Kimi Kondo, DO

Associate Professor, Radiology-Interventional

Medical School
  • DO, Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine (1995)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Pomona College (1990)
  • Mount Clemens General Hospital (1996)
  • University of Colorado, Diagnostic (2000)
  • University of Colorado, Vascular and Interventional Radiology (2001)

Professional Titles

  • Program Director, Integrated and Independent IR Residencies


  • Teaching Scholars Program, University of Colorado School of Medicine (2010)
  • AUR-Philips Academic Faculty Development Program, Association of University Radiologists (2010)
  • Clinical Educator Development Program, American Roentgen Ray Society (2008)
  • Golden Stethoscope Award, University of Colorado School of Medicine (2014)
    Best Specialty Preceptor
  • President's Award for World Class Care, University of Colorado Hospital (2012)
    Thoracic Oncology Program Team


  • Sterbis E, Lindquist J, Zlotchenko G, Trivedi P, Kondo K, Walker L, Casadaban L, McLennan G. Tunneled percutaneous transesophageal gastrostomy for treatment of malignant bowel obstruction. Innov Surg Interv Med. 2024; 4:14–19. DOI: 10.36401/ISIM-24-01.
  • Marchak, KS, Kondo KL. Ch 67. Interventional Radiology: Cross-Sectional Imaging Procedures. In: McNally P, ed. GI/Liver Secrets, Sixth Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier. 2024:563-574.
  • Walker L, Kondo KL. Ch 68. Interventional Radiology: Fluoroscopic and Angiographic Procedures. In: McNally P, ed. GI/Liver Secrets, Sixth Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier. 2024:575-584.
  • Mutter, M. Kathryn; Kondo, Kimi; Tsen, Diana; Heidemann, Lauren. 2023. "Shortness of Breath - IM." In The TTR Compendium - Resuscitation Simulations, edited by Matthew Rustici, www.ttreducators/compendium. Transition To Residency Educators.
  • Mutter, M. Kathryn; Kondo, Kimi; Tsen, Diana; Heidemann, Lauren. 2023. "Shortness of Breath - OBGYN." In The TTR Compendium - Resuscitation Simulations, edited by Matthew Rustici, www.ttreducators/compendium. Transition To Residency Educators.
  • Mutter, M. Kathryn; Kondo, Kimi; Tsen, Diana; Heidemann, Lauren. 2023. "Shortness of Breath - EM." In The TTR Compendium - Resuscitation Simulations, edited by Matthew Rustici, www.ttreducators/compendium. Transition To Residency Educators.
  • Bakdash K, Schramm KM, Annam A, Brown M, Kondo K, Lindquist JD. Complications of Percutaneous Renal Biopsy. Semin Intervent Radiol. 2019 Jun;36(2):97-103. PubMed PMID: 31123379
  • Goldman DT, Magnowski A, Rochon PJ, Bream PR Jr, Kondo KL, Peters G, Martin JG, Fischman AM. The State of Medical Student Teaching of Interventional Radiology: Implications for the Future. J Am Coll Radiol. 2018 Dec;15(12):1761-1764. PubMed PMID: 30245218
  • Wannamaker E, Kondo K, Johnson DT. Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis: Preventing your Thrombolysis Practice from Taking a HITT. Semin Intervent Radiol. 2017 Dec;34(4):409-414. PubMed PMID: 29249865
  • Magnowski A, Brown M, Schramm K, Lindquist J, Rochon PJ, Johnson DT, Kondo KL, Desai K, Lewandowski RJ, Ryu RK. The law of unintended consequences: current design challenges in inferior vena cava filters. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2017 Oct;14(10):805-810. PubMed PMID: 28885078
  • Restauri N, Lind KE, Webb N, Ariefdjohan M, Kondo K, Dodd G 3rd. Medical Student Satisfaction and Performance Using an Innovative Radiology Education Laboratory. J Am Coll Radiol. 2017 Mar;14(3):404-408. PubMed PMID: 28143753
  • Warncke JC, Brodie KE, Grantham EC, Catarinicchia SP, Tong S, Kondo KL, Cost NG. Pediatric Renal Angiomyolipomas in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. J Urol. 2017 Feb;197(2):500-506. PubMed PMID: 27678300
  • Gipson MG, Smith MT, Durham JD, Brown A, Johnson T, Ray CE Jr, Gupta RK, Kondo KL, Rochon PJ, Ryu RK. Intravascular US-Guided Portal Vein Access: Improved Procedural Metrics during TIPS Creation. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2016 Aug;27(8):1140-7. PubMed PMID: 26852944
  • Python JL, Wakefield BW, Kondo KL, Bang TJ, Stamm ER, Hurt KJ. Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Management of Splenic Ectopic Pregnancy. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2016 Sep-Oct;23(6):997-1002. PubMed PMID: 27221066
  • Dodd GD 3rd, Restauri NL, Kondo KL, Lewis PJ. Driving Innovation in Radiology: A Summary of the 2015 Intersociety Committee Summer Conference. J Am Coll Radiol. 2016 Dec;13(12 Pt A):1477-1482. PubMed PMID: 27526971
  • Aisner DL, Rumery MD, Merrick DT, Kondo KL, Nijmeh H, Linderman DJ, Doebele RC, Thomas N, Chesnut PC, Varella-Garcia M, Franklin WA, Camidge DR. Do More With Less: Tips and Techniques for Maximizing Small Biopsy and Cytology Specimens for Molecular and Ancillary Testing: The University of Colorado Experience. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2016 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27610643
  • Straus CM, Webb EM, Kondo KL, Phillips AW, Naeger DM, Carrico CW, Herring W, Neutze JA, Haines GR, Dodd GD 3rd. Medical student radiology education: summary and recommendations from a national survey of medical school and radiology department leadership. J Am Coll Radiol. 2014 Jun;11(6):606-10. PubMed PMID: 24713496
