Simeon K, Wright A, Browne V. Cardiac tamponade and septic pericarditis caused by biliary stent migration. Am J Emerg Med. 2023 Jan;63:181.e1-181.e3. PubMed PMID: 36270959
Wilson J, Maloney K, Bookman K, Stoneback JW, Browne VA, Ginde A, Wallace M, Jacknin G, Cumbler E, Lewiss RE. Training Emergency Physicians in Ultrasound-guided Fascia Iliaca Compartment Blocks: Lessons in Change Management. Cureus. 2019 May 28;11(5):e4773. PubMed PMID: 31363454
Wilson J, Ng L, Browne V, Lewiss RE. An Easy-to-Make, Low-Cost Ultrasound Phantom for Simulation Training in Abscess Identification and Aspiration. J Ultrasound Med. 2017 Jun;36(6):1241-1244. PubMed PMID: 28258634
Wolfson GH, Vargas E, Browne VA, Moore LG, Julian CG. Erythropoietin and Soluble Erythropoietin Receptor: A Role for Maternal Vascular Adaptation to High-Altitude Pregnancy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017 Jan 1;102(1):242-250. PubMed PMID: 27809650
Smalley CM, Browne V, Kaplan B, Russ B, Wilson J, Lewiss RE. Early Innovative Immersion: A Course for Pre-Medical Professions Students Using Point-of-Care Ultrasound. J Ultrasound Med. 2016 Dec;35(12):2681-2686. PubMed PMID: 27821654
Wolfson G, Vargas E, Browne VA, Moore LG, Julian CG. Erythropoietin and Soluble Erythropoietin Receptor: A Role for Maternal Vascular Adaptation to High Altitude Pregnancy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Nov 3;:jc20161767. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27809650
Ahn JS, French AJ, Thiessen ME, Browne V, Deutchman M, Guiton G, Madigosky W, Kendall JL. Using Ultrasound to Enhance Medical Students' Femoral Vascular Physical Examination Skills. J Ultrasound Med. 2015 Oct;34(10):1771-6. PubMed PMID: 26324754
Browne VA, Julian CG, Toledo-Jaldin L, Cioffi-Ragan D, Vargas E, Moore LG. Uterine artery blood flow, fetal hypoxia and fetal growth. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2015 Mar 5;370(1663):20140068. PubMed PMID: 25602072
Browne VA, Julian CG, Toledo-Jaldin L, Cioffi-Ragan D, Vargas E, Moore LG. Uterine artery blood flow, fetal hypoxia and fetal growth. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2015 Mar 5;370(1663). PubMed PMID: 25602072
Bigham AW, Julian CG, Wilson MJ, Vargas E, Browne VA, Shriver MD, Moore LG. Maternal PRKAA1 and EDNRA genotypes are associated with birth weight, and PRKAA1 with uterine artery diameter and metabolic homeostasis at high altitude. Physiol Genomics. 2014 Sep 15;46(18):687-97. PubMed PMID: 25225183
Julian CG, Yang IV, Browne VA, Vargas E, Rodriguez C, Pedersen BS, Moore LG, Schwartz DA. Inhibition of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ?: a potential link between chronic maternal hypoxia and impaired fetal growth. FASEB J. 2014 Mar;28(3):1268-79. PubMed PMID: 24307415
Julian CG, Yang IV, Browne VA, Vargas E, Rodriguez C, Pedersen BS, Moore LG, Schwartz DA. Inhibition of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ?: a potential link between chronic maternal hypoxia and impaired fetal growth. FASEB J. 2014 Mar;28(3):1268-79. PubMed PMID: 24307415
Keyes LE, Paterson R, Boatright D, Browne V, Leadbetter G, Hackett P. Optic nerve sheath diameter and acute mountain sickness. Wilderness Environ Med. 2013 Jun;24(2):105-11. PubMed PMID: 23425353
Bigham AW, Wilson MJ, Julian CG, Kiyamu M, Vargas E, Leon-Velarde F, Rivera-Chira M, Rodriquez C, Browne VA, Parra E, Brutsaert TD, Moore LG, Shriver MD. Andean and Tibetan patterns of adaptation to high altitude. Am J Hum Biol. 2013 Mar-Apr;25(2):190-7. PubMed PMID: 23348729
Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter and Acute Mountain Sickness. Linda E. Keyes, MD; Ryan Paterson, MD; Dowin Boatright, MD; Vaughn Browne, MD, PhD; Gig Leadbetter, PhD; Peter Hackett, MD. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine published on-line 18 Feb 2013.
Andean and Tibetan Patterns of Adaptation to High Altitude. ABIGAIL W. BIGHAM,1* MEGAN J. WILSON,2,3 COLLEEN G. JULIAN,2,3 MELISA KIYAMU,4 ENRIQUE VARGAS,5
AND MARK D. SHRIVER11 Am. J. Hum. Biol. 25:190–197, 2013.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound of the Extremities and Spine. Foundations of Doctoring Physical Diagnosis course. University of Colorado School of Medicine Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE).
Vascular Ultrasound in the Physical Exam. Foundations of Doctoring Physical Diagnosis course. University of Colorado School of Medicine Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE).
Thoracic and Lung Ultrasonography in the Physical Exam. Foundations of Doctoring Physical Diagnosis course. University of Colorado School of Medicine Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE).
Ultrasonography of the Heart in the Physical Exam. Foundations of Doctoring Physical Diagnosis course. University of Colorado School of Medicine Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE).
R Daniela Davila, Colleen G Julian, Megan J Wilson, Vaughn A Browne, Carmelo Rodriguez, Abigail W Bigham, Mark D Shriver, Enrique Vargas and Lorna G Moore. Do cytokines contribute to the Andean-associated protection from reduced fetal growth at high-altitude? Reprod Sci 18(1):79-87 (2011).
