Cecilia Low Wang, MD

Professor, Medicine-Endocrinology/Metabolism/Diabetes

Medical School
  • MD, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry (1996)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Pomona College (1991)
  • University of Utah Medical Center Program (1997)
  • University of Utah Medical Center Program, Chief Resident, Internal Medicine (2000)
  • University of Colorado, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2003)
Mandarin, English

Professional Titles

  • Director, Glucose Management Team, UCH
  • Clinician-Scientist, CPC Clinical Research
  • Program Director, CU Diabetes Fellowship Training Program

Research Interests

I study how diabetes and cardiovascular disease interact to cause problems for people with diabetes, and how best to prevent it and take care of it. I also study high blood sugars due to diabetes or to stress in the hospital and how best to manage it while keeping people safe (such as avoiding blood sugars that are too low).


  • Abushamat LA, Schauer IE, Low Wang CC, Mitchell S, Herlache L, Bridenstine M, Durbin R, Snell-Bergeon JK, Regensteiner JG, Reusch JE. Rosiglitazone improves insulin resistance but does not improve exercise capacity in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance: A randomized clinical study. J Investig Med. 2024 Mar;72(3):294-304. PubMed PMID: 38148342
  • Ni K, Hawkins RM, Smyth HL, Seggelke SA, Gibbs J, Lindsay MC, Kaizer LK, Low Wang CC. Safety and Efficacy of Insulins in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Continuous Enteral Nutrition. Endocr Pract. 2024 Apr;30(4):367-371. PubMed PMID: 38307456
  • Zahalka SJ, Galindo RJ, Shah VN, Low Wang CC. Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Prediabetes: What Are the Best Metrics?. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2024 Jul;18(4):835-846. PubMed PMID: 38629784
  • Low Wang CC, Chong T, Moore G, Echalier B, Haakonsen N, Carter JE Jr, Mathes D, Hsia J, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Freed BM. Results of the Phase 1 Open-Label Safety Study of Umbilical Cord Lining Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells (Corlicyte(®)) to Heal Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Biomedicines. 2024 Jun 20;12(6). PubMed PMID: 38927582
  • Canonico ME, Low Wang CC, Hsia J, Debus ES, Nehler MR, Patel MR, Anand SS, Ycas J, Capell WH, Muehlhofer E, Haskell LP, Berkowitz SD, Bauersachs R, Bonaca MP. Low-Dose Rivaroxaban Plus Aspirin in Fragile Patients After Lower Extremity Revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2024 Aug 27;84(9):801-811. PubMed PMID: 39168566
  • Sirlanci M, Hripcsak G, Low Wang CC, Stroh JN, Wang Y, Bennett TD, Stuart AM, Albers D. A Stochastic Model-Based Control Methodology for Glycemic Management in the Intensive Care Unit. Frontiers Med Engineering 2024, section Computational Medicine 2024;vol 2.
  • Walter K, Park J, Papaleontiou M, Low Wang C, Gumber R, Choksi P. Utilization of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors in adult kidney transplant recipients: a survey of endocrinology and nephrology provider. American Journal of Transplantation 2024;24(s6):S949. Presented at American Transplant Congress 2024, on Jun 3, 2024. Poster 212.
  • Samson SL, Vellanki P, Blonde L, Christofides EA, Galindo RJ, Hirsch IB, Isaacs SD, Izuora KE, Low Wang CC, Twining CL, Umpierrez GE, Valencia WM. American Association of Clinical Endocrinology Consensus Statement: Comprehensive Type 2 Diabetes Management Algorithm - 2023 Update. Endocr Pract. 2023 May;29(5):305-340. PubMed PMID: 37150579
  • Mubeen F, Low Wang CC, Al Maradni A, Shivaswamy V, Sadhu AR. Digital Health and Shared Decision-Making in Diabetes Care - A Survey Initiative in Patients and Clinicians. Endocr Pract. 2023 Jul;29(7):538-545. PubMed PMID: 37178788
  • Sirlanci M, Levine ME, Low Wang CC, Albers DJ, Stuart AM. A simple modeling framework for prediction in the human glucose-insulin system. Chaos. 2023 Jul 1;33(7). PubMed PMID: 37486667
  • Galindo RJ, Trujillo JM, Low Wang CC, McCoy RG. Advances in the management of type 2 diabetes in adults. BMJ Med. 2023;2(1):e000372. PubMed PMID: 37680340
  • Wang Y, Stroh JN, Hripcsak G, Low Wang CC, Bennett TD, Wrobel J, Der Nigoghossian C, Mueller SW, Claassen J, Albers DJ. A methodology of phenotyping ICU patients from EHR data: High-fidelity, personalized, and interpretable phenotypes estimation. J Biomed Inform. 2023 Dec;148:104547. PubMed PMID: 37984547
  • Low Wang CC, Seggelke SA, McDermott MT, Reusch JEB. Chapter 2: Pathophysiology: How COVID-19 Impacts the Pancreas and Peripheral Insulin Resistance. In Diabetes and COVID-19: Considerations and Clinical Management (Springer; ed. Alyson K Myers). 2023.
  • Zahalka S, Rushakoff R, Low Wang CC. Chapter 27: Diabetes and Enteral Nutrition in the Hospital Setting. In Diabetes Management in Hospitalized Patients: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide. (Springer Vancouver; ed. Rifka Schulman-Rosenbaum). 2023. ISBN 978-3-031-44647-4.
