S.T.A.R. Outstanding Faculty Award, MD Class of 2027
Dear Dr. Lee,
Congratulations! On behalf of the MD Class of 2027 we are thrilled to inform you that you have been chosen as one of the S.T.A.R Outstanding Faculty Award (Students Thanking And Recognizing Outstanding Faculty) recipients for the Foundational Principles Course 2027. This recognition process was fully student initiated, driven, and conducted. Each student in the class was given the opportunity to nominate faculty members from throughout the FP course who made a tremendous impact on them, faculty who went above and beyond, faculty such as you!
On behalf of the Class of 2027, thank you and we appreciate your dedication and the expertise that you shared for the benefit of our education. Attached is a certificate of award and an acknowledgement of our appreciation. Thank you!
Ryan Turner & Sera Sempson
STAR Committee Co-Chairs
"Dr. Lee is very passionate about the concepts she teaches and it really shows in how she delivers the material. She makes challenging topics (embryology and histology) easy to digest in small chunks and provides many opportunities to test our knowledge with end of lecture practice questions, concept checks found on the community in Canvas, and relevant cases before the EOW. This allows anyone who is daunted by these topics to not be discouraged, but to appreciate and be willing to learn and struggle through the material (enough to not be unmotivated). Being able to test our knowledge via her questions she asks verbally or on the slides/canvas, allows us to make mistakes and better solidify the concepts being taught."
"Dr. Lee is absolutely phenomenal, she is engaging, passionate, empathetic and truly cares about what we are learning. She is able to help us all use our histo magic and develop pattern recognition and growth mindsets that can be applied throughout our education. She also always went above and beyond to help us all both individually and as a collective group through active learning activities, PRP practice quizzes on Canvas, or answering questions (and using the amazing leeshistology) well after lecture ended. Her commitment, dedication, passion, and enthusiasm are inspiring to me."
"Lisa is an excellent lecturer, she blends well made powerpoints with engaged class questions for an all together world class experience."
"Dr. Lee is so enthusiastic about teaching and it shows up in all of her lectures and makes the students also excited to learn the material. She is a good facilitator of in-class sessions and has a good balance of standard lecturing and self-practice/group work during sessions. I like how she tries to connect and interleave topics across lectures and even across different medical science content to help solidify our understanding of the material. I also appreciate the time and effort she puts in to help students learn and succeed in FP. I found the extra pattern recognition practice quizzes Dr. Lee put together very helpful in practicing my histology skills."
"Dr. Lee went above and beyond by creating additional histology resources and quizzes for our class to practice pattern recognition throughout FP. She was a very positive and helpful presence each day of lecture, and was always receptive to my questions!"
Hayden SG*, Lohman CM^, Lee LMJ. Reducing the Knowledge Disparity in Urogenital Anatomy and Histology: A Histological Analysis of the Paraurethral Glands in Phenotypically Female Donors. Poster presentation at AAA. ASE
Buenting Gritton C^, Foley J^ , Handler E^, Lee LMJ. GASP! a Survey of Master's-level Graduate Anatomical Science Program Goals, Expectations, and Job Placement. Platform presentation at AAA. ASE
Foley J^, Buenting Gritton C^, Handler E^, Lee LMJ. GASP! A Survey of Graduate Anatomical Science Program Goals, Expectations, and Graduate Job Placement. Poster presentation at AAA. ASE
Handler E^, Buenting Gritton C^, Foley J^, Lee LMJ. Hiring expectationa among anatomical sciences educators. Poster presentation at AAA. ASE
Textbook of Histology 6th Edition. Elsevier.
