Health Care Leadership Development Program, Veterans Health Administration
Selected for and completed a leadership program within the VA (the highest level leadership program within the system).
Spark-Seed-Spread Program, VHA Innovation Network
Selected as “Spark” program participant (senior investigator) in national competition after nomination by VA facility senior leadership to support 3D printing of a kidney model for resident training, patient counseling and advanced fluoroscopy assessment
Sawyer, MD Editorial Comment to "Specialist Care, Metabolic Testing, and Testing Completeness Among U.S. Veterans With Urinary Stone Disease" (Urology Practice, Jan 2023),
Sawyer MD, Hannemann A, Herrell SD, Beck D, Eun J, Ballon-Landa EC. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Pyelography: A Convenient and Safe Alternative to Both Room Air and Iodinated Contrast Pyelography for Endourologic Procedures. J Endourol. 2022 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36585860
Glover X, Ballon-Landa EC, Sawyer MD. Ultra-low Dose Intraoperative CT During Endoscopic Stone Surgery: A Quality Improvement Project. J Endourol. 2022 Dec 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36458465
“Is Your Career Hurting You? The Ergonomic Consequences of Surgery in 701 Urologists Worldwide.” Lloyd GL, et al. J Endourol. 2019 Dec.
Editorial to “Longitudinal Assessment of Post-Ureteroscopic Laser Lithotripsy Pain and Opioid Consumption using Text Messaging: Tailoring Pain Management to the Patient”, Urology Practice (2019 6(6), p. 37).
Sawyer, MD. Editorial Comment to "Longitudinal Assessment of Post-Ureteroscopic Laser Lithotripsy Pain and Opioid Consumption using Text Messaging: Tailoring Pain Management to the Patient" Urology Practice (
Okland T, Karimkhani C, Pederson H, Boyers LN, Sawyer MD, Rove KO, Kenny MC, Steinberg S, Naghavi M, Dellavalle RP. Research prioritization of men's health and urologic diseases. Int Braz J Urol. 2017 Mar-Apr;43(2):289-303. PubMed PMID: 28128909
Sawyer MD, Anderson CB, Viprakasit DP, Dietrich MS, Herrell SD, Miller NL. An individualized weight-based goal urine volume model significantly improves expected calcium concentrations relative to a 2-L goal urine volume. Urolithiasis. 2013 Oct;41(5):403-9. PubMed PMID: 23857331
Sawyer MD, Dietrich MS, Pickens RB, Herrell SD, Miller NL. Adequate or not? A comparison of 24-hour urine studies for renal stone prevention by creatinine to weight ratio. J Endourol. 2013 Mar;27(3):366-9. PubMed PMID: 22967263
Viprakasit DP, Sawyer MD, Herrell SD, Miller NL. Limitations of ultrasonography in the evaluation of urolithiasis: a correlation with computed tomography. J Endourol. 2012 Mar;26(3):209-13. PubMed PMID: 22010975
Gettman MT, White WM, Aron M, Autorino R, Averch T, Box G, Cadeddu JA, Canes D, Cherullo E, Desai MM, Frank I, Gill IS, Gupta M, Haber GP, Humphreys MR, Irwin BH, Kaouk JH, Kavoussi LR, Landman J, Liatsikos EN, Lima E, Ponsky LE, Rane A, Ribal M, Rabenhalt R, Rao P, Richstone L, Sawyer MD, Sotelo R, Stolzenburg JU, Tracy CR, Stein RJ. Where do we really stand with LESS and NOTES?. Eur Urol. 2011 Feb;59(2):231-4. PubMed PMID: 21122977
Viprakasit DP, Sawyer MD, Herrell SD, Miller NL. Changing composition of staghorn calculi. J Urol. 2011 Dec;186(6):2285-90. PubMed PMID: 22014820
Sawyer MD, Ponsky LE. Technical and equipment challenges for laparoendoscopic single-site surgery and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. BJU Int. 2010 Sep;106(6 Pt B):892-6. PubMed PMID: 20883240
Sawyer MD, Cherullo EE, Elmunzer BJ, Schomisch S, Ponsky LE. Pure natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery partial cystectomy: intravesical transurethral and extravesical transgastric techniques in a porcine model. Urology. 2009 Nov;74(5):1049-53. PubMed PMID: 19758685
Sawyer MD, Proano JM, Spirnak JP. Removal of retained Foley catheter in bladder with novel use of ureteral catheter: lasso technique. Urology. 2008 May;71(5):962-3. PubMed PMID: 18336881
Ponsky LE, Cherullo EE, Sawyer M, Hartke D. Single access site laparoscopic radical nephrectomy: initial clinical experience. J Endourol. 2008 Apr;22(4):663-6. PubMed PMID: 18324901
Garwood RA, Sawyer MD, Ledesma EJ, Foley E, Claridge JA. A case and review of bowel perforation secondary to metastatic lung cancer. Am Surg. 2005 Feb;71(2):110-6. PubMed PMID: 16022008
Hussain SP, Amstad P, Raja K, Sawyer M, Hofseth L, Shields PG, Hewer A, Phillips DH, Ryberg D, Haugen A, Harris CC. Mutability of p53 hotspot codons to benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) and the frequency of p53 mutations in nontumorous human lung. Cancer Res. 2001 Sep 1;61(17):6350-5. PubMed PMID: 11522624
Hussain SP, Raja K, Amstad PA, Sawyer M, Trudel LJ, Wogan GN, Hofseth LJ, Shields PG, Billiar TR, Trautwein C, Hohler T, Galle PR, Phillips DH, Markin R, Marrogi AJ, Harris CC. Increased p53 mutation load in nontumorous human liver of wilson disease and hemochromatosis: oxyradical overload diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Nov 7;97(23):12770-5. PubMed PMID: 11050162
Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Administration Medical Center
1700 Wheeling St
Aurora, CO 80045
Hospital Affiliation
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Specialty Information
Urology, Board Certification
Clinical Interests
Laser enucleation of prostate (HoLEP); Kidney stone surgery (ureteroscopy and PCNL); Metabolic stone prevention; Advanced imaging using robotic multiplanar fluoroscopy (e.g. intraoperative ultra-low dose CT scan)