  • Low Wang CC, Alyson Myers, Chase Hendrickson. Endocrine Feedback Loop (Endocrine Society’s journal club podcast series) discussing “Glycemic Gap Predicts Mortality in a Large Multicenter Cohort Hospitalized With COVID-19” by McDonnell ME, et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2023;108(3):718-725. EFL036: https://www.endocrine.org/journals/endocrine-feedback-loop-podcast-series/efl036-the-glycemic-gap-in-hospitalized-patients-with-covid. Aired April 20, 2023.
  • Patel H, Robbins E, Hammond K, Raffel K, Low Wang CC, Thompson E. Sweet Work: Reducing Hypoglycemia Events in the Hospital. Virtual UCHealth Patient Safety Conference, Aurora, CO. March 16, 2023.
  • Low Wang CC, Estacio RO, Coronel-Mockler S, Flattery N, McKenzie A, Harrison D, Bonaca MP. VICTOR-Pilot Study of a Virtual Dietary Intervention to Improve Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk in Rural Communities – Primary Results. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting 2023. Session Number P14 Diabetes & Vascular Disease: Clinical Diabetes. Poster THU-254. J Endocr Soc 2023; 7(Suppl 1):bvad114.691.
  • Mario E Canonico, CC Low Wang, E. Sebastian Debus, Mark Nehler, Manesh Patel, Sonia Anand, Warren Capell, Eva Muehlhofer, Lloyd Haskell, Scott D Berkowitz, Rupert Bauersachs, Marc P Bonaca. Impact of Low-Dose Rivaroxaban Plus Aspirin on Total Vascular Events in Fragile Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease: Insights From VOYAGER PAD. American Heart Association 2023 Annual Scientific Sessions. Circulation 2023;148:A16398.
  • Govsyeyev N, Nehler MR, Low Wang CC, Kavanaugh S, Hiatt WR, Long C, Jones WS, Fowkes FGR, Berger JS, Baumgartner I, Patel MR, Goodney PP, Beckman JA, Katona BG, Mahaffey KW, Blomster J, Norgren L, Bonaca MP. Etiology and Outcomes of Amputation in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease: Insights from the EUCLID Trial. J Vasc Surg 2022;75(2):660-670.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2021.08.096. PMID: 34597783.
  • McRae M, Low Wang CC. Macrovascular Complications. Prim Care: Clinics Office Pract 2022;49(2):255-273. doi: 10.1016/j.pop.2021.11.012. PMID:35595481.
  • Brooks D, Schulman-Rosenbaum R, Griff M, Lester J, Low Wang CC. Glucocorticoid-Induced Hyperglycemia Including Dexamethasone-Associated Hyperglycemia in COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review. Endocr Pract 2022;28(11):1166-1177. Doi: 10.1016/j.eprac.2022.07.014. PMID: 35940469
  • Griff M, Crawley S, Rowland A, Seggelke S, Hawkins RM, Grafals M, Low Wang CC. Diabetes management at the time of renal transplantation. American Diabetes Association’s 82nd Scientific Sessions 2022. New Orleans, Louisiana. Poster 1293-P. Category 19: Transplantation.
  • Seggelke SA, Griff M, Crawley S, Rowland A, Hawkins RM, Low Wang CC. Dysglycemia in patients without diabetes after renal transplantation. American Diabetes Association’s 82nd Scientific Sessions 2022. New Orleans, Louisiana. Poster 928-P. Category 13-B Health Care Delivery—Quality Improvement.
  • Low Wang CC, Chong T, Moore G, Kafka R, Miller-Sarmento A, Trinh S, Miller A, Carter J, Mathes D, Freed B. Results of the Phase 1 Open-Label Safety Study of Umbilical Cord Lining (Corlicyte®) to Heal Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers. DFCon 2022 - 22nd edition of the Interdisciplinary Global Diabetic Foot Conference. Los Angeles, California. Poster 44.
  • Govsyeyev N, Nehler MR, Low Wang CC, Kavanagh S, Hiatt WR, Long C, Jones WS, Fowkes FGR, Berger JS, Baumgartner I, Patel MR, Goodney PP, Beckman JA, Katona BG, Mahaffey KW, Blomster J, Norgren L, Bonaca MP. Etiology and Outcomes of Amputation in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease: Insights From the EUCLID Trial. J Vasc Surg. 2021 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34597783
  • Seggelke SA, Ingram CC, Crawley S, Low Wang CC. Insulin Resistance in a Hospitalized COVID-19 Patient: A Case Review. Clin Diabetes. 2021 Apr;39(2):228-232. PubMed PMID: 33986579
  • Draznin B, Sadhu A, Schutta M, Ramirez BF, Polsky S, Shubrook JH, Low Wang CC. Authors' Reply: Improved Access to Quality Diabetes Care in the United States: Where Do We Go From Here?. Endocr Pract. 2021 Jul;27(7):760-761. PubMed PMID: 33940181
  • Draznin B, Sadhu A, Schutta M, Ramirez BF, Polsky S, Shubrook JH, Low Wang CC. The Diabetes Epidemic and Diabetes Fellowships for Primary Care Physicians. Endocr Pract. 2021 Jun;27(6):636-637. PubMed PMID: 33757910
  • Shubrook JH, Ramirez BF, Healy AM, Salzberg L, Ahmed S, Feinberg H, Schutta M, Schwartz FL, Low Wang CC. Primary Care Diabetes Fellowship Programs: Developing National Standards. Clin Diabetes. 2021 Jan;39(1):88-96. PubMed PMID: 33551558
  • Hawkins RM, Adair WB, Gibbs J, Vinh J, Low Wang CC. Part 8, Chapter 42: Transient Severe Insulin Resistance in COVID-19 and Prediabetes. In Diabetes in Practice – Case Studies with Commentary. (ed.) Draznin B. Alexandria: American Diabetes Association, 2021.
