John D Fluke, PhD, MA

Professor, Pediatrics-Child Abuse and Neglect/Kempe

Professional Titles

  • Professor with Tenure/Associate Director for Systems Research and Evaluation


  • Fellow, American Association for Social Work and Social Welfare (2023)
  • Fulbright Specialist, US Department of State (2022)
  • Fellow, Society for Social Work and Research (2025)


  • Lwin K, Fallon B, Houston E, Wilson R, Fluke J, Jud A, Trocmé N. Exploring Organizational Learning, Risk, and Psychological Safety: Perspectives of Child Welfare Senior Leaders in Canada. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 2024; 18(2):209-233.
  • Font, S. A., & Fluke, J. D. (2024). Understanding and Promoting Child Wellbeing After Child Welfare System Involvement: Progress Made and Challenges Ahead. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 7(1), 1-17.
  • Lefebvre R, Fallon B, Fluke J, Trocmé N, Black T, Esposito T, Rothwell D. Distinguishing profiles of adversity among child protection investigations in Ontario, Canada: A latent class analysis. Child Protection and Practice. 2024; 1:100022.
  • 88. Middel, F., López López, M., Fluke, J., Witte, S., Biehal, N., and Grietens,H. (2024).Who is involved in child protection investigations? the relationship between gender, ethnicity/migration background, and contacts between parents and caseworkers during investigations and assessments, Children and Youth Services Review.
  • Johnson-Motoyama M, Ginther DK, Phillips R, Beer OWJ, Merkel-Holguin L, Fluke J. Differential Response and the Reduction of Child Maltreatment and Foster Care Services Utilization in the U.S. From 2004 to 2017. Child Maltreat. 2023 Feb;28(1):152-162. PubMed PMID: 35062827
  • Taylor, B.J,, Fluke, J.D., Graham, J.C.,. Keddell, E., Killick, C., Shlonsky, A., and Whittaker, A. (Eds.). (2023) The Sage Handbook of Decision Making, Assessment and Risk in Social Work. London, Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Fluke, J.D. and Graham, J.C. (2023). Introduction to Section Three: Assessment Tools and Approaches. In B.J.Taylor, J.D. Fluke, J.C. Graham, E. Keddell, C. Killick, A. Shlonsky, and A. Whittaker (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of Decision Making, Assessment and Risk in Social Work. London, Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Graham, J.C. and Fluke, J.D. (2023). Foundations of Valid Assessment in Social Work. In B.J.Taylor, J.D. Fluke, J.C. Graham, E. Keddell, C. Killick, A. Shlonsky, and A. Whittaker (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of Decision Making, Assessment and Risk in Social Work. London, Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Houston, E., Fallon, B., and Fluke, J.D. (2023) Understanding Risk Through Social Epidemiology. In B.J.Taylor, J.D. Fluke, J.C. Graham, E. Keddell, C. Killick, A. Shlonsky, and A. Whittaker (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of Decision Making, Assessment and Risk in Social Work. London, Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Kristen Lwin, Barbara Fallon, Emmaline Houston, Rachel Wilson, John Fluke, Andreas Jud & Nico Tromé (2023) Exploring Organizational Learning, Risk, and Psychological Safety: Perspectives of Child Welfare Senior Leaders in Canada, Journal of Public Child Welfare,
  • Vis, S.A., Lauritzen, C., Fluke, JD. Skaale Havnen, K J., Christiansen, O., & Fossum, S. (2023). Service Provision by Child Protection Services — Exploring Variability at Case and Agency Levels in a Norwegian Sample. Int. Journal on Child Malt. (2023).
  • Hansen, K. L., Fluke, J., Gesink, D., Friborg, O., Sørlie, T., Merkel-Holguin, L., & Martinussen, M. (2023). Study Protocol: The Arctic Childhood Study: A Study of Violence and Health in Indigenous Sámi and Non-Sámi Children and Youth in Arctic Norway—A Mixed Methods Cohort Study Design. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice.
