Greta Wilkening, PsyD, PhD

Professor, Pediatrics-Neurology

Graduate Schools
  • PsyD, University of Colorado Denver (1980)
  • MEd, University of Missouri - Columbia (1974)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Carleton College (MN) (1973)
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center Program, Neuropsychology (1982)

Professional Titles

  • Director, Neuropsychology

Research Interests

I have been involved in numerous clinical studies, including the NIH funded Children's Absence Epilepsy study, the Biliary Atresia Research Consortium (longitudinal assessment of cognitive functions), a long-term follow-up study of patients who have liver transplants, studies of the cognitive side effects of medications (including AED's and other medications) and a longitudinal study of children with urea cycle disorders.


  • Xu, X., Shuffrey, L. C., Leve, L.D., Sullivan, A. D. W., Towe-Goodman, N., Swingler, M., Frazier, J. A., Jalnapurkar, I., Kim, S., Hernandez, A., Elliott, A. J., Zhao, Q., Keating, D. P., Wilkening, G. N., Wei, C., Trevino, C. O., & Morales, S. (2025, May) Associations between parenting profiles and children’s socioemotional problems in the ECHO program. Poster presented at 2025 Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Tanner B, Hankinson T, Wilkening G, Shapiro, A, Cognitive Function and Eating Behaviors in Youth with Craniopharyngioma A Pilot Study, Western Medical Research Conference, Carmel, CA
  • Murali CN, Barber JR, McCarter R, Zhang A, Gallant N, Simpson K, Dorrani N, Wilkening GN, Hays RD, Lichter-Konecki U, Burrage LC, Nagamani SCS. Health-related quality of life in a systematically assessed cohort of children and adults with urea cycle disorders. Mol Genet Metab. 2023 Sep 8;140(3):107696. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37690181
  • Dhaliwal SK, Dabelea D, Lee-Winn AE, Crume T, Wilkening G, Perng W. Maternal psychosocial stress during pregnancy and offspring neurobehavioral outcomes during early childhood in the Healthy Start Study. Ann Epidemiol. 2023 Oct;86:16-24.e3. PubMed PMID: 37321280
  • Moore BF, Salmons KA, Hoyt AT, Swenson KS, Bates EA, Sauder KA, Shapiro ALB, Wilkening G, Kinney GL, Neophytou AM, Sempio C, Klawitter J, Christians U, Dabelea D. Associations between Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cannabis with Cognition and Behavior at Age 5 Years: The Healthy Start Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Mar 10;20(6). PubMed PMID: 36981794
  • Berl MM, Koop JI, Ailion A, Bearden DJ, Boyer K, Cooper CM, Decrow AM, Duong PH, Espe-Pfeifer P, Gabriel M, Hodges E, Marshall DF, McNally KA, Molnar AE, Olsen EK, Ono KE, Patrick KE, Paul BM, Romain J, Sepeta LN, Stilp RLH, Wilkening GN, Zaccariello M, Zelko F, Perry MS. Leveraging expertise and optimizing clinical research: Initial success of a pediatric epilepsy surgery collaborative. Epilepsia. 2023 Jun;64(6):1554-1567. PubMed PMID: 36897767
  • Wolfe KR, Hutaff-Lee C, Wilkening G. Neuropsychological Screening in Pediatric Multidisciplinary Clinics: Group Characteristics and Predictive Utility. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2022 May 16;37(4):789-797. doi: 10.1093/arclin/acab090. PMID: 34747436.
  • Berg AT, Kaat AJ, Zelko F, Wilkening G. Rare diseases - rare outcomes: Assessing communication abilities for the developmental and epileptic encephalopathies. Epilepsy Behav. 2022 Mar;128:108586. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2022.108586. Epub 2022 Feb 11. PMID: 35158285.