BRS Cell Biology and Histology 9th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Phildadelphia, PA. 2024. BRS Cell Biology & Histology (lww.com)
Lohman C.^, Royer D, Johnson BB^, Tan RJ,?Lee LMJ,?Benefits of autopsy-based prosection for gross anatomy labs in a clinically integrated medical curriculum. ASE
Johnson BB^, Thompson J,?Lee LMJ.?Confidence Crossroads: Unmasking Metacognitive Challenges in First-Year Medical Students. ASE (in press)
Sather K*, Martini R*, Johnson BB^, Lohman C.^,?Lee LMJ,?The gift that keeps on giving: The use of cadaveric tissue for histological education and research. ASE
Martini R*, Sather K*, Lee LMJ, Lohman C^.A Rare Discovery: Ossified Penile Tissue in a Human Cadaver. ASE
Lee LMJ, Martini R*, Sather K*, Lohman C^. A women’s place is in the anatomical sciences: One step closer to equitable representation of diversity in urogenital gross anatomy and histology. ASE
Lohman C^, Johnson BB^, Royer D, Throckmorton Z, Ecker DJ, Lockspeiser T, Lee LMJ Development of modified autopsy prosection protocol and a new anatomy lab practical assessment modeled on the OSCE for clinically authentic anatomy education in a systems-based curriculum. IFAA
Lee LMJ, Lohman C^, Royer D, Thompson JA, Ecker DJ, Kelp N, Lockspeiser T, Johnson BB.^ Weaving and interleaving anatomical and clinical sciences to enhance adaptive competence. IFAA
Lohman C^, Lee LMJ, A Tale of Three Continents: Innovations in Anatomical Sciences in the New Medical Education Landscape. IFAA
Gartner and Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology 8th edition (in press, publication in March 2022)
Mishall PL, Meguid EMA, Khalil MK, Lee LMJ. (2022) Evidence-based Transition to Effective Online Anatomical Sciences Teaching in the Pandemic Era of COVID-19. Medical Science Educator.
Color Atlas and Text of Histology 8th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Phildadelphia, PA. 2022.
Gustilo KS*, Stratford J, Hight M*, Lee LMJ. 3D Embryonic Heart Goes Mobile: Efficacy of Mobile Application in Congenital Cardiac Embryology Education FASEBJ, 2022
Lee LMJ It takes a Village: Team Teaching in an Integrated and Spiraled Medical Sciences Curriculum. FASEBJ 2022
2021 Lohman Bonfiglio C, Fiebig C, Hight M, Wagner M, Wahl L, Bryant J, Cahil G, Lee LMJ. Monozygotic Does Not Always Mean Identical: An Investigation of Anatomic Variations in Identical Twins FASEB journal, 2021 https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2021.35.S1.02536
2021 Lee LMJ, Lohman Bonfiglio C, Flipping the Script – Adopting Autopsy Protocol for Cadaveric Dissection in Gross Anatomy FASEB journal, 2021 https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2021.35.S1.02471 https://doi.org/10.1096/fasebj.2021.35.S1.02471
2021 Hull A, Salcedo E, Stratford J, Hight M, Bunker H, Lee LMJ Embryorigami: The Educational Impact of 4D Virtual Folding Embryo Model on Student Learning and Confidence FASEB journal, 2021 https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2021.35.S1.04542
2021 MacDonald A, Cooper M, Cooper C, Salcedo E, Lee LMJ No Need to Reinvent - Augmenting a Flipped Class Histology Curriculum with a Commercial Online Course FASEB journal, 2021 https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2021.35.S1.04579
2021 Hight M, Salcedo E, Stratford J, Bunker H, Jacobson N, Hull A, Lee LMJ Change of Heart: Virtual Embryonic 3D Heart Model with Interchangeable Conotruncal Septa Promotes Clinically Oriented Learning FASEB journal, 2021 https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2021.35.S1.04200
