Candrian C, Weissman JS, Tjia J. SOGI Data Collection - Proceeding, but with Caution. N Engl J Med. 2024 Aug 15;391(7):580-581. PubMed PMID: 39132934
Nouri S, Pantilat SZ, Meier DE, Nicolla JM, Friedman FAP, Chan RY, Candrian C. REaL and SOGI Data Collection: Results from a Palliative Care Quality Collaborative Survey. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2024 Jul;68(1):e82-e85. PubMed PMID: 38670296
Izumi SS, Garcia E, Kualaau A, Sloan DE, DeSanto-Madeya S, Candrian C, Anderson E, Sanders J. Advance care planning as perceived by marginalized populations: Willing to engage and facing obstacles. PLoS One. 2024;19(4):e0301426. PubMed PMID: 38557983
Candrian, C. 2024. They wrote it off as school stress. I hid the truth out of terror. Newsweek.
Candrian C, Burke ES, Kline D, Torke AM. Experiences of caregiving with Alzheimer's disease in the LGBT community. BMC Geriatr. 2023 May 15;23(1):293. PubMed PMID: 37189062
Reich AJ, Perez S, Fleming J, Gazarian P, Manful A, Ladin K, Tjia J, Semco R, Prigerson H, Weissman J, Candrian C. Advance Care Planning Experiences Among Sexual and Gender Minority People. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(7):e2222993. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.22993.
Reich AJ, Perez S, Fleming J, Gazarian P, Manful A, Ladin K, Tjia J, Semco R, Prigerson H, Weissman JS, Candrian C. Advance Care Planning Experiences Among Sexual and Gender Minority People. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jul 1;5(7):e2222993. PubMed PMID: 35857322
Candrian C, Wright L, Callwood A, Condolora J, Kuka K, Sills J, Thiele P, Tropeano L, Kline D, Mullen R. In her own words: understanding the health needs of older lesbians. J Women Aging. 2022 Sep-Oct;34(5):596-604. PubMed PMID: 34328064
Reich AJ, Manful A, Candrian C, Semco RS, Ladin K, Prigerson HG, Weissman JS. Use of Advance Care Planning Codes Among Transgender Medicare Beneficiaries. LGBT Health. 2022 Oct;9(7):520-524. PubMed PMID: 35759464
Candrian C, Wright L, Callwood A, Condolora J, Kuka K, Sills J, Thiele P, Tropeano L, Kline D, Mullen R. In her own words: understanding the health needs of older lesbians. J Women Aging. 2021 Jul 30;:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34328064
Candrian C, O'Mahony S, Stein GL, Berkman C, Javier NM, Godfrey D, Thomson RM, Liantonio J, Maingi S. Let's Do This: Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data in Hospice and Palliative Care. J Palliat Med. 2021 Aug;24(8):1122-1123. PubMed PMID: 34161145
Maingi S, Radix A, Candrian C, Stein GL, Berkman C, O'Mahony S. Improving the Hospice and Palliative Care Experiences of LGBTQ Patients and Their Caregivers. Prim Care. 2021 Jun;48(2):339-349. PubMed PMID: 33985709
Cloyes KG, Candrian C. Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Sexual and Gender Minority Cancer Survivors: a Review of Current Research and Recommendations. Curr Oncol Rep. 2021 Mar 14;23(4):39. PubMed PMID: 33718997
Candrian C, Cloyes KG. "She's Dying and I Can't Say We're Married?": End-of-Life Care for LGBT Older Adults. Gerontologist. 2021 Nov 15;61(8):1197-1201. PubMed PMID: 33305806
Candrian C, Lasker Hertz S, Matlock D, Flanagan L, Tate C, Kutner JS, Lum HD. Development of a Community Advance Care Planning Guides Program and the RELATE Model of Communication. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2020 Jan;37(1):5-11. PubMed PMID: 31030524
Candrian C, Cloyes KG. "She's Dying and I Can't Say We're Married?": End-of-Life Care for LGBT Older Adults. Gerontologist. 2020 Dec 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33305806
Seaman JB, Lakin JR, Anderson E, Bernacki R, Candrian C, Cotter VT, DeSanto-Madeya S, Epstein AS, Kestenbaum A, Izumi S, Sumser B, Tjia J, Hurd CJ. Interdisciplinary or Interprofessional: Why Terminology in Teamwork Matters to Hospice and Palliative Care. J Palliat Med. 2020 Sep;23(9):1157-1158. PubMed PMID: 32640855
Izumi S, Noble BN, Candrian CB, Tjia J, Bordley J, Mensik J, Furuno JP. Health Care Worker Perceptions of Gaps and Opportunities to Improve Hospital-to-Hospice Transitions. J Palliat Med. 2020 Jul;23(7):900-906. PubMed PMID: 31895623
Lillie KM, Dirks LG, Curtis JR, Candrian C, Kutner JS, Shaw JL. Culturally Adapting an Advance Care Planning Communication Intervention With American Indian and Alaska Native People in Primary Care. J Transcult Nurs. 2020 Mar;31(2):178-187. PubMed PMID: 31258037
Carey Candrian & Kate L. M. Hinrichs (2021) The impact of intersectional stigma on health outcomes: The case of an older lesbian veteran, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, DOI: 10.1080/10538720.2021.1875348
Candrian, C., Sills, J., Lowers, J. LGBT seniors in the pandemic: Silenced and vulnerable. Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health; 1(4): DOI:
Izumi S, Noble BN, Candrian CB, Tjia J, Bordley J, Mensik J, Furuno JP. Healthcare Worker Perceptions of Gaps and Opportunities to Improve Hospital-to-Hospice Transitions. J Palliat Med. 2019
Candrian, C., Furuno, J., Kavaliertos D., & Harrison K. Collaboration makes us better: Time to increase equity in the science of hospice and palliative medicine. J of Pal Medicine, 22; 2019.
