Acute Pain & Regional Anesthesia Fellowship Director
8th Annual University of Colorado Anesthesiology Research Celebration.
Aurora, CO.
Multidisciplinary Quality Improvement Project to Reduce Rates of
Perioperative Venous Thromboembolism in Surgical Oncology Patients.
Klauck PJ, Romano O, Brainard JC. September 2024. Award Finalist for
Clinical Science.
Romano O, Aktar S. Inhaled Anesthetic Agents. Chapter 44. In: Manual of Clinical Anesthesia 2nd Ed. (Chu L, Fuller A, eds) Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2019.
Badani S, Hornick L, Romano O. "Multimodal Analgesia Strategy to Control Post-operative Pain and Development of Phantom Limb Syndrome." Poster session presented at: 41st Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting; 2017 April 5-8; San Francisco, CA.
Lyman M, Romano O. Prophylactic Lipid Emulsion in Brugada Synrome: Can Peripheral Nerve Blocks Be Safely Performed?" Poster session presented at: 42nd Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting; 2018 April 19-21; New York, NY.
Badani S, Hornick L, Romano O. Multimodal Analgesia Strategy to Control Post-operative Pain and Development of Phantom Limb Syndrome.Poster session presented at: 41st Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting; 2017 April 5-8; San Francisco, CA.
Tamm-Daniels I, Persinger A, Romano O, Donnelly M. Epidural placement on Clopidogrel: What to Do? Poster session presented at: 41st Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting; 2017 April 5-8; San Francisco, CA.
Romano O, Beck D. (Spring 2017). ANMS 5200: Pharmacology I [Course Syllabus]. Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Denver.
Romano O, Montgomery R. (2017-2018 Academic Year). University of Colorado Hospital Acute Pain Service Syllabus [Anesthesiology Resident Syllabus]. Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Denver.
Gonzales J, Eckle T, Romano O. A Regional Fellowship Impacts HCAHPS Survey Scores Regarding Satisfaction with Pain Management at Academic Institutions. Poster presented at: 40th Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting; 2015 May 14-16; Las Vegas, NV.
Romano, O. (2017). Airway Lecture 10: Asleep and Awake Trach. Anesthesia Education Toolbox: in press.
Marshall K, Romano O, et al. (2017). Pancreas surgery: Patient and caregiver guide. Division of Surgical Oncology, University of Colorado Hospital.
Schiavoni N, Romano O. (2017). OSCE Regional Ultrasound Review [Residency Educational material]. Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Denver.
Romano, Olivia B. “Intravenous Anesthetics and Benzodiazepines.” In James Duke, ed. Anesthesia Secrets. Ch. 12, pp. 83-86, 5th ed. Pennsylvania, PA: Mosby Elsevier, 2015. In press.
Romano, Olivia B. "Inhaled Anesthetic Agents." In Larry Chu, ed. Manual of Clinical Anesthesia. Ch. 44, 2nd ed.