Fred Thomas, PhD

Professor, Pediatrics-General Pediatrics

Graduate Schools
  • MSW, University of Texas - Austin (1997)
  • PhD, University of Texas Medical Branch (2006)
Undergraduate School
  • BA/BS, Texas State University–San Marcos (TX) (1985)
Pediatrics-General Pediatrics

Professional Titles

  • Associate Professor, General Pediatrics
  • Executive Director, Peer Mentored Care Collaborative (PMCC)
  • Director, Population Health Telemedicine and Care Innovation
  • Associate Professor, Epidemiology


  • American Telemedicine College of Fellows, American Telemedicine Association (ATA) (2022)
    Each year, one to two individuals are chosen nationally for this award which recognizes individuals with significant accomplishments in telehealth that has had national impact, who have served with distinction at their organizations and who have committed time and service to the ATA.


  • Kostiuk M, Moore SL, Kramer S, Gilens JF, Sarwal A, Saxon D, Thomas JF, Oser T. (2024). Assessment and Intervention for Diabetes Distress in Primary Care Using Clinical and Technological Interventions: Protocol for a Pilot Study. JMIR Preprints. 17/06/2024:62916; DOI: 10.2196/preprints.62916
  • Chopra, P., Chiappone, A., Goldenstein, S., Pilonetti, T., Gillis, R., Dodson, D., Tan, S., Thomas, J.F. & Cataldi, J. (2024). COVID Just-in-TimeECHO: A collaborative information-sharing platform for a school health community. Public Health Reports. In print.
  • Pilehvari, P., You, W., Kessler, R., Grim, S., & Thomas, J.F. (2024). Exploring patterns and disparities in eConsult referrals: An analysis of patient and community factors in Colorado healthcare. Telemedicine and ehealth.
  • Moore, S., Grim, S., Kessler, R., Loera DeLuna, M., Miller, D., & Thomas, J.F. (2024). Reduction of environmental pollutants and travel burden through an academic medical center electronic consultation program. Telemedicine and ehealth. Apr;30(4):1020-1025.
  • Grim, S., Miller, D., Mooneyhan, E., Kessler, R., Fuhlbrigge, A., & Thomas, JF. (2024). Patterns of eConsult use: a retrospective analysis of usage comparing two models deployed at an academic medical center. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare.
  • Grim, S., Halliwell, C., Katz, A., Katz, G., Thomas, J.F., & Kessler, R. (2024). Development and validation of electronic health record-based, machine learning algorithms to predict quality of life among family practice patients. Scientific Reports.
  • Hoffner-Heinike, A., Iwamoto, S., Saxon, D., Cogdall, N., Davies, R., Lee, R., Chiappone, A., Thomas, J.F., Rothman, M. (2023). ECHO "Bootcamp": An Innovative training model to onboard providers in the care of gender diverse patients. Telemedicine and ehealth. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2023.0023.
  • Moore, S., Miller, D., Kessler, R., Grim, S., Loera DeLuna, M., & Thomas, J.F. (2023). Reduction of environmental pollutants and travel burden through an academic medical center electronic consultation program. Telemedicine and ehealth. In press.
  • P. Chopra, J.F. Thomas, S. Goldenstein, T. Pilonetti, L. Willis, K. Shimamoto, A. Chiappone, B. Gillis, K. Wells, C. Bejarano, R. Haniford, M. Allison, & J.Cataldi. COVID Just-in-Time ECHO: An innovative information-sharing platform for a school health community. Pediatrics. In review
  • -Zittleman, L., Curcija, K., Nease, D., Fisher, L., Dickinson, M., Thomas, J.F., Espinoza, A., Sutter, C., Ancona, J., Holtrop, J., & Westfall, J.M. (2022). Increasing capacity for treatment of opioid use disorder in rural primary care practices. Annals of Family Medicine. 20(1). doi: 10.1370/afm.2757.
  • McCullough, M., Thomas, J.F., Thompson, M., & Carel, K.D. Outpatient electronic consultations in Pediatric Allergy/Immunology. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, Immunology. 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.anai.2022.10.001.
  • Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Resources on Health Care Equity and eConsults.