  • Smith MT, Rase B, Woods A, Trotter J, Gipson M, Kondo K, Ray C, Durham J. Risk of hernia incarceration following transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2014 Jan;25(1):58-62. PubMed PMID: 24269791
  • Kondo KL, Russ PD. Ch 67. Interventional Radiology: Cross-Sectional Imaging Procedures. In: McNally P, ed. GI/Liver Secrets, Fifth Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier. 2014:523-532.
  • Kondo KL, Russ PD. Ch 68. Interventional Radiology: Fluoroscopic and Angiographic Procedures. In: McNally P, ed. GI/Liver Secrets, Fifth Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier. 2014:533-540
  • Wells D, Lindsay A, Rochon P, Kondo K, Gipson M, Smith M, Durham J, Ray C, Kumpe D, Gupta R. Peripheral Applications of Glue – A Primer for the Interventional Radiologist. Poster. Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting 2014, San Diego, California. March 2014.
  • Straus CM, Webb EM, Kondo KL, Phillips AW, Naeger DM, Carrico CW, Herring W, Neutze JA, Haines GR, Dodd GD 3rd. Medical Student Radiology Education: Summary and Recommendations From a National Survey of Medical School and Radiology Department Leadership. J Am Coll Radiol. 2014 Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24713496
  • Smith MT, Rase B, Woods A, Trotter J, Gipson M, Kondo K, Ray C, Durham J. Risk of hernia incarceration following transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2014 Jan;25(1):58-62. PubMed PMID: 24269791
  • Kondo KL, Swerdlow M. Medical student radiology curriculum: what skills do residency program directors believe are essential for medical students to attain?. Acad Radiol. 2013 Mar;20(3):263-71. PubMed PMID: 23452470
  • Gipson MG, Kondo KL. Management of lymphoceles after renal transplant: case report of a novel percutaneous image-guided treatment technique. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2013 Jun;24(6):881-4. PubMed PMID: 23707096
  • Ray CE Jr, Edwards A, Smith MT, Leong S, Kondo K, Gipson M, Rochon PJ, Gupta R, Messersmith W, Purcell T, Durham J. Metaanalysis of survival, complications, and imaging response following chemotherapy-based transarterial therapy in patients with unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2013 Aug;24(8):1218-26. PubMed PMID: 23725793
  • Brown A, Smith M, Gipson M, Kondo KL, Ray CE, Durham J, Rochon P. Not Just Another Tube: Principles of Percutaneous Radiologic Gastrostomy and Gastrojejunostomy Tube Placement and Management for the Interventional Radiology Trainee. Electronic exhibit. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) 2013, Barcelona, Spain. September 2013.
  • Lindsay A, Rochon P, Graybill G, Kondo KL, Gipson M, Smith M, Ray CE. Easy Access: Port Placement Principles and Management for Residents and Mid-level Trainees. Electronic exhibit. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) 2013, Barcelona, Spain. September 2013.
  • Kondo KL, Swerdlow M. Medical Student Curriculum: What Skills Do Residency Program Directors Believe Are Essential For Medical Students To Attain? Academic Radiology. Accepted December 11, 2012. Article to be included in the March 2013 Education Issue of Academic Radiology
  • Gipson MG, Kondo KL. Management of Lymphoceles after Renal Transplant: Case Report of a Novel Image Guided Treatment Technique. Accepted for publication Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. February 2013.
  • Aisner DL, Rumery MD, Doebele RC, Kondo KL, Linderman D, Thomas N, Varella-Garcia M, Franklin WA, Camidge DR. Specialized Specimen Handling for Molecular Testing: The ‘Molecular Only’ Approach Results in a High Success Rate for Molecular Testing in NSCLC. Poster. 2012 Chicago Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology, Chicago, Illinois, September 2012.
  • Rumery MD, Camidge DR, Kondo KL, Linderman D, Thomas NJ, Varella-Garcia M, Ren Q, Franklin WA, Aisner DL. Specialized Specimen Handling for Molecular Testing of Solid Tumors: The “Molecular Only” Approach Results in a High Success Rate for Molecular Testing. Poster. Association for Molecular Pathology 2012 Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, October 2012.
  • Kondo KL, Swerdlow M. Medical Student Radiology Curriculum: What Skills do Residency Program Directors Believe Are Essential for Medical Students to Attain? Poster. Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium, Academy of Medical Educators, University of Colorado School of Medicine Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado. November 2012.
  • Kondo KL, Swerdlow M. Medical Student Radiology Curriculum and Targeted Needs Assessment: How Do Recent Graduates Perceive Their Radiology Training? Poster. Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium, Academy of Medical Educators, University of Colorado School of Medicine Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado. November 2012.
