Pask Certificate of Honour, Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Teaching Scholar, UCDSoM
Academy of Medical Educators, UCDSoM
MAcadMEd, Academy of Medical Educators UK
Distinguished Educator in Anesthesiology, American Society of Anesthesiologists & Society for Education in Anesthesia
For advancing anesthesiology education through best practices, innovation, leadership and scholarly contributions.
Crouch CE, Stewart E, Hendrickse A. Enhanced recovery after surgery for liver transplantation: a review of recent literature. Curr Opin Organ Transplant. 2024 Feb 1;29(1):64-71. PubMed PMID: 37937584
Kaur S, Henthorn P, Hendrickse A. Pain management for liver transplant recipients. Curr Opin Organ Transplant. 2023 Dec 1;28(6):397-403. PubMed PMID: 37728190
Stewart E, Nydam TL, Hendrickse A, Pomposelli JJ, Pomfret EA, Moore HB. Viscoelastic Management of Coagulopathy during the Perioperative Period of Liver Transplantation. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2023 Mar;49(2):119-133. PubMed PMID: 36318962
Crouch CE, Wilkey BJ, Hendrickse A, Kaizer AM, Schniedewind B, Christians U, Henthorn TK, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Lidocaine Intraoperative Infusion Pharmacokinetics during Partial Hepatectomy for Living Liver Donation. Anesthesiology. 2023 Jan 1;138(1):71-81. PubMed PMID: 36512707
Kukreja N, Rodriguez IE, Moore HB, LaRiviere W, Crouch C, Stewart E, Nydam TL, Kennealey P, Hendrickse AD, Pomfret EA, Fernandez-Bustamante A. The in-vitro influence of urea concentration on thromboelastrography in patients with and without end stage renal disease. Am J Surg. 2023 Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37407391
Hendrickse A, Ko J, Sakai T. The care of donors and recipients in adult living donor liver transplantation. BJA Educ. 2022 Oct;22(10):387-395. PubMed PMID: 36132878
Crouch C, Sakai T, Aniskevich S, Damian D, De Marchi L, Kaufman M, Kumar S, Little M, McCluskey S, Pivalizza E, Sellers D, Sridhar S, Stoll W, Sullivan C, Hendrickse A. Adult liver transplant anesthesiology practice patterns and resource utilization in the United States: Survey results from the society for the advancement of transplant anesthesia. Clin Transplant. 2022 Jan;36(1):e14504. PubMed PMID: 34637561
Sakai T, Ko JS, Crouch CE, Kumar S, Little MB, Chae MS, Ganoza A, Gómez-Salinas L, Humar A, Kim SH, Koo BN, Rodriguez G, Sirianni J, Smith NK, Song JG, Ullah A, Hendrickse A. Perioperative management of adult living donor liver transplantation: Part 1 - recipients. Clin Transplant. 2022 Jun;36(6):e14667. PubMed PMID: 35435293
Sakai T, Ko JS, Crouch CE, Kumar S, Choi GS, Hackl F, Han DH, Kaufman M, Kim SH, Luzzi C, McCluskey S, Shin WJ, Sirianni J, Song KW, Sullivan C, Hendrickse A. Perioperative management of living donor liver transplantation: Part 2 - Donors. Clin Transplant. 2022 Jun;36(6):e14690. PubMed PMID: 35477939
Moguilevitch M, Polaner DM, Mann G, Mauner A, Beagley B, Hendrickse A, Stoll WD, DeMarchi L, Damian D, Sridhar S, Costandi A, Tran L, Jorge LM, Mandell MS. A comparison of pediatric liver transplant anesthesia practices with new organ procurement and transplant network pediatric policy requirements: A report from the society for the advancement of transplant anesthesia and the society for pediatric anesthesia. Clin Transplant. 2022 Apr 20;:e14672. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35443083
Hendrickse A, Ko J, Sakai T. The care of donors and recipients in adult living donor liver transplantation. BJA Educ. 2022 Oct;22(10):387-395. PubMed PMID: 36132878
Mandell MS, Sakai T, Wagener G, De Marchi L, Subramaniam K, JHuang J, Hendrickse A, Deshpande R, Ryan C, Pretto EA Jr. The Society for the Advancement of Transplant Anesthesia (SATA) enters a new partnership with Clinical Transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2021 Feb;35(2):e14203. PubMed PMID: 33475197
Repine KM, Hendrickse A, Tran TT, Bartels K, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Opioid-Free Epidural-Free Anesthesia for Open Hepatectomy: A Case Report. A A Pract. 2020 Jun;14(8):e01238. PubMed PMID: 32643901
Hendrickse A, Crouch C, Sakai T, Stoll WD, McNulty M, Pivalizza E, Sridhar S, Diaz G, Sheiner P, Nevah Rubin MI, Al-Khafaji A, Pomposelli J, Mandell MS. Service Requirements of Liver Transplant Anesthesia Teams: Society for the Advancement of Transplant Anesthesia Recommendations. Liver Transpl. 2020 Apr;26(4):582-590. PubMed PMID: 31883291
Cale, A.S., Hendrickse, A., Lyman, M. et al. Integrating a Cadaver Review Session into the Existing Regional Anesthesia Training for Anesthesiology Residents: An Initial Experience. Med.Sci.Educ. 30, 695–703 (2020).