  • Cobry E, Reznick-Lipina T., Pyle L., Slover R., Thomas J.F., Alonso T., & Wadwa, R.P. Diabetes technology use in remote pediatric patients with Type 1 diabetes using clinic-to-clinic telemedicine. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics. 2022; 24(1). doi: 10.1089/dia.2021.0229
  • Zittleman, L., Curcija, K., Nease, D., Fisher, L., Dickinson, M., Thomas, J.F., Espinoza, A., Sutter, C., Ancona, J., Holtrop, J., & Westfall, J.M. (2022). Increasing capacity for treatment of opioid use disorder in rural primary care practices. Annals of Family Medicine. 20(1). doi: 10.1370/afm.2757.
  • Thompson, M., Fuhlbrigge, A., Pearson, D., Saxon, D., Oberts-Walsh, L., & Thomas, J.F. (2021). Building econsults (electronic consults) capability at an academic medical center to improve efficiencies in delivering care. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. 12: 1-5. doi: 10.1177/21501327211005303
  • Curcija, K., Nease, D., Fisher, M., Dickinson, M., Thomas, J., Sutter, C., Holtrop, J., Westfall, J. Increasing Capacity for OUD Treatment in Rural Primary Care; Annals of Family Medicine:
  • Leggott, K., Basche, L., Saseen, J., Burakoff, A., Fish, D., Oberts-Walsh, L., Cook, K., & Thomas, J.F. A roadmap for statewide response to a pandemic: a novel implementation of the just-in-time ECHO model. Journal of Family Medicine. 2021; 34:481-488.
  • Thomas, J.F., Olson, C., Frunzi, G. (2020). Diagnosis from a distance: Telecardiology in the Evaluation of Fetal Arrythmias.
  • Zittleman, L., Curcija, K., Sutter, C., Dickinson, L.M., Thomas, J.F., de la Cerda, D., Nease, D., & Westfall, JM. (2020). Building capacity for medication assisted treatment in rural primary care practices: the IT MATTRs Practice Team Training. J Primary Care and Community Hlth. 2020 Jan-Dec; doi:10.1177/2150132720953723
  • Joshi, C., Yang, M., Eschbach, K., Tong, S., Jacobson, M., Stillman, C., Kropp, A., Shea, S., Frunzi, G., Thomas, J.F., Olson, C. (2020). Quality and safety analysis of 2999 telemedicine encounters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurology.
  • Shimasaki, S., Bishop, E., Guthrie, M., Thomas, J.F. Strengthening the health workforce through the ECHO stages of participation: Participant’s perspectives on key facilitators and barriers. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. 2019. 6:1-8.
  • Shimasaki, S., Bishop, E., Guthrie, M., Thomas, J.F. (2019). Strengthening the health workforce through the ECHO stages of participation: participants perspectives on key facilitators and barriers. Journal of Medical Education. DOI: 10.1177/2383120518820922.
  • Kelly, S., Steinberg, E., Suplee, A., Upshaw, N., Campbell, K., Thomas, J.F., Buchanan, C. (2019). Implementing a home-based telehealth group adherence intervention with adolescent transplant recipients. Telemedicine and e-health; 25(11). 1041-1047.
  • Jones-Bamman, C., Niermeyer, S., McConnell, K., Thomas, J.F., Olson, C.A. (2019). Facilitating helping babies breathe via telehealth: a new application in rural Guatemala. Journal of Perinatology.
  • Shimasaki, S., Bruner-Nii, P., Davis, L., Bishop, E., Berget, C., Perrault, C., Thomas, J.F. (2019). A school-nurse application of the ECHO model. The journal of school nursing. 1-10; DOI: 10.1177/1059840519861748.
  • Cuneo, B., Olson, C., Haxel, C., Howley, L., Gagnon, A., Benson, D., Woodrow, M.D., Kaizer, A., & THomas, J.F. (2019). Risk stratification of fetal cardiac anomalies in an underserved population using telecardiology. Obestrics and Gynecology. 134(5): 1096-1103.
  • M. Bakhach, M. Reid, B. Pyatak, C. Berget, C.Cain, J.F. Thomas, G. Klingensmith, and J. Raymond. Home-telemedicine (CoYoT1 clinic): a novel approach to improve psychosocial outcomes inn young adults with diabetes. The Diabetes Educator. 2019. 45(4): 420-430.
  • Kelly, S. L., Steinberg, E. A., Suplee, A., Upshaw, N. C., Campbell, K. R., Thomas, J. F., Buchanan, C.(Accepted). Implementing a home-based telehealth group adherence intervention with adolescent transplant recipients. Telemedicine and e-Health, 2018.