Browne, Vaughn A., Lillian Toledo-Jaldin, R. Daniela Davila, Luis P. Lopez, Henry Yamashiro, Darleen Cioffi-Ragan, Colleen G. Julian, Megan J. Wilson, Abigail W. Bigham, Mark D. Shriver, Benjamin Honigman, Enrique Vargas, Robert Roach, and Lorna G. Moore. High end-arteriolar resistance limits uterine artery blood flow and restricts fetal growth in preeclampsia and gestational hypertension at high altitude. Am J Physiol: Reg, Integr Comp Phys. Feb 16, 2011 online, May 2011 print.
Introduction to Bedside Ultrasonography in the Physical Exam. Basic Principles and Concepts. Foundations of Doctoring Physical Diagnosis course. University of Colorado School of Medicine Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE).
Ultrasound Examination of the Eye. Foundations of Doctoring Physical Diagnosis course. University of Colorado School of Medicine Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE).
Introduction to Abdominal Ultrasonography in the Physical Exam. Foundations of Doctoring Physical Diagnosis course. University of Colorado School of Medicine Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE).
Introduction to Ultrasound: Physics and Basic Knobology. U.S. Army Special Forces Command. Ft. Bragg, NC.
Obstetrical Ultrasound. U.S. Army Special Forces Command. Ft. Bragg, NC.
Abdominal Ultrasound in Trauma. U.S. Army Special Forces Command. Ft. Bragg, NC.
Ultrasound for Vascular Access. U.S. Army Special Forces Command. Ft. Bragg, NC.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. U.S. Army Special Forces Command. Ft. Bragg, NC.
Ocular Ultrasound. U.S. Army Special Forces Command. Ft. Bragg, NC.
Ultrasound in the Critically Injured Patient. U.S. Army Special Forces Command. Ft. Bragg, NC.
Introduction to Emergency Ultrasound. University of Colorado School of Medicine Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine Interest Groups.
I am in the process of developing a series of teaching modules for the medical student ultrasound curriculum. This year, I developed modules for FAST, basic echocardiography, 1st trimester pelvic ultrasound, and ectopic pregnancy. I am developing additional modules for the physical diagnosis portion of the Foundations in Doctoring program.
Browne, Vaughn A., Lillian Toledo-Jaldin, R. Daniela Davila, Luis P. Lopez, Henry Yamashiro, Darleen Cioffi-Ragan, Colleen G. Julian, Megan J. Wilson, Abigail W. Bigham, Mark D. Shriver, Benjamin Honigman, Enrique Vargas, Robert Roach, and Lorna G. Moore. High end-arteriolar resistance limits uterine artery blood flow and restricts fetal growth in preeclampsia and gestational hypertension at high altitude. Am J Physiol: Reg, Integr Comp Phys. 2009 [resubmitted, in final review]
Browne, Vaughn A., Lillian Toledo-Jaldin, R. Daniela Davila, Luis P. Lopez, Henry Yamashiro, Darleen Cioffi-Ragan, Colleen G. Julian, Megan J. Wilson, Abigail W. Bigham, Mark D. Shriver, Enrique Vargas, and Lorna G. Moore. Fetal growth restriction was not evident at the onset of symptoms in Andeans with preeclampsia and gestational hypertension at high altitude. [in preparation]
Echocardiography for Left Ventricular Function. University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine and Denver Health Hospital Fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound.
Echocardiography for Pulmonary Embolus. University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine and Denver Health Hospital Fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound.
Echocardiography for Pericardial Effusion. University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine and Denver Health Hospital Fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound.
1st Trimester Pelvic Ultrasound. University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine and Denver Health Hospital Fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound.
Ectopic Pregnancy. University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine and Denver Health Hospital Fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound.
Hatten, Benjamin, and Vaughn A. Browne. Retinal Detachment. Emerg Med J 8 April 2010
Tebb, Zach, and Vaughn A. Browne. Man with painful swelling in neck. Sialoadenitis and submandibular duct obstruction. Ann Emerg. Med 2009 Dec 54(6) e18-19.
R. Daniela Davila, Colleen G. Julian, Megan J. Wilson, Vaughn A. Browne, Henry Yamashiro, Carmelo Rodriguez, Abigail W. Bigham, Mark D. Shriver, Enrique Vargas, and Lorna G. Moore. Role of angiogenic factors in Andean protection from hypoxia-associated reductions in fetal growth. Am. J. Obstetr Gynecol 2009 [accepted]
Julian CG, McCord JM, Vargas E, Browne VA, Wilson MJ, Klawitter J, Rodriguez C, Yamashiro H, Davila RD, Bigham AW, Moore LG. Enzymatic antioxidant status: a role for protected fetal growth in highland Andeans. Free Radical Medicine and Biology 2009 [submitted, in review]
Maternal global gene expression analysis implicates roles for PRKAA1 (AMPKalpha1) and
HIF-targeted genes in fetal growth restriction at high altitude. Megan J. Wilson, Vaughn A. Browne, Abigail W. Bigham, Colleen G. Julian, Enrique Vargas, Lilian Toledo-Jaldin, Lorna G. Moore. submitted to Placenta March 2012
Uteroplacental Ischemia is Associated with Increased PAPP-A2. Leah M. LAMALE-SMITH, Diane GUMINA, Vaughn A. BROWNE, Lilian TOLEDO-JALDIN, Anita W. KRAMER, Colleen G. JULIAN, Virginia D. WINN, Lorna G. MOORE. Amer. J. Obstet. Gyn. resubmitted Dec 2018