Stacy Trent, MD, MPH

Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine


  • DeMasi SC, Self WH, Aggarawal NR, April MD, Andrea L, Barnes CR, Brainard J, Blinder V, Dagan A, Driver B, Doerschug KC, Douglas I, Exline M, Fein DG, Gaillard JP, Gandotra S, Gibbs KW, Ginde AA, Halliday SJ, Han JH, Herbert T, High K, Hughes CG, Khan A, Latimer AJ, Maiga AW, Mitchell SH, Muhs AL, Mohamed A, Moskowitz A, Page DB, Palakshappa JA, Prekker ME, Qian ET, Resnick-Ault D, Rice TW, Russel DW, Schauer SG, Seitz KP, Shapiro NI, Smith LM, Sottile P, Stempek S, Trent SA, Vonderhaar DJ, Walker JE, Wang L, Whitson MR, Casey JD, Semler MW. Association Between Neuromuscular Blocking Agents and Outcomes of Emergency Tracheal Intubation: A Secondary Analysis of Randomized Trials. Ann Emerg Med. 2025 Jan;85(1):6-13. PubMed PMID: 39387758
  • Gerardo CJ, Blanda M, Garg N, Shah KH, Byyny R, Wolf SJ, Diercks DB, Wolf SJ, Diercks DB, Anderson J, Byyny R, Carpenter CR, Finnell JT, Friedman BW, Gemme SR, Gerardo CJ, Godwin SA, Hahn SA, Hatten BW, Haukoos JS, Kaji A, Kwok H, Lo BM, Mace SE, Moran M, Promes SB, Shah KH, Shih RD, Silvers SM, Slivinski A, Smith MD, Thiessen MEW, Tomaszewski CA, Trent SA, Valente JH, Wall SP, Westafer LM, Yu Y, Cantrill SV, Schulz T, Vandertulip K. Clinical Policy: Critical Issues in the Evaluation of Adult Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Acute Blunt Trauma. Ann Emerg Med. 2024 Oct;84(4):e25-e55. PubMed PMID: 39306386
  • Huebschmann AG, Wenger NK, Bairey Merz CN, Jaffe AS, Allen LA, Trent SA, Regensteiner JG. Potential for Misapplication of a Uniform vs Sex-Specific High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Threshold. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2024 Sep 10;84(11):e83-e84. PubMed PMID: 39232637
  • Smith MD, Sampson CS, Wall SP, Diercks DB, Diercks DB, Anderson JD, Byyny R, Carpenter CR, Friedman BW, Gemme SR, Gerardo CJ, Godwin SA, Hahn SA, Hatten BW, Haukoos JS, Kaji A, Kwok H, Lo BM, Mace SE, Mattu A, Moran M, Promes SB, Shah KH, Shih RD, Silvers SM, Slivinski A, Smith MD, Thiessen MEW, Thompson JT, Tomaszewski CA, Trent SA, Valente JH, Westafer LM, Wall SP, Yu Y, Finnell JT, Schulz T, Vandertulip K. Clinical Policy: Critical Issues in the Management of Adult Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Seizures: Approved by the ACEP Board of Directors, April 17, 2024. Ann Emerg Med. 2024 Jul;84(1):e1-e12. PubMed PMID: 38906639
  • Gibbs KW, Semler MW, Driver BE, Seitz KP, Stempek SB, Taylor C, Resnick-Ault D, White HD, Gandotra S, Doerschug KC, Mohamed A, Prekker ME, Khan A, Gaillard JP, Andrea L, Aggarwal NR, Brainard JC, Barnett LH, Halliday SJ, Blinder V, Dagan A, Whitson MR, Schauer SG, Walker JE Jr, Barker AB, Palakshappa JA, Muhs A, Wozniak JM, Kramer PJ, Withers C, Ghamande SA, Russell DW, Schwartz A, Moskowitz A, Hansen SJ, Allada G, Goranson JK, Fein DG, Sottile PD, Kelly N, Alwood SM, Long MT, Malhotra R, Shapiro NI, Page DB, Long BJ, Thomas CB, Trent SA, Janz DR, Rice TW, Self WH, Bebarta VS, Lloyd BD, Rhoads J, Womack K, Imhoff B, Ginde AA, Casey JD. Noninvasive Ventilation for Preoxygenation during Emergency Intubation. N Engl J Med. 2024 Jun 20;390(23):2165-2177. PubMed PMID: 38869091
  • Haukoos J, Hopkins E, Campbell JD, Lyons MS, Rothman RE, Hsieh YH, White DAE, Trent S, Al-Tayyib AA, Gardner EM, Sabel AL, Rowan SE. Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Screening in Emergency Departments: Results From the Pragmatic Randomized HIV Testing Using Enhanced Screening Techniques in Emergency Departments Trial. Ann Emerg Med. 2024 Sep;84(3):234-243. PubMed PMID: 38661620
