Susan Majka, PhD

Visiting Professor, Medicine-Cvp-Pulmonary


  • Kelsey Chow, Ujala Rana, Karen Helm, David Wagner and Susan Majka. Isolation and Characterization of Mouse Lung Mesenchymal Stem Cells. JoVE. Submitted 2/2011.
  • S. Majka, Moira Hagen, Julie Harral, Robert Gendron, Helene Paradis, Eva Grayck, Kurt R. Stenmark, and James West. Endothelial – Specific Expression of BMPR2delx4+ Transgene in Mice Results in Pulmonary Thrombosis & Hypertension. Under Revision Respiratory Research. To be resubmitted 3/2011.
  • D. Jun, C. Garat, J.West, N. Thorn, K. Chow, T. Cleaver, T. Sullivan, E. Torchia, C. Childs, T. Shade, M. Tadjali, A. Lara, E. Nozik-Grayck, S. Malkoski, B. Sorrentino, B. Meyrick, D. Klemm, M. Rojas, DH. Wagner Jr and S. Majka. The Pathology of Bleomycin induced Fibrosis is Associated with Loss of Resident Lung Mesenchymal Stem cells which Regulate Effector T-cell Proliferation. Accepted Stem Cells Jan 2011. ePub 2/2011.
  • Ganna Bilousova, Du Hyun Jun, Karen B. King, Stijn De Langhe, Wallace S Chick, Enrique C Torchia, Kelsey S Chow, Dwight J Klemm, Dennis R Roop and S. Majka. Osteoblasts derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells form Calcified Structures in Scaffolds both in vitro and in vivo. Stem Cells Accepted 11/ 2010, ePub 12/10.
  • S. Majka, K. Fox, J. Psilas, K. Helm, C. Childs, A. Acosta, M. Garcia, B. Woessner, T. Shade and DJ. Klemm. De Novo Generation of White Adipocytes From the Myeloid Lineage Via Mesenchymal Intermediates Is Age, Adipose Depot and Gender Specific. PNAS. 107:14781-14786.
  • Z. Van Rheen, CL. Fattman, S. Domarski, S. Majka, D. Klemm, KR. Stenmark and E. Nozik-Grayck. Lung EC-SOD Overexpression Lessens Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension and Vascular Remodeling. Accepted AJRCMB 5/2010.
  • 11. EL. Burnham, M Mealer, J Gaydos, S.M.Majka and Marc Moss. Acute lung injury correlates with increased colony formation by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Accepted 8/09. AJRCMB ePub.
  • S. Majka, Moira Hagen, Julie Harral, Kurt R. Stenmark, Robert Gendron, Helene Paradis, Eva Grayck and James West. Tie-2 Driven Expression of BMPR2delx4+ Transgene in Mice Results in Pulmonary Thrombosis & Hypertension. Anticipated submission 5/10.
  • EL. Burnham, M Mealer, J Gaydos, S.M.Majka and Marc Moss. Acute lung injury correlates with increased colony formation by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Accepted 8/09. AJRCMB ePub.
  • D. Irwin, G. Beckly, B. Forman, T. Sullivan, J. Crossno, J McCord, D. Bailey, S. Flores, S.M.Majka, D. Klemm and M. Tissot van Patot. A potential role for reactive oxygen species and the HIF-1a-VEGF pathway in hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular leak. Free Radic Biol Med. 2009 Jul 1;47(1):55-61.
  • K. Takeda, M. Okamoto, S. De Langhe, E. Dill, M. Armstrong, N Reisdorph, D. Irwin, M. Koster, J. Wilder, K. Stenmark, J. West, D. Klemm, E.W. Gelfand, E. Nozik-Grayck and S.M.Majka. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-? Agonist Treatment Increases Septation and Angiogenesis and Decreases Airway Hyperresonsiveness in a Murine Model of Chronic Lung Disease. Accepted The Anatomical Record 2009 292 (7):1045-1061.
  • Tanaka KK, Cornelison D, Hall JK, S. Majka and Olwin BB. Syndecan-4 Expressing Muscle Progenitor Cells in the SP Engraft as Satellite Cells During Muscle Regeneration. Cell Stem Cell, 4: 217-225, 6 March 2009.