  • Low Wang CC. Part 8, Chapter 47: Coincidence or Consequence? A Case of Type 1 Diabetes with Worsening Neuropathy. In Diabetes in Practice – Case Studies with Commentary. (ed.) Draznin B. Alexandria: American Diabetes Association, 2021.
  • Low Wang CC, McRae M. A commentary on: Liraglutide Hospital Discharge Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of Liraglutide versus Glargine Insulin for the Management of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes After Hospital Discharge. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/liraglutide-hospital-discharge-trial/114021/65/8/1. Accessed March 12, 2021.
  • Low Wang CC. A commentary on: A Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Insulin Degludec U100 and Glargine U100 for the Inpatient Management of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/insulin-degludec-u100-vs-glargine-u100-for-inpatient-type-2-diabetes-management/123568/65/8/1. Accessed September 29, 2021.
  • Hawkins RM, Seggelke S, Gibbs J, Lindsay M, Low Wang CC. Glycemic Control in Hospitalized Patients Receiving Enteral Nutrition. American Diabetes Association 81st Scientific Sessions 2021 (virtual). Poster #2021-A-5827-Diabetes. Diabetes 2021;70(Supplement 1):825-P. https://doi.org/10.2337/db21-825-P.
  • Low Wang CC, Nehler M, Lloyd Haskell, Scott D Berkowitz, E. Sebastian Debus, Rupert Bauersachs, Marc P Bonaca. Risk Profile of Comorbid Diabetes and Benefit of Rivaroxaban in Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia: Insights from VOYAGER PAD. American Diabetes Association 81st Scientific Sessions 2021 (virtual). Poster #2021-LB-6784-Diabetes. Diabetes 2021
  • Low Wang CC, E. Sebastian Debus, Mark Nehler, Manesh Patel, Sonia Anand, Warren Capell, Eva Muehlhofer, Lloyd Haskell, Scott D Berkowitz, Rupert Bauersachs, Marc P Bonaca, on behalf of the VOYAGER PAD investigators. Risk Profile and the Efficacy and Safety of Rivaroxaban in Fragile PAD Patients after Revascularization: Insights from VOYAGER PAD. European Society of Cardiology Congress 2021: Latest Science in Special Populations.
  • Low Wang CC, E. Sebastian Debus, Mark Nehler, Manesh Patel, Sonia Anand, Matthew Jackson, Michael Szarek, Connie Hess, Warren Capell, Eva Muehlhofer, Lloyd Haskell, Scott D Berkowitz, Rupert Bauersachs, Marc P Bonaca, on behalf of the VOYAGER PAD investigators. Efficacy and Safety of Rivaroxaban in Patients with PAD with Concomitant Diabetes After Lower Extremity Revascularization. European Society of Cardiology Congress 2021: Latest Science in Special Populations.
  • Bakris G, Rasouli N, Low Wang CC. Should metformin remain first-line therapy for type 2 diabetes? American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association Know Diabetes By Heart podcast. https://www.knowdiabetesbyheart.org/podcast/2020-episode-3-metformin-is-it-always-first/
  • Reusch JEB. Featuring Low Wang CC. 2021 ADA General Highlights: GRADE Study, GIP/GLP-1 Receptor Agonists, Mental Health and Population Considerations in Diabetes, and More. VuMedi, 41 minutes.
  • Shubrook JH, Ramirez BF, Healy AM, Salzberg L, Ahmed S, Feinberg H, Schutta M, Schwartz FL, Low Wang CC. Primary Care Diabetes Fellowship Programs: Developing National Standards. Clin Diabetes. 2021 Jan;39(1):88-96. PubMed PMID: 33551558
  • Seggelke SA, Ingram CC, Crawley S, Low Wang CC. Insulin Resistance in a Hospitalized COVID-19 Patient: A Case Review. Clin Diabetes. 2021 Apr;39(2):228-232. PubMed PMID: 33986579
  • Seggelke SA, Ingram CI, Crawley S, Low Wang CC. Insulin Resistance in a Hospitalized COVID-19 Patient: A Case Review. Clin Diabetes published online Dec 22, 2020. https://doi.org/10.2337/cd20-0036.
  • Low Wang CC. Commentary for www.PracticeUpdate.com on Diabetes Care article: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Glargine U300 and Glargine U100 for the Inpatient Management of Medicine and Surgery Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Glargine U300 Hospital Trial. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/comparing-glargine-u300-and-glargine-u100-for-the-inpatient-management-of-patients-with-type-2-diabetes/98993/65/8/1. Accessed April 29, 2020
  • Behan S, Low Wang CC, Hess C, Mulder H, Gutierrez A, Fowkes F, Baumgartner I, Berger J, Katona B, Mahaffey K, Norgren L, Blomster J, Jones S, Patel MR, Hiatt WR, Bonaca MP. Polyvascular disease with and without diabetes and the risk of adverse cardiovascular and limb events in the EUCLID trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020. 40. Vascular medicine: Non coronary arterial disease. 20-A-14515-ACC.
  • Mayson SE, Haugen B, Low Wang CC. The Endocrinology Fellowship Thyroid/Neck Ultrasound Curriculum Innovations Project. 2020 AME Education Symposium. University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
  • Zaman A, McDermott MT, Mansfield V, Low Wang CC. Mortality in Patients with Glucose Derangements after ICU Admission. American Diabetes Association’s 80th Scientific Sessions 2020 Virtual. 1611-P in category 16-F Epidemiology—Other.
