My research interest are focused on quality improvement. These interests include prevention of hospital acquired infections, diagnostic stewardship, transitions of care and OPAT optimization.
Castillo A, Hudziec M, Totten SE, Pisney L. Team-based infection preventionist review improves inter-rater reliability in identification of healthcare-associated infections. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2024 Oct 2;:1-3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39355890
Pisney L, Camplese L, Greene MT, Saint S, Fowler KE, Chopra V. Practices to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infection: A 2021 survey of infection preventionists in US hospitals. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2024 Apr 24;:1-5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38654493
Taimur S, Pouch SM, Zubizarreta N, Mazumdar M, Rana M, Patel G, Freire MP, Pellett Madan R, Kwak EJ, Blumberg E, Satlin MJ, Pisney L, Clemente WT, Zervos MJ, La Hoz RM, Huprikar S. Impact of pre-transplant carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales colonization and/or infection on solid organ transplant outcomes. Clin Transplant. 2021 Feb 2;:e14239. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33527453
Rosolanka R, Henao-Martinez AF, Pisney L, Franco-Paredes C, Krsak M. COVID-19: a review of current knowledge regarding exposure, quarantine, isolation and other preventive measures. Ther Adv Infect Dis. 2021 Jan-Dec;8:20499361211032039. PubMed PMID: 34349986
Scarpato S, Pell J, Baduashvili A, Devitt J, Kramer H, Kannappan A, Pisney L, Virapongse A. Controlling Chaos: How to Construct Electronically Integrated Inpatient Clinical Pathways That Can Disseminate Best Practice Rapidly in Times of Crisis. Am J Med Qual. 2021 Jul-Aug 01;36(4):287-289. PubMed PMID: 33967193
Taimur S, Pouch SM, Zubizarreta N, Mazumdar M, Rana M, Patel G, Freire MP, Pellett Madan R, Kwak EJ, Blumberg E, Satlin MJ, Pisney L, Clemente WT, Zervos MJ, La Hoz RM, Huprikar S. Impact of pre-transplant carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales colonization and/or infection on solid organ transplant outcomes. Clin Transplant. 2021 Apr;35(4):e14239. PubMed PMID: 33527453
Lin CT, Bookman K, Sieja A, Markley K, Altman RL, Sippel J, Perica K, Reece L, Davis C, Horowitz E, Pisney L, Sottile PD, Kao D, Adrian B, Szkil M, Griffin J, Youngwerth J, Drew B, Pell J. Clinical informatics accelerates health system adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic: examples from Colorado. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2020 Dec 9;27(12):1955-1963. PubMed PMID: 32687152
Krsak M, Morrisette T, Miller M, Molina K, Huang M, Damioli L, Pisney L, Wong M, Poeschla E. Advantages of Outpatient Treatment with Long-Acting Lipoglycopeptides for Serious Gram-Positive Infections: A Review. Pharmacotherapy. 2020 May;40(5):469-478. PubMed PMID: 32239771
Young HL, Knepper BC, Daum W, Janosz T, Pisney LM. Clinical Relevance of the 2014 and 2015 National Healthcare Safety Network's Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Definitions. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2018 Apr;39(4):506-508. PubMed PMID: 29457579
Pisney LM, Barron MA, Kassner E, Havens D, Madinger NE. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae rectal screening during an outbreak of New Delhi metallo-ß-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae at an acute care hospital. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Apr;35(4):434-6. PubMed PMID: 24602952
Epson EE, Pisney LM, Wendt JM, MacCannell DR, Janelle SJ, Kitchel B, Rasheed JK, Limbago BM, Gould CV, Kallen AJ, Barron MA, Bamberg WM. Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae producing New Delhi metallo-ß-lactamase at an acute care hospital, Colorado, 2012. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Apr;35(4):390-7. PubMed PMID: 24602944
Pisney LM, Barron MA, Kassner E, Havens D, Madinger NE. Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Rectal Screening during an Outbreak of New Delhi Metallo-ß-Lactamase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae at an Acute Care Hospital. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Apr;35(4):434-6. PubMed PMID: 24602952
Epson EE, Pisney LM, Wendt JM, Maccannell DR, Janelle SJ, Kitchel B, Rasheed JK, Limbago BM, Gould CV, Kallen AJ, Barron MA, Bamberg WM. Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Producing New Delhi Metallo-ß-Lactamase at an Acute Care Hospital, Colorado, 2012. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Apr;35(4):390-7. PubMed PMID: 24602944
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Notes from the field: hospital outbreak of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae producing New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase--Denver, Colorado, 2012. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2013 Feb 15;62(6):108. PubMed PMID: 23407128
Authorship TBD. Clinical Relevance of the 2014 and 2015 National Healthcare Safety Network's Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Definitions. Accepted for Publication in Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol January, 2018.