  • Font, S. A., & Fluke, J. D. (2023). Understanding and Promoting Child Wellbeing After Child Welfare System Involvement: Progress Made and Challenges Ahead. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice.
  • Vis, S.A., Lauritzen, C., Fluke, JD. Skaale Havnen, K J., Christiansen, O., & Fossum, S. (2023). Service Provision by Child Protection Services — Exploring Variability at Case and Agency Levels in a Norwegian Sample. Int. Journal on Child Malt. (2023).
  • Nunez, J.J., Fluke, J.D., Shusterman, G.R. & Fettig, N.B. (2023). Understanding the Effects of COVID-19 on Child Maltreatment Reporting Among Rural Versus Urban Communities in the United States. Int. Journal on Child Malt. (2023).
  • Hansen, K. L., Fluke, J., Gesink, D., Friborg, O., Sørlie, T., Merkel-Holguin, L., & Martinussen, M. (2023). Study Protocol: The Arctic Childhood Study: A Study of Violence and Health in Indigenous Sámi and Non-Sámi Children and Youth in Arctic Norway—A Mixed Methods Cohort Study Design. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice.
  • Font, S. A., & Fluke, J. D. (2023). Understanding and Promoting Child Wellbeing After Child Welfare System Involvement: Progress Made and Challenges Ahead. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice.
  • Nunez JJ, Fluke JD, Shusterman GR, Fettig NB. Understanding the Effects of COVID-19 on Child Maltreatment Reporting Among Rural Versus Urban Communities in the United States. Int J Child Maltreat. 2023 Mar 30;:1-16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37360284
  • Johnson-Motoyama M, Ginther DK, Phillips R, Beer OWJ, Merkel-Holguin L, Fluke J. Differential Response and the Reduction of Child Maltreatment and Foster Care Services Utilization in the U.S. From 2004 to 2017. Child Maltreat. 2023 Feb;28(1):152-162. PubMed PMID: 35062827
  • Antwi-Boasiako K, Fallon B, King B, Trocmé N, Fluke J. Understanding the overrepresentation of Black children in Ontario's child welfare system: Perspectives from child welfare workers and community service providers. Child Abuse Negl. 2022 Jan;123:105425. PubMed PMID: 34890960
  • Antwi-Boasiako K, Fallon B, King B, Trocmé N, Fluke J. Addressing the overrepresentation of Black children in Ontario's child welfare system: insights from child welfare workers and community service providers. Child Abuse Negl. 2022 Jan;123:105423. PubMed PMID: 34871923
  • Drake B, Fluke JD, Kim H, Orsi R, Stubblefield JL. What Proportion of Foster Care Children Do Not Have Child Protective Services Reports? A Preliminary Look. Child Maltreat. 2022 Nov;27(4):596-604. PubMed PMID: 34308682
  • Brown SM, Orsi R, Chen PCB, Everson CL, Fluke J. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Protection System Referrals and Responses in Colorado, USA. Child Maltreat. 2022 Feb;27(1):3-11. PubMed PMID: 33896229
  • Shusterman GR, Fluke JD, Nunez JJ, Fettig NB, Kebede BK. Child maltreatment reporting during the initial weeks of COVID-19 in the US: Findings from NCANDS. Child Abuse Negl. 2022 Dec;134:105929. PubMed PMID: 36270070
  • Middel F, López López M, Fluke J, Grietens H. Racial/ethnic and gender disparities in child protection decision-making: What role do stereotypes play?. Child Abuse Negl. 2022 May;127:105579. PubMed PMID: 35299132
  • Shusterman GR, Fluke JD, Nunez JJ, Fettig NB, Kebede BK. Child maltreatment reporting during the initial weeks of COVID-19 in the US: Findings from NCANDS. Child Abuse Negl. 2022 Dec;134:105929. PubMed PMID: 36270070
  • Middel F, López López M, Fluke J, Grietens H. Racial/ethnic and gender disparities in child protection decision-making: What role do stereotypes play?. Child Abuse Negl. 2022 May;127:105579. PubMed PMID: 35299132