  • Malik FS, Sauder KA, Isom S, Reboussin BA, Dabelea D, Lawrence JM, Roberts A, Mayer-Davis EJ, Marcovina S, Dolan L, Igudesman D, Pihoker C; SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study:, Lawrence JM, Hung P, Koebnick C, Li X, Lustigova E, Reynolds K, Pettitt DJ, Mayer-Davis EJ, Mottl A, Thomas J, Jackson M, Knight L, Liese AD, Turley C, Bowlby D, Amrhein J, Apperson E, Nelson B, Dabelea D, Bellatorre A, Crume T, Hamman RF, Sauder KA, Shapiro A, Testaverde L, Klingensmith GJ, Maahs D, Rewers MJ, Wadwa P, Daniels S, Kahn MG, Wilkening G, Bloch CA, Powell J, Love-Osborne K, Hu DC, Dolan LM, Shah AS, Standiford DA, Urbina EM, Pihoker C, Hirsch I, Kim G, Malik FA, Merjaneh L, Roberts A, Taplin C, Yi-Frazier J, Beauregard N, Franklin C, Gangan C, Kearns S, Klingsheim M, Loots B, Pascual M, Greenbaum C, Imperatore G, Saydah SH, Linder B, Marcovina SM, Chait A, Clouet-Foraison N, Harting J, Strylewicz G, D'Agostino R, Jensen ET, Wagenknecht LE, Bell RA, Casanova R, Divers J, Goldstein MT, Henkin L, Isom S, Lenoir K, Pierce J, Reboussin B, Rigdon J, South AM, Stafford J, Suerken C, Wells B, Williams C. Trends in Glycemic Control Among Youth and Young Adults With Diabetes: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Diabetes Care. 2022 Feb 1;45(2):285-294. doi: 10.2337/dc21-0507. PMID: 34995346; PMCID: PMC8914430.
  • Dhaliwal SK, Dabelea D, Lee-Winn AE, Glueck DH, Wilkening G, Perng W. Characterization of Maternal Psychosocial Stress During Pregnancy: The Healthy Start Study. Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle). 2022 Aug 4;3(1):698-708. doi: 10.1089/whr.2022.0011. PMID: 36147836; PMCID: PMC9436384.
  • Lawrence JM, Reynolds K, Saydah SH, Mottl A, Pihoker C, Dabelea D, Dolan L, Henkin L, Liese AD, Isom S, Divers J, Wagenknecht L; SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study Group; SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study Group:. Demographic Correlates of Short-Term Mortality Among Youth and Young Adults With Youth-Onset Diabetes Diagnosed From 2002 to 2015: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Diabetes Care. 2021 Dec;44(12):2691-2698. doi: 10.2337/dc21-0728. Epub 2021 Oct 4. PMID: 34607833; PMCID: PMC8669529.
  • Berg AT, Palac H, Wilkening G, Zelko F, Schust Meyer L. SCN2A-Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies: Challenges to trial-readiness for non-seizure outcomes. Epilepsia. 2020 Nov 25. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33236786
  • Shapiro ALB, Moore BF, Sutton B, Wilkening G, Stence N, Dabelea D, Tregellas JR. In Utero Exposure to Maternal Overweight or Obesity is Associated with Altered Offspring Brain Function in Middle Childhood. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2020 Sep;28(9):1718-1725. PubMed PMID: 32772475
  • Berg AT, Gaebler-Spira D, Wilkening G, Zelko F, Knupp K, Dixon-Salazar T, Villas N, Meskis MA, Harwell V, Thompson T, Sims S, Nesbitt G. Nonseizure consequences of Dravet syndrome, KCNQ2-DEE, KCNB1-DEE, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, ESES: A functional framework. Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Oct;111:107287. PubMed PMID: 32759067
  • Moore BF, Shapiro AL, Wilkening G, Magzamen S, Starling AP, Allshouse WB, Adgate JL, Dabelea D. Prenatal Exposure to Tobacco and Offspring Neurocognitive Development in the Healthy Start Study. J Pediatr. 2020 Mar;218:28-34.e2. PubMed PMID: 31759580
  • Buranahirun C, Walsh KS, Mrakotsky C, Croteau SE, Rajpurkar M, Kearney S, Hannemann C, Wilkening GN, Shapiro KA, Cooper DL. Neuropsychological function in children with hemophilia: A review of the Hemophilia Growth and Development Study and introduction of the current eTHINK study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020 Jan;67(1):e28004. PubMed PMID: 31595670
  • Shapiro ALB, Wilkening G, Aalborg J, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Tregellas JR, Dabelea D. Childhood Metabolic Biomarkers Are Associated with Performance on Cognitive Tasks in Young Children. J Pediatr. 2019 Aug;211:92-97. PubMed PMID: 31060808