  • Dempsey EC, Wick MJ, Karoor V, Barr EJ, Tallman DW, Wehling CA, Walchak SJ, Laudi S, Le M, Oka M, S Majka, Cool CD, Fagan KA, Klemm DJ, Hersh LB, Gerard NP, Gerard C and Miller Y. Neprilysin null mice develop exaggerated pulmonary vascular remodeling in response to chronic hypoxia. Am. J. Pathol. 2009 174: 782-796.
  • K. Stenmark, S. Majka and M. Frid. “Pulmonary Hypertension” Chapter “Progenitor cells in pulmonary vascular remodeling” Due Feb 2009. Editor: Jason Yuan.
  • E. Burnham, S. Majka and M. Moss. “Stem Cells in the Respiratory System” Chapter “Progenitor cells as a biomarker for lung disease” Due March 2009. Editor: Mauricio Rojas.
  • Dempsey EC, Wick MJ, Karoor V, Barr EJ, Tallman DW, Wehling CA, Walchak SJ, Laudi S, Le M, Oka M, S Majka, Cool CD, Fagan KA, Klemm DJ, Hersh LB, Gerard NP, Gerard C and Miller Y. Neprilysin null mice develop exaggerated pulmonary vascular remodeling in response to chronic hypoxia. Am. J. Pathol. 2009 174: 782-796.
  • Tanaka KK, Cornelison D, Hall JK, S. Majka and Olwin BB. Syndecan-4 Expressing Muscle Progenitor Cells in the SP Engraft as Satellite Cells During Muscle Regeneration. Cell Stem Cell, 4: 217-225, 6 March 2009.
  • 24. K. Takeda, M. Okamoto, S De Langhe, E. Dill, M. Armstrong, N Reisdorph, D. Irwin, M. Koster, J. Wilder, K. Stenmark, D. Klemm, E.W. Gelfand, E. Nozik-Grayck and S. Majka. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-? Agonist Treatment Increases Septation and Angiogenesis and Decreases Airway Hyperresonsiveness in a Murine Model of Chronic Lung Disease. Accepted 4/09
  • 25. D. Irwin, G. Beckly, B. Forman, T. Sullivan, J. Crossno, J McCord, D. Bailey, S. Flores, S. Majka, D. Klemm and M. Tissot van Patot. A potential role for reactive oxygen species and the HIF-1a-VEGF pathway in hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular leak. Under revision 12/08.
  • 26. EL. Burnham, M Mealer, J Gaydos, S Majka and Marc Moss. Acute lung injury correlates with increased colony formation by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Under revision AJRCCM 3/09
  • 19. J. Martin, K. Helm, P. Ruegg, M. Garcia, E. Burnham and S.Majka. Adult Lung Side Population Cells have Mesenchymal Stem Cell Potential. Cytotherapy 2008 10:140-151.
  • 20. E. Nozik-Grayck, HB Suliman, S Majka, J Albietz, Z Van Rheen, K Roush, and KR. Stenmark. Lung EC-SOD Overexpression Attenuates Hypoxic Induction of Egr-1 and Chronic Hypoxic Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling. 2008 AJP LCMP 295: L422-L430.
  • S.M.Majka, M. Skokan, L. Wheeler, J. Harral, S. Gladson, E. Burnham, J. E. Loyd, K. Stenmark, M. Varella-Garcia and J. West. Evidence for cell fusion is absent in vascular lesions associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension. 2008. AJP LCMP 295: L1028-L1039.
  • 7. J. Martin, K. Helm, P. Ruegg, M. Garcia, E. Burnham and S. Majka. Adult Lung Side Population Cells have Mesenchymal Stem Cell Potential. Accepted Cytotherapy Jan 2008.
  • 5. D. Irwin, G. Beckly, B. Forman, T. Sullivan, J. Crossno, J McCord, D. Bailey, S. Flores, S. Majka, D. Klemm and M. Tissot van Patot. A potential role for reactive oxygen species and the HIF-1a-VEGF pathway in hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular leak. Under revision AJP:LCMP 2/08.
  • At least 2 abstracts for meetings
  • 4. S. Majka, Y. Tada, M. Carr, J. Harral, D. Crona, T. Kuriyama and J. West. Molecular Effectes of Loss of BMPR2 Signalling in SM in a transgenic mouse model of PAH. Co-first author. Under Revision 11/06 AJP:LCMP.
