Mohd Minhajuddin, PhD

Associate Research Professor, Medicine-Hematology



  • Sahasrabudhe DM, Liesveld JL, Minhajuddin M, Singh NA, Nath S, Kumar VM, Balys M, Evans AG, Azadniv M, Hansen JN, Becker MW, Sharon A, Thomas VK, Moore RG, Khera MK, Jordan CT, Singh RK. In silico predicted compound targeting the IQGAP1-GRD domain selectively inhibits growth of human acute myeloid leukemia. Sci Rep. 2024 Jun 4;14(1):12868. PubMed PMID: 38834690
  • Sheth AI, Althoff MJ, Tolison H, Engel K, Amaya ML, Krug AE, Young TN, Minhajuddin M, Pei S, Patel SB, Winters A, Miller R, Shelton IT, St-Germain J, Ling T, Jones CL, Raught B, Gillen AE, Ransom M, Staggs S, Smith CA, Pollyea DA, Stevens BM, Jordan CT. Targeting Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells through Perturbation of Mitochondrial Calcium. Cancer Discov. 2024 Oct 4;14(10):1922-1939. PubMed PMID: 38787341
  • Winters AC, Minhajuddin M, Stevens BM, Major A, Bosma G, Abbott D, Miltgen N, Yuan J, Treece AL, Siegele BJ, Ewalt MD, Gutman JA, Jordan CT, Pollyea DA. Multi-gene measurable residual disease assessed by digital polymerase chain reaction has clinical and biological utility in acute myeloid leukemia patients receiving venetoclax/azacitidine. Haematologica. 2024 Jun 1;109(6):1766-1778. PubMed PMID: 38105738
  • Winters AC, Minhajuddin M, Stevens BM, Major A, Bosma G, Abbott D, Miltgen N, Yuan J, Treece AL, Siegele BJ, Ewalt MD, Gutman JA, Jordan CT, Pollyea DA. Multi-gene measurable residual disease assessed by digital polymerase chain reaction has clinical and biological utility in acute myeloid leukemia patients receiving venetoclax/azacitidine. Haematologica. 2023 Dec 14. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38105738
  • Sheth AI, Engel K, Tolison H, Althoff MJ, Amaya ML, Krug A, Young T, Pei S, Patel SB, Minhajuddin M, Winters A, Miller R, Shelton I, St-Germain J, Ling T, Jones C, Raught B, Gillen A, Ransom M, Staggs S, Smith CA, Pollyea DA, Stevens BM, Jordan CT. Targeting Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells Through Perturbation of Mitochondrial Calcium. bioRxiv. 2023 Oct 3. PubMed PMID: 37873284
  • Pei S, Shelton IT, Gillen AE, Stevens BM, Gasparetto M, Wang Y, Liu L, Liu J, Brunetti TM, Engel K, Staggs S, Showers W, Sheth AI, Amaya ML, Minhajuddin M, Winters A, Patel SB, Tolison H, Krug AE, Young TN, Schowinsky J, McMahon CM, Smith CA, Pollyea DA, Jordan CT. A Novel Type of Monocytic Leukemia Stem Cell Revealed by the Clinical Use of Venetoclax-Based Therapy. Cancer Discov. 2023 Sep 6;13(9):2032-2049. PubMed PMID: 37358260
  • Culp-Hill R, Stevens BM, Jones CL, Pei S, Dzieciatkowska M, Minhajuddin M, Jordan CT, D'Alessandro A. Therapy-Resistant Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells Are Resensitized to Venetoclax Azacitidine by Targeting Fatty Acid Desaturases 1 and 2. Metabolites. 2023 Mar 24;13(4). PubMed PMID: 37110126
  • Gutman JA, Winters A, Kent A, Amaya M, McMahon C, Smith C, Jordan CT, Stevens B, Minhajuddin M, Pei S, Schowinsky J, Tobin J, O'Brien K, Falco A, Taylor E, Brecl C, Zhou K, Ho P, Sohalski C, Dell-Martin J, Ondracek O, Abbott D, Pollyea DA. Higher-dose venetoclax with measurable residual disease-guided azacitidine discontinuation in newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia. Haematologica. 2023 Oct 1;108(10):2616-2625. PubMed PMID: 37051756