2021 Bunker H, Stratford J, Hight M, Orr C, Lee LMJ What the head and neck? A study of integrated gross anatomy with embryology and its effect on learning and retention. FASEB journal, 2021
From Scope to Screen: The Evolution of Histology Education. Biological Visualisation. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-47483-6_5. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-47483-6_5
Visualization Textbook (2020). From Scope to Screen: The Evolution of Histology Education. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-47483-6_5
Ryan M, Stratford J, Lee LMJ. Lending a Helping Hand; Educational Value of a Hand-Drawn Video Tutorial on Embryonic Underpinnings of Gross Anatomy. FASEBJ, 2020
Zabalaga-Haberman MF, Vinovskis C, Stratford J, Lee LMJ. Twisted Development: Assessing the Educational Value of a 4D Interactive Embryonic Gut Tube Model. FASEBJ, 2020
Hirt L, Leonard CJ, Lee LMJ. Are you copying me? Leveraging Expert Visual Scan Path to Transmit Visual Literacy In Novice Histology Students. FASEBJ, 2020
Zabalaga-Haberman MF, Amici A., Buenting Gritton C, Stratford J, Lee LMJ. Do I Sound Funny to You? The Role of Instructor Gender and Accent on Student Learning and Evaluation in a Digital Learning Environment. FASEBJ, 2020
Choi YJ, Plunkett C, Buenting Gritton CA, Stratford J, Lepek N, Lee LMJ. “Build an Embryo”: Educational Efficacy of 3D Printed Embryo Models in Pieces or en bloc in Enhancing Spatial & Temporal Anatomy Learning. FASEBJ, 2020
Lee LJM, Kincaid T, Tan R, Corral J. Growing Pains: Positive Learning Outcomes but Evaluation Fallouts from Flipping the Embryology Curriculum in an Integrated Medical Gross Anatomy Course FASEBJ, 2020
Cale A, Lee LJM. Those Who Can’t Do, Teach&[hellip]Anatomy? The Presence of Stereotype Threat in Anatomical Sciences Educators. FASEBJ, 2020
Park Y, Muffly, Corral J, Lee LMJ. “My Vagina Did What?”: Evaluating a 3D Mobile App of Enterocele Anatomy in Post-Hysterectomy Women. FASEBJ, 2020
Royer D, Carmichael H, Kondo K, Lee LMJ, Britton C Let Students SOAR: Impact of Early Clinical Interactions on Perceptions of Specialties & Anatomy. FASEBJ, 2020
Buenting Gritton C, Royer D, Carmichael H, Kondo K, Lee LMJ. SOARing Achievements: Do Medical Students Think Our New Teaching Strategy Achieved Its Goals?FASEBJ, 2020
Koury HF, Leonard CJ, Carry P, Lee LMJ. (2019) An Expert Derived Feed Forward Histology Module Improves Pattern Recognition Efficiency in Novice Students. Anat. Sci. Educ.
Weinkle LJ, Stratford JM, Lee LMJ. Voice in Digital Education: The Impact of Instructor’s Perceived Age & Gender on Student Learning & Evaluation. Anat. Sci. Educ. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30693674
Weinkle L*, Stratford J, Lee LMJ. (2019) Voice in Digital Education: The Impact of Instructor’s Perceived Gender and Age on Student Learning and Evaluation. Anatomical Sciences Education.
Koury HF, Leonard CJ, Carry P, Lee LMJ. (2019) An Expert Derived Feed Forward Histology Module Improves Pattern Recognition Efficiency in Novice Students. Anat. Sci. Educ.
Das M, Ettarh R, Lowrie DJ, Rengasamy P, Lee LMJ, Williams J, Guttmann G. (2019) A Guide to Competencies, Educational Goals, and Learning Objectives for Teaching Medical Histology in an Undergraduate Medical Education Setting. Medical Science Educator.