  • Govsyeyev N, Nehler MR, Low Wang CC, Kavanagh S, Hiatt WR, Long C, Jones WS, Fowkes FG, Berger JS, Patel MR, Katona B, Norgren L and Bonaca MP. Amputation in Patients With PAD With and Without Diabetes: Insights From the EUCLID Trial. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2020 Virtual. Circulation 2020;142(Suppl_3):Abstract 16512.
  • Low Wang CC, Everett BM, Burman KD, Wilson PWF. Cardiovascular Safety Trials for All New Diabetes Mellitus Drugs?. Circulation. 2019 Apr 2;139(14):1741-1743. PubMed PMID: 30933621
  • Keshawarz A, Alman A, Low Wang CC, Mitchell S, Schauer IE, Reusch JEB, Regensteiner JG, Snell-Bergeon JK. Visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue attenuation differs by type 1 and type 2 diabetes status. American Diabetes Association 79th Scientific Sessions. Diabetes 2019;68(Supplement 1): 1471-P. https://doi.org/10.2337/db19-1471-P.
  • Low Wang CC, Michels AW. The Missing Link for Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus? Hyperglycemia-induced Cardiac Autoimmunity. Expert Analysis for American College of Cardiology website: Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Disease Clinical Topic Collection. http://www.acc.org. Jul 25, 2019. Accessed Aug 23, 2019. Available at: https://www.acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/articles/2019/07/25/10/49/the-missing-link-for-cardiovascular-disease-in-type-1-diabetes-mellitus
  • Zaman A, Low Wang CC. Chapter 1: Diabetes Mellitus: Etiology, Classification, and Diagnosis. In Endocrine Secrets, 7th edition. Elsevier, Inc., St. Louis, MO. 2019. (ed.) McDermott MT.
  • Low Wang CC, Zaman A. Chapter 2: Diabetes Mellitus: Acute and Chronic Complications. In Endocrine Secrets, 7th edition. Elsevier, Inc., St. Louis, MO. 2019. (ed.) McDermott MT.
  • Zaman A, Low Wang CC. Chapter 5: Diabetes Technology: Pumps, Sensors and Beyond. In Endocrine Secrets, 7th edition. Elsevier, Inc., St. Louis, MO. 2019. (ed.) McDermott MT.
  • Schroeder E, Low Wang CC. Ch. 36: Adrenal insufficiency. In Endocrine Secrets, 7th edition, Elsevier, Inc., St. Louis, MO. 2019. (ed.) McDermott MT.
  • Low Wang CC, Everett BM, Burman KD, Wilson PWF. Cardiovascular safety trials for all new diabetes mellitus drugs? Ten years of FDA guidance requirements to evaluate cardiovascvular risk. Circulation 2019;139:1741-1743. PMID: 30933621.
  • Hess CN, Low Wang CC, Hiatt WR. PCSK9 Inhibitors: Mechanisms of Action, Metabolic Effects, and Clinical Outcomes. Annu Rev Med. 2018 Jan 29;69:133-145. PubMed PMID: 29095667
  • Rogers RK, Hiatt WR, Patel MR, Shishehbor MH, White R, Khan ND, Bhalla NP, Jones WS, Low Wang CC. Ticagrelor in Peripheral Artery Disease Endovascular Revascularization (TI-PAD): Challenges in clinical trial execution. Vasc Med. 2018 Dec;23(6):513-522. PubMed PMID: 29629845
  • Low Wang CC, Blomster JI, Heizer G, Berger JS, Baumgartner I, Fowkes FGR, Held P, Katona BG, Norgren L, Jones WS, Lopes RD, Olin JW, Rockhold FW, Mahaffey KW, Patel MR, Hiatt WR. Cardiovascular and Limb Outcomes in Patients With Diabetes and Peripheral Artery Disease: The EUCLID Trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018 Dec 25;72(25):3274-3284. PubMed PMID: 30573030
  • Low Wang CC, Galinkin JL, Hiatt WR. Chapter 38: Lessons Learned from a Phase I Clinical Trial of Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibition. In: Mitochondrial Dysfunction by Drug and Environmental Toxicants. (eds) Yvonne Will and James A. Dykens. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ. 2018.
  • Low Wang CC, Draznin B. Part II. Chapter 2. Insulin resistance: Molecular Biology and Pathophysiology. In Atypical Diabetes: Pathophysiology, Clinical Presentations, and Treatment Options. American Diabetes Association, Inc. Arlington, VA. 2018.
  • Low Wang CC. Commentary for www.PracticeUpdate.com on Diabetes Care article: The Presence of Diabetes and Higher HbA1c Are Independently Associated With Adverse Outcomes After Surgery. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/diabetes-and-higher-hba1c-levels-are-independently-associated-with-adverse-postsurgical-outcomes/66074/62. Accessed September 7, 2018.
  • Low Wang CC. Commentary for www.PracticeUpdate.com on Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology article: Association of Preoperative Glucose Concentration With Myocardial Injury and Death After Non-ardiac Surgery (GlucoVISION): A Prospective Cohort Study. Available at: http://www.practiceupdate.com/content/association-of-preoperative-glucose-concentration-with-myocardial-injury-and-death-after-noncardiac-surgery/71372/65/8/1. Accessed August 15, 2018.
  • Hess CN, Low Wang CC, Hiatt WR. PCSK9-inhibitors: Mechanisms of action, metabolic effects, and clinical outcomes. Ann Rev Med epub 2017 Nov 2. doi: 10.1146/annurev-med-042716-091351. PMID: 29095667.