  • Winters AC, Bosma G, Abbott D, Minhajuddin M, Jordan C, Pollyea DA, Gutman JA. Outcomes Are Similar After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients who Received Venetoclax   Azacitidine Versus Intensive Chemotherapy. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Oct;28(10):694.e1-694.e9. PubMed PMID: 35902048
  • Amaya ML, Inguva A, Pei S, Jones C, Krug A, Ye H, Minhajuddin M, Winters A, Furtek SL, Gamboni F, Stevens B, D'Alessandro A, Pollyea DA, Reigan P, Jordan CT. The STAT3-MYC axis promotes survival of leukemia stem cells by regulating SLC1A5 and oxidative phosphorylation. Blood. 2022 Jan 27;139(4):584-596. PubMed PMID: 34525179
  • Cherry EM, Abbott D, Amaya M, McMahon C, Schwartz M, Rosser J, Sato A, Schowinsky J, Inguva A, Minhajuddin M, Pei S, Stevens B, Winters A, Jordan CT, Smith C, Gutman JA, Pollyea DA. Venetoclax and azacitidine compared with induction chemotherapy for newly diagnosed patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Blood Adv. 2021 Dec 28;5(24):5565-5573. PubMed PMID: 34610123
  • Amaya M, Inguva A, Pei S, Jones CL, Krug A, Ye H, Minhajuddin M, Winters AC, Furtek SL, Gamboni F, Stevens BM, D'Alessandro A, Pollyea DA, Reigan P, Jordan CT. The STAT3-MYC Axis Promotes Survival of Leukemia Stem Cells by Regulating SLC1A5 and Oxidative Phosphorylation. Blood. 2021 Sep 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34525179
  • Ye H, Minhajuddin M, Krug A, Pei S, Chou CH, Culp-Hill R, Ponder J, De Bloois E, Schniedewind B, Amaya ML, Inguva A, Stevens BM, Pollyea DA, Christians U, Grimes HL, D'Alessandro A, Jordan CT. The Hepatic Microenvironment Uniquely Protects Leukemia Cells through Induction of Growth and Survival Pathways Mediated by LIPG. Cancer Discov. 2021 Feb;11(2):500-519. PubMed PMID: 33028621
  • Ye H, Minhajuddin M, Krug A, Pei S, Chou CH, Culp-Hill R, Ponder J, De Bloois E, Schniedewind B, Amaya ML, Inguva A, Stevens BM, Pollyea DA, Christians U, Grimes HL, D'Alessandro A, Jordan CT. The Hepatic Microenvironment Uniquely Protects Leukemia Cells through Induction of Growth and Survival Pathways Mediated by LIPG. Cancer Discov. 2021 Feb;11(2):500-519. PubMed PMID: 33028621
  • Jones CL, Stevens BM, Pollyea DA, Culp-Hill R, Reisz JA, Nemkov T, Gehrke S, Gamboni F, Krug A, Winters A, Pei S, Gustafson A, Ye H, Inguva A, Amaya M, Minhajuddin M, Abbott D, Becker MW, DeGregori J, Smith CA, D'Alessandro A, Jordan CT. Nicotinamide Metabolism Mediates Resistance to Venetoclax in Relapsed Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2020 Nov 5;27(5):748-764.e4. PubMed PMID: 32822582
  • Matheson CJ, Casalvieri KA, Backos DS, Minhajuddin M, Jordan CT, Reigan P. Substituted oxindol-3-ylidenes as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) inhibitors. Eur J Med Chem. 2020 Jul 1;197:112316. PubMed PMID: 32334266
  • Pei S, Pollyea DA, Gustafson A, Stevens BM, Minhajuddin M, Fu R, Riemondy KA, Gillen AE, Sheridan RM, Kim J, Costello JC, Amaya ML, Inguva A, Winters A, Ye H, Krug A, Jones CL, Adane B, Khan N, Ponder J, Schowinsky J, Abbott D, Hammes A, Myers JR, Ashton JM, Nemkov T, D'Alessandro A, Gutman JA, Ramsey HE, Savona MR, Smith CA, Jordan CT. Monocytic Subclones Confer Resistance to Venetoclax-Based Therapy in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Cancer Discov. 2020 Apr;10(4):536-551. PubMed PMID: 31974170