Candrian, C., Lasker Hertz, S., Matlock D., Flanagan, L., Tate, C., Kutner, J., & Lum, H. (2019). Development of a community advance care planning guides program and the RELATE model of communication. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine:
Kadoyama KL, Noble BN, Izumi S, Fromme EK, Tjia J, McPherson ML, Candrian CB, McGregor JC, Ku I, Furuno JP.
(2019). Frequency and documentation of medication decisions on discharge from the hospital to hospice care. J Am Geriatr Soc.
Candrian, C. Tsantes, A. Tate, C. Matlock, D. & Kutner, J. (accepted, to be published spring 2018). Managing hospice expectations: Defining best practices so patients and their caregivers can make informed decisions around transitioning to hospice. Patient, Education and Counseling.
Candrian, C. (accepted, to be published spring 2018. Compassion as a best practice: Lessons from Hospice Admission Nurses. To be published in Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine.
Candrian, C. Tsantes, A. Tate, C. Matlock, D., Kutner, J. 2018. “I just need to know they are going to do what they say they’re going to do with my mom.” Understanding hospice expectations from the patient, caregiver and admission nurse perspective. Patient Education and Counseling; 101: 2025-2030.
Candrian, C. Broadfoot, K. Tate, C. Tsantes, A. Kutner, J. & Matlock, D. Designing Effective Interactions for Concordance around End-of-Life Care Options: Lessons from Hospice Admission Nurses. Behavioral Sciences (special issue on family communication and end of life care).
Candrian, C. & Lum, H. (2015). Improving communication among older LGBT adults. In E. Wittenberg-Lyles, B. Ferrell, J. Goldsmith, T. Smith, M. Glajchen & G. Handzo (Eds.), Textbook of Palliative Care Communication. New York, New York: Oxford University Press.
Loeb DF, Binswanger IA, Candrian C, Bayliss EA. Primary care physician insights into a typology of the complex patient in primary care. Ann Fam Med. 2015 Sep;13(5):451-5. PubMed PMID: 26371266
Candrian, C. (November, 2015). Communicating at the end of life. The Daily Camera: Guest Opinion.
Candrian, C. & Lum, H. (2015, forthcoming). Improving communication among older LGBT adults. In E. Wittenberg- Lyles, B. Ferrell, J. Goldsmith, T. Smith, M. Glajchen & G. Handzo (Eds.), Textbook of Palliative Care Communication. New York, New York: Oxford University Press.
Candrian, C. (2015). The Cost of Care. Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2014.930771
Hannawa, A., Garci´a-Jime´nez, L., Candrian, C., Rossmann, C. & Schulz, P. (in press): Identifying the Field of Health Communication, Journal of Health Communication.
Candrian, C. & Fortney, J. (2014). Will you help me? Navigating the role of “care” in ethnographic fieldwork. In Patrick Brindle (Ed.), SAGE Cases in Methodology: London.
Candrian, C. (2014). Taming death and the consequences of discourse. Human Relations, 67(1): 53-69.
Candrian, C. (November, 2014). I’m sorry, residents, but please stop saying “sorry.” The Denver Post:
Guest Opinion.
Candrian, C. (in press). Why routinely collecting sexual orientation and gender identity information matters for elders.
Candrian, C. A letter to Heidi Ganahl From a Coloradan She Wants to Govern. Westword (October 9, 2022):
Candrian, C., Lucero, E. (March/April 2022). When grief brings discrimination to older LGBTQ adults. Guest
column, Aging Horizons Bulletin (Canada):
Opinion: LGBTQ citizens are being told they don’t matter Elected officials are sponsoring scores of bills that would restrict the lives of some of the most vulnerable, magnificent people.