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Furbish SM, Kroehl ME, Loeb DF, Lam HM, Lewis CL, Nelson J, Chow Z, Trinkley KE. A Pharmacist-Physician Collaboration to Optimize Benzodiazepine Use for Anxiety and Sleep Symptom Control in Primary Care. J Pharm Pract. 2016 Aug 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27480874
Norman J, Kroehl M, Lam H, Lewis C, Mitchell C, O'Bryant C, Trinkley K. Implementation of a Pharmacist-Managed Chronic Non-Malignant Pain Clinic. Am J Health Syst Pharm. In press.
Trinkley KE, Kroehl ME, *VanMatre AG, Nelson JA, Nikels MS, Chacko K, Lewis C, Lam HM. An interdisciplinary approach to improve medical resident perceptions of chronic pain management and primary care as a career. J Basic Clin Pharm. 2017. [Accepted]