Kimbrough-Melton, R.J., & Melton, G.B., (2015). Child protection policy. In P. Donnelly & C.L. Ward (Eds.). Violence: A global health priority. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Kimbrough-Melton, R.J., & Melton, G. B. (2015). Someone will notice and someone will care: How to build Strong Communities for Children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 41,67-78.
McLeigh, J.D., Melton, G.B., Kimbrough-Melton, R., & Wallace, N. (July 2015). How can Strong Communities transform community norms and structures to promote children’s safety and well-being? White papers for Upbring, Austin, TX.
Kimbrough-Melton, R.J. (2014). Child Maltreatment as a problem in international law. In R. Krugman & J. Korbin (Eds.), Handbook on Child Maltreatment. New York: Springer.
Kimbrough-Melton, R.J. & Melton, G.B. (2014). Child protection policy. In P. Donnelly & C.L. Ward (Eds.), Violence: A global health priority. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Duke, J.K., Brandspigel, S., Collins, K., Kimbrough-Melton, R., Tung, G.J. (2014). Reducing youth involvement in gangs and gang violence in Aurora, CO: A health impact assessment.
Kimbrough-Melton, R.J. Health for all: The promise of the Affordable Care Act for racially and ethnically diverse populations. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 2013; 83, 352-358. .
Kimbrough-Melton, R.J. Child maltreatment as a problem in international law. In J. E. Korbin & R. D. Krugman (Eds.), Handbook on child maltreatment. New York: Springer. 2013. 541-552..
Duke, J. K., Collins, K., Kimbrough-Melton, R., Baskfeld, H., & Tung, G. J., Preventin unintentional ingestion of marijuana by children: A health impact assessment of packaging regulations of retail marijuana in Colorado. A report of the Colorado School of Public Health and the Children's Health Advocacy Institute at Children's Colorado Hospital.
Motes, P.S., Nurse, J., Kimbrough-Melton, R., McDonnell, J., & Waters, T. (June 2012). Disproportionate minority contact in South Carolina: From assessment to strategic action. A report to the Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee.
Kimbrough-Melton, R. (in press). Child maltreatment as a problem in international law. In Korbin, J.E. & Krugman, R.D. (Eds.), Handbook of Child Maltreatment, New York: Springer
Kimbrough-Melton, R. J., & Melton, G. B. Child protection policy. In P. Donnelly & C. L. Ward (Eds.). Violence: A global health priority. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.