Dege, C, and J Hagman. 2014. Mi-2/NuRD chromatin remodeling complexes regulate B and T lymphocyte development and function. Immunol Res (in press).
Hagman J, Lukin K. Plasma cells for hire: prior experience required. Immunity. 2013 Jul 25;39(1):89-91. PubMed PMID: 23890066
Wang M, Ramirez J, Han J, Jia Y, Domenico J, Seibold MA, Hagman JR, Gelfand EW. The steroidogenic enzyme Cyp11a1 is essential for development of peanut-induced intestinal anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Nov;132(5):1174-1183.e8. PubMed PMID: 23870673
Collins B, Clambey ET, Scott-Browne J, White J, Marrack P, Hagman J, Kappler JW. Ikaros promotes rearrangement of TCR a genes in an Ikaros null thymoma cell line. Eur J Immunol. 2013 Feb;43(2):521-32. PubMed PMID: 23172374
Dege C, Hagman J. Activation of Aicda gene transcription by Pax5 in plasmacytoma cells. Immunol Res. 2013 Mar;55(1-3):155-61. PubMed PMID: 22956488
Activation of Aicda gene transcription by Pax5 in plasmacytoma cells. Immunol Res, 55:155-161 (PMID: 22956488).
Collins, B, ET Clambey, JP Scott-Browne, J White, P Marrack, J Hagman and JW Kappler. 2013. Ikaros promotes rearrangement of TCR alpha genes in an Ikaros null thymoma cell line. Eur J Immunol, 43:521-532 (PMID: 23172374). Commentary in Wynandy, S. 2013. Ikaros to the rescue of TCR-a chain gene rearrangement. Eur J Immunol, 43:314-317 (PMID: 23299235).
Musselman, CA, J Ramirez, JK Sims, RE Mansfield, SS Oliver, JM Denu, JP Mackay, PA Wade, J Hagman and TG Kutateladze. 2012. Bivalent recognition of nucleosomes by the tandem PHD fingers of CHD4 is required for CHD4-mediated repression. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109:787-792 (PMID: 22215588).
Lettice, LA, I Williamson, JH Wiltshire, S Peluso, PS Devenney, AE Hill, A Essafi, J Hagman, R Mort, G Grimes, CL DeAngelis and RE Hill. 2012. Opposing functions of the ETS factor family define Shh spatial expression in limb buds and underlie polydactyly. Devel Cell, 22:459-467 (PMID: 22340503).
Hagman, J, J Ramírez and K Lukin. 2012. B lymphocyte lineage specification, commitment and epigenetic control of transcription by Early B cell Factor 1. Curr Topics Micro Immunol,356:17-38 (PMID: 21735360).
Ramirez, J, C Dege, KG Kutateladze and J Hagman. 2012. MBD2 and multiple domains of CHD4 are required for transcriptional repression by Mi-2/NuRD complexes. Mol Cell Biol, 32:5067-5077 (PMCID: PMC3510529).
Lukin, K, S Fields, L Guerrettaz, D Straign, V. Rodriguez, S Zandi, R Månsson, JC Cambier, M Sigvardsson and J Hagman. 2011. A dose-dependent role for EBF1 in repressing non-B cell specific genes. Eur J Immunol, [Epub ahead of print] (PMID: 21469119).
Hagman, J, J Ramirez and K Lukin. 2011. B lymphocyte lineage specification, commitment and epigenetic control of transcription by Early B cell Factor 1. Curr
Topics Micro Immunol, in press.
Lukin, K, S Fields, L Guerrettaz, D Straign, V. Rodriguez, S Zandi, R Månsson, JC Cambier, M Sigvardsson and J Hagman. 2011. A dose-dependent role for EBF1 in repressing non-B cell specific genes. Eur J Immunol 41:1787-1793 (PMID: 21469119).
Ramírez, J, K Lukin and J Hagman. 2010. From hematopoietic progenitors to B cells: mechanisms of lineage restriction and commitment. Curr Opin Immunol, 22:177-184 Review (PMCID: PMC2854230).
Lukin, K, S Fields, D Lopez, M Cherrier, K Ternyak, J Ramírez, AJ Feeney and J Hagman. 2010. Compound haploinsufficiencies of Ebf1 and Runx1 genes impede B cell lineage progression. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107:7869-7874 (PMCID: PMC2867885).
Lin, YC, S Jhunjhunwala, C Benner, S Heinz, E Welinder, R Mansson, M Sigvardsson, J Hagman, CA Espinoza, J Dutkowski, T Ideker, CK Glass and C Murre. 2010. A global network of transcription factors, involving E2A, EBF1 and Foxo1, that orchestrates B cell fate. Nat Immunol, 11:635-643 (PMCID: PMC2896911).
Hong, X, J Zang, J White, C Wang, C-H Pan, R Zhao, RC Murphy, S Dai, P Henson, JW Kappler, J Hagman, and G Zhang. 2010. Interaction of JMJD6 with single-stranded RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:14568-14572 (PMCID: PMC2930430).
Hagman, J. 2014. Transcriptional Regulation of Early B Cell Development. Chapter 3 in ‘Molecular Biology of B Cells, 2nd ed. T. Honjo, F.W. Alt, A. Radbruch, and M. Reth, eds. Elsevier Academic Press, London, U.K. (in press).