Research Director, Global Emergency Medicine Initiative
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon JM, Lategan HJ, Beaty B, Fosdick B, Fleischer C, de Vries S, Schauer SG, Steyn E, Verster J, Hodsdon L, Mukonkole S, Doubell K, Stassen W, Keenan S, Cunningham C, Moore EE, Ginde AA, Bebarta VS. Feasibility of conducting a military-relevant multicenter cohort study to assess outcomes of early trauma resuscitative interventions in a prolonged care civilian setting. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Aug 1;95(2S Suppl 1):S88-S98. PubMed PMID: 37212617
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon J, Beaty BL, Suresh K, de Vries S, Bester B, Moreira F, Cunningham C, Moodley K, Cermak R, Schauer SG, Maddry JK, Bills CB, Havranek EP, Bebarta VS, Ginde AA. Improving prehospital traumatic shock care: implementation and clinical effectiveness of a pragmatic, quasi-experimental trial in a resource-constrained South African setting. BMJ Open. 2023 Apr 25;13(4):e060338. PubMed PMID: 37185181
Baidwan NK, Schauer SG, Dixon JM, Bhaumik S, April MD, April MD, Dengler BA, Mould-Millman NK. Tranexamic Acid Improves Survival in the Setting of Severe Head Injury in Combat Casualties. Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex). 2023 Jan-Mar;(Per 23-1/2/3):34-40. PubMed PMID: 36607296
Anderson DE, Kocik VI, Rizzo JA, Fisher AD, Mould-Millman NK, April MD, Schauer SG. A Narrative Review of Traumatic Pneumothorax Diagnoses and Management. Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex). 2023 Jan-Mar;(Per 23-1/2/3):3-10. PubMed PMID: 36607292
Amme S, Shemsi S, Koshe T, Awol A, Ahmed I, Beshir M, Jarso H, Suleman S, Melkamu G, Legese S, Husen A, Mould-Millman NK. Quantification of local populations demand for prehospital emergency care in Jimma city, Ethiopia. Pan African Journal of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. 2023 Feb 9;1(1).
Shemsedin Amme, Sheka Shemsi Seid , Muktar Beshir Ahmed, Tolasa Takale Moga, Abdulwahid Awol Ahmed, Ismael Ahmed Senbiro, Gemechis Melkamu , Gelaw Hailemariam, Abdusemed Husen Abo, Mohammed Mecha Abafogi, Ame Mehadi Abdureman, Nee-Kofi Mould-Millman. Prehospital Care System in Low-Resource Setting: Experiences Learned from Newly Established System in Jimma City, Southwest of Ethiopia: Prehospital Care Establishment in Jimma City, Ethiopia. Pan African Journal of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. 2023. Feb 9; 1(1).
Amme A, Seid SS, Akuma AO, Haso TK, Ahmed AA, Senbiro IA, Moga TT, Ahmed G, Ahmed MB, Jarso H, Suleman S, Melkamu G, Reta EY, Legese S, Lippi M, Mould-Millman NK. Barriers to access prehospital care in Jimma City. Pan African Journal of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. 2023. Feb, 9; 1(1).
Finn J, Dixon J, Moreira F, Herbst C, Bhaumik S, Fleischer C, Stassen W, Beaty B, Lourens D, Verster J, Fosdick B, Lategan H, de Vries S, Uren G, Wylie C, Steyn E, Geduld H, Mould-Millman NK. Patterns of on-scene and healthcare system trauma deaths in the Western Cape of South Africa. World Journal of Surgery. Accepted 20-Nov-2023. Article DOI: 10.1002/wjs.12043 In press.
