Jay Albright, MD

Associate Professor, Orthopedics

Medical School
  • MD, University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine (1998)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, University of Michigan (MI) (1994)
  • University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Program, Orthopedics (2003)
  • Rady Children's Hospital, Pediatric Orthopedics (2004)
  • Cincinnati Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center Program, Orthopedic Sports Medicine (2005)

Professional Titles

  • Surgical Director of Sports Medicine at Children's Hospital Colorado


  • Traveling Fellow, AOSSM (2013)


  • Reeves B, Roper B, Salton R, Baumann A, Dimovski R, Hadley-Miller N, Albright J. Outcomes of Simultaneous Lengthening and ACL Reconstruction in Fibular Hemimelia: A Retrospective Case Series. Iowa Orthop J. 2024;44(1):93-98. PubMed PMID: 38919371
  • Kostyun RO, Nguyen JC, Chhabra B, Todd R Lawrence J, Polousky JD, Saper M, Uquillas C, Nissen CW, Kostyun RO, Albright J, Bae D, Bohn D, Chan C, Crepeau A, Edmonds E, Fabricant P, Ganley T, Little K, Lee Pace J, Pacicca D, Pennock A, Saluan P, Shea K, Wall E, Wilson P, Nissen CW. MRI Features That Contribute to Decision-Making for Treatment of Capitellar OCD Lesions: An Expert Consensus Using the Delphi Method. Orthop J Sports Med. 2024 Jun;12(6):23259671241252813. PubMed PMID: 38845610
  • Silverstein RS, McKay SD, Coello P, Pupa L, Latz K, Craig Kemper W, Adsit E, Wilson PL, Albright J, Algan S, Beck J, Bowen RE, Brey J, Marc Cardelia J, Clark C, Crepeau A, Edmonds E, Ellington M, Fabricant PD, Frank JS, Ganley TJ, Green DW, Gupta A, Heyworth B, Mansour A, Mayer S, Milewski MD, Niu E, Pacicca DM, Parikh SN, Rhodes J, Saper M, Schmale GA, Schmitz M, Shea K, Storer S, Ellis HB Jr. Relationship Between Age and Pathology With Treatment of Pediatric and Adolescent Discoid Lateral Meniscus: A Report From the SCORE Multicenter Database. Am J Sports Med. 2023 Nov;51(13):3493-3501. PubMed PMID: 37899536
  • Armento A, Keeter C, Gagliardi A, Rossing H, Giachino C, VandenBerg C, Howell D, Albright J. Association of Grit With Postoperative Knee Outcomes and Physical Function After ACL Reconstruction in Adolescent Athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2023 Sep;51(11):2900-2907. PubMed PMID: 37525482
  • Gagliardi AG, Walker G, Dahab K, Pearce S, Howell DR, Albright JC. High healing rate of stable femoral condyle osteochondritis dissecans in young patients placed in a hinged knee brace locked in extension: a retrospective study. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2023 Mar 1;32(2):170-177. PubMed PMID: 36700964
  • Rohde MS, Shea KG, Dawson T 2nd, Heyworth BE, Milewski MD, Edmonds EW, Adsit E, Wilson PL, Albright J, Algan S, Beck J, Bowen R, Brey J, Cardelia M, Clark C, Crepeau A, Edmonds EW, Ellington M, Ellis HB, Fabricant P, Frank J, Ganley T, Green D, Gupta A, Heyworth BE, Latz K, Mansour A, Mayer S, McKay S, Milewski M, Niu E, Pacicca D, Parikh S, Rhodes J, Saper M, Schmale G, Schmitz M, Shea K, Storer S, Wilson PL, Ellis HB. Age, Sex, and BMI Differences Related to Repairable Meniscal Tears in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients. Am J Sports Med. 2023 Feb;51(2):389-397. PubMed PMID: 36629442
  • Armento A, Keeter C, Gagliardi A, Rossing H, Giachino C, VandenBerg C, Howell D, Albright J. Association of Grit With Postoperative Knee Outcomes and Physical Function After ACL Reconstruction in Adolescent Athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2023 Sep;51(11):2900-2907. PubMed PMID: 37525482
  • Silverstein RS, McKay SD, Coello P, Pupa L, Latz K, Craig Kemper W, Adsit E, Wilson PL, Albright J, Algan S, Beck J, Bowen RE, Brey J, Marc Cardelia J, Clark C, Crepeau A, Edmonds E, Ellington M, Fabricant PD, Frank JS, Ganley TJ, Green DW, Gupta A, Heyworth B, Mansour A, Mayer S, Milewski MD, Niu E, Pacicca DM, Parikh SN, Rhodes J, Saper M, Schmale GA, Schmitz M, Shea K, Storer S, Ellis HB Jr. Relationship Between Age and Pathology With Treatment of Pediatric and Adolescent Discoid Lateral Meniscus: A Report From the SCORE Multicenter Database. Am J Sports Med. 2023 Nov;51(13):3493-3501. PubMed PMID: 37899536