  • Wilkening G, Bellatorre A, D'Agostina R, Testaverde L, Henken L, Wilson K, Dabelea D; Multi Center Research:Cognitive data in the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Health Measures User Conference, Chicago IL
  • Wilkening, G, Dill E, Koehler A; Use of the Green MSVT in Epilepsy and PNES in children, American Academy of Neuropsychology, Boston, MA
  • Baum K, Powell S, Gragert M, Jacobson L, Janzen L, Paltin I, Rey-Casserly C, Wilkening G, and McCabe M. Standards of neuropsychological care in pediatric oncology. Abstracts for the 2016 AACN Scientific Poster Session, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30:3, 373-472
  • Reynolds CR, Vannest KJ and Fletcher-Janzen E (Eds) Encyclopedia of Special Education, 4th Edition, Wiley, NJ.
  • Alexia without agraphia in a child – An unusual complication of epilepsy surgical resection in the left posterior head region. American Epilepsy Society, Seattle WA, Annual meeting abstracts 2014: Abst. 2.103.
  • Boada R, Berrios-Siervo G, Cohen D, Wilkening G, Laoprasert P.Neuropsychological outcome in children with focal cortical dysplasia following surgical resection for intractable epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society, Seattle WA, Annual meeting abstracts 2014 Abstract 2.012.
  • Klehm J, Sanchez Fernandez I, Vega C Peters J, Tome-souza S, Harini C, Takeoka M, Wilkening G, Chapman K and Loddenkemper T. Continuous spikes and waves during sleep- changes in seizure frequency, epileptifrom activity and cognition after high dose clobazam treatment. American Epilepsy Society, Seattle WA, Annual meeting abstracts 2014, Abstract 1.098.
  • Batchelder, P., Wilkening, G., Hankinson, T., Foreman, N., & Handler, M. (2014) “Cognitive Outcomes in Medulloblastoma Patients with Cerebellar Mutism and Shunted Hydrocephalus” 16th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology. June 28-July 2 2014. Singapore
  • Wilkening GN, and Madden JR: Memory disorders in children with central nervous system germ cell tumors, Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing , 29(3): 161-170.
  • Improvement In Neurobehavioral Status Of Two Patients Following High Dose Clobazam For Treatment Of CSWS; C. Vega, I. Sánchez Fernández, J. Klehm, J. Peters, S. Thome-Souza,C. Harini, G. Wilkening, K. Chapman,T. Loddenkemper, AES, December 2013
  • Response Of Seizures And Epileptiform Activity To High-Dose Clobazam Treatment/J. Klehm,I. Sánchez Fernández, J. Peters,S. Thome-Souza, C. Harini, C. Vega, G. Wilkening, K. Chapman,T. Loddenkemper, AES, December 2013
  • Wilkening GN, and Madden JR: Memory disorders in children with central nervous system germ cell tumors, Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing , 2013, 29(3): 161-170.
  • Goldenberg NA, Jenkins S, Jack J, Armstrong-Wells J, Fenton LZ, Stence NV, Oleszek J, Boada R, Wilkening GN, Wilkinson C, Soep JB, Miyamoto SD, Bajaj L, Mourani PM, Manco-Johnson MJ, Bernard TJ. Arteriopathy, D-Dimer, and Risk of Poor Neurologic Outcome in Childhood-Onset Arterial Ischemic Stroke. J Pediatr. 2012 Dec 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23260102
  • Wilkening GN, Madden JR. Memory disorders in children with central nervous system germ cell tumors. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs. 2012 May-Jun;29(3):161-70. PubMed PMID: 22647728
  • Qi XS, Stinauer M, Rogers B, Madden JR, Wilkening GN, Liu AK. Potential for improved intelligence quotient using volumetric modulated arc therapy compared with conventional 3-dimensional conformal radiation for whole-ventricular radiation in children. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Dec 1;84(5):1206-11. PubMed PMID: 22516805
