Brewer SE, Fisher M, Zittleman L, Warman MK, Fort M, Gilchrist E, Mallory J, Mullen R, Barron J, Skendadore A, Ahmed FY, LoudHawk-Hedgepeth C, Tamez M, Kwan BM, Nease DE. Rapid Community Translation in the Colorado CEAL (CO-CEAL) Program: Transcreating Messaging to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination. Am J Public Health. 2024 Jan;114(S1):S50-S54. PubMed PMID: 38207258
Brewer SE, Fisher M, Zittleman L, Warman MK, Fort M, Gilchrist E, Mallory J, Mullen R, Barron J, Skendadore A, Ahmed FY, LoudHawk-Hedgepeth C, Tamez M, Kwan BM, Nease DE. Rapid Community Translation in the Colorado CEAL (CO-CEAL) Program: Transcreating Messaging to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination. Am J Public Health. 2024 Jan;114(S1):S50-S54. PubMed PMID: 38207258
Dowrick C, Randenikumara S, Anastasaki M, Gilchrist E. Providing Leadership and Advocacy Training in Primary Care Mental Health to Young Family Doctors. Wonca News, November 2024.
Ivey LC, Gilchrist EC, Dickinson WP. Behavioral health integration and specialty medical care: Opportunities for applying knowledge from primary care integration. Fam Syst Health. 2023 Jun;41(2):278-281. PubMed PMID: 37338451
Gold SB, Gilchrist EC, Kirchner SR, Rakeen B, Green LA, Dickinson WP. The building blocks of behavioral health integration. The Eugene S. Farley, Jr Health Policy Center and the Practice Innovation Program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, June 9, 2022.
Satcher Health Leadership Institute, Farley Health Policy Center, & Robert Graham Center. The Economic Burden of Mental Health Inequities in the United States. September 2022. Available at:
Amor SH, Daniels-Williamson T, Fraser-Barclay K, Dowrick C, Gilchrist EC, Gold S, Green LA, Hemeida S, Howe A, Jortberg B, Lam C, Owuor H, Page H, Randenikumara S. Advocacy training for young family doctors in primary mental health care: a report and global call to action. BJGP Open. 2022 Feb 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35135817
Amor SH, Daniels-Williamson T, Fraser-Barclay K, Dowrick C, Gilchrist EC, Gold S, Green LA, Hemeida S, Howe A, Jortberg B, Lam C, Owuor H, Page H, Randenikumara S. Advocacy training for young family doctors in primary mental health care: a report and global call to action. BJGP Open. 2022 Mar;6(1). PubMed PMID: 35135817
Fernald DH, Zittleman L, Gilchrist EC, Brou LI, Brou LI, Niebauer L, Ledonne C, Sutter C, Felzien M, Westfall JM, Green LA. UPSTREAM! Together evaluation results from community efforts to prevent mental, emotional, and behavioral health problems. Eval Program Plann. 2021 Dec;89:102000. PubMed PMID: 34555734
Scott VC, Gold SB, Kenworthy T, Snapper L, Gilchrist EC, Kirchner S, Wong SL. Assessing cross-sector stakeholder readiness to advance and sustain statewide behavioral integration beyond a State Innovation Model (SIM) initiative. Transl Behav Med. 2021 Jul 29;11(7):1420-1429. PubMed PMID: 33823044
Fernald DH, Zittleman L, Gilchrist EC, Brou LI, Brou LI, Niebauer L, Ledonne C, Sutter C, Felzien M, Westfall JM, Green LA. UPSTREAM! Together evaluation results from community efforts to prevent mental, emotional, and behavioral health problems. Eval Program Plann. 2021 Dec;89:102000. PubMed PMID: 34555734
Scott VC, Gold SB, Kenworthy T, Snapper L, Gilchrist EC, Kirchner S, Wong SL. Assessing cross-sector stakeholder readiness to advance and sustain statewide behavioral integration beyond a State Innovation Model (SIM) initiative. Transl Behav Med. 2021 Jul 29;11(7):1420-1429. PubMed PMID: 33823044
Shmerling AC, Gold SB, Gilchrist EC, Miller BF. Integrating behavioral health and primary care: a qualitative analysis of financial barriers and solutions. Transl Behav Med. 2020 Aug 7;10(3):648-656. PubMed PMID: 32766872
Gilchrist E & Kirchner S. Colorado Behavioral Health Task Force: Subcommittees’ Proceedings and Recommendations. Prepared for the Colorado Department of Human Services. July 2020. Available at:
Gold S, Vagnini KM, Gilchrist E, Wong S, Jetty A, Jabbarpour Y, Petterson S, Westfall JM. Primary care doctors are well-trained to treat common mental health conditions. The Medical Care Blog, August 6, 2020.
Leggott K, Gilchrist E, Mathieu S, Moon J, Townsend M, Davis S, Chiappone A, Thomas J. Optimizing Telehealth during COVID: Listening to the Primary Care Voice. Brief #13, November 2020. Available at:
Hemeida S, Brou L, Petterson S, Davidson A, Chen Y, Ross K, Gilchrist E, Wong SL. An Analysis of Oregon’s Behavioral Heath Workforce: Assessing Capacity of Licensed and Unlicensed Providers to Meet Population Needs. Farley Health Policy Center, March 2019.
Scheyer K, Gilchrist E, Muther J, Hemeida S, Wong SL. Recruitment and Retention Recommendations for Oregon’s Behavioral Health Workforce. Farley Health Policy Center, April 2019.
