Heppe D, Baduashvili A, Limes JE, Suddarth K, Mann A, Gottenborg E, Sacro Y, Davis L, Chacko K, Connors G. Resident Burnout, Wellness, Professional Development, and Engagement Before and After New Training Schedule Implementation. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Feb 5;7(2):e240037. PubMed PMID: 38416498
O’Rourke, P., Tackett, S., Chacko, K. et al. Factors Influencing Primary Care Career Choice: A Multi-Institutional Cross-sectional Survey of Internal Medicine Primary Care Residency Graduates. J GEN INTERN MED (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-024-08846-z
Sobel H, Chacko K, Sacro Y. In O’Rourke P, Higgins S, Berman R (eds). Primary Care Track Toolkit, 3rd Ed. Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine. https://www.im.org/resources/ume-gme-program-resources/pccurriculum
Chacko KM, Wong JG, Aldakar-Hein S, Dodson LG, Banh K. Admissions Processes in GRMCs – Considerations and Best Practices in the New Virtual Era. Workshop at AAMC Regional Medical Campus conference, June 2023. Savannah, GA.
O’Rourke P, Tseng E, Chacko KM, Shalaby M, Cioletti A, Wright S. A National Survey of Internal Medicine Primary Care Residency Program Directors. J Gen Intern Med 2019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-019-04984-x
PMID 30963438
Noronha C, Chaudhry S, Chacko K, McGarry K, Agrawal A, Yadavalli G, Shalaby M. X Y Scheduling Models in Internal Medicine Residency Programs: A National Survey of Program Directors' Perspectives. Am J Med. 2018 Jan;131(1):107-114. PubMed PMID: 28970031
Chacko KM, Halvorsen AJ, Swenson SL, Wahi-Gururaj S, Steinmann AF, Call S, Myers JS, Vidyarthi A, Arora VM. US Internal Medicine Program Director Perceptions of Alignment of Graduate Medical Education and Institutional Resources for Engaging Residents in Quality and Safety. Am J Med Qual. 2018 Jul;33(4):405-412. PubMed PMID: 29090611
Major A, Chacko K. Routine vaccinations as a precipitant of adrenal crisis in adrenal insufficiency. Intern Med J. 2018 Mar;48(3):360-361. PubMed PMID: 29512322
Chacko KM, Reddy S, Kisielewski M, Call S, Willett LL, Chaudhry S. Postinterview Communications: Two Surveys of Internal Medicine Residency Program Directors Before and After Guideline Implementation. Acad Med. 2018 Sep;93(9):1367-1373. PubMed PMID: 29697427
Chacko KM, Halvorsen AJ, Swenson SL, Wahi-Gururaj S, Steinmann AF, Call S, Myers JS, Vidyarthi A, Arora VM. US Internal Medicine Program Director Perceptions of Alignment of Graduate Medical Education and Institutional Resources for Engaging Residents in Quality and Safety. Am J Med Qual. 2017 Oct 1;:1062860617739119. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29090611
Anderson ML, Kearns M, Brandenburg SL, Chacko KM. The Toolkit Series: A Textbook for Today’s Chief Medical Resident. Chapter – “A Primer on Chief Residency.” Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine Toolkit, 12th Edition, 2017:96-103.
Sobel HG, Swigris R, Chacko KM, Landrey A, McNulty M, Vennard K, Nikels SM, Suddarth K, Murphy EN, Aagaard E. Resident and Preceptor Perceptions of Preceptor Integration Into Resident Clinic Scheduling Templates. J Grad Med Educ. 2017 Aug;9(4):497-502. PubMed PMID: 28824765
Willett LL, Halvorsen AJ, Adams M, Chacko KM, Chaudhry S, McDonald FS, Oxentenko AS, Swenson SL, Zaas A, Arora VM. Factors Associated with Declining Residency Program Pass Rates on the ABIM Certification Examination. Am J Med. 2016 Jul;129(7):759-65. PubMed PMID: 27086497
Heist K, Guese M, Nikels M, Swigris R, Chacko K. Impact of 4? ?1 Block Scheduling on Patient Care Continuity in Resident Clinic. J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Jan 10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24408278
Heist K, Guese M, Nikels M, Swigris R, Chacko K. Impact of 4? ?1 block scheduling on patient care continuity in resident clinic. J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Aug;29(8):1195-9. PubMed PMID: 24408278
Overholser LS, Hassell K , Nuss R, Reagan C, Gillespie S, McAfee J, Regier M, Burge C, Winder K, Bennet Jr TJ, Chacko KM. Using Patient Navigators to Help Adults with Sickle Cell Disease Obtain a Primary Care Home. JCOM 2014 July: 21 (7): 304-7.