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon JM, van Ster B, Moreira F, Bester B, Cunningham C, de Vries S, Beaty B, Suresh K, Schauer SG, Maddry JK, Wallis LA, Bebarta VS, Ginde AA. Clinical impact of a prehospital trauma shock bundle of care in South Africa. Afr J Emerg Med. 2022 Mar;12(1):19-26. PubMed PMID: 35004137
Mould-Millman NK, Baidwan NK, Beaty B, Suresh K, Dixon JM, Patel C, de Vries S, Lategan HJ, Steyn E, Verster J, Schauer SG, Becker TE, Cunningham C, Keenan S, Moore EE, Wallis LA, Ginde AA, Bebarta VS. Prolonged casualty care: Extrapolating civilian data to the military context. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Aug 1;93(2S Suppl 1):S78-S85. PubMed PMID: 35546736
Mould-Millman NK, Keenan S, Dixon J, Steyn E, Lategan HJ, de Vries S, Mata LV, Patel C, Schauer SG, Fisher AD, April MD, Ginde AA, Bebarta VS. An Innovative Civilian Research Model to Inform Combat-Relevant Prolonged Casualty Care. Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex). 2022 Apr-Jun;Per 22-04-05-06(Per 22-04-05-06):62-72. PubMed PMID: 35373323
Suresh K, Dixon JM, Patel C, Beaty B, Del Junco DJ, de Vries S, Lategan HJ, Steyn E, Verster J, Schauer SG, Becker TE, Cunningham C, Keenan S, Moore EE, Wallis LA, Baidwan N, Fosdick BK, Ginde AA, Bebarta VS, Mould-Millman NK. The epidemiology and outcomes of prolonged trauma care (EpiC) study: methodology of a prospective multicenter observational study in the Western Cape of South Africa. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2022 Oct 17;30(1):55. PubMed PMID: 36253865
Mould-Millman NK, Baidwan NK, Beaty B, Suresh K, Dixon JM, Patel C, de Vries S, Lategan HJ, Steyn E, Verster J, Schauer SG, Becker TE, Cunningham C, Keenan S, Moore EE, Wallis LA, Ginde AA, Bebarta VS. Prolonged casualty care: Extrapolating civilian data to the military context. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Aug 1;93(2S Suppl 1):S78-S85. PubMed PMID: 35546736
Bhaumik S, Hannun M, Dymond C, DeSanto K, Barrett W, Wallis LA, Mould-Millman NK. Prehospital triage tools across the world: a scoping review of the published literature. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2022 Apr 27;30(1):32. PubMed PMID: 35477474
Mould-Millman NK, Keenan S, Dixon J, Steyn E, Lategan HJ, de Vries S, Mata LV, Patel C, Schauer SG, Fisher AD, April MD, Ginde AA, Bebarta VS. An Innovative Civilian Research Model to Inform Combat-Relevant Prolonged Casualty Care. Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex). 2022 Apr-Jun;Per 22-04-05-06(Per 22-04-05-06):62-72. PubMed PMID: 35373323
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon JM, van Ster B, Moreira F, Bester B, Cunningham C, de Vries S, Beaty B, Suresh K, Schauer SG, Maddry JK, Wallis LA, Bebarta VS, Ginde AA. Clinical impact of a prehospital trauma shock bundle of care in South Africa. Afr J Emerg Med. 2022 Mar;12(1):19-26. PubMed PMID: 35004137
Dixon J, Burkholder T, Pigoga J, Lee M, Moodley K, de Vries S, Wallis L, Mould-Millman NK. Using the South African Triage Scale for prehospital triage: a qualitative study. BMC Emerg Med. 2021 Oct 30;21(1):125. PubMed PMID: 34715794
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon J, Lee M, Meese H, Mata LV, Burkholder T, Moreira F, Bester B, Thomas J, de Vries S, Wallis LA, Ginde AA. Measuring quality of pre-hospital traumatic shock care-development and validation of an instrument for resource-limited settings. Health Sci Rep. 2021 Dec;4(4):e422. PubMed PMID: 34693030