  • Adane B, Ye H, Khan N, Pei S, Minhajuddin M, Stevens BM, Jones CL, D'Alessandro A, Reisz JA, Zaberezhnyy V, Gasparetto M, Ho TC, Kelly KK, Myers JR, Ashton JM, Siegenthaler J, Kume T, Campbell EL, Pollyea DA, Becker MW, Jordan CT. The Hematopoietic Oxidase NOX2 Regulates Self-Renewal of Leukemic Stem Cells. Cell Rep. 2019 Apr 2;27(1):238-254.e6. PubMed PMID: 30943405
  • Gasparetto M, Pei S, Minhajuddin M, Stevens B, Smith CA, Seligman P. Low ferroportin expression in AML is correlated with good risk cytogenetics, improved outcomes and increased sensitivity to chemotherapy. Leuk Res. 2019 May;80:1-10. PubMed PMID: 30852438
  • Pollyea DA, Stevens BM, Jones CL, Winters A, Pei S, Minhajuddin M, D'Alessandro A, Culp-Hill R, Riemondy KA, Gillen AE, Hesselberth JR, Abbott D, Schatz D, Gutman JA, Purev E, Smith C, Jordan CT. Venetoclax with azacitidine disrupts energy metabolism and targets leukemia stem cells in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Nat Med. 2018 Dec;24(12):1859-1866. PubMed PMID: 30420752
  • Ye H, Adane B, Khan N, Alexeev E, Nusbacher N, Minhajuddin M, Stevens BM, Winters AC, Lin X, Ashton JM, Purev E, Xing L, Pollyea DA, Lozupone CA, Serkova NJ, Colgan SP, Jordan CT. Subversion of Systemic Glucose Metabolism as a Mechanism to Support the Growth of Leukemia Cells. Cancer Cell. 2018 Oct 8;34(4):659-673.e6. PubMed PMID: 30270124
  • Pei S, Minhajuddin M, Adane B, Khan N, Stevens BM, Mack SC, Lai S, Rich JN, Inguva A, Shannon KM, Kim H, Tan AC, Myers JR, Ashton JM, Neff T, Pollyea DA, Smith CA, Jordan CT. AMPK/FIS1-Mediated Mitophagy Is Required for Self-Renewal of Human AML Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2018 Jul 5;23(1):86-100.e6. PubMed PMID: 29910151
  • Gasparetto M, Pei S, Minhajuddin M, Khan N, Pollyea DA, Myers JR, Ashton JM, Becker MW, Vasiliou V, Humphries KR, Jordan CT, Smith CA. Targeted therapy for a subset of acute myeloid leukemias that lack expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1. Haematologica. 2017 Jun;102(6):1054-1065. PubMed PMID: 28280079
  • Pei S, Minhajuddin M, D'Alessandro A, Nemkov T, Stevens BM, Adane B, Khan N, Hagen FK, Yadav VK, De S, Ashton JM, Hansen KC, Gutman JA, Pollyea DA, Crooks PA, Smith C, Jordan CT. Rational design of a parthenolide-based drug regimen that selectively eradicates acute myelogenous leukemia stem cells. J Biol Chem. 2016 Nov 25;291(48):25280. PubMed PMID: 27888238
  • Pei S, Minhajuddin M, D'Alessandro A, Nemkov T, Stevens BM, Adane B, Khan N, Hagen FK, Yadav VK, De S, Ashton JM, Hansen KC, Gutman JA, Pollyea DA, Crooks PA, Smith C, Jordan CT. Rational Design of a Parthenolide-based Drug Regimen That Selectively Eradicates Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Stem Cells. J Biol Chem. 2016 Oct 14;291(42):21984-22000. PubMed PMID: 27573247
  • Ye H, Adane B, Khan N, Sullivan T, Minhajuddin M, Gasparetto M, Stevens B, Pei S, Balys M, Ashton JM, Klemm DJ, Woolthuis CM, Stranahan AW, Park CY, Jordan CT. Leukemic Stem Cells Evade Chemotherapy by Metabolic Adaptation to an Adipose Tissue Niche. Cell Stem Cell. 2016 Jul 7;19(1):23-37. PubMed PMID: 27374788