  • Gagliardi AG, Walker G, Dahab K, Pearce S, Howell DR, Albright JC. High healing rate of stable femoral condyle osteochondritis dissecans in young patients placed in a hinged knee brace locked in extension: a retrospective study. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2023 Mar 1;32(2):170-177. PubMed PMID: 36700964
  • Rohde MS, Shea KG, Dawson T 2nd, Heyworth BE, Milewski MD, Edmonds EW, Adsit E, Wilson PL, Albright J, Algan S, Beck J, Bowen R, Brey J, Cardelia M, Clark C, Crepeau A, Edmonds EW, Ellington M, Ellis HB, Fabricant P, Frank J, Ganley T, Green D, Gupta A, Heyworth BE, Latz K, Mansour A, Mayer S, McKay S, Milewski M, Niu E, Pacicca D, Parikh S, Rhodes J, Saper M, Schmale G, Schmitz M, Shea K, Storer S, Wilson PL, Ellis HB. Age, Sex, and BMI Differences Related to Repairable Meniscal Tears in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients. Am J Sports Med. 2023 Feb;51(2):389-397. PubMed PMID: 36629442
  • Parikh HB, Gagliardi AG, Carry PM, Albright JC, Mandler TN. How Do We Best Educate Our Patients' Caregivers? Comparing the Efficacy of Print Versus Media-based Education Materials in Peripheral Nerve Catheter and Pain Pump Education. J Pediatr Orthop. 2022 Jan 1;42(1):35-39. PubMed PMID: 34723897
  • Nissen CW, Albright JC, Anderson CN, Busch MT, Carlson C, Carsen S, Chambers HG, Edmonds EW, Ellermann JM, Ellis HB Jr, Erickson JB, Fabricant PD, Ganley TJ, Green DW, Grimm NL, Heyworth BE, Po JHH, Kocher MS, Kostyun RO, Krych AJ, Latz KH, Loveland DM, Lyon RM, Mayer SW, Meenen NM, Milewski MD, Myer GD, Nelson BJ, Nepple JJ, Nguyen JC, Pace JL, Paterno MV, Pennock AT, Perkins CA, Polousky JD, Saluan P, Shea KG, Shearier E, Tompkins MA, Wall EJ, Weiss JM, Willimon SC, Wilson PL, Wright RW, Zbojniewicz AM, Carey JL. Descriptive Epidemiology From the Research in Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee (ROCK) Prospective Cohort. Am J Sports Med. 2022 Jan;50(1):118-127. PubMed PMID: 34818065
  • Parikh HB, Gagliardi AG, Carry PM, Albright JC, Mandler TN. How Do We Best Educate Our Patients' Caregivers? Comparing the Efficacy of Print Versus Media-based Education Materials in Peripheral Nerve Catheter and Pain Pump Education. J Pediatr Orthop. 2022 Jan 1;42(1):35-39. PubMed PMID: 34723897
  • Gagliardi AG, Howell DR, Stein JM, Monson MA, Pearce SS, Albright JC. Prediction of quadriceps tendon-patellar bone autograft diameter in adolescents with 2-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging and anthropometric measures. Skeletal Radiol. 2022 Mar;51(3):619-623. PubMed PMID: 34291324
  • Gagliardi AG, Howell DR, Stein JM, Monson MA, Pearce SS, Albright JC. Prediction of quadriceps tendon-patellar bone autograft diameter in adolescents with 2-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging and anthropometric measures. Skeletal Radiol. 2021 Jul 22. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34291324
  • Sweeney EA, Howell DR, Potter MN, Gagliardi AG, Albright JC, Provance AJ. Comparison of pediatric sports fracture outcomes based on provider type. Phys Sportsmed. 2021 Feb;49(1):31-36. PubMed PMID: 32283983
  • Armento A, Albright J, Gagliardi A, Daoud AK, Howell D, Mayer S. Patient expectations and perceived social support related to return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in adolescent athletes. Phys Ther Sport. 2021 Jan;47:72-77. PubMed PMID: 33197876
  • Nissen CW, Albright JC, Anderson CN, Busch MT, Carlson C, Carsen S, Chambers HG, Edmonds EW, Ellermann JM, Ellis HB Jr, Erickson JB, Fabricant PD, Ganley TJ, Green DW, Grimm NL, Heyworth BE, Po JHH, Kocher MS, Kostyun RO, Krych AJ, Latz KH, Loveland DM, Lyon RM, Mayer SW, Meenen NM, Milewski MD, Myer GD, Nelson BJ, Nepple JJ, Nguyen JC, Pace JL, Paterno MV, Pennock AT, Perkins CA, Polousky JD, Saluan P, Shea KG, Shearier E, Tompkins MA, Wall EJ, Weiss JM, Willimon SC, Wilson PL, Wright RW, Zbojniewicz AM, Carey JL. Descriptive Epidemiology From the Research in Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee (ROCK) Prospective Cohort. Am J Sports Med. 2021 Nov 24;:3635465211057103. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34818065
  • Potter MN, Howell DR, Dahab KS, Sweeney EA, Albright JC, Provance AJ. Sleep Quality and Quality of Life Among Healthy High School Athletes. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2020 Feb;59(2):170-177. PubMed PMID: 31808366
  • Gagliardi AG, Carry PM, Parikh HB, Albright JC. Outcomes of Quadriceps Tendon With Patellar Bone Block Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Adolescent Patients With a Minimum 2-Year Follow-up. Am J Sports Med. 2020 Jan;48(1):93-98. PubMed PMID: 31743038