Lisa L. Willett, MD, Carlos A. Estrada, MD, MS, Michael Adams, MD, Vineet Arora, MD, MAPP, Stephanie Call, MD, MSPH, Karen Chacko, MD, Saima Chaudhry, MD, Andrew J. Halvorsen, MS, Robert Hopkins, MD, Furman McDonald, MD, MPH . Challenges wtih Continuity Clinic and Core faculty Accreditation Requirements. Am J Med.accepted for publication in June issue
Willett LL, Estrada CA, Adams M, Arora V, Call S, Chacko K, Chaudhry S, Halvorsen AJ, Hopkins R, McDonald FS. Challenges with continuity clinic and core faculty accreditation requirements. Am J Med. 2013 Jun;126(6):550-6. PubMed PMID: 23684398
Shea JA, Willett LL, Borman KR, Itani KM, McDonald FS, Call SA, Chaudhry S, Adams M, Chacko KM, Volpp KG, Arora VM. Anticipated consequences of the 2011 duty hours standards: views of internal medicine and surgery program directors. Acad Med. 2012 Jul;87(7):895-903. PMID: 22622221
White KJ, Chacko KM. Expanding Primary Care Residency Training Medical Care in Underserved Communities. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting - May 2012. Orlando, Florida
Elizabeth A. Paesch, Furman S. McDonald,Lisa L. Willet,Saima Chaudhry, Karen M. Chacko, Andrew Halvorsen, Vineet Arora. Aftershocks on the Horizon: Residents Forecast the Consequences of Duty Hour Reform. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. May 2012. Orlando, Florida
Chacko KM, Boyle DJ, Brandenburg S. Novel Use of Malpractice Curricula in COmpetency-Based Residency Education. Workshop at Assocaition of Program Directors Internal Medicine Meeting. October, 2011. Anaheim, California.
Anderson MT, Chacko KM, Brandenburg SL. The Toolkit Series: A Textbook for Today's Chief Medical Resident. Chapter - "A primer on Chief Residency." 11th Edition. APDIM.
Challenges in Meeting Proposed Duty Hour Reforms: A National Survey of Internal Medicine Residency Program Directors. American Journal of Medicine - accepted for April 2011 issue.
Am J Med. 2011 Apr;124(4):370-8.
Challenges with duty hour reforms: a survey of residency program directors.
Willett LL, Arora V, Halvorsen AJ, Chacko KM, Chaudhry S, McDonald FS.
Turcotte R, Watson S, Chacko KM. Idiopathic Chilblains in a 20-year old girl. Consultant Live; October 7, 2011.
The Toolkit Series: A Textbook for Internal Medicine Education Programs
Chapter - A Priemr on Chief Residency in Internal Medicine
Training Internal Medicine Residents in Outpatinet HIV Care: a Survey of Program Directors. Journal of General Internal Medicine: Volume 25, Issue 9 (2101), page 977.
Adams J, Chacko K, Guiton G, Aagaard E. Training Residents in Outpatient HIV Care. To be presented at the 32nd Annual Society of general Internal Medicine Conference in May, 2009
Heist K, Brandenburg S, Chacko K. Quality Improvemnt in a Resident Practice - Who are the Learners? To be presented at the 32nd Annual Society for General Internal Medicine meeting in May 2009.
Adams J, Stenehjem E, Brandenburg S, Chacko K. A Longitudinal Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Curriculum Designed to Train Generalists to Provide Comprehensive Care to Patients with HIV. Poster to be presented at Society for General Internal Meidicine in April 2007 in Pittsburgh , PA.
Chacko KM, Bauer TA, Dixon JD, Dale R, Schrier R, Estacio RO. Heart Rate Recovery Predicts Mortality and Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008; 40(2): 288-95.
Lee RS, Melhado TV, Chacko KM, White KJ, Huebschmann AG, Crane LA. The Dilemma of Disclosure: Patient Perspectives on Gay and Lesbian Providers. J Gen Intern Med 2008; 23(2): 142-7.
Brandenburg SL, Chacko KM, Anderson ML, Crausman RS. A Primer on Chief Residency in Internal Medicine. Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine Toolkit, 9th Edition.
Lee RS, Melhado TV, Chacko KM, White KJ, Huebschmann AG, Crane LA. The Dilemma of Disclosure: Patient Perspectives on Gay and Lesbian Providers. Poster at Society for General Internal Medicine meeting April 2007.
Chacko KM, Feinberg LE. Laboratory screening at preventive health exams: trend of testing, 1978-2004.
Am J Prev Med. 2007 Jan;32(1):59-62.
Chacko KM, Anderson RA. The Annual Physical Examination: Important or Time to Abandon? Am J Med 2007
Accepted for publication in July
Chacko KM, Aagaard EM, Irby DM. Teaching Models for Outpatient Medicine. The Clinical Teacher 2007.
Accepted for publication - edits pending.
Chacko KM, Anderson RJ. The Annual Physical Examination: Important or Time to Abandon? Amer Jo Med 2007; 120(7): 581-3
Chacko KM, Aagaard E, Irby D. Teaching Models for Outpatient Medicine. The Clinical Teacher 2007; 4(2): 82-6.
Chacko KM, Brandenburg S, Moore G, Voss J. Workshop at National APDIM Meeting. Incorporating Systems Based Practice (SBP) Education into existing residency program schedules and structure. April 5, 2006. Philidelphia, PA.
Barry DW, Melhado TV, Chacko KM, Lee RS, Steiner JF, Kutner JS. Patient and physician perceptions of timely access to care.
J Gen Intern Med. 2006 Feb;21(2):130-3.
Chacko KM, Moore G, Voss J, Brandenburg S. Incorporating Systems Based Practice into Existing Residency Structures.
Workshop at Spring APDIM meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Chacko KM, Moore G, Voss J, Brandenburg S. Incorporating Systems Based Practice Education into Residency Programs. Academic Insight. Sept 2006. 4 (3) online.
Barry DW, Melhado TV, Chacko KM, Lee RS, Steiner JF, Kutner JS. Patient and Physician Perceptions of Timely Access to Care. JGIM Dec 7, 2005. EPub ahead of print.
Colorado Sickle Cell Community Groups (CSCCG) Successful Collaboration with Academicians on a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRA) Project: Sickle Cell Treatment Program (SCDTDP). To be presented at the 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies' & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting, April 30-May 3, 2011, in Denver, Colorado