  • Seggelke SA, Lindsay MC, Hazlett I, Sanagorski R, Eckel RH, Low Wang CC. Cardiovascular safety of antidiabetic drugs in the hospital setting. Curr Diab Rep 2017; 17:64. PMID: 28699089.
  • Low Wang CC and Shah A (co-editors). Medical Management of Type 1 Diabetes, 7th edition. American Diabetes Association, Inc. Alexandria, VA. 2017.
  • Thompson E, Everhart B, Low Wang C. Reduction of Hyperglycemia on a Medical Unit Using a Focused, Multi-Disciplinary Partnership. University of Colorado Health Research Symposium 2017.
  • Blomster JL, Low Wang CC, Heizer G, Berger JS, Baumgartner I, Fowkes GR, Held P, Katona BG, Norgren L, Jones WS, Rockhold FW, Mahaffey KW, Patel MR, Hiatt WR on behalf of the EUCLID Trial Executive Committee and Investigators. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease. European Society of Cardiology Congress 2017. Eur Heart J 2017;38(Supplement):1080. Poster session 6: Vascular diseases -2; Peripheral artery disease - pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnosis. P5193.
  • Wang YJ, Seggelke S, Hawkins RM, Gibbs J, Lindsay M, Hazlett I, Low Wang CC, Rasouli N, Young KA, Draznin B. IMPACT OF GLUCOSE MANAGEMENT TEAM ON OUTCOMES OF HOSPITALIZARON IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES ADMITTED TO THE MEDICAL SERVICE. Endocr Pract. 2016 Dec;22(12):1401-1405. PubMed PMID: 27540884
  • Low Wang CC, Hess CN, Hiatt WR, Goldfine AB. Clinical Update: Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes Mellitus: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Mechanisms, Management, and Clinical Considerations. Circulation. 2016 Jun 14;133(24):2459-502. PubMed PMID: 27297342
  • Low Wang CC, Draznin B. USE OF NPH INSULIN FOR GLUCOCORTICOID-INDUCED HYPERGLYCEMIA. Endocr Pract. 2016 Feb;22(2):271-3. PubMed PMID: 26789338
  • 25. Jensen T, Low Wang CC. Double trouble: A case of primary hyperparathyroidism and humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy secondary to epithelioid angiosarcoma occurring in a single patient. AACE Clinical Case Reports Spring 2016, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. e146-e150. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4158/EP15768.CR.
  • Low Wang CC, Hawkins RM, Gianchandani R, Dungan K. Chapter 6: Glycemic control in the setting of Parenteral Nutrition or Enteral Nutrition Via Tube Feeding. In: Managing Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Setting: A Clinician’s Guide. American Diabetes Association, Inc. Alexandria, VA. 2016.
  • 8. Lien L, Low Wang CC, Kreider KE, Baldwin D. Chapter 8: Transitioning from intravenous to Subcutaneous insulin. In Managing Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Setting: A Clinician’s Guide. American Diabetes Association, Inc. Alexandria, VA, 2016.
  • Rushakoff R, Low Wang CC, Seley J, Warnock A. Chapter 29: Resident Education. In: Managing Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Setting: A Clinician’s Guide. American Diabetes Association, Inc. Alexandria, VA. 2016.
  • Seggelke SA, Hawkins RM, Gibbs J, Rasouli N, Wang C, Draznin B. Transitional care clinic for uninsured and medicaid-covered patients with diabetes mellitus discharged from the hospital: a pilot quality improvement study. Hosp Pract (1995). 2014 Feb;42(1):46-51. PubMed PMID: 24566596
  • Draznin B, Wang Y, Seggelke S, Hawkins RM, Gibbs J, Bridenstine M, Rasouli N, Wang CL. Glycemic control and outcomes of hospitalization in noncritically ill patients with type 2 diabetes admitted with cardiac problems or infections. Endocr Pract. 2014 Dec;20(12):1303-8. PubMed PMID: 25100383
  • Seggelke SA, Hawkins RM, Gibbs J, Rasouli N, Wang C, Draznin B. Transitional care clinic for uninsured and medicaid-covered patients with diabetes mellitus discharged from the hospital: a pilot quality improvement study. Hosp Pract (1995). 2014 Feb;42(1):46-51. PubMed PMID: 24566596
  • Seggelke SA, Hawkins RM, Gibbs J, Rasouli N, Wang CC, Draznin B. Effect of glargine insulin delivery method (pen device versus vial/syringe) on glycemic control and patient preferences in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Endocr Pract. 2014 Jun;20(6):536-9. PubMed PMID: 24326004
  • Wang CCL, Draznin B. The use of insulin in hospitalized patients with diabetes: Navigate with care. Diabetes Spectrum (in press)
  • Draznin B, Gilden J, Golden SH, and Inzucchi SE for the PRIDE investigators: Baldwin D, Bode BW, Boord JB, Braithwaite SS, Cagliero E, Draznin B, Dungan KM, Falciglia M, Figaro MK, Gilden J, Golden SH, Hirsch IB, Klonoff D, Korytkowski MT, Kosiborod M, Lien LF, Magee MF, Masharani U, Maynard G, McDonnell ME, Moghissi ES, Rasouli N, Rubin DJ, Rushakoff RJ, Sadhu AR, Schwartz S, Seley JJ, Umpierrez GE, Vigersky RA, Wang CCLW, Wexler DJ. Pathways to Quality Inpatient Management of Hyperglycemia and Diabetes: A Call to Action. Diabetes Care (accepted; in press)
  • Wang CCL, Xu Y, Lu L, Leitner JW, Gunter J, Sarraf M, Draznin B, Greyson CR, Reusch JEB, Schwartz GG. Early abnormalities in arterial insulin signaling in a porcine dietary model of metabolic syndrome. J Diabetes Complic (accepted; in press)
  • Wang CCL, Draznin B. Practical Approach to Management of Inpatient Hyperglycemia Management in Selected Populations. Hospital Pract 2013 (accepted; in press)
  • Schroeder E, Wang CCL. Ch. 30: Adrenal insufficiency. In Endocrine Secrets, 6th edition, 2013. (ed.) McDermott MT. Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia. (in press)
  • Wang CCL, Seggelke S, Hawkins RM, Cohlmia E, Gibbs J, Rasouli N, and Draznin B. Transitional Care Clinic for Patients with Diabetes May Prevent Re-Hospitalizations. Diabetes 2013;July supplement. (in press). 1217-P. Selected for Guided Audio Poster Tour.
