A potential role for reactive oxygen species and the HIF-1a-VEGF pathway in hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular leak. Under revision AJP:LCMP 2/08.
At least 2 abstracts for meetings
4. S. Majka, Y. Tada, M. Carr, J. Harral, D. Crona, T. Kuriyama and J. West. Molecular Effectes of Loss of BMPR2 Signalling in SM in a transgenic mouse model of PAH. Co-first author. Under Revision 11/06 AJP:LCMP.
6. D. Case, D. Irwin, C. Ivestor, J Harral, K. Morris, M. Imamura, M. Roedersheimer, A. Patterson, M. Carr, M. Hagen, M. Saavedra, J. Crossno Jr., K. Young, E. Dempsey, F. Poirier, J. West and S. Majka. Galectin-1 Dependent Vascular Remodeling in Pulmonary Hypertension. 2007. AJP Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 292:L154-164.
. Irwin, K. Helm, N. Campbell, M. Imamura, K.Fagan, J. Harral, M. Carr, K.A. Young D. Klemm, S. Gebb, E.C. Dempsey, J. West and S.M.Majka. Hyperoxic Indiuced Changes in Pulmonary Lung Side Population of Progenitor populations in Response to Hyperoxia. Submission 2/07 AJP:LCMP.
2. Tanaka KK, Troy A, Olguin H, Antwine T, Majka S and Olwin BB. Staellite cells in the SP divide asymmetrically to renew the quiescent population. Submitted 3 2007 Cell.
10. D. Case, D. Irwin, C. Ivestor, J Harral, K. Morris, M. Imamura, M. Roedersheimer, A. Patterson, M. Carr, M. Hagen, M. Saavedra, J. Crossno Jr., K. Young, E. Dempsey, F. Poirier, J. West and S. Majka. 2007. Galectin-1 Dependent Vascular Remodeling in Pulmonary Hypertension. AJP Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 292:L154-164.
9. S. Majka, Y. Tada, M. Carr, J. Harral, D. Crona, T. Kuriyama and J. West. 2007. Molecular Effectes of Loss of BMPR2 Signalling in SM in a transgenic mouse model of PAH. Co-first author. AJP:LCMP 292:1556-1563.
8. D. Irwin, K. Helm, N. Campbell, M. Imamura, K.Fagan, J. Harral, M. Carr, K.A. Young D. Klemm, S. Gebb, E.C. Dempsey, J. West and S. Majka. 2007. Neonatal lung SP cells demonstrate endothelial potential and are altered in response to hyperoxia-induced lung simplification. AJP:LCMP. 293(4):L941-51.
8. S. Majka, B. McGuire, J. Crossno, P. McGuire and A. Izzo. 2006.The Plietrophic Effects of VEGF-A on Fetal Pulmonary Mesenchymal Cell Architecture. 2006. AJP:LCMP. 290:L1183-92.
7. J. Crossno, S. Majka, T. Grazia, R. Gill and D. Klemm. 2006. Rosiglitazone Promotes Formation of Multilocular Adipocytes from Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells. 2006. JCI 116:3220-3228.
5. K. Fox, D. Fankell, P. Erickson, S. Majka, J. Crossno Jr. and D. Klemm. Depletion of CREB/ATF1 Inhibits adipogenic conversion of 3T3-L1 Cells ectopically expressing C/EBPa,beta orPPARgamma2. Accepted JBC 2006. ePub.
The Adult Lung Side Population of Cells Contains Mesenchymal Endothelial Precursors and is Affected in Pulmonary Hypertension
Inappropriate Production of Galectin-1 Affects Vascular Homeostasis during Pulmonary Hypertension
S.M.Majka, B. McGuire, J. Crossno, P. McGuire and A. Izzo. The Plietrophic Effects of VEGF-A on Fetal Pulmonary Mesenchymal Cell Architecture. ePUB
Tanaka KK, Troy A, Olguin H, Antwine T, Majka S and Olwin BB. A subpopulation of satellite cells are muscle stem cells that divide asymmetrically following injury. Anticipated submission Spring 2006.
Barbara J. Engebretsen, David Irwin, Susan Majka, Maria E. Valdez,Mary K. O’Donovan Alan Tucker and Martha Tissot van Patot. Differential hypoxia-induced HIF, iNOS, and VEGF responses in the Hilltop vs Madison Sprague-Dawley rat. Accepted J Applied Physiology 3/2006.
At least 4 meeting abstracts
The Role of Platelet Derived Growth Factor B in Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cell Homeostasis