  • Trent SA, Allen LA, Regensteiner JG, Huebschmann AG. Toward Personalized and Equitable Chest Pain Pathways: Considerations Related to Sex and Gender Differences. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2024 Jun;33(6):702-704. PubMed PMID: 38607925
  • Choo EK, Trent SA, Nishijima DK, Eichelberger A, Kazmierczak S, Ye Y, Brasel KJ, Audett A, Cherpitel CJ. Risk of motor vehicle collision associated with cannabis and alcohol use among patients presenting for emergency care. Accid Anal Prev. 2024 Apr;198:107459. PubMed PMID: 38277855
  • Weber KD, Mower W, Krishnadasan A, Mohr NM, Montoy JC, Rodriguez RM, Giordano PA, Eyck PT, Harland KK, Wallace K, McDonald LC, Kutty PK, Hesse EM, Talan DA. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infections Among Emergency Health Care Personnel: Impact on Delivery of United States Emergency Medical Care, 2020. Ann Emerg Med. 2024 Jul;84(1):40-48. PubMed PMID: 38493375
  • Lo BM, Carpenter CR, Milne K, Panagos P, Haukoos JS, Diercks DB, Diercks DB, Anderson JD, Byyny R, Carpenter CR, Friedman BW, Gemme SR, Gerardo CJ, Godwin SA, Hatten BW, Haukoos JS, Kaji A, Kwok H, Lo BM, Mace SE, Mattu A, Promes SB, Shah KH, Shih RD, Silvers SM, Slivinski A, Smith MD, Thiessen MEW, Thompson JT, Tomaszewski CA, Trent SA, Valente JH, Westafer LM, Wall SP, Yu Y, Lin MP, Finnell JT, Schulz T, Vandertulip K. Clinical Policy: Use of Thrombolytics for the Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med. 2024 Dec;84(6):e57-e86. PubMed PMID: 39578010
  • Gibbs KW, Ginde AA, Trent SA, Casey JD. Positive pressure ventilation during emergency tracheal intubation: insights from the PREOXI and PreVent randomized controlled trials. Eur J Emerg Med. 2024 Dec 1;31(6):378-380. PubMed PMID: 39478424
  • Choo EK, Trent SA, Nishijima DK, Eichelberger A, Kazmierczak S, Ye Y, Brasel KJ, Audett A, Cherpitel CJ. Risk of motor vehicle collision associated with cannabis and alcohol use among patients presenting for emergency care. Accid Anal Prev. 2024 Jan 24;198:107459. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38277855
  • Lo BM, Carpenter CR, Ducey S, Gottlieb M, Kaji A, Diercks DB, Diercks DB, Wolf SJ, Anderson JD, Byyny R, Carpenter CR, Friedman B, Gemme SR, Gerardo CJ, Godwin SA, Hahn SA, Hatten BW, Haukoos JS, Kaji A, Kwok H, Lo BM, Mace SE, Moran M, Promes SB, Shah KH, Shih RD, Silvers SM, Slivinski A, Smith MD, Thiessen MEW, Tomaszewski CA, Trent S, Valente JH, Wall SP, Westafer LM, Yu Y, Cantrill SV, Finnell JT, Schulz T, Vandertulip K. Clinical Policy: Critical Issues in the Management of Adult Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Acute Ischemic Stroke. Ann Emerg Med. 2023 Aug;82(2):e17-e64. PubMed PMID: 37479410
  • Fuchita M, Pattee J, Russell DW, Driver BE, Prekker ME, Barnes CR, Brewer JM, Doerschug KC, Gaillard JP, Gandotra S, Ghamande S, Gibbs KW, Hughes CG, Janz DR, Khan A, Mitchell SH, Page DB, Rice TW, Self WH, Smith LM, Stempek SB, Trent SA, Vonderhaar DJ, West JR, Whitson MR, Williamson K, Semler MW, Casey JD, Ginde AA. Prophylactic Administration of Vasopressors Prior to Emergency Intubation in Critically Ill Patients: A Secondary Analysis of Two Multicenter Clinical Trials. Crit Care Explor. 2023 Jul;5(7):e0946. PubMed PMID: 37457916
