Benjamin Easter, MD

Associate Adjoint Professor, Emergency Medicine

Medical School
  • MD, Harvard Medical School (2011)
Graduate School
  • MBA, University of Colorado Denver (2017)
Undergraduate School
  • AB, Princeton University (NJ) (2007)
  • Denver Health Medical Center Program, Emergency Medicine (2015)
Emergency Medicine

Professional Titles

  • Assistant Medical Director, Emergency Department


  • Reichard JF, Phelps SE, Lehnhardt KR, Young M, Easter BD. The effect of long-term spaceflight on drug potency and the risk of medication failure. NPJ Microgravity. 2023 May 5;9(1):35. PubMed PMID: 37147378
  • Russell BK, Burian BK, Hilmers DC, Beard BL, Martin K, Pletcher DL, Easter B, Lehnhardt K, Levin D. The value of a spaceflight clinical decision support system for earth-independent medical operations. NPJ Microgravity. 2023 Jun 21;9(1):46. PubMed PMID: 37344482
  • Fernandez W, Levin D, Steller JG, Kerstman E, Lemery J, Zahner C, Davis HE, Lehnhardt K, Easter B, Kreykes AJ. Task impairment: A novel approach for assessing impairment during exploration-class spaceflight missions. J Space Saf Eng. 2023 Jun;10(2):231-238. doi: 10.1016/j.jsse.2022.12.005.
  • Levin DR, Steller J, Anderson A, Lemery J, Easter B, Hilmers D, Lehnhardt K. Enabling Human Space Exploration Missions Through Progressively Earth Independent Medical Operations (EIMO). 2023;4:162-167. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology. doi: 10.1109/OJEMB.2023.3255513.
  • Almand A, Ko S, Anderson A, Keller R, Zero M, Anderson A, Laws J, Lehnhardt K, Easter B. A Qualitative Investigation of Space Exploration Medical Evacuation Risks. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023; 94(12):875–886.
  • Anderson A, Almand A, J Lemery, Vilas F, Easter BD. Asteroid Impacts, Orbital Debris and Spacecraft Re-entry Disasters. Ciottone’s Disaster Medicine. 3rd ed. Elsevier. 2023: 936-940.
  • Schlotman TE, Lehnhardt KR, Abercromby AF, Easter BD, Downs ME, Akers LTCKS, Convertino VA. Bridging the gap between military prolonged field care monitoring and exploration spaceflight: the compensatory reserve. NPJ Microgravity. 2019;5:29. PubMed PMID: 31815179
  • Easter B, Houshiarian N, Pati D, Wiler JL. Designing efficient emergency departments: Discrete event simulation of internal-waiting areas and split flow sorting. Am J Emerg Med. 2019 Dec;37(12):2186-2193. PubMed PMID: 30905479
  • Lemery J, Vilas F, Easter B. Asteroid, Meteoroid, and Spacecraft Reentry Accidents. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine. 2016. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Easter B. Fifty Years of Transformation of Acute and Emergency Care. In Wiler J, Ward M, Pines J. Value and Quality Innovations in Acute and Emergency Care. Cambridge Press. In press.
  • Easter B, Bookman K. Point-of-Care Testing. In Wiler J, Ward M, Pines J. Value and Quality Innovations in Acute and Emergency Care. Cambridge Press. In press.

Practice Locations

UCHealth Emergency Care - Anschutz Medical Campus (Hospital-based)
12505 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Emergency Medicine, Board Certification (2016)