  • Levy JM, Tello T, Giller R, Wilkening G, Quinones R, Keating AK, Liu AK. Late effects of total body irradiation and hematopoietic stem cell transplant in children under 3 years of age. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2012 Jul 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22848000
  • Mulchaly JM, Tello T, Lu X, Gao D, Wilkening G, Donson A, Foreman N, Liu A. Genetic predictors of neurocognitive outcomes in survivors of pediatric brain tumors. Neuro-Oncology 2012 June, 14(suppl1): i157-i168.
  • Cordeiro L, Wilkening G A New Model of Neurodevelopmental Assessment for Clinical Research Protocols: Improving Access, Feasibility and Quality. Arch Clin Neuropsychol (2012) 27(6): 575 doi:10.1093/arclin/acs066
  • Qi XS, Stinauer M, Rogers B, Madden JR, Wilkening GN, Liu, AK Potential for improved intellignce quotient volumetric modulated arc therapy compared with conventional 3-dimensional conformal radiation for whole-ventricular radiation in children. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Bology Physics (2012) 84(5):1206-1211.
  • Vega C, Sanchez F, Klehm J, Peters J Thome S, Jackson M Harnini C Takeoka M, Wilkening G, Chapman E Loddenkemper T. High-dose clobazam decreases epileptiform discharges and improves short term language outcomes in CSWS, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
  • Dhaliwal SK, Dabelea D, Lee-Winn AE, Glueck DH, Wilkening G, Perng W. Characterization of Maternal Psychosocial Stress During Pregnancy: The Healthy Start Study. Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle). 2022 Aug 4;3(1):698-708. doi: 10.1089/whr.2022.0011. PMID: 36147836; PMCID: PMC9436384.
  • Chanvanichtrakool M, Schreiber JM, Chen WL, Barber J, Zhang A, Ah Mew N, Schulze A, Wilkening G, Nagamani SCS, Gropman A; Urea Cycle Disease Consortium. Unraveling the Link: Seizure Characteristics and Ammonia Levels in Urea Cycle Disorder During Hyperammonemic Crises. Pediatr Neurol. 2024 Oct;159:48-55. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2024.06.013. Epub 2024 Jun 29. PMID: 39121557; PMCID: PMC11381174.
  • Isabelle Frances Morris, Maxwell Mansolf, Phillip Sherlock, Catrina A.Calub, Carlos A Camargo Jr., Rachel S. Kelly, Kristen Lyall, Cindy T. McEvoy, Jessie Northrup, Nicole M. Talge, Greta Wilkening, Rosalind Wright, Philip David Zelazo The Relation Between Family Familiarity with Autism and Developmental Outcomes, Neurodiversity, 2024 DOI: 10.1177/2754633024128701
  • Wilkening G, Pediatric Amnestic Disorder: Without Hippocampal Involvement, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Challenges in Setting up an Integrative Epilepsy Clinic for Patients with Non-epileptic Seizures Angelina Koehler, PNP, Edward Dill, PhD, Greta Wilkening, PsyD, Staci Brown, RN, and Paul Levisohn, MD University of Colorado and the Children's Hospital Colorado, American Epilepsy Society, 2015
  • Katherine T. Baum, PhD, Stephanie K. Powell, PhD, Lisa Jacobson, PhD, Marsha Gragert, PhD, Laura Janzen, PhD, Iris Paltin, PhD, Celiane Rey-Casserly, PhD, Greta Wilkening, PsyD Implementing Guidelines: Proposed Definitions of Neuropsychology Services in Pediatric Oncology Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Professional Memberships

  • National Academic of Neuropsychology, Fellow
  • International Neuropsychological Association, Member
  • American Epilepsy Society, Member
  • American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Member

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado

Specialty Information

  • Psychology, Board Certification (1985)
  • Clinical Neuropsychology, Board Certification (1985)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Brain and Nervous System
  • Child and Teen Health
  • Mental Health and Behavior
Clinical Interests
I have had extensive experience in neuropsychological assessment; evaluating patients since 1980.