  • Driver BE, Trent SA, Prekker ME, Reardon RF, Brown CA 3rd. Sedative Dose for Rapid Sequence Intubation and Postintubation Hypotension: Is There an Association?. Ann Emerg Med. 2023 Oct;82(4):417-424. PubMed PMID: 37389494
  • Prekker ME, Driver BE, Trent SA, Resnick-Ault D, Seitz KP, Russell DW, Gaillard JP, Latimer AJ, Ghamande SA, Gibbs KW, Vonderhaar DJ, Whitson MR, Barnes CR, Walco JP, Douglas IS, Krishnamoorthy V, Dagan A, Bastman JJ, Lloyd BD, Gandotra S, Goranson JK, Mitchell SH, White HD, Palakshappa JA, Espinera A, Page DB, Joffe A, Hansen SJ, Hughes CG, George T, Herbert JT, Shapiro NI, Schauer SG, Long BJ, Imhoff B, Wang L, Rhoads JP, Womack KN, Janz DR, Self WH, Rice TW, Ginde AA, Casey JD, Semler MW. Video versus Direct Laryngoscopy for Tracheal Intubation of Critically Ill Adults. N Engl J Med. 2023 Aug 3;389(5):418-429. PubMed PMID: 37326325
  • Diercks DB, Adkins EJ, Harrison N, Sokolove PE, Kwok H, Wolf SJ, Diercks DB, Anderson JD, Byyny R, Carpenter CR, Friedman B, Gemme SR, Gerardo CJ, Godwin SA, Hahn SA, Hatten BW, Haukoos JS, Kaji A, Kwok H, Lo BM, Mace SE, Moran M, Promes SB, Shah KH, Shih RD, Silvers SM, Slivinski A, Smith MD, Thiessen MEW, Tomaszewski CA, Trent S, Valente JH, Wall SP, Westafer LM, Yu Y, Cantrill SV, Finnell JT, Schulz T, Vandertulip K. Clinical Policy: Critical Issues in the Evaluation and Management of Emergency Department Patients With Suspected Appendicitis: Approved by ACEP Board of Directors February 1, 2023. Ann Emerg Med. 2023 Jun;81(6):e115-e152. PubMed PMID: 37210169
  • Valente JH, Anderson JD, Paolo WF, Sarmiento K, Tomaszewski CA, Haukoos JS, Diercks DB, Diercks DB, Anderson JD, Byyny R, Carpenter CR, Friedman B, Gemme SR, Gerardo CJ, Godwin SA, Hahn SA, Hatten BW, Haukoos JS, Kaji A, Kwok H, Lo BM, Mace SE, Moran M, Promes SB, Shah KH, Shih RD, Silvers SM, Slivinski A, Smith MD, Thiessen MEW, Tomaszewski CA, Trent S, Valente JH, Wall SP, Westafer LM, Yu Y, Cantrill SV, Finnell JT, Schulz T, Vandertulip K. Clinical Policy: Critical Issues in the Management of Adult Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Approved by ACEP Board of Directors, February 1, 2023 Clinical Policy Endorsed by the Emergency Nurses Association (April 5, 2023). Ann Emerg Med. 2023 May;81(5):e63-e105. PubMed PMID: 37085214
  • Trent SA, Driver BE, Prekker ME, Barnes CR, Brewer JM, Doerschug KC, Gaillard JP, Gibbs KW, Ghamande S, Hughes CG, Janz DR, Khan A, Mitchell SH, Page DB, Rice TW, Russell DW, Self WH, Smith LM, Stempek S, Vonderhaar DJ, West JR, Whitson MR, Ginde AA, Casey JD, Semler MW. Defining Successful Intubation on the First Attempt Using Both Laryngoscope and Endotracheal Tube Insertions: A Secondary Analysis of Clinical Trial Data. Ann Emerg Med. 2023 Oct;82(4):432-437. PubMed PMID: 37074254
  • Prekker ME, Trent SA, Lofrano A, Russell DW, Barnes CR, Brewer JM, Doerschug KC, Gaillard JP, Gandotra S, Ginde AA, Ghamande S, Gibbs KW, Hughes CG, Janz DR, Khan A, Mitchell SH, Page DB, Rice TW, Self WH, Smith LM, Stempek SB, Vonderhaar DJ, West JR, Whitson MR, Casey JD, Semler MW, Driver BE. Laryngoscopy and Tracheal Intubation: Does Use of a Video Laryngoscope Facilitate Both Steps of the Procedure?. Ann Emerg Med. 2023 Oct;82(4):425-431. PubMed PMID: 37028995
