Casillas, K.L., Mencin, L., Koch-Zapfel, J., Goodman, G., Gallardo, N. (2024). SafeCare Colorado Program Standards and Support Guide. University of Colorado, The Kempe Center.
Slep, A. M. S., Heyman, R. E., Lorber, M. F., Tiberio, S. S., & Casillas, K. L. (in press). Couples’ Anger Dynamics during Conflict: Interpersonal Anger Regulation, Relationship Satisfaction, and Intimate Partner Violence (Slep, Heyman, Lorber, Tiberio, and Casillas). Family Process.
Al-Eissa, M., Saleheen, H. N., AlMadani, S., AlBuhairan, F., Weber, A., Fluke, J., AlMuneef, M., & Casillas, K. L. (2016). Determining Prevalence of Maltreatment among Children in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Child: Care, Health & Development, 42, 565-571.
Lutzker, J.R., & Casillas, K.L. (2016). The importance of examining variants of implementation among evidence-based and promising programs to prevent child maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 53, 1-3.
Casillas, K. L., Fauchier, A., Derkash, B. T., & Garrido, E. G. (2016). Implementation of evidence-based home visiting programs aimed at reducing child maltreatment: A meta-analytic review. Child Abuse & Neglect, 53, 64-80.
Fluke, J.D., and Casillas, K.L. (2015). Rethinking the functioning of child protective services. In Matthews, B. and Bross, D.C. (Eds.). Mandatory Reporting Laws and the Identification of Severe Child Abuse and Neglect. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media.
Merkel-Holguin, L., Hahn, A., Holinshead, D., Casillas, K. L., & Fluke, J. (2015). The influence of Differential Response and other factors on parent perceptions of child protection involvement. Child Abuse & Neglect, 39, 18-31.
Merkel-Holguin, L., Hahn, A., Fluke, J., Holinshead, D., & Casillas, K. L. (2015). The Influence of Differential Response and Other Factors on Parent Perceptions of Child Protection Involvement. Child Abuse & Neglect, 39, 18-31.
Casillas, K.L., and Fluke, J. (2014). The Case for a Needs-Based Model in Child Welfare: A Concept to Address Child Well-Being. In Shlonsky, A. and Benbenishty, R. (Eds.). From Evidence to Outcomes in Child Welfare: An International Reader. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Casillas, K.L., and Fluke, J. (2013). The Case for a Needs-Based Model in Child Welfare: A Concept to Address Child Well-Being. In Shlonsky, A. and Benbenishty, R. (Eds.). From Evidence to Outcomes in Child Welfare: An International Reader. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Canines and Childhood Cancer (2012).
Darnell, A., Fluke, J., Casillas, K., Rudlang-Perman, K., and Guterman, K. (in review). Exploring Risk Thresholds for the Alternative Response Track in Differential Response Systems: A County-Level Analysis of Utilization of the Alternative Response Track and Re-Reporting Rates. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Merkel-Holguin, L., Hahn, A., Fluke, J., Holinshead, D., & Casillas, K. L (in review). The Influence of Differential Response on Parent Perceptions of Child Protection Involvement. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Al-Eissa, M., Saleheen, H. N., AlBuhairan, F., Fluke, J., & Casillas, K. L. (in submission). Self-reports of violence exposure and child maltreatment among a representative sample of Saudi Arabian youth. Journal of Adolescent Health.
Casillas, K. L., Fauchier, A., & Garrido, E. G. (in press). The influence of implementation factors on the outcomes of home visitation programs. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Fauchier, A. F., Garrido, E.G., & Casillas, K. L. (in submission). Leadership, organizational, and individual factors influencing turnover among home visitors: A multi-informant, mixed-methods approach. Implementation Science.
Casillas, K. L., Fauchier, A., & Garrido, E. G. (in press). The influence of implementation factors on the outcomes of home visitation programs. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Al-Eissa, M., Saleheen, H. N., AlBuhairan, F., Fluke, J., & Casillas, K. L. (in press). Determining Prevalence of Maltreatment among Children in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Child: Care, Health & Development.