Plunkett C., Duenas A., Stratford J., Leppk N., Lee LMJ Embryos in Gross Anatomy Laboratory? The Educational Impact of 3D Printed Embryo Model Integration in Medical Basic Sciences Education. FASEBJ. https://www.fasebj.org/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2019.33.1_supplement.17.1
Davis N., Lee LMJ Students Becoming the Teacher: Questioning the Value of Peer-Taught Lectures on Exam Performance. https://www.fasebj.org/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2019.33.1_supplement.606.33
Rosicke S., Leonard CJ, Carry PM, Lee LM Does “See One and Do One” Work in Histology?: A Two-Phase Cross-Over Eye Tracking Study on Complex Histological Pattern Recognition Skills Acquisition. https://www.fasebj.org/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2019.33.1_supplement.444.33
Castillo CJ, Lee LM, Behrendt N, Marwan AI. Visualizing Prenatal Twin Anatomy: A Parent Education Resource for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. https://www.fasebj.org/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2019.33.1_supplement.444.29
Royer, Danielle, Heather Carmichael, Kimi L. Kondo, Lisa L. Lee, and Cory B. Gritton. Clinical Anatomy 33: E64-E96
Lee LML, Goldman HM, Hortsch M. (2018) The Virtual microscopy database – sharing digital microscope images for research and education. Anat. Sci. Educ. Cover http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ase.1774/full
Das M, Claeson KM, Lowrie DJ, Bolender DL, Fredieu JR, Guttmann G, Conway ML, Ghosh T, Edmondson AC, Cork J, Regasamy P, Lee LMJ, Williams J, Oberg KC. (2018) A Guide to Competencies, Educational Goals, and Learning Objectives for Teaching Human Embryology in an Undergraduate Medical Education Setting. Medical Science Educator 28(2):417-428.
Das M, Ettarh R, Lowrie DJ Jr., Rengasamy P, Lee LMJ, Williams J, and Guttmann G (2019) A Guide to Competencies, Educational Goals, and Learning Objectives for Teaching Medical Histology in an Undergraduate Medical Education Setting. Medical Science Educator (In press).
Lee LMJ, Moore B., Stewart I. Clinically oriented, asynchronous undergraduate and graduate medical histopathology education. Clinical Anatomy https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ca.23260
Carissa B, Lee LJM. The Role of Instructor Accent on Student Learning & Instructor Evaluation in a Digital Learning Environment. AAA. San Diego, CA. FASEB journal. https://www.fasebj.org/doi/abs/10.1096/fasebj.2018.32.1_supplement.21.3
Buenting C., Corral J., Buenting T., Lee LMJ. One Does Not Simply Integrate: Assessing integrated vs. silo-ed anatomical sciences presentation in online learning module. AAA. San Diego, CA. FASEB journal. https://www.fasebj.org/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2018.32.1_supplement.634.4
Duenas A., Lee LMJ. A 3D picture is not worth a thousand words: assessing educational value of 2D vs 3D figures in embryology education. AAA. San Diego, CA. FASEB journal
Lee LMJ, Goldman HM, Hortsch M. The virtual microscopy database - sharing digital microscope images for research and education. Anat Sci Educ (e-pub ahead of print)
Duenas A., Stratford J., Salcedo E, Lee LMJ. Developing model behavior: assessing educational value of the 3D whole embryonic model. AAA. San Diego, CA. FASEB journal https://www.fasebj.org/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2018.32.1_supplement.508.14
Koury H., Leonard C.J., Carry P., Lee LMJ. Monkey-see, Monkey-do: An Eye-tracking Study Assessing the Efficacy of Feed-forward Training in Histology Visual Literacy Development FASEB journal, 2018
Pascoe MA, Lee LML. (2017) Is there any “depth” to light field photography use in anatomy education? Medical Science Educator
Das M, Claeson KM, Lowrie DJ, Bolender DL, Fredieu JR, Guttmann G, Conway ML, Ghosh T, Edmondson AC, Cork J, Regasamy P, Lee LML, Topp K, Williams J, Oberg KC. (2017) Embryology for Medical Students: Recommended Competencies from the ‘Task Forces in Anatomical Sciences’, a Community from the American Association of Anatomists (AAA). Medical Science Educator; (Accepted with minor revision, Nov, 2017)