  • Gibbs KW, Ginde AA, Prekker ME, Seitz KP, Stempek SB, Taylor C, Gandotra S, White H, Resnick-Ault D, Khan A, Mohmed A, Brainard JC, Fein DG, Aggarwal NR, Whitson MR, Halliday SJ, Gaillard JP, Blinder V, Driver BE, Palakshappa JA, Lloyd BD, Wozniak JM, Exline MC, Russell DW, Ghamande S, Withers C, Hubel KA, Moskowitz A, Bastman J, Andrea L, Sottile PD, Page DB, Long MT, Goranson JK, Malhotra R, Long BJ, Schauer SG, Connor A, Anderson E, Maestas K, Rhoads JP, Womack K, Imhoff B, Janz DR, Trent SA, Self WH, Rice TW, Semler MW, Casey JD. Protocol and statistical analysis plan for the PREOXI trial of preoxygenation with noninvasive ventilation vs oxygen mask. medRxiv. 2023 Mar 24. PubMed PMID: 36993496
  • Seitz KP, Spicer AB, Casey JD, Buell KG, Qian ET, Graham Linck EJ, Driver BE, Self WH, Ginde AA, Trent SA, Gandotra S, Smith LM, Page DB, Vonderhaar DJ, West JR, Joffe AM, Doerschug KC, Hughes CG, Whitson MR, Prekker ME, Rice TW, Sinha P, Semler MW, Churpek MM. Individualized Treatment Effects of Bougie versus Stylet for Tracheal Intubation in Critical Illness. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 Jun 15;207(12):1602-1611. PubMed PMID: 36877594
  • McCormick T, Haukoos J, Hopkins E, Trent S, Adelgais K, Cohen M, Gausche-Hill M. Adding age-adjusted shock index to the American College of Surgeons' trauma team activation criteria to predict severe injury in children. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Feb 1;94(2):295-303. PubMed PMID: 36694336
  • Prekker ME, Driver BE, Trent SA, Resnick-Ault D, Seitz K, Russell DW, Gandotra S, Gaillard JP, Gibbs KW, Latimer A, Whitson MR, Ghamande S, Vonderhaar DJ, Walco JP, Hansen SJ, Douglas IS, Barnes CR, Krishnamoorthy V, Bastman JJ, Lloyd BD, Robison SW, Palakshappa JA, Mitchell S, Page DB, White HD, Espinera A, Hughes C, Joffe AM, Herbert JT, Schauer SG, Long BJ, Imhoff B, Wang L, Rhoads JP, Womack KN, Janz D, Self WH, Rice TW, Ginde AA, Casey JD, Semler MW. DirEct versus VIdeo LaryngosCopE (DEVICE): protocol and statistical analysis plan for a randomised clinical trial in critically ill adults undergoing emergency tracheal intubation. BMJ Open. 2023 Jan 13;13(1):e068978. PubMed PMID: 36639210
  • Choo E, Trent SA, Nishijima DK, Audett A, Hendrickson RG, Eichelberger A, Brasel KJ, Ye Y, Cherpitel CJ. Increased identification of cannabis use among drivers involved in motor vehicle collisions using an expanded cannabis inventory. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 Nov;29(11):1301-1305. PubMed PMID: 36103131
  • Choo EK, Nishijima D, Trent S, Eichelberger A, Ye Y, Audett A, Brasel K, Kazmierczak S, Cherpitel CJ. Cannabis presentations to the emergency department after MVC in the era of legalization for recreational use. J Safety Res. 2022 Feb;80:341-348. PubMed PMID: 35249614
  • McCormick T, Haukoos J, Hopkins E, Trent S, Adelgais K, Platnick B, Cohen M. Predictive accuracy of adding shock index to the American College of Surgeons' minimum criteria for full trauma team activation. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 May;29(5):561-571. PubMed PMID: 35138668
  • McCormick T, Haukoos J, Hopkins E, Trent S, Adelgais K, Platnick B, Cohen M. Predictive accuracy of adding shock index to the American College of Surgeons' minimum criteria for full trauma team activation. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 Feb 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35138668
  • Moreira M, Trent S, Sungar WG, et al. Use of EBEM to drive quality improvement resident projects. CORD Abstracts. West JEM. 2022 Jan; 23(1): S69-S70.
