Rising Star of the Year in Research, Department of Family Medicine
Wingspan Honoree, Collaborative Family Healthcare Association
Research Interests
I am interested in improving whole person health by addressing mental health concerns concurrent with physical health needs.
1. Gurfinkel D, Owen, V, Kreisel C, Hosokawa P, Kluger, S, Legge C, Calderone J, Eskew A, Waugh M, Shore J, Brown Levey S, Holtrop J Summer. Patient Perspectives of Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care: A Mixed Methods Analysis. Journal of Patient Experience. 2024;11. doi:10.1177/23743735241293877
Palmer, C.S., Brown Levey, S.M., Kostiuk, M., Zisner, A.R., Woodward Tolle, L., Richey, R.M., Callan, S. (2022). Virtual Care for Behavioral Health Conditions, Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, ISSN 0095-4543, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pop.2022.04.008.
Knierim K, Bacak BS, Brown Levey SM, Holmstrom H, Holtrop JS, Kramer ES, Palmer C, Rodriguez RS, Shmerling A, Smith P, Staton EW. (2021). Rapid Transition to Telehealth During COVID-19: Lessons Learned That Can Move Primary Care Forward. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 34/S1.
Knierim K, Palmer C, Kramer ES, Rodriguez RS, VanWyk J, Shmerling A, Smith P, Bacak BS, Brown Levey SM, Staton EW, Holtrop JS. (2021). Lessons Learned During COVID-19 That Can Move Telehealth in Primary Care Forward. J Am Board Fam Med February 2021; 34: S196-S202; doi:10.3122/jabfm.2021.S1.200419 http://www.jabfm.org/content/34/Supplement/S196.abstract
Saldana K, Mathern S, Fenton L, Brown Levey SM. (2021). Twice Exceptionality: A Hidden Diagnosis in Primary Care. The Journal of Family Practice. The Journal of Family Practice 2021, Vol 70: Issue 9: 450-453. doi: 10.12788/jfp.0303
Westfall JM, Francies J, Brown Levey SM, Ambrozic L, Zittleman L, Nease DE, Jr. (2019), Check Your Sugar, Check Your Mood - Managing Diabetes and Depression. Journal of Diabetes Reports, Vol 1: Issue 1: 1-6.
Waugh M, Calderone J, Brown Levey S, Lyon C, Thomas M, DeGruy F, Shore JH. Using Telepsychiatry to Enrich Existing Integrated Primary Care. Telemed J E Health. 2018 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30394851
Conry, C., Brown Levey, S.M., Jortberg, B. (2017). The Patient Centered Medical
Home. In Psychiatry, Primary Care, and Medical Specialties: Pathways for Integrated Care. Editors: Robert E
Feinstein MD, Joseph V Connelly MD. Marilyn Feinstein. Published by Oxford University Press in 2017.
Smith PC, Brown Levey SM, Lyon C. Evaluating transformation with available resources: The influence of APEX on depression screening. Fam Syst Health. 2017 Jun;35(2):238-247. PubMed PMID: 28617024
Conry, C., Brown Levey, S.M., Jortberg, B. (2017). The Patient Centered Medical
Home. In Psychiatry, Primary Care, and Medical Specialties: Pathways for Integrated Care. Editors: Robert E
Feinstein MD, Joseph V Connelly MD. Marilyn Feinstein. Published by Oxford University Press in 2017.
Gunn R, Davis MM, Hall J, Heintzman J, Muench J, Smeds B, Miller BF, Miller WL, Gilchrist E, Brown Levey S, Brown J, Wise Romero P, Cohen DJ. Designing Clinical Space for the Delivery of Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care. J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;28 Suppl 1:S52-62. PubMed PMID: 26359472
Buck K, Phelps K, Levey SB, Klie K, Russo D. Location of care for patients with borderline personality disorder: Challenges and opportunities in finding a home. Fam Syst Health. 2015 Dec;33(4):383-9. PubMed PMID: 26214009
Kwan BM, Valeras AB, Brown Levey SM, Nease DE, Jr., Talen MR. An Evidence Roadmap
for Implementation of Integrated Behavioral Health under the Affordable Care Act. AIMS Public Health.
Miller BF, Brown Levey SM, Payne-Murphy JC, Kwan BM. Outlining the scope of behavioral health practice in integrated primary care: dispelling the myth of the one-trick mental health pony. Fam Syst Health. 2014 Sep;32(3):338-43. PubMed PMID: 25020071
Miller BF, Petterson S, Brown Levey SM, Payne-Murphy JC, Moore M, Bazemore A. Primary care, behavioral health, provider colocation, and rurality. J Am Board Fam Med. 2014 May-Jun;27(3):367-74. PubMed PMID: 24808115
Brown Levey, S.M., Miller, B.F., Knierim, K. & Payne-Murphy, J. (2013). A call for psychology within healthcare reform.
NYS Psychologist: The Official Journal of the New York State Psychological Association, 25(4), 25-27.
Brown Levey, S.M., Miller, B.F., deGruy, F.V. (2012). Behavioral health integration: An essential element of population based healthcare redesign. Translational Behavioral Medicine: 2(3), 364-371.
Brown Levey, S. M., Miller, B.F., deGruy, F. V. (2012). Behavioral health integration: An essential element of population
based healthcare redesign. Translational Behavioral Medicine: 2(3), 364-371.
Miller, B. F., Petterson, S., Brown-Levey, S. M., Payne-Murphy, J. C., Moore, M., & Bazemore, A. (In Press). Density,
Rurality and Colocation between Primary Care Physicians and Behavioral Health Providers. Journal of the American
Board of Family Medicine.
Miller, B., Brown Levey, S., Kwan., B. & Payne-Murphy, J. (In Press). Dispelling the myth of the one trick pony:
Integrated primary care and the full range of mental health services In press. Family Systems and Health.