  • Antwi-Boasiako K, Fallon B, King B, Trocmé N, Fluke J. Understanding the overrepresentation of Black children in Ontario's child welfare system: Perspectives from child welfare workers and community service providers. Child Abuse Negl. 2022 Jan;123:105425. PubMed PMID: 34890960
  • Antwi-Boasiako K, Fallon B, King B, Trocmé N, Fluke J. Addressing the overrepresentation of Black children in Ontario's child welfare system: insights from child welfare workers and community service providers. Child Abuse Negl. 2022 Jan;123:105423. PubMed PMID: 34871923
  • Hollinshead, D.M., Currie, D., Kroll, K., Feldman, S., Monahan-Price, K., & Fluke, J.D. (2021). Associations between case, staff, and agency characteristics and the decision to place a child in out-of-home care. International Journal of Child Maltreatment, 4(3), 325-347. DOI:10.1007/s42448-021-00083-9
  • Drake B, Fluke JD, Kim H, Orsi R, Stubblefield JL. What Proportion of Foster Care Children Do Not Have Child Protective Services Reports? A Preliminary Look. Child Maltreat. 2021 Jul 25;:10775595211033855. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34308682
  • Xu Y, He N, Lu W, Fluke J. Understanding factors associated with barefoot social workers' decision making in assessing and reporting child physical abuse in China. Child Abuse Negl. 2021 Oct;120:105177. PubMed PMID: 34271341
  • Brown SM, Orsi R, Chen PCB, Everson CL, Fluke J. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Protection System Referrals and Responses in Colorado, USA. Child Maltreat. 2021 Apr 26;:10775595211012476. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33896229
  • Esposito T, Chabot M, Trocmé N, Fluke JD, Delaye A, Caldwell J, Hélie S, King B, De La Sablonnière-Griffin M, Mackrell L. Recurrent involvement with the Quebec child protection system for reasons of neglect: A longitudinal clinical population study. Child Abuse Negl. 2021 Jan;111:104823. PubMed PMID: 33272647
  • Fallon B, Lefebvre R, Filippelli J, Joh-Carnella N, Trocmé N, Carradine J, Fluke J. Major findings from the Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2018. Child Abuse Negl. 2021 Jan;111:104778. PubMed PMID: 33162106
  • Fluke JD, Tonmyr L, Gray J, Bettencourt Rodrigues L, Bolter F, Cash S, Jud A, Meinck F, Casas Muñoz A, O'Donnell M, Pilkington R, Weaver L. Child maltreatment data: A summary of progress, prospects and challenges. Child Abuse Negl. 2021 Sep;119(Pt 1):104650. PubMed PMID: 32861435
  • Antwi-Boasiako K, King B, Fallon B, Trocmé N, Fluke J, Chabot M, Esposito T. Differences and disparities over time: Black and White families investigated by Ontario's child welfare system. Child Abuse Negl. 2020 Sep;107:104618. PubMed PMID: 32653746
  • Middel F, López López M, Fluke J, Grietens H. The effects of migrant background and parent gender on child protection decision-making: An intersectional analysis. Child Abuse Negl. 2020 Jun;104:104479. PubMed PMID: 32259710
  • Fallon B, Lefebvre R, Filippelli J, Joh-Carnella N, Trocmé N, Carradine J, Fluke J. Major findings from the Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2018. Child Abuse Negl. 2020 Nov 5;:104778. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33162106
  • Fluke JD, Tonmyr L, Gray J, Bettencourt Rodrigues L, Bolter F, Cash S, Jud A, Meinck F, Casas Muñoz A, O'Donnell M, Pilkington R, Weaver L. Child maltreatment data: A summary of progress, prospects and challenges. Child Abuse Negl. 2020 Aug 26;:104650. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32861435
  • Antwi-Boasiako K, King B, Fallon B, Trocmé N, Fluke J, Chabot M, Esposito T. Differences and disparities over time: Black and White families investigated by Ontario's child welfare system. Child Abuse Negl. 2020 Sep;107:104618. PubMed PMID: 32653746
  • Liel C, Ulrich SM, Lorenz S, Eickhorst A, Fluke J, Walper S. Risk factors for child abuse, neglect and exposure to intimate partner violence in early childhood: Findings in a representative cross-sectional sample in Germany. Child Abuse Negl. 2020 Aug;106:104487. PubMed PMID: 32447140