  • Seggelke S, Hawkins RM, Gibbs J, Cohlmia E, Rasouli N, Wang CCL, and Draznin B. Effects of Glargine Insulin Delivery Method (Pen-Device vs. Vial-Syringes) on Glycemic Control and Patient Preferences. Diabetes 2013;July supplement. (in press). 988-P.
  • Schauer I*, Wang CCL*, Bridenstine M, Durbin R, Herlache L, Regensteiner J and Reusch JEB. Rosiglitazone improves C-reactive protein and liver function in impaired glucose tolerance but not coronary artery calcification or exercise function. Diabetes 2013;July supplement. (in press). 2337-PO. *indicates co-first author
  • Schroeder E, Wang CCL. Chapter 30: Adrenal Insufficiency. In Endocrine Secrets (ed. MT McDermott)
  • Wang CC, Adochio RL, Leitner JW, Abeyta IM, Draznin B, Cornier MA. Acute effects of different diet compositions on skeletal muscle insulin signalling in obese individuals during caloric restriction. Metabolism. 2013 Apr;62(4):595-603. PubMed PMID: 23174405
  • Low Wang CC, Lu L, Leitner JW, Sarraf M, Gianani R, Draznin B, Greyson CR, Reusch JE, Schwartz GG. Arterial insulin resistance in Yucatan micropigs with diet-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome. J Diabetes Complications. 2013 Jul-Aug;27(4):307-15. PubMed PMID: 23558108
  • Low Wang CC, Draznin B. Practical approach to management of inpatient hyperglycemia in select patient populations. Hosp Pract (1995). 2013 Apr;41(2):45-53. PubMed PMID: 23680736
  • Draznin B, Gilden J, Golden SH, Inzucchi SE, PRIDE investigators, Baldwin D, Bode BW, Boord JB, Braithwaite SS, Cagliero E, Dungan KM, Falciglia M, Figaro MK, Hirsch IB, Klonoff D, Korytkowski MT, Kosiborod M, Lien LF, Magee MF, Masharani U, Maynard G, McDonnell ME, Moghissi ES, Rasouli N, Rubin DJ, Rushakoff RJ, Sadhu AR, Schwartz S, Seley JJ, Umpierrez GE, Vigersky RA, Low CC, Wexler DJ. Pathways to quality inpatient management of hyperglycemia and diabetes: a call to action. Diabetes Care. 2013 Jul;36(7):1807-14. PubMed PMID: 23801791
  • Seggelke SA, Hawkins RM, Gibbs J, Rasouli N, Low CC, Draznin B. Effect of Glargine Insulin Delivery Method (Pen-Device vs. Vial-Syringe) on Glycemic Control and Patient Preferences in Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Endocr Pract. 2013 Dec 10;:1-12. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24326004
  • Draznin B, Gilden J, Golden SH, Inzucchi S, PRIDE Investigators. Response to comment on: Draznin et al. Pathways to quality inpatient management of hyperglycemia and diabetes: a call to action. Diabetes Care 2013;36:1807-1814. Diabetes Care. 2013 Dec;36(12):e220. PubMed PMID: 24265389
  • Hsia E, Seggelke S, Gibbs J, Hawkins RM, Cohlmia E, Rasouli N, Wang CCL, Kam I, and Draznin B. Subcutaneous Administration of Glargine to Diabetic Patients Receiving Insulin Infusion Prevents Rebound Hyperglycemia. (in revision)
  • Reusch JEB, Wang CCL. Type 2 Diabetes in the Federal Health Care Setting: Optimizing Patient Outcomes in Diabetes Management. Article 2: Management of comorbidities and risk factors including hypoglycemia. Federal Practitioner 2012;29(Suppl. 1):8S-13S.
  • Draznin B, Wang CCL, Adochio R, Leitner JW, Cornier M-A. Effect of dietary macronutrient composition on AMPK and SIRT1 expression and activity in human skeletal muscle. Horm Metab Res 2012;44(09):650-655. PMID 22674476.
  • Hsia E, Seggelke S, Gibbs J, Hawkins RM, Cohlmia E, Rasouli N, Wang CCL, Kam I, Draznin B. Subcutaneous Administration of Glargine to Diabetic Patients Receiving Insulin Infusion Prevents Rebound Hyperglycemia. Journal of Clinical Endocrinol Metab 2012;97(9):3132-3137. PMID 22685233.
  • Rasouli N, Seggelke S, Hawkins RM, Gibbs J, Casciano ML, Cohlmia E, Taylor-Cousar J, Wang CCL, Pereira R, Hsia E, Draznin B. Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes: inpatient management of 121 patients during 410 admissions. J Diab Sci Technol 2012;6(5):1038-1044.
