Levy AE, Hammes A, Anoff DL, Raines JD, Beck NM, Rudofker EW, Marshall KJ, Nensel JD, Messenger JC, Masoudi FA, Pierce RG, Allen LA, Ream KS, Ho PM. Acute Myocardial Infarction Cohorts Defined by International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision Versus Diagnosis-Related Groups: Analysis of Diagnostic Agreement and Quality Measures in an Integrated Health System. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021 Mar;14(3):e006570. PubMed PMID: 33653116
Updike J, Anoff D, Kelleher A. "Had a Nuss of this?" American College of Physician Advisors (ACPA) Newsletter (and ICD-10 Monitor website)
Schifeling C, Keniston A, Anoff D et al."Identification Methods for Patients Receiving Resuscitation Attempts for Covid-19 Related In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest," University of Colorado Palliative Care Research Day poster
Invited speaker at the National Physician Advisor Conference on Building a Successful Physician Advisor Program
Invited Clinical Documentation Integrity Town Hall panelist at the National ACPA conference
Anoff D, Brill A. "The CDI APP Advisor." The Hospitalist; June 2020
Anoff D, Brill A. "A Novel Approach to APP Documentation Engagement." American College of Physician Advisor's Newletter July/August 2020.
Singh S, Patel H, Anoff D Stella S. "Top 10 Things Physician Advisors Want Hospitalists to Know." The Hospitalist; April 2019, p.12-13.
Levy A, Ream K, Hammes A, Rudofker E, Beck N, Raines J, Marshall K, Nensel J, Anoff D, Messenger J, Masoudi F, Allen L, Ho M. "Are We Ready for High(er) Sensitivity Troponin Assays? The Positive Predictive Value of a Contemporary Troponin Assay for Acute Myocardial Infarction." American Heart Association, March 2019
Singh S, Patel H, Anoff D. "8 Steps to Crating an Physician Advisor System" www.ICDMonitor.com , May 2018
Pierce R, Glasheen J, Anoff D, Fordyce H, Kneeland P, Cumbler E, Tad-y D, Wolfe B. "Elevating Joy at Work-A Team Based and Organizational Framework for Fostering Resilience in Academic Hospital Medicine"
Anderson ME, Glasheen JJ, Anoff D, Pierce R, Lane M, Jones CD. Impact of state medicaid expansion status on length of stay and in-hospital mortality for general medicine patients at US academic medical centers. J Hosp Med. 2016 Dec;11(12):847-852. PubMed PMID: 27535323
Oberndorfer TA, Anoff DL, Wald HL. Surgical Intervention in Terminal Illness--Doing Everything: A Teachable Moment. JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Jan;176(1):18-9. PubMed PMID: 26551524
Contributed to the Society of Hospital Medicine 2016 State of Hospital Medicine Report through the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) Practice Analysis Committee
Jones CD, Scott SJ, Anoff DL, Pierce RG, Glasheen JJ. Changes in Payer Mix and Physician Reimbursement After the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion. Inquiry. 2015;52. PubMed PMID: 26310500
Anderson ME, Glasheen JJ, Anoff D, Pierce R, Capp R, Jones CD. Understanding predictors of prolonged hospitalizations among general medicine patients: A guide and preliminary analysis. J Hosp Med. 2015 Sep;10(9):623-6. PubMed PMID: 26126812
Biebelhausen J, Jain S, Pierce R, Wolfe B, Anoff D, Kleinhelter J, Glasheen J. "Moving Towards Accountable Care Units at an Academic Medical Center."
Jain S, Anoff D, Guerrasio J. "X marks the spot." Poster presentation at the Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, September 2012.
Mann A, Zehnder N, Anoff D. "Cardiogenic Shock Hiding in the Wings." Poster presentation at the Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, September 2012.
Levy A, Ream K, Hammes A, Anoff D, Raines J, Beck N, Rudofker K, Marshall K, Nensel J, Messenger J, Masoudi F, Allen L, Ho M. In press: "Acute Myocardial Infarction Cohorts Defined by ICD-10 versus DRG: Analysis of diagnostic Agreement and Quality Measures in an Integrated Health System," Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and outcomes
Anderson M, Yirdaw E, Wolfe B, Fordyce H, Pierce R, Anoff D, Scott S, Patel H. "Transitioning to Scheduling Software?: A Guide for Hospital Medicine Groups." The Hospitalist.
Levy A, Ream K, Hammes A, Anoff D, Raines J, Beck N, Rudofker E, Marshall K, Nensel J, Messenger J, Masoudi F, Allen L, Ho M."Poor Agreement Between Diagnoses of Acute Myocardial Infarction Results in Significant Differences in Process and Outcome Measures." American Heart Association, March 2019