Pasko BE, Abbott D, Bocsi GT, Draper NL. ABO Blood Groups Are Not Associated With COVID-19 Disease Incidence and Severity When Correcting for Ethnicity Differences in Blood Type. Am J Clin Pathol. 2022 Aug 4;158(2):249-253. PubMed PMID: 35403671
Cooling L, Draper N, Alquist C, Jones A, Fernando L, et al. Donor and procedural factors associates with thrombocytopenia in older, related allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell donor. Transfusion. 2021;61(s3):P-CT-6.
Pino D, Helander L, Draper NL. Utilizing routine test of kidney transplant candidates to improve the safety and delivery of HLA-matched platelets. Transfusion. 2021;61(s3):P-TS-52.
Karafin MS, Becker JL, Berg M, DeSimone RA, Draper NL, Hudgins J, Metcalf RA, Pagano MB, Park YA, Rossmann SN, Schwartz J, Souers R, Thomas L, Uhl L, Ramsey GE. Heterogeneity in Approaches for Switching From Universal to Patient ABO Type-Specific Blood Components During Massive Hemorrhage. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2021 Dec 1;145(12):1499-1504. PubMed PMID: 33720316
Ho AP, Ho BE, Berg MP, Gutman JA, Draper NL. Blood type change identifies late dominance reversal of chimerism after double umbilical cord blood transplantation with review of the literature. Transfusion. 2021 Mar;61(3):960-967. PubMed PMID: 33638187
Ho AP, Ho BE, Draper NL. An Ambiguous Case of Fetomaternal Hemorrhage with Strong Kleihauer-Betke Positivity. ASCP LabQ. Published online 1/31/2020.
Ho AP, Ho BE, Berg M, Draper N, Luong P. Unique case of anti-Naka (CD36) antibody production and clinical approach to platelet refractoriness. Transfusion. 2019;59(s3):P-IM-39
Obidi J, Hipolito Villa C, Storch E , Whitaker BI , Chada K , Williams A , Fowler S, Schilling L , Kahn MG , Edlavitch SA , Draper N , Purkayastha S , Hayden R , Biondich P , Falconer T, Natarajan K, Reich C, Selvam N and Shoaibi A. Trends in Red Blood Cell Transfusions Within the Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) Initiative Network, 2012-2018. Transfusion. 2019;59(s3):P-TS-44.
Draper Nicole L. Chimerism: A Clinical Guide. Springer International, 2018.
Draper NL, Crooks K. “Fertilization and Early Embryonic Errors.” Chimerism: A Clinical Guide. Springer International, 2018. 3-17.
Greer A, Draper NL. Human Leukocyte Antigen Alloimmunization and ABO Blood Group in Patients with Hematologic Malignancies. Transfusion. 2017;57(s3):174A.
Gurevich I, Draper N, Kniep J, Mack S, Pruden D, Berg M. A Hospital-Based Retrospective Cohort Hemovigilance Study of 828 INTERCEPTTM Platelet Transfusions. Transfusion. 2017;57(s3):60A
Yazer MH, Alcantara R, Beizai P, Draper NL et al. on behalf of the BEST Collaborative. The crossmatch:issue ratio: use of a novel indicator and results of an international survey on red blood cell crossmatching and issuing practices. Am J Clin Pathol. 2016 Aug;146(2):238-43.
Matney K, Berg M, Falko J, Draper NL. The role of lipoprotein(a) in clotting reactions during lipoprotein apheresis- A case report. J Clin Lipidol. 2016 Mar-Apr;10(2):438-42.
O'Leary MF, Dunbar NM , Kim HC, Draper NL, et al. Venous access for hematopoietic progenitor cell collection: an international survey by the ASFA HPC donor subcommittee. Epub ahead of print J Clin Apher 2016 Jan 13.
Cooling L, Harmon C, Park YA, Dunbar N, Linenberger M, Kim HC, Murtaugh A, Schmidt A, Fernando LP, Draper N, et al. Frequent occurrence of procedure-associated thrombocytopenia in older, related allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell donors: a donor safety pilot study by the ASFA HPC subcommittee. Abstract Session presentation at the ASFA Annual Meeting 2016.
Berg M, Gutman JA, Vinson L, Draper N. Later reversal of dominance after dual cord blood transplantation. Blood 2016 128:5796. Epub
Draper NL. Special Blood Product Requirements of APL, Oncology Times, April 10, 2016 issue.
Draper NL. Article Review: “Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease in a liver transplant recipient: an unusual presentation and review of the literature”.PULSE, SCABB Association Newsletter February, March, April 2013.
Draper NL. Hemolysis After Red Cell Transfusion: Non-Immune Causes. ASCP On-Demand Webcast.
West FB, Draper NL, et al. Do X-ray Irradiation Hot Spots Cause Unacceptable Supernatant Potassium And Plasma Free Hemoglobin Levels? Transfusion. 2011;51(3S):75A. Abstract
Draper NL. Hemolysis After Red Cell Transfusion: Non-immune Causes. ASCP Teleconference Supplemental Course Material. 11/9/2011.
Draper NL. Resolving ABO Discrepancies. CACMLE Teleconference Supplemental Course Material and Pre-Conference Exercise. 9/1/11.
Draper NL. Summation and review of “Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease in a liver transplant recipient: an unusual presentation and review of the literature”.PULSE, SCABB Association Newsletter. Accepted for publication 2/2013.
Obidi, Joyce, Sridhar, Gayathri, Dores, Graça, Villa, Carlos H., Storch, Emily, Wong, Hui-Lee, Whitaker, Barbee, Schilling, Lisa M, Natarajan, Karthik, Biondich, Paul, Soares, Andrey, Spotnitz, Matthew, Falconer, Thomas, Purkayastha, Saptarshi, Draper, Nicole L, Stagg, Matthew, Reich, Christian, Anderson, Steven, Shoaibi, Azadeh Patterns of Red Blood Cell utilization: Harnessing information from the Standard for Blood and Transplant (ISBT) 128 system within the Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) Initiative. Transfusion.