Doubleday A, Lee LML. Dissecting the voice: health professions students’ perceptions of instructor age and gender in an online environment and the impact on evaluations for faculty. Anat Sci Educ 9:537-544 (2016)
2. Gonzales F*, Post MD, Lee LML. (2016) Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Comprehensive Lesson in Pathology, Embryology, Histology and Anatomy. MedEdPORTAL; https://www.mededportal.org/publication/10352
Lee LMJ. Role of Peer-Teaching in Graduate Anatomical Sciences Education. American Association of Anatomists. FASEB Journal 30(1) 565.5
Richardson A., Lee LMJ. Utility of Virtual 3D Animations and 3D Printed Models of Heart Development in Graduate Embryology Education. FASEB Journal (1) 568.20
Pascoe M, Lee LMJ. Potential of “Living” Photography in an Online Anatomy Resource to Improve Students’ 3D Spatial Understanding. FASEB Journal 30(1) 570.8
Lee LMJ., Rosenthal O., Effective Human-Computer Interaction in Virtual Histology Laboratory Promotes Enhanced Learning Outcome. Clinical Anatomy (Accepted in 2016)
Richardson A., Lee LMJ. Enhancing Embryonic Heart Development Education Through the Use of Virtual 3D Animations and 3D Printed Models. Clinical Anatomy (Accepted in 2016)
Steritz MJ., Lee LMJ. Efficacy of Undergraduate Medical Education in Anatomical Sciences for Pathology Residency Preparation. American Association of Clinical Anatomists. Platform Presentation. Henderson, NV. June 2015. Clinical Anatomy 29: 78-103. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ca.22658/epdf
Lee LMJ., Rosenthal O.*, Kahl J*. Quantitative Assessments on Achieving Histology Competency; First-Step Toward Evidence-Based Education. American Association of Clinical Anatomists. Platform Presentation. Henderson, NV. June 2015. Clinical Anatomy 29: 78-103. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ca.22658/epdf
Lee LMJ. “Just the Facts, Ma’am”: The Gender Gap in Academia, from the Classroom to the Bank. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Invited Symposium Presentation. Boston, MA. March 2015. FASEBJ 29: 9.2
Kahl JE.*, Carry P., Lee LMJ. Quantification of Pattern Recognition Skills Acquisition in Histology Using an Eye-Tracking Device: First-Step Toward Evidence-Based Histology Education. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Competitive Platform Presentation. Boston, MA. March 2015. FASEBJ 29: 689.4.
Gonzales FP.*, Post MD., Lee LMJ. Effective Medical Education Resource Design and Integrative Learning: A Lesson in Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Competitive Poster Presentation. Boston, MA. March 2015. FASEBJ 29: 691.2.
Rosenthal O.*, Lee LMJ. Quantitative Analytics on Educational Value of the Unique Instructional Tools on a New Virtual Histology Laboratory. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Poster Presentation. Boston, MA. March 2015. FASEBJ 29:546.3.
Mitchell K.*, Lee LMJ. Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Integrated vs. Discipline-Based Digital Learning Resources. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Poster Presentation. Boston, MA. March 2015. FASEBJ 29:500.4.
Lee LMJ, Gould DJ. (2014) Educational Implications of a Social Networking Application, TwitterTM, for Anatomical Sciences. Medical Science Educator
Russell R, Lee LMJ. (2014) Gross Anatomy of the Spinal Cord: An Online Learning Module. MedEdPORTAL
Yen PY, Hollar MR, Griffy H, Lee LMJ. (2014) Students’ Expectations on an Online Histology Course: a Qualitative Study. Medical Science Educator
Lee LMJ., Howery H. “The Future of Histology Education: Virtual Histology Laboratory with Simulated Instructor Interaction”. American Association of Clinical Anatomists. Clinical Anatomy 27:929–943 (2014)
Lee LMJ. “Leveraging Social Media and Mobile Technology in Anatomical Science Education”. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Poster Presentation. San Diego, CA. April 2014. FASEB J 28:725.3.
Howery H., Lee LMJ. “Virtual Histology Laboratory with an Interactive Tutorial Feature: Transitioning into the Future of Histology Education”. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Poster Presentation. San Diego, CA. April 2014. FASEB J 28:725.11.