  • 845 Adipose Tissue Functions As a Reservoir for Leukemia Stem Cells and Confers Chemo-Resistance Malignant Stem and Progenitor Cells Program: Oral and Poster Abstracts Type: Oral Session: 661. Malignant Stem and Progenitor Cells: Novel Mechanisms of Leukemia Stem Cell Function Monday, December 7, 2015: 5:30 PM W304ABCD, Level 3 (Orange County Convention Center) Haobin Ye1,2*, Biniam Adane1*, Nabilah Khan, PhD1*, John M. Ashton, PhD3*, Marlene Balys3*, Brett M Stevens, PhD1*, Mohammad Minhajuddin4* and Craig T Jordan, PhD1 1Division of Hematology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO 2Department of Pathology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 3James P. Wilmot Cancer Institute, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY 4University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO
  • Bijli KM, Kanter BG, Minhajuddin M, Leonard A, Xu L, Fazal F, Rahman A. Regulation of endothelial cell inflammation and lung polymorphonuclear lymphocyte infiltration by transglutaminase 2. Shock. 2014 Dec;42(6):562-9. PubMed PMID: 25057925
  • Callahan KP, Minhajuddin M, Corbett C, Lagadinou ED, Rossi RM, Grose V, Balys MM, Pan L, Jacob S, Frontier A, Grever MR, Lucas DM, Kinghorn AD, Liesveld JL, Becker MW, Jordan CT. Flavaglines target primitive leukemia cells and enhance anti-leukemia drug activity. Leukemia. 2014 Oct;28(10):1960-8. PubMed PMID: 24577530
  • Liesveld JL, O'Dwyer K, Walker A, Becker MW, Ifthikharuddin JJ, Mulford D, Chen R, Bechelli J, Rosell K, Minhajuddin M, Jordan CT, Phillips GL 2nd. A phase I study of decitabine and rapamycin in relapsed/refractory AML. Leuk Res. 2013 Dec;37(12):1622-7. PubMed PMID: 24138944
  • Pei S, Minhajuddin M, Callahan KP, Balys M, Ashton JM, Neering SJ, Lagadinou ED, Corbett C, Ye H, Liesveld JL, O'Dwyer KM, Li Z, Shi L, Greninger P, Settleman J, Benes C, Hagen FK, Munger J, Crooks PA, Becker MW, Jordan CT. Targeting aberrant glutathione metabolism to eradicate human acute myelogenous leukemia cells. J Biol Chem. 2013 Nov 22;288(47):33542-58. PubMed PMID: 24089526
  • Fazal F, Bijli KM, Murrill M, Leonard A, Minhajuddin M, Anwar KN, Finkelstein JN, Watterson DM, Rahman A. Critical role of non-muscle myosin light chain kinase in thrombin-induced endothelial cell inflammation and lung PMN infiltration. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e59965. PubMed PMID: 23555849
  • Lagadinou ED, Sach A, Callahan K, Rossi RM, Neering SJ, Minhajuddin M, Ashton JM, Pei S, Grose V, O'Dwyer KM, Liesveld JL, Brookes PS, Becker MW, Jordan CT. BCL-2 inhibition targets oxidative phosphorylation and selectively eradicates quiescent human leukemia stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2013 Mar 7;12(3):329-41. PubMed PMID: 23333149
  • 842 Regulation of Mitochondrial Morphology Is Important for Leukemia Stem Cell Function Malignant Stem and Progenitor Cells Program: Oral and Poster Abstracts Type: Oral Session: 661. Malignant Stem and Progenitor Cells: Novel Mechanisms of Leukemia Stem Cell Function Monday, December 7, 2015: 4:45 PM W304ABCD, Level 3 (Orange County Convention Center) Shanshan Pei, PhD1*, Mohammad Minhajuddin, PhD1*, Brett M Stevens, PhD1*, Biniam Adane1*, Nabilah Khan, PhD1*, Angelo D'alessandro, PhD2*, Travis Nemkov2*, Kirk C Hansen, PhD2*, Daniel Pollyea, MD, MS1 and Craig T Jordan, PhD1 1Division of Hematology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO

Practice Locations

UCHealth Blood Disorders and Cell Therapies Center - Anschutz Medical Campus
1665 Aurora Court
3rd floor, Anschutz Cancer Pavilion
Aurora, CO 80045