  • 6. D. Case, D. Irwin, C. Ivestor, J Harral, K. Morris, M. Imamura, M. Roedersheimer, A. Patterson, M. Carr, M. Hagen, M. Saavedra, J. Crossno Jr., K. Young, E. Dempsey, F. Poirier, J. West and S. Majka. Galectin-1 Dependent Vascular Remodeling in Pulmonary Hypertension. 2007. AJP Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 292:L154-164.
  • . Irwin, K. Helm, N. Campbell, M. Imamura, K.Fagan, J. Harral, M. Carr, K.A. Young D. Klemm, S. Gebb, E.C. Dempsey, J. West and S.M.Majka. Hyperoxic Indiuced Changes in Pulmonary Lung Side Population of Progenitor populations in Response to Hyperoxia. Submission 2/07 AJP:LCMP.
  • 2. Tanaka KK, Troy A, Olguin H, Antwine T, Majka S and Olwin BB. Staellite cells in the SP divide asymmetrically to renew the quiescent population. Submitted 3 2007 Cell.
  • 10. D. Case, D. Irwin, C. Ivestor, J Harral, K. Morris, M. Imamura, M. Roedersheimer, A. Patterson, M. Carr, M. Hagen, M. Saavedra, J. Crossno Jr., K. Young, E. Dempsey, F. Poirier, J. West and S. Majka. 2007. Galectin-1 Dependent Vascular Remodeling in Pulmonary Hypertension. AJP Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 292:L154-164.
  • 9. S. Majka, Y. Tada, M. Carr, J. Harral, D. Crona, T. Kuriyama and J. West. 2007. Molecular Effectes of Loss of BMPR2 Signalling in SM in a transgenic mouse model of PAH. Co-first author. AJP:LCMP 292:1556-1563.
  • 8. D. Irwin, K. Helm, N. Campbell, M. Imamura, K.Fagan, J. Harral, M. Carr, K.A. Young D. Klemm, S. Gebb, E.C. Dempsey, J. West and S. Majka. 2007. Neonatal lung SP cells demonstrate endothelial potential and are altered in response to hyperoxia-induced lung simplification. AJP:LCMP. 293(4):L941-51.
  • 8. S. Majka, B. McGuire, J. Crossno, P. McGuire and A. Izzo. 2006.The Plietrophic Effects of VEGF-A on Fetal Pulmonary Mesenchymal Cell Architecture. 2006. AJP:LCMP. 290:L1183-92.
  • 7. J. Crossno, S. Majka, T. Grazia, R. Gill and D. Klemm. 2006. Rosiglitazone Promotes Formation of Multilocular Adipocytes from Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells. 2006. JCI 116:3220-3228.
  • 5. K. Fox, D. Fankell, P. Erickson, S. Majka, J. Crossno Jr. and D. Klemm. Depletion of CREB/ATF1 Inhibits adipogenic conversion of 3T3-L1 Cells ectopically expressing C/EBPa,beta orPPARgamma2. Accepted JBC 2006. ePub.
  • The Adult Lung Side Population of Cells Contains Mesenchymal Endothelial Precursors and is Affected in Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Inappropriate Production of Galectin-1 Affects Vascular Homeostasis during Pulmonary Hypertension
  • S.M.Majka, B. McGuire, J. Crossno, P. McGuire and A. Izzo. The Plietrophic Effects of VEGF-A on Fetal Pulmonary Mesenchymal Cell Architecture. ePUB
  • Tanaka KK, Troy A, Olguin H, Antwine T, Majka S and Olwin BB. A subpopulation of satellite cells are muscle stem cells that divide asymmetrically following injury. Anticipated submission Spring 2006.
  • Barbara J. Engebretsen, David Irwin, Susan Majka, Maria E. Valdez,Mary K. O’Donovan Alan Tucker and Martha Tissot van Patot. Differential hypoxia-induced HIF, iNOS, and VEGF responses in the Hilltop vs Madison Sprague-Dawley rat. Accepted J Applied Physiology 3/2006.
  • At least 4 meeting abstracts
  • The Role of Platelet Derived Growth Factor B in Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cell Homeostasis