Russell RL., Lee LMJ. “Development and Evaluation of a Computer-Aided Learning Resource in Anatomy”. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Poster Presentation. San Diego, CA. April 2014. FASEB J 28:725.6.
Lee LMJ. “Implications of Gender and Age Bias in Digital Anatomical Science Education”. Western Group on Educational Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges. Platform Presentation. Honolulu, HI. March 2014.
Lee LMJ. “Implementation and Impact of Social Media in Anatomical Science Education”. Western Group on Educational Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges. Poster Presentation. Honolulu, HI. March 2014.
The Brain, Nervous System, and its Diseases: An Encyclopedia of
Neuroscience and Neurology. ABC-CLIO 2014 encyclopedia. 2014.
CU Virtual Histology Laboratory. 2014
Lee LMJ., Howery H. “The Future of Histology Education: Virtual Histology Laboratory with Simulated Instructor Interaction”. American Association of Clinical Anatomists. Platform Presentation. Orlando, FL. July 2014.
Lee LMJ. “Leveraging Social Media and Mobile Technology in Anatomical Science Education”. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Poster Presentation. San Diego, CA. April 2014.
Howery H., Lee LMJ. “Virtual Histology Laboratory with an Interactive Tutorial Feature: Transitioning into the Future of Histology Education”. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Poster Presentation. San Diego, CA. April 2014.
Russell RL., Lee LMJ. “Development and Evaluation of a Computer-Aided Learning Resource in Anatomy”. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists. Poster Presentation. San Diego, CA. April 2014.
Lee LMJ. “Implications of Gender and Age Bias in Digital Anatomical Science Education”. Western Group on Educational Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges. Platform Presentation. Honolulu, HI. March 2014.
Lee LMJ. “Implementation and Impact of Social Media in Anatomical Science Education”. Western Group on Educational Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges. Poster Presentation. Honolulu, HI. March 2014.
Lee LMJ. Gender and Age Bias in Digital Anatomical Science Education: Implications in Student Learning and Career Advancement of Female Faculty. Annual CU Women Succeeding Professional Development Symposium. University of Colorado School of Medicine. Workshop Presentation. Aurora Colorado, CO. February 2014.
Linpincott’s Pocket Histology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Phildadelphia, PA.
Sylvester P, Gould DJ, Lee LMJ. (2013) The Cerebral Arterial System: A Visual Recall Device. MedEdPORTAL; https://www.mededportal.org/publication/9394
Lee LMJ, Pascoe M. Development and Evaluation of a Digital Anatomy Resource with Multi-Focal Plane, Interactive Images. American Association of Clinical Anatomists Annual Conference. Denver, CO. July 2013. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ca.22324/abstract
Russell RL, Lee LMJ. Development and Assessment of an Interactive Digital Learning Module for Gross Anatomy. American Association of Clinical Anatomists Annual Conference. Denver, CO. July 2013. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ca.22324/abstract
Lee LMJ. Gender and Age Bias in Digital Anatomical Science Education. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists Annual Conference. Boston, MA. April 2013. FASEB Journal. 27:318.2. http://www.fasebj.org/cgi/content/meeting_abstract/27/1_MeetingAbstracts/318.2?sid=3dfafec1-a30c-4d19-8b4c-d9134ac379f0
Lee LMJ, Doubleday A, Tiwana K, Stein M. “Gender and Age Issues in Dental Education: Implications in Students’ and Educators’ Careers”. American Dental Education Association 2013 Annual Session and Exhibition. Seattle, WA. March 2013. http://www.adea.org/uploadedFiles/ADEA/Content_Conversion_Final/2013annualsession/AS2013ProgramBook_Opt.pdf
Lee LMJ. “On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re a Dog” – Can There be Gender and Age Bias in Online Education? Café Pédagogique. University of Colorado School of Medicine. (Invited Speaker)
Lee LMJ., Mike Pascoe “Development and Evaluation of a digital anatomy resource with multi-focal plane, interactive images”. [Platform speaker]. American Association of Clinical Anatomists 2013 Annual Conference. Denver, CO. July 2013.