  • Gagliardi AG, Walker GA, Dahab KS, Seehusen CN, Provance AJ, Albright JC, Howell DR. Sports participation volume and psychosocial outcomes among healthy high school athletes. J Clin Transl Res. 2020 Aug 1;6(2):54-60. PubMed PMID: 33263090
  • Parikh HB, Gagliardi AG, Howell DR, Albright JC, Mandler TN. Femoral nerve catheters and limb strength asymmetry at 6 months after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in pediatric patients. Paediatr Anaesth. 2020 Oct;30(10):1109-1115. PubMed PMID: 32735731
  • Fabricant PD, Milewski MD, Kostyun RO, Wall EJ, Zbojniewicz AM, Albright JC, Bauer KL, Carey JL, Chambers HG, Edmonds EW, Ellis HB, Ganley TJ, Green DW, Grimm NL, Heyworth BE, Kocher MS, Krych AJ, Lyon RM, Mayer SW, Nepple JJ, Nissen CW, Pennock AT, Polousky JD, Saluan P, Shea KG, Tompkins MA, Weiss J, Clifton Willimon S, Wilson PL, Wright RW, Myer GD. Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee: An Interrater Reliability Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Characteristics. Am J Sports Med. 2020 Jul;48(9):2221-2229. PubMed PMID: 32584594
  • Sweeney EA, Howell DR, Potter MN, Gagliardi AG, Albright JC, Provance AJ. Comparison of pediatric sports fracture outcomes based on provider type. Phys Sportsmed. 2020 Apr 17;:1-6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32283983
  • Potter MN, Howell DR, Dahab KS, Sweeney EA, Albright JC, Provance AJ. Sleep Quality and Quality of Life Among Healthy High School Athletes. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2020 Feb;59(2):170-177. PubMed PMID: 31808366
  • Gagliardi AG, Carry PM, Parikh HB, Albright JC. Outcomes of Quadriceps Tendon With Patellar Bone Block Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Adolescent Patients With a Minimum 2-Year Follow-up. Am J Sports Med. 2020 Jan;48(1):93-98. PubMed PMID: 31743038
  • Gagliardi AG, Carry PM, Traver JL, Parikh HB, Howell DR, Albright JC. Should We Rethink How to Define Success After ACL Surgery? Response. Am J Sports Med. 2019 Aug;47(10):NP59-NP60. PubMed PMID: 31365851
  • Gagliardi AG, Carry PM, Parikh HB, Traver JL, Howell DR, Albright JC. ACL Repair With Suture Ligament Augmentation Is Associated With a High Failure Rate Among Adolescent Patients. Am J Sports Med. 2019 Mar;47(3):560-566. PubMed PMID: 30730755
  • Gagliardi AG, Carry PM, Traver JL, Parikh HB, Howell DR, Albright JC. Should We Rethink How to Define Success After ACL Surgery? Response. Am J Sports Med. 2019 Aug;47(10):NP59-NP60. PubMed PMID: 31365851
  • Gagliardi AG, Carry PM, Parikh HB, Traver JL, Howell DR, Albright JC. ACL Repair With Suture Ligament Augmentation Is Associated With a High Failure Rate Among Adolescent Patients. Am J Sports Med. 2019 Mar;47(3):560-566. PubMed PMID: 30730755
  • Stoneback JW, Trizno AA, Albright JC. Pediatric and adolescent injury in rodeo. Res Sports Med. 2018;26(sup1):114-128. PubMed PMID: 30431357
  • Daoud AK, Mandler T, Gagliardi AG, Parikh HB, Carry PM, Ice AC, Albright J. Combined Femoral-Sciatic Nerve Block is Superior to Continuous Femoral Nerve Block During Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in the Pediatric Population. Iowa Orthop J. 2018;38:101-106. PubMed PMID: 30104931
  • Gagliardi AG, Albright JC. Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Orthopedics. 2018 May 1;41(3):129-134. PubMed PMID: 29767809
  • Albright JC, Daoud AK. Microfracture and Microfracture Plus. Clin Sports Med. 2017 Jul;36(3):501-507. PubMed PMID: 28577709
  • Albright J, Lepon AK, Mayer S. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients Using Quadriceps Tendon Autograft. Sports Med Arthrosc. 2016 Dec;24(4):159-169. PubMed PMID: 27811515
  • Beckert MW, Albright JC, Zavala J, Chang J, Albright JP. Clinical Accuracy of J-Sign Measurement Compared to Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Iowa Orthop J. 2016;36:94-7. PubMed PMID: 27528843
  • Mayer S, Albright JC, Stoneback JW. Pediatric Knee Dislocations and Physeal Fractures About the Knee. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2015 Sep;23(9):571-80. PubMed PMID: 26271758
  • Polousky JD, Albright J. Salvage techniques in osteochondritis dissecans. Clin Sports Med. 2014 Apr;33(2):321-33. PubMed PMID: 24698047