  • Middel F, López López M, Fluke J, Grietens H. The effects of migrant background and parent gender on child protection decision-making: An intersectional analysis. Child Abuse Negl. 2020 Jun;104:104479. PubMed PMID: 32259710
  • Fluke, J.D., Lo´pez Lo´pez, M., Benbenishty, R., Knorth, E.J., and Baumann, D. J. (2020). Decision Making and Judgement in Child Welfare and Protection : Theory, Research, and Practice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Fluke, J., Baumann, D., Dalgleish, L. and Kern, H. (in press, 2020). Disparities in Child Welfare: a Decision-Making Ecology View. In A. J. Dettlaff (Ed.). Racial disproportionality and disparities in the child welfare system. New York, NY: Springer.
  • Benbenishty, R. and Fluke, J.D. (2020). Frameworks and Models in Decision- Making and Judgment in Child Welfare and Protection. In Fluke, J.D., Lo´pez Lo´pez, M., Benbenishty, R., Knorth, E.J., and Baumann, D. J. Decision Making and Judgement in Child Welfare and Protection : Theory, Research, and Practice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Dettlaff, A.J., Hollinshead, D., Baumann, D.J. and John D. Fluke. (2020). Instrumentation to Understand the Child Protective Services Decision- Making Processes. In Fluke, J.D., Lo´pez Lo´pez, M., Benbenishty, R., Knorth, E.J., and Baumann, D. J. Decision Making and Judgement in Child Welfare and Protection : Theory, Research, and Practice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Graham, J.C., Dettlaff, A.J., Baumann, D. J. and John D. Fluke. (2020). The Decision- Making Ecology of Placing a Child into Foster Care: A Structural Equation Model. In Fluke, J.D., Lo´pez Lo´pez, M., Benbenishty, R., Knorth, E.J., and Baumann, D. J. Decision Making and Judgement in Child Welfare and Protection : Theory, Research, and Practice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Wittenstrom, K., Baumann, D.J., Fluke, J. D., Graham, J.C., and James, J. (2020). The Impact of Drugs, Infants, Single Mothers, and Relatives on Reunification: A Decision- Making Ecology Approach. In Fluke, J.D., Lo´pez Lo´pez, M., Benbenishty, R., Knorth, E.J., and Baumann, D. J. Decision Making and Judgement in Child Welfare and Protection : Theory, Research, and Practice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Fallon, B. A., Fluke, J.D., Chabot, M., Blackstock, C., Sinha, V., Allan, K. and MacLaurin, B. (2020). Exploring Alternate Explanations for Agency- Level Effects in Placement Decisions Regarding Aboriginal Children. In Fluke, J.D., Lo´pez Lo´pez, M., Benbenishty, R., Knorth, E.J., and Baumann, D. J. Decision Making and Judgement in Child Welfare and Protection : Theory, Research, and Practice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Fluke, J.D., Lo´pez Lo´pez, M., Benbenishty, R., Knorth, E.J., and Baumann, D. J. (2020). Advancing the Field of Decision- Making and Judgment in Child Welfare and Protection: A Look Back and Forward. In Fluke, J.D., Lo´pez Lo´pez, M., Benbenishty, R., Knorth, E.J., and Baumann, D. J. Decision Making and Judgement in Child Welfare and Protection : Theory, Research, and Practice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Fluke JD, Harlaar N, Brown B, Heisler K, Merkel-Holguin L, Darnell A. Differential Response and Children Re-Reported to Child Protective Services: County Data From the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS). Child Maltreat. 2019 May;24(2):127-136. PubMed PMID: 30522344
  • Corwin, T. W., Maher, E. J., Merkel-Holguin, L., Allan, H., Hollinshead, D. M., & Fluke, J. D. (2019). Increasing social support for child welfare-involved families through family group conferencing. The British Journal of Social Work. Advanced online publication.