Adrian Hendrickse, James Duke. “Alcohol and Substance Abuse” In: Chu and Fuller (Eds). “Manual of Clinical Anesthesiology”, 2nd Ed: 2020
Crouch C, Hendrickse A, Gilliland S, Mandell MS. Unexpected Complication of Hydroxocobalamin Administration for Refractory Vasoplegia in Orthotopic Liver Transplant: A Case Report. Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2019 Dec;23(4):409-412. PubMed PMID: 30985242
Crouch C, Hendrickse A, Gilliland S, Mandell MS. Unexpected Complication of Hydroxocobalamin Administration for Refractory Vasoplegia in Orthotopic Liver Transplant: A Case Report. Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2019 Apr 15;:1089253219842662. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30985242
Royal College of Anaesthetists Newsletter: The International Anaesthetist, Feb 2019, 5: 7-8.
In: Essence of Anesthesia Practice, 4th Ed. (2017). Fleisher, L.A., Roizen M.F. & Roizen. (Eds.)
'Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation'
Development of a Regional Anaesthesia and Acute Pain Curriculum for MMed Anaesthesia Students.
Mugadza, F.M., Madzimbamuto, F.D. & Hendrickse, A.D.
University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences, Health Education and Leadership Zimbabwe (HEALZ), 2017
Is an Epidural Blood Patch Really Necessary? Post-Dural Puncture Headache after Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection.
Behm, A, Loyd, J. & Hendrickse, A.
ASRA, 2017
Anatomical Mental Rotation Abilities Across Anesthesiology Practitioners.
Royer, D., Keeler, M. & Hendrickse, A.
AACA, 2017
Post Surgical Ischemic Leg Pain-Evaluation and Treatment.
McLaughlin, L., Hendrickse, A. & Donnelly, M.
WARC, 2017
Martinelli SM, Chen F, DiLorenzo AN, Mayer DC, Fairbanks S, Moran K, Ku C, Mitchell JD, Bowe EA, Royal KD, Hendrickse A, VanDyke K, Trawicki MC, Rankin D, Guldan GJ, Hand W, Gallagher C, Jacob Z, Zvara DA, McEvoy MD, Schell RM. Results of a Flipped Classroom Teaching Approach in Anesthesiology Residents. J Grad Med Educ. 2017 Aug;9(4):485-490. PubMed PMID: 28824763
Thomas CM, Mattingly JK, Hendrickse A, Song JI. Case Report of a Massive Retropharyngeal Goiter Resulting in Laryngeal Compression. A A Case Rep. 2017 Sep 15;9(6):178-181. PubMed PMID: 28542048
Simulation: Where does it it fit in the grand scale of things?
Faculty Matters, Feb 2017, CU School of Medicine
Post-Surgical ischemic Leg Pain-Evaluation and Treatment
ASRA 2016
Lauren McLaughlin, Jeffrey Gonzales, Adrian Hendrickse, Melanie Donnelly
Intraoperative Cardiac Arrest from Prolonged Cold Ischemic Time During Cadaveric Liver Transplant
PGA70 Cara Crouch and Adrian Hendrickse
Hendrickse A. Sugammadex, in Learnly Foundations online learning program, edited by Chu LF, Traynor AT and McFadyen JG. Go live date September 2, 2016.
Adrian Hendrickse and Karl Reinig. Haptics in Medical Design-Some Best Use Cases.
MEdSim Magazine 2012, 4:19-22
Cheng SS, Berman GW, Merritt GR, Hendrickse A, Fiegel MJ, Teitelbaum I, Campsen J, Wachs M, Zimmerman M, Mandell MS
“The response to methylene blue in patients with severe hypotension during liver transplantation”
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 2012, 24(4): 324-8