Mould-Millman NK, Mata L, Schauer SG, Dixon J, Keenan S, Holcomb JB, Tobin JM, Moore E, de Vries S, Bedard A, Bebarta VS, Ginde AA. Defining Combat-Relevant Endpoints for Early Trauma Resuscitation Research in a Resource-Constrained Civilian Setting. Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex). 2021 Jul-Sep;PB 8-21-07/08/09(PB 8-21-07-08-09):3-14. PubMed PMID: 34449854
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon JM, Burkholder T, Pigoga JL, Lee M, de Vries S, Moodley K, Meier M, Colborn K, Patel C, Wallis LA. Validity and reliability of the South African Triage Scale in prehospital providers. BMC Emerg Med. 2021 Jan 15;21(1):8. PubMed PMID: 33451294
Amme S, Shemsi S, Lippi M, Awol A, Ahmed G, Jarso H, Koshe T, Ahmed M, Suleman S, Gizaw G, Melkamu G, Olani A, Yimam E, Legese S, Mould-Millman NK. The morbidity burden from emergency conditions in Jimma city, Southwest Ethiopia. Int Emerg Nurs. 2021 Mar;55:100874. PubMed PMID: 32475801
Dixon J, Burkholder T, Pigoga J, Lee M, Moodley K, de Vries S, Wallis L, Mould-Millman NK. Using the South African Triage Scale for prehospital triage: a qualitative study. BMC Emerg Med. 2021 Oct 30;21(1):125. PubMed PMID: 34715794
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon J, Lee M, Meese H, Mata LV, Burkholder T, Moreira F, Bester B, Thomas J, de Vries S, Wallis LA, Ginde AA. Measuring quality of pre-hospital traumatic shock care-development and validation of an instrument for resource-limited settings. Health Sci Rep. 2021 Dec;4(4):e422. PubMed PMID: 34693030
Mould-Millman NK, Mata L, Schauer SG, Dixon J, Keenan S, Holcomb JB, Tobin JM, Moore E, de Vries S, Bedard A, Bebarta VS, Ginde AA. Defining Combat-Relevant Endpoints for Early Trauma Resuscitation Research in a Resource-Constrained Civilian Setting. Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex). 2021 Jul-Sep;PB 8-21-07/08/09(PB 8-21-07-08-09):3-14. PubMed PMID: 34449854
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon JM, Burkholder T, Pigoga JL, Lee M, de Vries S, Moodley K, Meier M, Colborn K, Patel C, Wallis LA. Validity and reliability of the South African Triage Scale in prehospital providers. BMC Emerg Med. 2021 Jan 15;21(1):8. PubMed PMID: 33451294
Amme S, Shemsi S, Lippi M, Awol A, Ahmed G, Jarso H, Koshe T, Ahmed M, Suleman S, Gizaw G, Melkamu G, Olani A, Yimam E, Legese S, Mould-Millman NK. The morbidity burden from emergency conditions in Jimma city, Southwest Ethiopia. Int Emerg Nurs. 2021 Mar;55:100874. PubMed PMID: 32475801
Maw AM, Huebschmann AG, Mould-Millman NK, Dempsey AF, Soni NJ. Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Modernization of the Bedside Assessment. J Grad Med Educ. 2020 Dec;12(6):661-665. PubMed PMID: 33391586
Bedard AF, Mata LV, Dymond C, Moreira F, Dixon J, Schauer SG, Ginde AA, Bebarta V, Moore EE, Mould-Millman NK. A scoping review of worldwide studies evaluating the effects of prehospital time on trauma outcomes. Int J Emerg Med. 2020 Dec 9;13(1):64. PubMed PMID: 33297951
Dixon J, Comstock G, Whitfield J, Richards D, Burkholder TW, Leifer N, Mould-Millman NK, Calvello Hynes EJ. Emergency department management of traumatic brain injuries: A resource tiered review. Afr J Emerg Med. 2020 Sep;10(3):159-166. PubMed PMID: 32923328
Dixon J, Comstock G, Whitfield J, Richards D, Burkholder TW, Leifer N, Mould-Millman NK, Calvello Hynes EJ. Emergency department management of traumatic brain injuries: A resource tiered review. Afr J Emerg Med. 2020 Sep;10(3):159-166. PubMed PMID: 32923328
Amme S, Shemsi S, Lippi M, Awol A, Ahmed G, Jarso H, Koshe T, Ahmed M, Suleman S, Gizaw G, Melkamu G, Olani A, Yimam E, Legese S, Mould-Millman NK. The morbidity burden from emergency conditions in Jimma city, Southwest Ethiopia. Int Emerg Nurs. 2020 May 29;:100874. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32475801
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon J, Lamp A, de Vries S, Beaty B, Finck L, Colborn K, Moodley K, Skenadore A, Glasgow RE, Havranek EP, Bebarta VS, Ginde AA. A single-site pilot implementation of a novel trauma training program for prehospital providers in a resource-limited setting. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2019;5:143. PubMed PMID: 31844551
Schauer SG, April MD, Naylor JF, Mould-Millman NK, Bebarta VS, Becker TE, Maddry JK, Ginde AA. Incidence of Hyperoxia in Combat Wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan: A Potential Opportunity for Oxygen Conservation. Mil Med. 2019 Dec 1;184(11-12):661-667. PubMed PMID: 31141134
Zaidi AA, Dixon J, Lupez K, De Vries S, Wallis LA, Ginde A, Mould-Millman NK. The burden of trauma at a district hospital in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Afr J Emerg Med. 2019;9(Suppl):S14-S20. PubMed PMID: 31073509
Sultan M, Abebe Y, Tsadik AW, Ababa A, Yesus AG, Mould-Millman NK. Trends and barriers of emergency medical service use in Addis Ababa; Ethiopia. BMC Emerg Med. 2019 Apr 18;19(1):28. PubMed PMID: 30999840
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon J, Burkholder TW, Sefa N, Patel H, Yaffee AQ, Osisanya A, Oyewumi T, Botchey I Jr, Osei-Ampofo M, Sawe H, Lemery J, Cushing T, Wallis LA. Fifteen years of emergency medicine literature in Africa: A scoping review. Afr J Emerg Med. 2019 Mar;9(1):45-52. PubMed PMID: 30873352
Mould-Millman NK, Meese H, Alattas I, Ido M, Yi I, Oyewumi T, Colman M, Frankel M, Yancey A 2nd. Accuracy of Prehospital Identification of Stroke in a Large Stroke Belt Municipality. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2018 Nov-Dec;22(6):734-742. PubMed PMID: 29596006
AFEM Handbook of Acute and Emergency Care. Editors: Reynolds & Wallis. 2nd Edition. 2018.
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon JM, Sefa N, Yancey A, Hollong BG, Hagahmed M, Ginde AA, Wallis LA. The State of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems in Africa. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2017 Jun;32(3):273-283. PubMed PMID: 28228178
Laurence B, Mould-Millman NK, Nero KE Jr, Salter RO, Sagoo PK. Depression and hospital admission in older patients with head and neck cancer: analysis of a national healthcare database. Gerodontology. 2017 Jun;34(2):284-287. PubMed PMID: 27578498
Nicholson B, McCollough C, Wachira B, Mould-Millman NK. Emergency medical services (EMS) training in Kenya: Findings and recommendations from an educational assessment. Afr J Emerg Med. 2017 Dec;7(4):157-159. PubMed PMID: 30456131
Laurence B, Mould-Millman NK, Nero KE Jr, Salter RO, Sagoo PK. Depression and hospital admission in older patients with head and neck cancer: analysis of a national healthcare database. Gerodontology. 2016 Aug 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27578498
Schmid KM, Mould-Millman NK, Hammes A, Kroehl M, García RQ, McDermott MU, Lowenstein SR. Barriers and Facilitators to Community CPR Education in San José, Costa Rica. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2016 Oct;31(5):509-15. PubMed PMID: 27491645
Bittner JC, Hasegawa K, Probst BD, Mould-Millman NK, Silverman RA, Camargo CA Jr. Smoking status and smoking cessation intervention among U.S. adults hospitalized for asthma exacerbation. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2016 Jul;37(4):318-23. PubMed PMID: 27401318
Mould-Millman NK, Stein C, Wallis LA. Time to standardise levels of care amongst Out-of-Hospital Emergency Care providers in Africa. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016 Mar 31;6(1):54-5.