  • K.L. Margolis, K. Kelsay, H. McMillon, C.M. Fraley, A. Talmi and J.F. Thomas. A multidisciplinary, team-based consultation approach to enhance child mental health services in rural pediatrics. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 2018.
  • M. Reid, K. Subramanian, C. Berget, C. Cain, J.F. Thomas, G. Klingensmith and J.K. Raymond. CoYoT1 clinic- home telemedicine increases young adult engagement in diabetes care. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics 2018. 18(6): 23-32.
  • R.P. Wadwa, J.Stacy, T. Reznick-Lipina, R. Slover, J.F. Thomas. Five-year experience with telemedicine clinics for youth with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Diabetes. 67(1): 1389-P.
  • Olson, C. & Thomas, J.F. (2016). Telehealth: No longer an idea for the future. Advances in Pedatrics. In press.
  • Olson, C.A., Thomas, J.F. (2017). Telehealth: no longer an idea for the future. Advances in Pediatrics. 64 (2017); 347-370.
  • Thomas, J.F., Novins, D., Hosokawa, P., Olson, C., Hunter, D., Brent, A., Frunzi, G., Libby, A. (2017). Telepsychiatry for pediatric mental health emergencies as cost efficient care. Psychiatry Services. 69:2; 1-8.
  • Scallan, E., Davis, S., Thomas, J.F., Cook, C., Thomas, K., Valverde, P., Kazanjian, M., Byers, T. (2017). Supporting peer learning networks for case-based learning in public health: experience of the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center with the ECHO training model. 3(1S); 52S-58S.
  • Raymond, J., Berget, C., Ketchum, K., Cain, C., Driscoll, K., Thomas, J.F. (2016). CoYoT1 clinic: innovative telemedicine care for young adults with type I diabetes. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics: 18(6); 385-390.
  • Wood, C., Clements, S., McFann, K., Slover, R., Thomas, JF, Wadwa, RP.(2015). Use of Telemedicine to Improve Adherence to American Diabetes Association Standards in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes. (2015). Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 17.
  • Clements, S.A., Thomas, J.F., Bush, J.F., Shore, J., Slover, R.H., Wadwa, R.P. (2012). Videoconferencing for Pediatric Diabetes Care in Wyoming. Abstract submitted for poster presentation at American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting.
  • Clements, S.A., VanEssen, D.J., Thomas, J.F., Bush, J.F., Shore, J., Slover, R.H., Wadwa, R.P. (2012). Videoconferencing for Pediatric Diabetes Care in Wyoming. Abstract accepted for poster presentation at American Telemedicine Association Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
  • van den Berg, P., Temple, J.R., Thomas, C., Thomas, J.F., & Freeman, D.H. (2012). Interpersonal violence and disordered eating. International Journal of Eating Disorders. In press.
  • Thomas, J.F. (2012). CIO Magazine. Ten ways telemedicine is changing healthcare IT. Available:
  • J.R. Temple, P. van den Berg, J.F. Thomas, J. Northcutt, C. Thomas, D.H. Freeman. Violecne and substance abuse following a natural disaster: does evacuation status matter? American Journal of Disaster Medicine. 2011. 6(4):201.
  • Thomas, JF, Temple J, Rupp R. Ethnic disparities in needed adolescent health. Journal on Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved. 2010. 22(1):101-107.
  • Byers, T., Davis, S., Thomas, J.F., Thomas, K., Valverde, P., Kaznjian, M., Scallan, E. (2016). Supporting peer-learning networks for case-based learning in public health: experience of the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center with the ECHO model. Pedagogy in Health Promotion. in press.
  • Cobry, E, Reznick-Lipina, T., Pyle, L., Slover, R., Thomas, J.F., Alonso, T., & Wadwa, R.P. (2020). Lower continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) use in pediatric patients with T1D in locations distant from a specialty center. Telemedicine and Technology. In press.
  • Margolis, K.L., Kelsay, K., McMillon, H., Fraley, C.M., Talmi, A., Thomas, J.F.(2017). A multidisciplinary, team-based consultation approach to enhance child mental health services in rural pediatrics. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation.