Achim Klug, PhD

Professor, Physiology & Biophysics


  • Mohammadi Z, Denman DJ, Klug A, Lei TC. A fully automatic multichannel neural spike sorting algorithm with spike reduction and positional feature. J Neural Eng. 2024 Aug 5;21(4). PubMed PMID: 39019065
  • Sammeth CA, Walker KA, Greene NT, Klug A, Tollin DJ. Degradation in Binaural and Spatial Hearing and Auditory Temporal Processing Abilities as a Function of Aging. bioRxiv. 2024 Aug 3. PubMed PMID: 39026701
  • Poleg S, Li BZ, Sergison M, Ridenour M, Hughes EG, Tollin D, Klug A. Age-related myelin deficits in the auditory brain stem contribute to cocktail-party deficits. bioRxiv. 2024 Nov 18. PubMed PMID: 39211072
  • Li BZ, Poleg S, Ridenour M, Tollin D, Lei T, Klug A. Computational model for synthesizing auditory brainstem responses to assess neuronal alterations in aging and autistic animal models. bioRxiv. 2024 Aug 7. PubMed PMID: 39211118
  • Xu Y, Li BZ, Huang X, Liu Y, Liang Z, Yang X, Lin L, Wang L, Xia Y, Ridenour M, Huang Y, Zhen Y, Klug A, Pun SH, Lei TC, Zhang B. Sapphire-Based Optrode for Low Noise Neural Recording and Optogenetic Manipulation. bioRxiv. 2024 Aug 19. PubMed PMID: 39229222
  • Aging leads to impairment of spatial hearing abilities in the Mongolian Gerbil. MD Sergison, J Peacock, MA Benson, NT Greene, A Klug, DJ Tollin. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154 (4_supplement), A300-A300
  • McCullagh EA, Peacock J, Lucas A, Poleg S, Greene NT, Gaut A, Lagestee S, Zhang Y, Kaczmarek LK, Park TJ, Tollin DJ, Klug A. Auditory brainstem development of naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber). Proc Biol Sci. 2022 Aug 10;289(1980):20220878. PubMed PMID: 35946148
  • McCullagh EA, Poleg S, Stich D, Moldovan R, Klug A. Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) Application for Imaging Myelination in Brain Slices. J Vis Exp. 2022 Jul 22;(185). PubMed PMID: 35938838
  • McCullagh EA, Kaczmarek LK, Tollin DJ, Klug A. Editorial: Alterations in the Sound Localization Pathway Related to Impaired Cocktail-Party Performance. Front Neurosci. 2022;16:902197. PubMed PMID: 35546884
  • Li BZ, Pun SH, Vai MI, Lei TC, Klug A. Predicting the Influence of Axon Myelination on Sound Localization Precision Using a Spiking Neural Network Model of Auditory Brainstem. Front Neurosci. 2022;16:840983. PubMed PMID: 35360169
  • Habenicht LM, Staley AW, Clancy BM, Bozan S, Manuel CA, Fong DL, Nicklawsky AG, Klug A, Leszczynski JK. Characterization of a Jumping Stereotypy in Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) and Assessment of Opaque Tubing Enrichment on Stereotypies and Breeding. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2022 Mar 1;61(2):149-158. PubMed PMID: 35140007
  • Z. Mohammadi, D. Denman, A. Klug, TC Lei: Multichannel neural spike sorting with spike reduction and positional feature bioRxiv 2022.09. 02.506385, 2022
  • KA Walker, CA Sammeth, N Greene, A Klug, D Tollin: Aging effects on binaural listening and other auditory system assessments The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol 151:A257, 2022.
  • MD Sergison, J Peacock, MA Benson, S Poleg, N. Greene, A. Klug, D. Tollin: Pre-pulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response as a behavioral assay for sound localization abilities of the Mongolian gerbil The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151:A 147, 2022
  • Li BZ, Pun SH, Vai MI, Klug A, Lei TC. Axonal Conduction Delay Shapes the Precision of the Spatial Hearing in A Spiking Neural Network Model of Auditory Brainstem. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2021 Nov;2021:4238-4241. PubMed PMID: 34892159
  • Lucas A, Poleg S, Klug A, McCullagh EA. Myelination Deficits in the Auditory Brainstem of a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome. Front Neurosci. 2021;15:772943. PubMed PMID: 34858133
  • Ly PT, Lucas A, Pun SH, Dondzillo A, Liu C, Klug A, Lei TC. Robotic stereotaxic system based on 3D skull reconstruction to improve surgical accuracy and speed. J Neurosci Methods. 2021 Jan 1;347:108955. PubMed PMID: 32971134
  • L. Wang, S.H. Pun, P.U. Mak, A. Klug, B.J. Zhang, M.I. Vai and T. Lei: A real-time correlational combination algorithm to improve SNR for multi-channel neural recordings. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 2021
  • Ly PT, Lucas A, Pun SH, Dondzillo A, Liu C, Klug A, Lei TC. Robotic stereotaxic system based on 3D skull reconstruction to improve surgical accuracy and speed. J Neurosci Methods. 2021 Jan 1;347:108955. PubMed PMID: 32971134
  • McCullagh EA, Rotschafer SE, Auerbach BD, Klug A, Kaczmarek LK, Cramer KS, Kulesza RJ Jr, Razak KA, Lovelace JW, Lu Y, Koch U, Wang Y. Mechanisms underlying auditory processing deficits in Fragile X syndrome. FASEB J. 2020 Mar;34(3):3501-3518. PubMed PMID: 32039504
  • McCullagh EA, Poleg S, Greene NT, Huntsman MM, Tollin DJ, Klug A. Characterization of Auditory and Binaural Spatial Hearing in a Fragile X Syndrome Mouse Model. eNeuro. 2020 Jan Feb;7(1). PubMed PMID: 31953317
  • De novo assembly of the Mongolian gerbil genome and transcriptome
  • Wang PK, Pun SH, Chen CH, McCullagh EA, Klug A, Li A, Vai MI, Mak PU, Lei TC. Low-latency single channel real-time neural spike sorting system based on template matching. PLoS One. 2019;14(11):e0225138. PubMed PMID: 31756211
  • Cheng S, Fu Y, Zhang Y, Xian W, Wang H, Grothe B, Liu X, Xu X, Klug A, McCullagh EA. Enhancement of de novo sequencing, assembly and annotation of the Mongolian gerbil genome with transcriptome sequencing and assembly from several different tissues. BMC Genomics. 2019 Nov 27;20(1):903. PubMed PMID: 31775624
  • Mohammadi Z, Kincaid JM, Pun SH, Klug A, Liu C, Lei TC. Computationally inexpensive enhanced growing neural gas algorithm for real-time adaptive neural spike clustering. J Neural Eng. 2019 Jul 30;16(5):056007. PubMed PMID: 31071700
  • Cheng S, Fu Y, Zhang Y, Xian W, Wang H, Grothe B, Lu X, Klug A, McCullagh EA. De novo assembly of the Mongolian gerbil genome and transcriptome. BioRxiv. 2019; :522516. doi:
  • McCullagh EA, Poleg S, Greene NT, Huntsman MM, Tollin DJ, Klug A. Auditory binaural and spatial hearing impairments in a Fragile X Syndrome mouse model. bioRxiv. 2019; :648717. doi:
  • Li B, Pun S, Feng W, Vai MI, Klug A, Lei TC. A Spiking Neural Network Model Mimicking the Olfactory Cortex for Handwritten Digit Recognition. Proceedings of the 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference in Neural Engineering. 2019; 9:1167-1170. doi: 10.1109/NER.2019.8716999.
  • Ly PT, Lucas A, Liu C, Klug A, Lei T. A stereotaxic platform for small animals based on 3D computer vision and robotics. Proceedings of the 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference in Neural Engineering. 2019; 9:851-854. doi: 10.1109/NER.2019.8717002.
  • Mohammadi Z, Klug A, Liu C, Lei TC. Data reduction for real-time enhanced growing neural gas spike sorting with multiple recording channels. Proceedings of the 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference in Neural Engineering. 2019; 9:1084-1087. doi: 10.1109/NER.2019.8717062.
  • McCullagh EA, Poleg S, Greene NT, Huntsman MM, Tollin DJ, Klug A. Auditory binaural and spatial hearing impairments in a Fragile X Syndrome mouse model. In press, eNeuro.
  • Chen CH, McCullagh EA, Pun SH, Mak PU, Vai MI, Mak PI, Klug A, Lei TC. An Integrated Circuit for Simultaneous Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording and Optogenetic Neural Manipulation. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2017 Mar;64(3):557-568. PubMed PMID: 28221990
  • McCullagh EA, Salcedo E, Huntsman MM, Klug A. Tonotopic alterations in inhibitory input to the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome. J Comp Neurol. 2017 Nov 1;525(16):3543-3562. PubMed PMID: 28744893
  • McCullagh EA, McCullagh P, Klug A, Leszczynski JK, Fong DL. Effects of an Extended Cage-change Interval on Ammonia Levels and Reproduction in Mongolian Gerbils ( Meriones unguiculatus ). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2017 Nov 1;56(6):713-717. PubMed PMID: 29256365
  • Dondzillo A, Thompson JA, Klug A. Recurrent Inhibition to the Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body in the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones Unguiculatus). PLoS One. 2016 Aug 4;11(8):e0160241. PubMed PMID: 27489949
  • Albrecht O, Klug A. Laser-guided Neuronal Tracing In Brain Explants. J Vis Exp. 2015 Nov 25;(105). PubMed PMID: 26649948
  • Dondzillo A, Quinn KD, Cruickshank-Quinn CI, Reisdorph N, Lei TC, Klug A. A recording chamber for small volume slice electrophysiology. J Neurophysiol. 2015 Sep;114(3):2053-64. PubMed PMID: 26203105
  • Klug A, Albrecht O. Neural Circuits: Introducing Different Scales of Temporal Processing. Curr Biol. 2015 Jun 29;25(13):R557-9. PubMed PMID: 26126280
  • Mayer F, Albrecht O, Dondzillo A, Klug A. Glycinergic inhibition to the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body shows prominent facilitation and can sustain high levels of ongoing activity. J Neurophysiol. 2014 Dec 1;112(11):2901-15. PubMed PMID: 25185813
  • Albrecht O, Dondzillo A, Mayer F, Thompson JA, Klug A. Inhibitory projections from the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body to the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body in the mouse. Front Neural Circuits. 2014;8:83. PubMed PMID: 25120436
  • Chen CH, Pun SH, Mak PU, Vai MI, Klug A, Lei TC. Circuit models and experimental noise measurements of micropipette amplifiers for extracellular neural recordings from live animals. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:135026. PubMed PMID: 25133158
  • A. Dondzillo, J.L. Thornton, D.J. Tollin, and A. Klug: Manufacturing and Using Piggy-back Multibarrel Electrodes for In vivo Pharmacological Manipulations of Neural Responses. Journal of Visualized Experiments (Video Article) 71: e4358, 1-7, 2013.
  • Al-Juboori SI, Dondzillo A, Stubblefield EA, Felsen G, Lei TC, Klug A. Light scattering properties vary across different regions of the adult mouse brain. PLoS One. 2013;8(7):e67626. PubMed PMID: 23874433
  • Dondzillo A, Thornton JL, Tollin DJ, Klug A. Manufacturing and using piggy-back multibarrel electrodes for in vivo pharmacological manipulations of neural responses. J Vis Exp. 2013 Jan 18;(71):e4358. PubMed PMID: 23354055
  • M.J. Fischl, T.D. Combs, A. Klug, B. Grothe, and R.M. Burger: Modulation of synaptic Input by GABAB receptors improves coincidence detection for computation of sound location. Journal of Physiology 590: 3047-3066, 2012. See also associated "Perspectives" by M.T. Roberts and N.L. Golding: GABAA receptors sharpen tuning of a sound localization circuit. Journal of Physiology 590: 2951-2952, 2012.
  • A. Klug, J.G.G. Borst, B.A. Carlson, C. Kopp-Scheinpflug, V.A. Klyachko, and M.A. Xu-Friedman: How Do Short-Term Changes at Synapses Fine-Tune Information Processing? Journal of Neuroscience 32: 14058-14063, 2012.
  • An Integrated Circuit for Simultaneous Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording and Optogenetic Neural Manipulation. Chen CH, McCullagh EA, Pun SH, Mak PU, Vai MI, Mak PI, Klug A, Lei TC. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, in press.