  • McCormick T, Trent S, Haukoos, et al. First-pass success and adverse events in the emergency intubation of children. ACEP Research Forum Abstract. Annals of Emergency Medicine. Oct 1, 2021. 78(4):S119. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2021.09.305
  • McCormick T, Trent S, Haukoos J, et al. Atropine pretreatment and adverse events in emergency pediatric intubations. Annals of Emergency Medicine. October 1, 2021. 78(4):S157. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2021.09.404.
  • Krol OF, Semler MW, Brewer M, et al. Use of positive pressure ventilation during tracheal intubation before and during the covid-19 pandemic. American Thoracic Society Abstracts. May 2021. A2605.
  • Davis AE, Semler MW, Brewer M, et al. Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on the use of video laryngoscopy during tracheal intubation of critically ill adults. American Thoracic Society Abstracts. May 2021. A2615.
  • Choo EK, Nishijima D, Trent S, et al. Cannabis presentations to the emergency department after MVC in the era of legalization for recreational use. 2021 Dec 28 (online ahead of print). doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2021.12.016
  • Rodriguez RM, Montoy JCC, Hoth KF, Talan DA, Harland KK, Eyck PT, Mower W, Krishnadasan A, Santibanez S, Mohr N. Symptoms of Anxiety, Burnout, and PTSD and the Mitigation Effect of Serologic Testing in Emergency Department Personnel During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ann Emerg Med. 2021 Jul;78(1):35-43.e2. PubMed PMID: 33846014
  • Mohr NM, Harland KK, Krishnadasan A, Eyck PT, Mower WR, Willey J, Chisolm-Straker M, Lim SC, McDonald LC, Kutty PK, Hesse E, Santibanez S, Talan DA. Diagnosed and Undiagnosed COVID-19 in US Emergency Department Health Care Personnel: A Cross-sectional Analysis. Ann Emerg Med. 2021 Jul;78(1):27-34. PubMed PMID: 33771413
  • April MD, Arana A, Reynolds JC, Carlson JN, Davis WT, Schauer SG, Oliver JJ, Summers SM, Long B, Walls RM, Brown CA 3rd. Peri-intubation cardiac arrest in the Emergency Department: A National Emergency Airway Registry (NEAR) study. Resuscitation. 2021 May;162:403-411. PubMed PMID: 33684505
  • Driver BE, Semler MW, Self WH, Ginde AA, Trent SA, Gandotra S, Smith LM, Page DB, Vonderhaar DJ, West JR, Joffe AM, Mitchell SH, Doerschug KC, Hughes CG, High K, Landsperger JS, Jackson KE, Howell MP, Robison SW, Gaillard JP, Whitson MR, Barnes CM, Latimer AJ, Koppurapu VS, Alvis BD, Russell DW, Gibbs KW, Wang L, Lindsell CJ, Janz DR, Rice TW, Prekker ME, Casey JD. Effect of Use of a Bougie vs Endotracheal Tube With Stylet on Successful Intubation on the First Attempt Among Critically Ill Patients Undergoing Tracheal Intubation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2021 Dec 28;326(24):2488-2497. PubMed PMID: 34879143
  • Trent SA, Kaji AH, Carlson JN, McCormick T, Haukoos JS, Brown CA 3rd. Video Laryngoscopy Is Associated With First-Pass Success in Emergency Department Intubations for Trauma Patients: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of the National Emergency Airway Registry. Ann Emerg Med. 2021 Dec;78(6):708-719. PubMed PMID: 34417072
  • Driver B, Semler MW, Self WH, Ginde AA, Gandotra S, Trent SA, Smith LM, Gaillard JP, Page DB, Whitson MR, Vonderhaar DJ, Joffe AM, West JR, Hughes C, Landsperger JS, Howell MP, Russell DW, Gulati S, Bentov I, Mitchell S, Latimer A, Doerschug K, Koppurapu V, Gibbs KW, Wang L, Lindsell CJ, Janz D, Rice TW, Prekker ME, Casey JD. BOugie or stylet in patients UnderGoing Intubation Emergently (BOUGIE): protocol and statistical analysis plan for a randomised clinical trial. BMJ Open. 2021 May 25;11(5):e047790. PubMed PMID: 34035106