  • I was responsible for the Patient Care Competencies section and based the information on evidence in the medical literature as well as expert opinion. The document is available on the AMSER website and is intended to be used by Radiology faculty for development of curricula, teaching and assessment tools. The following is the URL for the AMSER Student Competencies in Radiology. The Patient Care Competencies can be found on pages 2-5:
  • I reorganized the entire IR section and expanded the material from 3 to 5 pages in length as there have been new techniques and numerous advances in our specialty in the interim. This document is also available on the AMSER website for Radiology faculty to use in the development of curricula and courses at their individual institutions.The following is the URL for the AMSER National Medical Student Curriculum. The Interventional Radiology section can be found on pages 35-40:
  • Doebele RC, Pilling AB, Aisner D, Kutateladze TG, Le AT, Weickhardt AJ, Kondo KL, Linderman DJ, Heasley LE, Franklin WA, Varella-Garcia M, Camidge DR. Mechanisms of Resistance to Crizotinib in Patients with ALK Gene Rearranged Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 2012 Mar; 1;18(5):1472-82. Epub 2012 Jan 10
  • Swerdlow M, Kondo KL*. Medical Student Radiology Curriculum and Targeted Needs Assessment: How Do Recent Graduates Perceive Their Radiology Training? Presented by Kondo KL at the Association of University Radiologists 60th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 2012.
  • Kondo KL, Swerdlow M. Medical Student Radiology Curriculum: What Skills do Residency Program Directors Believe Are Essential for Medical Students to Attain? Presented by Kondo KL at the Association of University Radiologists 60th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 2012.
  • Dines M, Ray CE Jr., Durham J, Gupta R, Rochon P, Babson K, Kondo KL. Comparison of Outcomes of Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Hepatitis C and Other Etiologies. American Roentgen Ray Association, 112th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, May 2012.
  • Ray CE, Oppenheimer J, Gupta R, Rochon P, Kondo KL, Durham J. Liver Abscess: The Role of Interventional Radiology. Electronic Poster. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) 2011, Munich, Germany, September 2011
  • K.L. Kondo, J. Durham, B. Rase, S. Johnson, J. Trotter, A. Woods. Abstract No. 79: Incarceration of abdominal hernias following transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS).Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Volume 22, Issue 3, Supplement , Pages S36-S37, March 2011
  • C.E. Ray, J. Campsen, R. Gupta, K. Kondo, P. Rochon, B. Cook, C. Kaufman, M. Kaplan, M. Zimmerman, I. Kam, J. Durham. Abstract No. 332: Stenting of the IVC following liver transplantation: An update. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Vol. 22, Issue 3, Supplement, Page S137, March 2011
  • F. Ahmed, C.E. Ray, E. Hess, K. Kondo, R. Gupta, B. Peyton, P. Rochon, J. Durham. Abstract No. 73: What variables predict the need for revisions in patients undergoing TIPS with PTFE-covered stents? Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Volume 22, Issue 3, Supplement , Pages S33-S34, March 2011
  • Eppelheimer R, Ray CE, Kondo KL. Developmental Anatomy of the Inferior Vena Cava: Why Does it Matter? Electronic exhibit. American Roentgen Ray Society 111th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 2011.
  • Oppenheimer J, Ray CE, Gupta R, Kondo KL, Rochon P, Durham JD. Pulmonary Vascular Anatomy: Implications for Intervention. Electronic exhibit. American Roentgen Ray Society 111th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 2011.
  • Lam ET, La Rosa FG, Suby-Long TD, Kondo KL, Wilson S, Glodé LM, Flaig TW A Rare Case of Metastatic Renal Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma. Oncology 2011 Aug; 25(9):832-8
  • Kondo KL. Liquid Embolic Agents. In: Kessel D, Ray CE, eds. Transcatheter Embolisation and Therapy. Series: Techniques in Interventional Radiology. New York: Springer. 2010:51-60.
  • Seminars in Interventional Radiology, Issue 04, Volume 27 December 2010. Pharmacology in Interventional Radiology Guest Editors Kimi L Kondo D.O. , Charles E Ray Jr. M.D.
  • Wiltrout, Charles, Kondo, Kimi. Correction of Coagulopathy for Percutaneous Interventions Semin intervent Radiol 2010; 27: 338-347
  • Albanese, Giustino, Kondo, Kimi. Pharmacology of Sclerotherapy. Semin intervent Radiol 2010; 27: 391-399
  • Oppenheimer, Jason, Ray, Charles, Kondo, Kimi. Miscellaneous Pharmaceutical Agents in Interventional Radiology. Semin intervent Radiol 2010; 27: 422-430
  • Kondo KL, Russ PD. Ch 67. Interventional Radiology: Cross-Sectional Imaging Procedures. In: McNally P, ed. GI/Liver Secrets, Fifth Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier
  • Kondo KL, Russ PD. Ch 68. Interventional Radiology: Fluoroscopic and Angiographic Procedures. In: McNally P, ed. GI/Liver Secrets, Fifth Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier
  • Houkal J, Durham J, Kreidler S, Lamb M, Glueck D, Kondo K. Central Line Related Complications in the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Population. Electronic Exhibit. 115th Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, Toronto, Canada. April 2015.