  • Smith, C., Fallon, B., Fluke, J.D., Mishna F. and Pierce, B D. (2019). Organizational structure and the ongoing service decision: the influence of role specialization and service integration. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance. DOI: 10.1080/23303131.2019.1661928
  • Smith C, Fluke J, Fallon B, Mishna F, Decker Pierce B. Child welfare organizations: Do specialization and service integration impact placement decisions?. Child Abuse Negl. 2018 Feb;76:573-582. PubMed PMID: 28982609
  • Schwab-Reese LM, Hovdestad W, Tonmyr L, Fluke J. The potential use of social media and other internet-related data and communications for child maltreatment surveillance and epidemiological research: Scoping review and recommendations. Child Abuse Negl. 2018 Nov;85:187-201. PubMed PMID: 29366596
  • Lwin K, Fluke J, Trocmé N, Fallon B, Mishna F. Ongoing child welfare services: Understanding the relationship of worker and organizational characteristics to service provision. Child Abuse Negl. 2018 Jun;80:324-334. PubMed PMID: 29684826
  • Lwin K, Fallon B, Trocmé N, Fluke J, Mishna F. A changing child welfare workforce: What worker characteristics are valued in child welfare?. Child Abuse Negl. 2018 Jul;81:170-180. PubMed PMID: 29747064
  • Nikolova, K., Lwin, K., Fluke, J. (2017) Attitudes on the responsibility for child safety: key child protection worker characteristics. Journal of Public Child Welfare 3(11) 318-338
  • Hollinshead, D., Kim, S., Fluke, J., and Merkel-Holguin, L. (2017) Factors associated with service utilization in child welfare: A structural equation model. Children and Youth Services Review 79 506-516.
  • Smith, C., Fluke, J., Fallon, B., Mishna, F., and Pierce, B. D. (2017). Role specialization and service integration in child welfare: Does organizational structure influence the decision to refer to supportive services? Children and Youth Services Review, 82, 139–148.
  • Fluke, J., (invited, 2017). Child Maltreatment Epidemiology in the US and Canada: Illustrated Musings on the State of Field. Presented at the UiT Artic University of Norway, Tomsø, May 15, 2017.
  • Fluke, J., (peer reviewed, 2017). Decision-making, Predictors of placement outcomes. Presented at the 9th International Foster Care Research Network Conference: Continuity And Disruption In Foster Care, Université Paris Nanterre, September 28, 2017.
  • Ruggiero, R., and Fluke, J. (peer reviewed, 2017). Is What Works Right? Children’s Rights and the Evidence for Well Being. Presented at the ISPCAN European Regional Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, October 2, 2017
  • Fluke, J., (peer reviewed, 2017). Decision-making, Predictors of placement outcomes. ISPCAN European Regional Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, October 2, 2017.
  • Fluke, J., (peer reviewed, 2017), Is the Urgent-Chronic taxonomy applicable in a US Context? A National Study on Child and Adolescent Well-Being Analysis. ISPCAN European Regional Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, October 2, 2017.
