X. Sharon Qi, F. Newman, A. Liu, R. Rabinovitch, B. Kavanagh, A. Hu, Left-Sided Breast Treatment using Rotational and Fixed field Angle Radiotherapy, Under Review, AAPM, 2011
Yang Chen, Tracey Schefter, Francis Newman, Esophageal Cancer patients Undergoing External Beam Radiation after Placement of Self-Expandable Metal Stents: Is There a Risk of Radiation Dose Enhancement?, Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2011.
M. Buscema, F. Newman, G. Massini, E. Grossi, W. Tastle, Assessing Pos-Radiation Treatment Involving Brain Differences in Children: an Application of Adaptive Systems Methodology, North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Toronto Canada, July 2010.
M. Buscema, F. Newman, G. Massini, E. Grossi, W. Tastle, Assessing Pos-Radiation Treatment Involving Brain Differences in Children: an Application of Adaptive Systems Methodology, Journal of Neural Networks, in press.
Jeffrey Larson and Francis Newman, An Implementation of Scatter Search to Train Neural Networks for Brain Lesion Recognition, Involve, A journal of Mathematics
X. Sharon Qi, A. Hu, M. Stinauer, B. Rogers, F. Newman, M. Miften, A. K. Liu, Comparison of Rotational Delivery with 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy for Treatment of Pediatric Whole Ventricle Irradiation, Under Review, ASTRO 2011
Angie Hu, Sharon Qi, Guangwei Mu, Francis Newman, Moyed Miften, Brian Kavanagh, Arthur Liu and Rachel Rabinovitch, Decreasing Subcutaneous Skin Dose in Breast Radiotherapy Using TomoDirect (TD), Under Review, AAPM, 2011
Anton Eagle,Merrill L Mann, John T. Washington,Dr. Lawrence E. Sweeney,Dr. Darryl G Kaurin, Sharon X. Qi, William E. Simon, Francis D. Newman, Photoneutron Activation of An IMRT QA Device and the Radiation Safety Implications, Under Review, AAPM, 2011
Evaluation of interfraction patient setup errors for image-guided prostate and head-and-neck radiotherapy using kilovoltage cone beam and megavoltage fan beam computed tomography
X. Sharon Qi, Sutan Wu, Francis Newman, X. Allen Li, Angie Y. Hu
Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice 12/2013; 12(04).
Respiration Induced Heart Motion and Indications of Gated Delivery for Left-sided Breast Irradiation
Evaluation of interfraction patient setup for prostate and head-and-neck intensity modulated radiotherapy using Elekta KVcone CT and Tomotherapy MVCT
A New Algorithm for Identifying Possible Epidemic Sources with Application to the German Escherichia Coli Outbreak
Computer assisted diagnosis of three lung conditions using a receptive field feature vector and a probabilistic neural network.
(This is being submitted spring 2012)
Data Mining Applications Using Artificial Adaptive Systems, William J. Tastle (Editor)
- Chapter 1: Assessing Post-Radiotherapy Treatment Involving Brain Volume Differences in Children: An Application of Adaptive Systems Methodology, Springer Publishers
A New Algorithm for Identifying Possible Epidemic Sources with Application to the German Escherichia Coli Outbreak, (to appear in) International Journal of Geographic Information.