Minghua Tang, PhD

Associate Adjoint Professor, Pediatrics-Nutrition (CNRU)


  • Hill EB, Reisdorph RM, Rasolofomanana-Rajery S, Michel C, Khajeh-Sharafabadi M, Doenges KA, Weaver N, Quinn K, Sutliff AK, Tang M, Borengasser SJ, Frank DN, O'Connor LE, Campbell WW, Krebs NF, Hendricks AE, Reisdorph NA. Salmon Food-Specific Compounds and Their Metabolites Increase in Human Plasma and Are Associated with Cardiometabolic Health Indicators Following a Mediterranean-Style Diet Intervention. J Nutr. 2024 Jan;154(1):26-40. PubMed PMID: 37918675
  • Uffelman CN, Doenges KA, Armstrong ML, Quinn K, Reisdorph RM, Tang M, Krebs NF, Reisdorph NA, Campbell WW. Metabolomics Profiling of White Button, Crimini, Portabella, Lion's Mane, Maitake, Oyster, and Shiitake Mushrooms Using Untargeted Metabolomics and Targeted Amino Acid Analysis. Foods. 2023 Aug 8;12(16). PubMed PMID: 37627983
  • Odiase E, Frank DN, Young BE, Robertson CE, Kofonow JM, Davis KN, Berman LM, Krebs NF, Tang M. The Gut Microbiota Differ in Exclusively Breastfed and Formula-Fed United States Infants and are Associated with Growth Status. J Nutr. 2023 Sep;153(9):2612-2621. PubMed PMID: 37506974
  • Wang Y, Lindemann SR, Cross TL, Tang M, Clark CM, Campbell WW. Effects of Adding Lean Red Meat to a U.S.-Style Healthy Vegetarian Dietary Pattern on Gut Microbiota and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Young Adults: a Crossover Randomized Controlled Trial. J Nutr. 2023 May;153(5):1439-1452. PubMed PMID: 36921804
  • Wang Y, Uffelman CN, Bergia RE, Clark CM, Reed JB, Cross TL, Lindemann SR, Tang M, Campbell WW. Meat Consumption and Gut Microbiota: a Scoping Review of Literature and Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials in Adults. Adv Nutr. 2023 Mar;14(2):215-237. PubMed PMID: 36822879
  • Uffelman CN, Schmok JN, Campbell RE, Hartman AS, Olson MR, Anderson NL, Reisdorph NA, Tang M, Krebs NF, Campbell WW. Consuming Mushrooms When Adopting a Healthy Mediterranean-Style Dietary Pattern Does Not Influence Short-Term Changes of Most Cardiometabolic Disease Risk Factors in Healthy Middle-Aged and Older Adults. J Nutr. 2023 Dec 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38135005
  • Wu Y, Zhang Y, Jiang J, Jiang L, Tang M, Zhou Y, Liao M, Yang Q, Tsymbal EY. Unconventional Polarization-Switching Mechanism in (Hf,?Zr)O_{2} Ferroelectrics and Its Implications. Phys Rev Lett. 2023 Dec 1;131(22):226802. PubMed PMID: 38101373
  • Y Wang, CN Uffelman, RE Bergia, CM Clark, JB Reed, LC Tzu-Wen, Lindemann SR, Tang M, Campbell WW. Meat Consumption and Gut Microbiota: A Scoping Review of Literature and Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials in Adults. Advances in Nutrition. 2022.10.005
  • Tang M, Weaver NE, Frank DN, Ir D, Robertson CE, Kemp JF, Westcott J, Shankar K, Garces AL, Figueroa L, Tshefu AK, Lokangaka AL, Goudar SS, Somannavar M, Aziz S, Saleem S, McClure EM, Hambidge KM, Hendricks AE, Krebs NF. Longitudinal Reduction in Diversity of Maternal Gut Microbiota During Pregnancy Is Observed in Multiple Low-Resource Settings: Results From the Women First Trial. Front Microbiol. 2022;13:823757. PubMed PMID: 35979501
  • Tang M, Matz KL, Berman LM, Davis KN, Melanson EL, Frank DN, Hendricks AE, Krebs NF. Effects of complementary feeding with different protein-rich foods on infant growth and gut health: study protocol. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 9:793215. PMID: 35096709
  • Sutliff AK, Saint-Cyr M, Hendricks AE, Chen SS, Doenges KA, Quinn K, Westcott J, Tang M, Borengasser SJ, Reisdorph RM, Campbell WW, Krebs NF, Reisdorph NA. Lipidomics-Based Comparison of Molecular Compositions of Green, Yellow, and Red Bell Peppers. Metabolites. 2021 Apr 14;11(4). PubMed PMID: 33919953
  • Tang M, Weaver NE, Berman LM, Brown LD, Hendricks AE, Krebs NF. Different Blood Metabolomics Profiles in Infants Consuming a Meat- or Dairy-Based Complementary Diet. Nutrients. 2021 Jan 27;13(2). PubMed PMID: 33513734
  • Tang M, Matz KL, Berman LM, Davis KN, Melanson EL, Frank DN, Hendricks AE, Krebs NF. Effects of complementary feeding with different protein-rich foods on infant growth and gut health: study protocol. Frontiers in Pediatrics
  • Wu L, Lyu Y, Srinivasagan R, Wu J, Ojo B, Tang M, El-Rassi GD, Metzinger K, Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Clarke SL, Chowanadisai W, Shen X, He H, Conway T, von Lintig J, Lin D. Astaxanthin-Shifted Gut Microbiota Is Associated with Inflammation and Metabolic Homeostasis in Mice. J Nutr. 2020 Oct 12;150(10):2687-2698. PubMed PMID: 32810865
  • Tang M, Frank DN, Tshefyu A, Lokangaka A, Goudar SS, Dhaded SM, Somannavar M, Hendricks AE, Ir D, Robertson CE, Kemp JF, Lander RL, Westcott JE, Hambidge KM, Krebs NF. Different Gut Microbial Profiles in Sub-Saharan African and South Asian Women of Childbearing Age Are Primarily Associated With Dietary Intakes. Frontiers in microbiology 10, 1848.