  • Farasat M, Sanchez JM, West JJ, Burke JM, Prouse AF, Gore MO, Salame GA, Keach JW, Trent SA, Haigney MCP, Hogan SE, Peterson PN, Stauffer BL, Holland MR, Krantz MJ. A Point-of-Care Algorithm to Guide Proper Device Selection for Ambulatory Electrocardiography. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2021 Sep 1;20(3):140-142. PubMed PMID: 33731601
  • Schrading WA, Trent SA, Paxton JH, Rodriguez RM, Swanson MB, Mohr NM, Talan DA. Vaccination rates and acceptance of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination among U.S. emergency department health care personnel. Acad Emerg Med. 2021 Apr;28(4):455-458. PubMed PMID: 33608937
  • Trent SA, George N, Havranek EP, Ginde AA, Haukoos JS. Established evidence-based treatment guidelines help mitigate disparities in quality of emergency care. Acad Emerg Med. 2021 Sep;28(9):1051-1060. PubMed PMID: 33599040
  • Mohr NM, Harland KK, Krishnadasan A, Eyck PT, Mower WR, et al, for the Project COVERED Emergency Department Network. Diagnosed and undiagnosed COVID-19 in US Emergency Department Healthcare Personnel: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Ann Emerg Med. [Epub Dec 17, 2020]. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2020.12.007
  • Trent SA, Stella S, Skinner A, Salame G, Hanratty RL, Prandi-Abrams M, French A, Krantz MJ. Improving Atraumatic Chest Pain Evaluation in an Urban, Safety-net Hospital Through Incorporation of a Modified HEART Score. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2020 Dec;19(4):173-177. PubMed PMID: 33009073
  • Thiessen M, Vogel JA, Byyny RL, Hopkins E, Haukoos JS, Kendall JL, Trent SA. Emergency Ultrasound Literature and Adherence to Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Criteria. J Emerg Med. 2020 Apr;58(4):636-646. PubMed PMID: 31708317
  • Thiessen ME, Vogel J, Byyny RL, Hopkins E, Haukoos JS, Kendall JL, Trent SA. Emergency ultrasound literature and adherence to standards for reporting of diagnostic accuracy criteria. J Emerg Medicine. 2019 Nov 7 [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2019.09.029.
  • Trent SA, Jarou ZJ, Havranek EP, Ginde AA, Haukoos JS. Variation in Emergency Department Adherence to Treatment Guidelines for Inpatient Pneumonia and Sepsis: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Acad Emerg Med. 2018 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30343515
  • Trent SA, Havranek EP, Ginde AA, Haukoos JS. Effect of Audit and Feedback on Physician Adherence to Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pneumonia and Sepsis. Am J Med Qual. 2018 Sep 12;:1062860618796947. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30205697
  • Morgan BB, Kao A, Trent SA, Hurst N, Oliveira L, Austin AL, Kendall JL. Effect of Emergency Physician-Performed Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Radiology Department-Performed Ultrasound Examinations on the Emergency Department Length of Stay Among Pregnant Women at Less Than 20 Weeks' Gestation. J Ultrasound Med. 2018 Nov;37(11):2497-2505. PubMed PMID: 29574878
  • Trent SA, Johnson MA, Morse EA, Havranek EP, Haukoos JS. Patient, provider, and environmental factors associated with adherence to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular clinical practice guidelines in the ED. Am J Emerg Med. 2018 Aug;36(8):1397-1404. PubMed PMID: 29402689
  • Trent SA, Jarou ZJ, Havranek EP, Haukoos JS. Barriers to prompt presentation to emergency departments in Colorado after onset of stroke symptoms. West J Emerg Med. 2018 Dec 5. doi://10.5811/westjem.2018.10.38731 [Epub ahead of print].
  • Trent SA, Stella SA, Skinner A, Salame G, Prandi-Abrams M, Hanratty R, Krantz M. Improving atraumatic chest pain evaluation in an urban, safety-net hospital thorugh incorporation of a modified HEART score. Clin Path Cardiology. Accepted Nov 9, 2019.