Carolina Readiness Team (in affiliation with the Wandersman Center) and the Farley Health Policy Center. Readiness of Cross-Sector Partners to Sustain and Advance Integrated Behavioral and Physical Health in Colorado. Prepared for the SIM Office, Colorado Governor’s Office. May, 2019. Available at:
Ross KM, Gilchrist EC, Melek SP, Gordon PD, Ruland SL, Miller BF. Cost savings associated with an alternative payment model for integrating behavioral health in primary care. Transl Behav Med. 2018 May 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29796605
Brou L, Gilchrist EC, Miller BF, Wong SL. Behavioral Health in Virginia: Alignment, Accountability, and Access. Farley Health Policy Center, March 2018. Available at:
Kenny JJ, Gilchrist EC, Muther JP, Miller BF, Wong, SL. State Strategies to Optimize Medicaid: The Role of Integrated Behavioral Health. Farley Health Policy Center Issue Brief 1: March 2018. Available at:
Gritz RM, Brou L, Ferrarone P, Gilchrist E, Parnes B. Review of the Colorado Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Program: National Environmental Scan. Submitted to the Colorado Department of health Care Policy and Financing, June 2018.
Gritz RM, Brou L, Ferrarone P, Gilchrist E, Parnes B. Review of the Colorado Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Program: Local Environmental Scan. Submitted to the Colorado Department of health Care Policy and Financing, June 2018.
Gritz RM, Gilchrist E, Ferrarone P, Parnes B, Scheyer K. Review of the Colorado Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Program: Enrollment Process Review Report. Submitted to the Colorado Department of health Care Policy and Financing, June 2018.
Gilchrist EC, Scheyer KE, Gold SB, Wong SL. Best Practices in Behavioral Health Service Delivery: A Review of the Evidence. Prepared for the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. Farley Health Policy Center, November 2018.
Petterson S, Wong SL, Brou LB, Muther J, Gold SB, Scheyer KE, Gilchrist EC. Understanding the Behavioral Health Needs and Service Capacity for Virginia’s Medicaid Population: A Service Gap Analysis. Prepared for the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. Farley Health Policy Center, December 2018.
Kirchner SR, Gilchrist EC, Gold SB, Wong SL. Virginia Behavioral Health Redesign Stakeholder Report. Prepared for the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. Farley Health Policy Center, December 2018.
Gilchrist EC, Niebauer L, Felzien M, Lucero L, Fernald D, Zittleman L. (2018). UPSTREAM! Together: Preventing Mental Emotional Behavioral Health Problems and Destigmatizing Community Conversations. Panel at the Coming Together for Action 2018 Global Alliance Conference. Denver, Colorado.
Gold S, Yebuah C, Brou L, Gilchrist EC, Wong SL. (2018). Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: The Role of Integrated Behavioral Health. Poster at the Coming Together for Action 2018 Global Alliance Conference. Denver, Colorado.
Kenny JJ, Gilchrist EC, Scheyer KE, Muther J, Miller BF, Wong SL. (2018). Strategies to Optimize Medicaid: The Role of Integrated Behavioral Health to Make Health Whole. Poster at the Coming Together for Action 2018 Global Alliance Conference. Denver, Colorado.
Hemeida S, Brou L, Muther J, Gilchrist EC, Wong, SL. (2018). Behavioral Health Workforce of Oregon: Analysis to Inform State Policy and Investments. Poster at the 46th Annual North American Primary Care Research Group Conference. Chicago, IL, November, 2018.
Hemeida S, Shmerling A, Gilchrist EC, Green LA, Wong SL. (2018). Provision of Integrated Behavioral Health Within Employer Based Insurance: Policies for Improved Population Health. Poster at the 46th Annual North American Primary Care Research Group Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Kenny JJ, Gilchrist EC, Muther J, Miller, BF, Wong SL. (2018). Strategies to Optimize Medicaid: The Role of Integrated Behavioral Health to Make Health Whole. Poster at the 46th Annual North American Primary Care Research Group Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Gold S, Yebuah C, Brou L, Gilchrist EC, Wong SL. (2018). Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: The Role of Integrated Behavioral Health to Make Health Whole. Poster at the 46th Annual North American Primary Care Research Group Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Zittleman L, Fernald D, Felzien M, Brou L, Gilchrist, EC, Lucero L, Nease D, Niebauer L, Pena-Jackson G, Westfall JM, Green LA. (2018). UPSTREAM! Together: Creating Locally Relevant Community Interventions to Prevent Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Health Problems in Three Unique. Poster at the 46th Annual North American Primary Care Research Group Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Wong SL, Gilchrist EC, Brou, L, Green, LA, Peek, C. (2018). Shaping Health Policy: The Interplay of Research with Real Stakeholder Problems and Questions. Workshop at the 46th Annual North American Primary Care Research Group Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Kirchner SK, Gilchrist EC. (2018). Stakeholder Survey Results: Collecting Voices from Across the Commonwealth. Presentation to the Virginia Behavioral Health Redesign Workgroup. Richmond, Virginia.
Miller BF, Gilchrist EC, Ross KM, Wong SL, Bount A, Peek CJ. Core Competencies for Behavioral Health Providers Working in Primary Care. Prepared from the Colorado Consensus Conference. February 2016. Available at:
Miller BF, Gilchrist EC, Ross KM, Wong SL, Green LA. Creating a Culture of Whole Health: Recommendations for Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care. February 2016. Available at:
Shmerling A, Gold SB, Gilchrist EC, Miller BF. Integrating behavioral health and primary care: a qualitative analysis of financial barriers and solutions. Translational Behavioral Medicine, in press.