Laurence B, Mould-Millman NK,Nero KE Jr, Salter RO, Sagoo PK. Depression and hospital admission in older patients with head and neck cancer: analysis of a national healthcare database. Gerodontology. 2016 Aug 31. doi: 10.1111/ger.12247. [Epub ahead of print]
Stein C, Mould-Millman NK, De Vries S, Wallis L. Access to out-of-hospital emergency care in Africa: Consensus conference recommendations. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016 Sep 30;6(3):158-61.
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon J, Sefa N, Yancey A, Hollong BG, Hagahmed M, Ginde AA, Wallis LA. The State of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems in Africa. [accepted July-23-2016, in Prehospital and Disaster Medicine]
Rominski SD, and Mould-Millman NK.The important role for emergency medicine in combattingmaternal mortality. Afr J Emerg Med.2016.
Mould-Milkman NK, Rodriguez K, Zaidi A et al. A novel system to categorize chief complaints in a resource-constrained African emergency care setting. F1000Research: International Conference on Emergency Medicine 2016, 5:1323 (poster) (doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1112284.1)
Mould-Millman NK, Sefa N, Dixon J et al. Prehospital care of traumatic and obstetric emergencies in Africa: providers, equipment and medications. F1000Research: International Conference on Emergency Medicine2016, 5:1322 (poster) (doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1112283.1)
Mould-Millman NK, Rominski SD, Bogus J, Ginde AA, Zakariah AN, Boatemaah CA, Yancey AH, Akoriyea SK, Campbell TB. Barriers to Accessing Emergency Medical Services in Accra, Ghana: Development of a Survey Instrument and Initial Application in Ghana. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2015 Dec;3(4):577-90. PubMed PMID: 26681705
Mould-Millman NK, Oteng R, Zakariah A, Osei-Ampofo M, Oduro G, Barsan W, Donkor P, Kowalenko T. Assessment of Emergency Medical Services in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Ghana Med J. 2015 Sep;49(3):125-35. PubMed PMID: 26693186
Laurence B, Mould-Millman NK. Infection control: Oral-systemic relationships. Br Dent J. 2015 Jan;218(2):45. PubMed PMID: 25613247
Mould-Millman NK, de Vries S, Stein C, Kafwamfwa M, Dixon J, Yancey A, Laba B, Overton J, McDaniel R, Wallis LA. Developing emergency medical dispatch systems in Africa–recommendations of the African Federation for Emergency Medicine/International Academies of Emergency Dispatch Working Group. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015 Sep 30;5(3):141-7.
Mould-Millman, CN, Rominski, SD, Oteng, R. “Ambulance of Taxi: Prehospital Transports in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.” African Jour of Emerg Med. 2014. Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 8–13, March 2014
Mould-Millman, CN, Hasan, A. “The Emergency Eye Exam.” AFEM Handbook of Acute and Emergency Care. Editors: Wallis, LA and Reynolds, TA. Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2013.
Mould-Millman, CN. “Acute Visual Loss.” AFEM Handbook of Acute and Emergency Care, Editors: Wallis, LA and Reynolds, TA. Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2013.
Patel, H, Mould-Millman, CN. “The Red Eye.” AFEM Handbook of Acute and Emergency Care. Editors: Wallis, LA and Reynolds, TA. Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2013.
Yaffee, AQ , Mould-Millman, CN. “Glaucoma.” AFEM Handbook of Acute and Emergency Care, Editors: Wallis, LA and Reynolds, TA. Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2013.
Mould-Millman, CN, Rominski, SD, Oteng, R. “Ambulance of Taxi: Prehospital Transports in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.” African Jour of Emerg Med. 2014. Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 8–13, March 2014