  • Smith C, Fluke J, Fallon B, Mishna F, Decker Pierce B. Child welfare organizations: Do specialization and service integration impact placement decisions?. Child Abuse Negl. 2017 Oct 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28982609
  • Hollinshead DM, Corwin TW, Maher EJ, Merkel-Holguin L, Allan H, Fluke JD. Effectiveness of family group conferencing in preventing repeat referrals to child protective services and out-of-home placements. Child Abuse Negl. 2017 Jul;69:285-294. PubMed PMID: 28549264
  • Fluke, J.D., Corwin, T. W., Hollinshead, D., Maher, E. J. (2016) Family preservation or child safety? how experience and position shape child welfare workers’ perspectives. Children and Youth Services Review 69 210-218.
  • Almuneef M, Hollinshead D, Saleheen H, AlMadani S, Derkash B, AlBuhairan F, Al-Eissa M, Fluke J. Adverse childhood experiences and association with health, mental health, and risky behavior in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Child Abuse Negl. 2016 Oct;60:10-17. PubMed PMID: 27662614
  • Al-Eissa MA, Saleheen HN, AlMadani S, AlBuhairan FS, Weber A, Fluke JD, Almuneef M, Casillas KL. Determining prevalence of maltreatment among children in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Child Care Health Dev. 2016 Jul;42(4):565-71. PubMed PMID: 26879326
  • Fluke, J.D., Corwin, T. W., Hollinshead, D., Maher, E. J. Family preservation or child safety? how experience and position shape child welfare workers’ perspectives. Children and Youth Services Review 69 210-218.
  • FLUKE, J., Harlaar, N., Brown, B. Heisler, K, Darnell, A. and Merkel-Holguin, L. DIFFERENTIAL RESPONSE AND THE SAFETY OF CHILDREN REPORTED TO CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES: A TALE OF SIX STATES. (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation).
  • Merkel-Holguin L, Hollinshead DM, Hahn AE, Casillas KL, Fluke JD. The influence of differential response and other factors on parent perceptions of child protection involvement. Child Abuse Negl. 2015 Jan;39:18-31. PubMed PMID: 25499559
  • Williams, J., Merkel-Holguin, L., Allan, H., Maher, E., Fluke, J., and Hollinshead, D., (2015), Factors associated with staff perceptions of the effectiveness of family group conferences. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
  • Putnam-Hornstein E, Wood JN, Fluke J, Yoshioka-Maxwell A, Berger RP. Preventing severe and fatal child maltreatment: making the case for the expanded use and integration of data. Child Welfare. 2013;92(2):59-75. PubMed PMID: 24199323
  • Jud A, Fluke J, Alink LR, Allan K, Fallon B, Kindler H, Lee BJ, Mansell J, van Puyenbroek H. On the nature and scope of reported child maltreatment in high-income countries: opportunities for improving the evidence base. Paediatr Int Child Health. 2013 Nov;33(4):207-15. PubMed PMID: 24070016
  • Chabot M, Fallon B, Tonmyr L, MacLaurin B, Fluke J, Blackstock C. Exploring alternate specifications to explain agency-level effects in placement decisions regarding aboriginal children: further analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect Part B. Child Abuse Negl. 2013 Jan;37(1):61-76. PubMed PMID: 23266357
  • Fallon B, Chabot M, Fluke J, Blackstock C, MacLaurin B, Tonmyr L. Placement decisions and disparities among Aboriginal children: further analysis of the Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect part A: comparisons of the 1998 and 2003 surveys. Child Abuse Negl. 2013 Jan;37(1):47-60. PubMed PMID: 23260121
  • Fluke JD, Goldman PS, Shriberg J, Hillis SD, Yun K, Allison S, Light E. Systems, strategies, and interventions for sustainable long-term care and protection of children with a history of living outside of family care. Child Abuse Negl. 2012 Oct;36(10):722-31. PubMed PMID: 23102720
  • Maholmes V, Fluke JD, Rinehart RD, Huebner G. Protecting children outside of family care in low and middle income countries: what does the evidence say?. Child Abuse Negl. 2012 Oct;36(10):685-8. PubMed PMID: 23092938
  • Gilbert R, Fluke J, O'Donnell M, Gonzalez-Izquierdo A, Brownell M, Gulliver P, Janson S, Sidebotham P. Child maltreatment: variation in trends and policies in six developed countries. Lancet. 2012 Feb 25;379(9817):758-72. PubMed PMID: 22169108
  • Gyamfi, P; Lichtenstein, C; Fluke, J; Xu, Y; Lee, S; Fisher, S. (2012). The relationship between child welfare involvement and mental health outcomes of young children and their caregivers receiving services in system of care communities. Journal Of Emotional And Behavioral Disorders 20(4) 211-225.