  • Tang M, Anderson V, Krebs NF. Different growth patterns persist at 24 months of age in formula-fed infants randomized to consume a meat-or dairy-based complementary diet from 5 to 12 months of age. The Journal of pediatrics 206, 78-82
  • Tang M, Krebs NF. Update of pre-and postnatal iron supplementation in malaria-endemic settings. Seminars in perinatology 43 (5) 291-296.
  • Tang M. The impact of complementary feeding foods of animal origin on growth and the risk of overweight in infants. Animal Frontiers 9 (4), 5-11. 
  • Tang M, Frank DN, Hendricks AE, Ir D, Krebs NF. Protein intake during early complementary feeding affects the gut microbiota in US formula-fed infants (FS04-03-19) Current developments in nutrition 3 (Supplement_1), nzz048. FS04-03-19
  • Tang M, Frank DN, Tshefyu A, Lokangaka A, Goudar SS, Dhaded SM, Somannavar M, Hendricks AE, Ir D, Robertson CE, Kemp JF, Lander RL, Westcott JE, Hambidge KM, Krebs NF. Different Gut Microbial Profiles in African and South Asian Women of Childbearing Age in the Women First (WF) Trial (FS07-05-19) Current developments in nutrition 3 (Supplement_1), nzz040. FS07-05-19
  • Tang M, Andersen V, Hendricks AE, Krebs NF. Different Growth Patterns Persist at 24 Months of Age in Formula-Fed Infants Randomized to Consume a Meat- or Dairy-Based Complementary Diet from 5 to 12 Months of Age. J Pediatr. 2018 Nov 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30413312
  • Tang M. Protein Intake during the First Two Years of Life and Its Association with Growth and Risk of Overweight. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Aug 14;15(8). PubMed PMID: 30110887
  • Tang M, Hendricks AE, Krebs NF. A meat- or dairy-based complementary diet leads to distinct growth patterns in formula-fed infants: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2018 May 1;107(5):734-742. PubMed PMID: 29722841
  • Nutrient Requirements of Infants and Young Children (chapter)
  • Iron in Micronutrient Powder Promotes an Unfavorable Gut Microbiota in Kenyan Infants. Nutrients. 2017 Jul 19;9(7). pii: E776. doi: 10.3390/nu9070776.
  • Iron in Micronutrient Powder (MNP) May Adversely Affect the Gut Microbiome in Kenyan Infants (The FASEB Journal 31 (1 Supplement), 965.26-965.26)
  • Effect of vitamin E with Therapeutic Iron Supplementation on Iron Repletion and Gut Microbiome in US Iron Deficient Infants and Toddlers: A Randomized Control Trial. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2016; 63(3): 379–385
  • Consumption of a Corn-Sugar Based Infant Formula Is Associated with Higher C-peptide Secretion Compared to Lactose Based Formula among Exclusively Formula Fed Infants. The FASEB Journal 30 (1 Supplement), 673.7-673.7
  • Dietary Intakes of Formula-Fed Infants Consuming a Meat-or Dairy-Based Complementary Diet: A Semi-Controlled Feeding Trial. The FASEB Journal 30 (1 Supplement), 151.8-151.8
  • Lillian M. Berman, Richard E Boles, Kinzie L Matz, Gabrielle NE Glime, Katie N. Davis, Nancy F Krebs, Minghua Tang. Maternal BMI, not gut microbiota, negatively associates with sleep quality in U.S. breastfed infants. Submitted to PAS 2022. 
  • Kinzie L Matz, Gabrielle NE Glime, Jennifer F Kemp, Ana Garces, Lester Figueroa, Sarah Saleem, Sumera Ali Aziz, Shiva Goudar, Manjunath Somannavar, Jamie Westcott1, Minghua Tang, K Michael Hambidge, Nancy F Krebs. Maternal IGF-1 and folate status at 34-wk gestation are positively associated with crown rump length at 24 mo in Pakistan, Guatemala and India. Submitted to PAS 2022. 
  • The Biology Behind the First 1000 Days Chapter 3 Section 3 Infant and Young Child Nutrition Requirements
  • Iron in Micronutrient Powder (MNP) May Adversely Affect the Gut Microbiome in Kenyan Infants
  • Tang M, Ma C, Weinheimer-Haus EM, Robertson CE, Kofonow JM, Berman LM, Waljee A, Zhu J, Daniel N. Frank DN, Krebs NF. Different gut microbiota in U.S. formula-fed infants consuming a meat vs. dairy-based complementary foods: a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Nutrition