Deborah Main, PhD

Professor, University of Colorado - Boulder


  • Steiner JF, Cavender AT, Nowels CT, Beaty BL, Bradley CJ, Fairclough DL, Main DS. (2008). The impact of physical and psychosocial factors on work characteristics after cancer. Psycho-Oncology 17: 138–147.
  • Case Study: Patient-Centered Diabetes Registry. AHRQ Publication on Disease Registries
  • Abernethy AP, Hanson LC, Main DS, Kutner JS. (2007) Palliative care clinical research networks, a requirement for evidence-based palliative care: time for coordinated action. Palliat Med ;10:845-50.
  • Main DS, Henderson WG, Pratte K, Cavender TA, et al. (2007). Relationship of processes and structures of care in general surgery to post-operative outcomes: A descriptive analysis. J Am Coll Surg 204: 1157-1165.
  • Main DS, Cavender TA, Nowels CT, Henderson WG, Fink AS, Khuri SF. (2007). Relationship of processes and structures of care in general surgery to post-operative outcomes: A qualitative analysis. J Am Coll Surg. 204: 1147-1156.
  • Schifftner TL, Grunwald GK, Henderson WG, Main DS, Shuri SF. (2007). Relationship of processes and structures of care in general surgery to postoperative outcomes: A hierarchical analysis. J Am Coll Surg 204: 1166-1177.
  • Nease DE, Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Bonham AJ, Graham DG, Gallagher KM, Main DS. (In Press). Inducing Sustainable Improvement In Depression Care In Primary Care Practices: A Report from the National Depression Management Leadership Initiative’s Improving Depression Care project. J Comm Qual and Safety.