  • Wang CCL, Reusch JEB. Cardio-Diabetes: Special Considerations for Patients with Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: Changing the Focus from Glycemic Control to Improving Long Term Survival. Am J Cardiol 2012;110(9 Suppl):58B-68B.
  • Wang CCL, Adochio R, Leitner JW, Abeyta I, Draznin B, Cornier MA. Effects of a high fat, low carbohydrate versus a low fat, high carbohydrate hypocaloric diet on skeletal muscle insulin signalling in obese individuals. Metabolism 2012 Nov 19. pii: S0026-0495(12)00402-7. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2012.10.010. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Reusch JEB, Wang CCL. Type 2 Diabetes in the Federal Health Care Setting: Optimizing Patient Outcomes in Diabetes Management. Article 2: Management of comorbidities and risk factors including hypoglycemia. Federal Practitioner 2012 (in press)
  • Wang CCL, Reusch JEB. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: Changing the focus from glycemic control to improving long term survival. Am J Cardiol Suppl review (in preparation)
  • Wang CCL, Xu Y, Leitner JW, Lu L, Draznin B, Greyson C, Reusch JEB, Schwartz GG. Blunted Vascular PI3-Kinase Signaling in a Novel Porcine Model of Diet-Induced Obesity Is Due to Increased Total P85alpha and Is Accompanied by Vascular Dysfunction. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting Abstract Book 2011, poster P3-377.
  • Reusch JEB, Wang CCL. Cardiovascular disease in diabetes: Where does glucose fit in? J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011;96:2367-2376.
  • Pereira RI, Wang CCL, Hosokawa P, Dickinson M, Neuman C, Karimkhani E, Erickson C, Chonchol M, Krantz M, Steiner JF, Besessen DH, Havranek EP, Long C. Circulating adiponectin levels are lower in Latino versus non-Latino white patients at risk for cardiovascular disease, independent of adiposity measures. BMC Endocr Disord 2011;11:13. doi:10.1186/1472-6823-11-13.
  • Reusch JEB, Wang CCL. Glycemic control and impact on cardiovascular disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011 (in press)
  • Pereira RI, Wang CCL, Hosokawa P, Dickinson M, Neuman C, Karimkhani E, Erickson C, Chonchol M, Krantz M, Steiner JF, Besessen DH, Havranek EP, Long C. Decreased total and high-molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin is associated with decreased insulin sensitivity in Latino versus non-Latino white patients. BMC Endocrine 2011 (accepted with minor revisions)
  • Wang CCL, Gunter J, Leitner JW, Lu L, Xu Y, Greyson C, Gianani R, Draznin B, Reusch JEB, Schwartz GG. Early defects occur in PI3-kinase/Akt signaling and vascular function in a novel porcine model of diet-induced obesity. Diabetes 2010;59(Supp 1):A66, oral presentation 249-OR.
  • Wang CCL, Pereira RI, Hosokawa P, Dickinson LM, Krantz M, Neuman C, Long C, Chonchol M, Havranek E. Association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D and adiponectin levels in hypertensive subjects. Diabetes 2010;59(Supp 1):A225, poster 828-P.
  • Pereira RI, Wang CCL, Hosokawa P, Dickinson M, Neuman C, Karimkhani E, Erickson C, Chonchol M, Krantz M, Steiner JF, Besessen DH, Havranek EP, Long C. Decreased total and high-molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin is associated with decreased insulin sensitivity in Latino versus non-Latino white patients. (in review)
  • Wang CCL, Grotzke M, Jones RE. Ch. 30: Adrenal insufficiency. In Endocrine Secrets, 5th edition, 2009. (ed.) McDermott MT. Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia.
  • Wang CCL, Grotzke M, Jones RE. Chapter 30: Adrenal insufficiency. In Endocrine Secrets, 5th edition. (ed.) McDermott MT. Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia.
  • Schwartz GG, Draznin B, Reusch JEB, Leitner JW, Lu L, Xu Y, Greyson C, Wang CCL. Insulin-stimulated PI 3-kinase activity is blunted, but Akt phosphorylation is preserved in aortas of pigs with diet-induced obesity. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; . Poster tracking number 58022.
  • Wang CCL, Pereira RI, Benton K, Dickinson M, Estacio R, Krantz M, Neuman C, Long C, Havranek E, Chonchol M. Association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and insulin resistance in hypertensive subjects. 14th Workshop on Vitamin D abstract book 2009.
  • Wang CCL, Pereira RI, Benton KL, Dickinson LM, Estacio RO, Krantz MJ, Neuman C, Long CS, Havranek E and Chonchol MB. Vitamin D levels and insulin resistance in a mostly Latino hypertensive cohort. J Am Soc Nephrol Abstracts Issue 20:2009. SA-PO2335. Accessed online at http://www.asn-online.org/education_and_meetings/renal_week/2009/digital-abstract.aspx
  • Wang CCL, Lu L, Xu Y, Greyson C, Jacobs S, Reusch JEB, Gianani R, Draznin B, Schwartz G. Diet-induced insulin resistance causes isoform-specific abnormalities of Akt signaling in arterial wall of pigs. Circulation 2009;120(18 Supp): S443-S444, Abstract 1087.