Rae L Russell, Lee LMJ. “Development and assessment of an interactive digital learning module for gross anatomy”. [Platform presentation]. American Association of Clinical Anatomists 2013 Annual Conference. Denver, CO. July 2013.
Lee LMJ. “Gender and Age Bias in Digital Anatomical Science Education”. [Invited Panel Presentation: panel presenter]. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists 2013 Annual Conference. Boston, MA. April 2013.
Lee LMJ, Doubleday A, Tiwana K, Stein M. “Gender and Age Issues in Dental Education: Implications in Students’ and Educators’ Careers”. [Invited Panel Presentation: symposium organizer, panel moderator, presenter]. American Dental Education Association 2013 Annual Session and Exhibition. Seattle, WA. March 2013.
Sylvester P, Gould DJ, Lee LMJ. The Cerebral Arterial System: A Visual Recall Device. MedEdPORTAL (Submitted - 6/1/2012); accepted with revision.
Burk D, Lee LMJ, Lambert HW. Embryology and Histology Education in North American Dental Schools: The Basic Science Survey Series. Journal of Dental Education. (Accepted – 9/14/12); In press.
Lee LMJ, Doubleday A, Tiwana K, Stein M. “Gender and Age Issues in Dental Education”. American Dental Education Association 2013 Annual Session and Exhibition. Seattle, WA. March 2013.
Lee LMJ. “Gender and Age Bias in Digital Anatomical Science Education”. Experimental Biology, American Association of Anatomists 2013 Annual Conference. Boston, MA. April 2013.
Detton A, Kenz E, Lee LMJ. (2012) Regional Dissection of the Human Female Pelvis. MedEdPORTAL; www.mededportal.org/publication/9122.
Sylvester P, Gould DJ, Lee LMJ. (2012) The Cranial Nerves and Foramina: A Visual Recall Device. MedEdPORTAL; https://www.mededportal.org/publication/9244
Lee LM, Burk DT, Lambert HW. (2012). Trends in Histology and Embryology: Survey Results from North American Dental Course Directors. 2012 AAA Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. April 21-25, 2012.
Lambert HW, Gould DJ, Lee LMJ, Burk DT, Atsas S, Hutchins B. (2012). The Basic Science Survey Series for Dentistry – Trends in gross anatomy within the North American dental schools. 2012 AAA Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. April 21-25, 2012.
Lee LM, Hollar MR, Griffy H, Yen PY. (2012). Students' Experience and Expectations in e-Learning: Online Histology Course Design. 2012 AACA Annual Conference. St. George, Grenada.
Lee LMJ, Rollin NW, Gould DJ (2012). The Educational Value of Online Mastery Quizzes in a Human Anatomy Course for First-Year Dental Students. Journal of Dental Education 76:1195-1199. http://www.jdentaled.org/content/76/9/1195.full.pdf+html
Stewart I., Moore B., Lee LMJ. Incorporating Virtual Pathology Slides and Instructor Simulation Tools in Pathology Resident Training and Histology Education. AAA. San Diego, CA. FASEB journal https://www.fasebj.org/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2018.32.1_supplement.504.8
Doubleday A, Lee LML. Dissecting the voice: health professions students’ perceptions of instructor age and gender in an online environment and the impact on evaluations for faculty. Anatomical Science Educator
Gonzales F, Post MD, Lee LML. Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Comprehensive Lesson in Pathology, Embryology, Histology and Anatomy. MedEdPORTAL
2022 Gustilo K, Lee LMJ 3D Embryonic Heart Goes Mobile: Efficacy of Mobile Application in Congenital Cardiac Embryology Education. In Press – FASEB
2022 Lee LMJ It takes a Village: Team Teaching in an Integrated and Spiraled Medical Sciences Curriculum In Press – FASEB