Top Doctor in Denver, 5280 Magazine
Voted a 5280 best doctor by my peers in response to the question, "Which physician would you trust to treat you and your family?"
Yauk CL, Lucas Argueso J, Auerbach SS, Awadalla P, Davis SR, Demarini DM, Douglas GR, Dubrova YE, Elespuru RK, Glover TW, Hales BF, Hurles ME, Klein CB, Lupski JR, Manchester DK, Marchetti F, Montpetit A, Mulvihill JJ, Robaire B, Robbins WA, Rouleau GA, Shaughnessy DT, Somers CM, Taylor JG 6th, Trasler J, Waters MD, Wilson TE, Witt KL, Bishop JB. Harnessing genomics to identify environmental determinants of heritable disease. Mutat Res. 2013 Jan;752(1):6-9. PubMed PMID: 22935230
Wilkinson CC, Manchester DK, Keating RF, Ketch LL, Winston KR. Syndromic craniosynostosis, fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) mutations, and sacrococcygeal eversion presenting as human tails. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Aug;28(8):1221-6. PubMed PMID: 22661218
Cullup T, Kho AL, Dionisi-Vici C, Brandmeier B, Smith F, Urry Z, Simpson MA, Yau S, Bertini E, McClelland V, Al-Owain M, Koelker S, Koerner C, Hoffmann GF, Wijburg FA, Hoedt AE, Rogers RC, Manchester D, Miyata R, Hayashi M, Said E, Soler D, Kroisel PM, Windpassinger C, Filloux FM, Al-Kaabi S, Hertecant J, Del Campo M, Buk S, Bodi I, Goebel HH, Sewry CA, Abbs S, Mohammed S, Josifova D, Gautel M, Jungbluth H. Recessive mutations in EPG5 cause Vici syndrome, a multisystem disorder with defective autophagy. Nat Genet. 2012 Dec 16;45(1):83-7. PubMed PMID: 23222957
Professional Memberships
Western Society Pediatric Research, Member
Society of Pediatric Research, Member
American Society of Human Genetics, Member
International Society for the Study of Zenobiotics, Member