  • Wang CCL. 2008. Ch. Insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. In Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome: Childhood Precursors and Adult Disease from the Contemporary Endocrinology series. Humana Press, New Jersey. (in press)
  • Wang CCL, Grotzke M, Jones RE. 2008. Ch. 31: Adrenal insufficiency. In Endocrine Secrets, 5th edition. (ed.) McDermott MT. Elsevier Mosby, Philadelphia. (in press)
  • Wang CCL, Draznin B, Leitner JW, Jorgenson S, Lu L, Ya X, Greyson C, Schwartz G, Reusch JEB. 2008. Aortic insulin signaling is perturbed in a large animal model of diet-induced obesity. J Investig Med 2008;56(1):190, Abstract 262.
  • Wang CCL, Draznin B, Leitner JW, Jorgensen S, Lu L, Xu Y, Greyson CR, Reusch JE, Schwartz GG. Disruption of insulin signaling in a large animal model of diet-induced obesity. Diabetes 2008 (in press), 1709-P.
  • Wang CCL, Draznin B, Leitner JW, Jorgenson S, Lu L, Xu Y, Greyson C, Reusch JE, Schwartz GG. Disruption of insulin signaling in a large animal model of diet-induced obesity. Diabetes 2008;57(Supp. 1):A475, 1709-P.
  • Chapter 12. Insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. In Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome: Childhood Precursors and Adult Disease from the Contemporary Endocrinology Series. (eds.) Zeitler P and Nadeau K. Humana Press, New Jersey.
  • Wang CCL, Sorribas V, Sharma G, Levi M, Draznin B. 2007. Insulin increases vascular smooth muscle cell phosphate transport and attenuates vascular smooth muscle calcification. Atherosclerosis (in revision)
  • Wang CCL, Sorribas V, Sharma G, Levi M, Draznin B. 2007. Insulin attenuates vascular smooth muscle calcification but increases vascular smooth muscle cell phosphate transport. Atherosclerosis 195:e65-e75.
  • Wang CCL, Sorribas V, Sharma G, Levi M, Draznin B. 2007. Insulin attenuates VSMC calcification but increases VSMC phosphate transport. Keystone Symposium: Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Risk, poster 340.
  • Wang CCL, Sharma G, Draznin B. Early growth response gene-1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. Am J Hypertens 2006 (in press).
  • Wang CC, Sharma G, Draznin B. Early growth response gene-1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells effects of insulin and oxidant stress. Am J Hypertens. 2006 Apr;19(4):366-72. PMID: 16580571 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
  • Wang CCL, Sorribas V, Sharma G, Levi M, Draznin B. Insulin-mediated increase in vascular smooth muscle cell phosphate transport may be associated with vascular calcification in insulin resistance. Diabetes 2005;54(Supp.1):A192, 783-P.
  • Rogers RK, Hiatt WR, Patel MR, Shishehbor MH, White R, Khan ND, Bhalla NP, Jones WS, Low Wang CC. Ticagrelor in Peripheral Artery Disease Endovascular Revascularization: Challenges in Clinical Trial Execution. Vascular Med 2018
  • Low Wang CC, Galinkin JL, Hiatt WR. Chapter 42: Lessons Learned from a Phase I Clinical Trial of Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibition. In: Drug-Induced Mitochondrial Toxicity - Continuing Insight Yields Progress towards the Clinic. (eds) Yvonne Will and James A. Dykens. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ. 2018.
  • Low Wang CC, Seggelke SA, McDermott MT, Reusch JEB. Chapter 2: Pathophysiology: How COVID-19 Impacts the Pancreas and Peripheral Insulin Resistance. In Diabetes and COVID-19: Considerations and Clinical Management (Springer; ed. Alyson K Myers).

Professional Memberships

  • The Endocrine Society, Committee Member
  • American Diabetes Association, Member
  • American College of Physicians (ACP), Fellow
  • American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, Vice Chair, Disease State Network Oversight Committee

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

UCHealth Diabetes and Endocrinology Clinic - Anschutz Medical Campus
1635 Aurora Ct
6th Floor
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Board Certification (2002, 2012)
  • Internal Medicine, Board Certification (2000)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Endocrine System (Hormones)
  • Food, Nutrition and Metabolism - Nutrition
  • Food, Nutrition and Metabolism - Weight Loss and Dieting
  • Wellness and Prevention - Exercise and Physical Fitness
  • Endocrine System (Hormones) - Adult Type 1 Diabetes
  • Endocrine System (Hormones) - Adult Type 2 Diabetes
  • Endocrine System (Hormones) - Thyroid Disease
  • Heart and Circulation - Heart Diseases - Prevention
  • Food, Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Heart and Circulation
  • Wellness and Prevention
  • Food, Nutrition and Metabolism - Obesity
Clinical Interests
I mainly focus on evaluation and management of dysglycemia, particularly type 1 and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, other forms of diabetes, insulin resistance, nutrition, pre-diabetes, vitamin D deficiency, and thyroid dysfunction.

Care Philosophy
I do my best to leverage my expertise and experience to help people achieve and maintain health, particularly as it relates to endocrine/metabolic disorders. In order to accomplish this, I work with each of my patients to create a plan for evaluation (if needed) and treatment. I consider it a privilege to do what I do and to have people entrust their endocrine care to me. My goal is always to have a thoughtful dialogue and personalize each individual’s care to achieve their personal wellness goals.

Personal Interests
I love being outdoors - cycling, skiing, running, and hiking. I am an avid reader, and I enjoy everything related to food, travel, and music.

Public Speaking
I speak to specialists, primary care, and the community about all aspects of diabetes care, especially diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and inpatient hyperglycemia (diabetes, stress hyperglycemia). I also speak to primary care audiences about obesity, osteoporosis, and thyroid disorders.