Professional Memberships

  • American College of Radiology (ACR), Member
  • American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS), Member
  • Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Member
  • Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR), Fellow
  • Colorado Radiological Society (CRS), Member
  • Association of University Radiologists (AUR), Member
  • Alliance of Medical Student Educators in Radiology (AMSER), Member
  • Association of Program Directors in Interventional Radiology (APDIR), Member
  • Academy of Medical Educators, Member
  • American Board of Radiology, Diplomate

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

UCHealth Radiology - Anschutz Inpatient Pavilion
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital
  • Children's Hospital Colorado
  • UCHealth Highlands Ranch Hospital

Center Affiliations

Specialty Information

  • Diagnostic, Board Certification (2001)
  • Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Board Certification (2002, 2012)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Radiology - Interventional
  • Cancers - Biliary Cancer
  • Cancers - Kidney Cancer
  • Cancers - Gastroenterologic Cancer (Colon, Stomach, Esophageal, Liver)
  • Endocrine System (Hormones) - Thyroid Cancer
  • Heart and Circulation - Peripheral Artery Disease
  • Heart and Circulation - Angioplasty
  • Radiology - CT Scans
  • Cancers
  • Endocrine System (Hormones)
  • Heart and Circulation
  • Radiology
  • Cancers - Lung Cancer
  • Circulatory System and Blood Vessel Health - Dialysis access
  • Circulatory System and Blood Vessel Health
  • Circulatory System and Blood Vessel Health - Varicose Veins
  • Circulatory System and Blood Vessel Health - TOS - Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Circulatory System and Blood Vessel Health - Angioplasty
  • Circulatory System and Blood Vessel Health - Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
  • Surgery - Vein ablation with laser or radiofrequency
  • Surgery
  • Surgery - Varicose Veins
  • Surgery - Peripheral Vascular Intervention
  • Surgery - Sclerotherapy
  • Surgery - Leg angioplasty and stenting
Clinical Interests
I am skilled in all aspects of Interventional Radiology and minimally invasive endovascular procedures including angiography, angioplasty, biliary drainage, chemoembolization, dialysis access, DVT (deep venous thrombosis) lysis, embolization, genitourinary and gastrointestinal procedures, peripheral vascular disease, renal cryoablation, renal AML embolization, tumor RFA/microwave ablation, thyroid etoh and RFA ablation, TIPS, uterine fibroid embolization, and varicose vein sclerotherapy and endovenous laser ablation.

Care Philosophy
I strive to provide the best care for my patients.

Personal Interests
I enjoy photography, cycling, hiking, traveling, and playing with my cats.

Volunteer Activities
National Scleroderma Foundation Rocky Mountain Chapter - Medical Advisory Board Member; Chapter Advisory Committee member

Public Speaking