  • Fallon, B., Trocmé, N., Fluke, J., Van Wert, M., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Helie, Sonia, Turcotte, D. (2012). Responding to child maltreatment in Canada: Context for international comparisons. Advances in Mental Health. 11(1) 76 - 86.
  • Drake B, Jolley JM, Lanier P, Fluke J, Barth RP, Jonson-Reid M. Racial bias in child protection? A comparison of competing explanations using national data. Pediatrics. 2011 Mar;127(3):471-8. PubMed PMID: 21300678
  • Fluke JD, Chabot M, Fallon B, MacLaurin B, Blackstock C. Placement decisions and disparities among aboriginal groups: an application of the decision making ecology through multi-level analysis. Child Abuse Negl. 2010 Jan;34(1):57-69. PubMed PMID: 20056276
  • Fallon B, Trocmé N, Fluke J, MacLaurin B, Tonmyr L, Yuan YY. Methodological challenges in measuring child maltreatment. Child Abuse Negl. 2010 Jan;34(1):70-9. PubMed PMID: 20053453
  • Fluke JD, Oppenheim E. Getting a grip on systems of care and child welfare using opposable thumbs. Eval Program Plann. 2010 Feb;33(1):41-4. PubMed PMID: 19552956
  • AlEissa MA, Fluke JD, Gerbaka B, Goldbeck L, Gray J, Hunter N, Madrid B, Van Puyenbroeck B, Richards I, Tonmyr L. A commentary on national child maltreatment surveillance systems: Examples of progress. Child Abuse Negl. 2009 Nov;33(11):809-14. PubMed PMID: 19854510
  • Fluke J. Allegory of the cave: on the theme of substantiation. Child Maltreat. 2009 Feb;14(1):69-72. PubMed PMID: 19126887
  • Fluke JD, Shusterman GR, Hollinshead DM, Yuan YY. Longitudinal analysis of repeated child abuse reporting and victimization: multistate analysis of associated factors. Child Maltreat. 2008 Feb;13(1):76-88. PubMed PMID: 18174350
  • Fluke JD. Child protective services rereporting and recurrence--context and considerations regarding research. Child Abuse Negl. 2008 Aug;32(8):749-51. PubMed PMID: 18657316
  • Fluke J, Edwards M, Bussey M, Wells S, Johnson W. Reducing recurrence in child protective services: impact of a targeted safety protocol. Child Maltreat. 2001 Aug;6(3):207-18. PubMed PMID: 11471628
  • Fluke JD, Edwards M, Kutzler P, Kuna J, Tooman G. Safety, permanency, and in-home services: applying administrative data. Child Welfare. 2000 Sep-Oct;79(5):573-95. PubMed PMID: 11021348
  • Fluke JD, Yuan YY, Edwards M. Recurrence of maltreatment: an application of the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS). Child Abuse Negl. 1999 Jul;23(7):633-50. PubMed PMID: 10442829
  • Nassar R, Fluke J. Pet population dynamics and community planning for animal welfare and animal control. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1991 Apr 1;198(7):1160-4. PubMed PMID: 2045334
  • Oppenheim-Weller, S., Fluke, J. & Runyan, D. (2024) Provision of Healthcare and Children’s Psychological Maltreatment. International Journal of Child Maltreatment, In Press

Professional Memberships

  • International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Board Member
  • European Scientific Association for Residential and Family Care (EuSARF), Board Member