Professional Memberships

  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery (AAOS), Member
  • Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA), Member
  • Pediatric Academic Research Society (PARS), Member
  • American College of Sports Medicine, Member
  • American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Member
  • Pediatric Research in Sports Medicine Society (PRISM), Member
  • Magellan Society, Member
  • Research in Osteochondritis of the Knee (ROCK), Member
  • American Orthopedic Association, Member

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Children's Hospital Colorado North Campus - Broomfield
469 State Highway 7
Broomfield, CO 80023

Children's Hospital Colorado South Campus - Highlands Ranch
1811 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Memorial Hospital Central - Pediatric Expertise Provided by Children's Colorado
1400 East Boulder St
Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado

Specialty Information

  • Orthopedics, Board Certification (2007, 2017)
  • Orthopedic Sports Medicine, Board Certification (2010, 2017)
  • American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Board Certification (2007)
  • American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery-Sports Medicine, Board Certification (2010)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles - Shoulder Injuries and Disorders
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles - Knee Injuries and Disorders
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles - Foot and Ankle Injuries and Disorders
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles - Leg Injuries and Disorders
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles - Sprains and Strains
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles - Fractures
Clinical Interests
My clinical interests include injury prevention for athletes as well as the care of sports-related injuries, including treatment of elbow, shoulder, knee, ankle, and hip injuries. I also specialize in clubfoot and am trained in the Ponseti method.

Care Philosophy
A youth athlete is not the same as a professional athlete and should not be treated as such. The focus of my career is the treatment of the young athlete in particular.

Personal Interests
I'm interested in all types of sports, from soccer and basketball to field hockey, volleyball, cheerleading, dance, and more. Enjoy time with my family, vacations and skiing.

Volunteer Activities
Special Olympics Board of Directors in Florida and now for Colorado International Board for Rush Soccer.

Public Speaking
ACL reconstruction, advocate for patients and families in particular for access to medicine for Special Olympic Athletes.