McGinn EA, Rosenberg LM, Chandler GS, Seltz LB. Resident perspectives on the impact of program leadership communication on well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Commun Healthc. 2024 May 2:1-9. doi: 10.1080/17538068.2024.2340766. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38695767.
Friedman H, Seltz B. Caring for Children with Medical Complexity who Require Technology: A Curriculum for Senior Pediatric Residents. Poster Presentation. Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting. Toronto, ON. 2024
Schulte S, Ribar E. Seltz B. Breastfeeding Medicine Academic Half Day Curriculum for Pediatric Residents. Poster Presentation. Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting. Toronto, ON. 2024
Snyder P, O’Hara K, Tchou M, Seltz B. Addressing Challenges to Resident High-Value Care Practice at an Academic Children’s Hospital: A Curriculum for Senior Pediatric Residents. Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting. Toronto, ON. 2024
Ribar E. Schulte S, Seltz B. Breastfeeding Medicine Academic Half Day Curriculum for Pediatric Residents. Poster Presentation. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine annual meeting, Schaumburg, IL, 2024
Snyder P, Baker H, Seltz B, Tchou M, O’Hara K. Addressing Challenges to High-Value Care Practice: A Curriculum for Senior Pediatric Residents. Oral Presentation. Critical Care Congress, Phoenix, 2024
Phillips E, Edwards J, Aiello L, Gilliam C, Seltz B, et al. The Impact of Mistreatment from Patients and Families on Pediatric Resident Professional Identity Formation: A Mixed Methods Exploratory Study. Oral Presentation. Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting. Toronto, ON. 2024
Phillips E, Edwards J, Aiello L, Gilliam C, Seltz B, et al. The Impact of Mistreatment from Patients and Families on Pediatric Resident Professional Identity Formation: A Mixed Methods Exploratory Study. Poster Presentation. APPD annual meeting, Chicago, 2024
Lockwood L, Williams J, Tanverdi M, Seltz B. A Qualitative Study of Pediatric Residents’ Experiences at Morning Report. J Med Educ Curric Dev 2023; accepted for publication
Yan G, Bhatia S, Seltz B. Psychological safety during family-centered rounds: how do residents’ sense of safety align with families’ perspectives on learning? Table Top Presentation. Academic Pediatric Association Region 9&10 Annual Conference. Monterey Ca, 2023
Yan G, Bhatia S, Seltz B. Psychological safety during family-centered rounds: how does residents’ sense of safety align with families’ perspectives on learning? Poster Presentation. APPD, Atlanta, 2023
Bhatia S, Yan G, Seltz B. Psychological safety during family-centered rounds: how does residents’ sense of safety align with families’ perspectives on learning? Poster Presentation. Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting, Washington D.C., 2023
Thompson-Martin L, Beck J, Seltz B, et al. Putting Principles into Practice: Pediatric Trainee Experiences Discussing and Practicing High Value Care. Poster Presentation. Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting. Washington D.C., 2023
Yan G, Bhatia S, Seltz B. Psychological safety during family-centered rounds: how does residents’ sense of safety align with families’ perspectives on learning? Oral Presentation. Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting, Philadelphia, 2023
Rosenberg L, McGinn E, Chandler G, Seltz B. Finding the Resident Voice Amidst Stressors Associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Poster presentation. APPD, San Diego, 2022
McGinn E, Rosenberg L, Chandler G, Seltz B. Finding the Resident Voice Amidst Stressors Associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Poster presentation. PAS, Denver, 2022
Edwards M, Simek K, Levy R, Seltz B. Impact of a Pediatric Night Float on Medical Students’ Learning: Clerkship Student Perspectives. Poster presentation. PAS, Denver, 2022
Guo P, Ziniel S, Seltz B. Resident Independent Rounds: Attending Physician Perspective. Poster presentation. APPD, San Diego, 2022
Kay H, Tchou M, Seltz B, O’Hara K. Game On! Email-facilitated Case Competition as a Format for High Value Care Education. Poster presentation. APPD, San Diego, 2022
Kay H, Tchou M, Seltz B, O’Hara K. Game On! Email-facilitated Case Competition as a Format for High Value Care Education. Poster presentation. PAS, Denver, 2022
Kay H, Tchou M, Seltz B, O’Hara K. 'Game On! Email-Facilitated Case Competition as a Format for High-Value Care Education. Poster Presentation. Architecture of High Value Care National Conference, 2022
Seltz B, Nathaniel E, Ball A, Jimenez S, Tchou M. Pediatric Residents’ Experiences with High
Value Care at an Academic Children’s Hospital. J Grad Med Educ 2022;14:80-88
Simek K, Edwards M, Levy R, Seltz B. Impact of a Pediatric Night Float on Medical Students’
Education: Perspectives of Clerkship Students. Hosp Pediatr 2022;12:583-589
Friedman H, Stiggelbout C, Seltz B. Clinical Conundrum: An Unusual Case of Acute Fever and Back Pain in a 5-year old Boy. Poster Presentation. Virtual Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting.
August 2021
Parker C. Seltz B. Clinical Conundrum: A Tough Case to Swallow. Poster Presentation. Virtual Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting. August 2021
Iguidbashian K, Sawyer A, Huh G, Dear T, Brackman S, Seltz B. Resident Independent Rounds: How do families perceive team communication? Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, virtual poster presentation, 2021; PAS 2021 Trainee Registration Grant Award
Sawyer A, Iguidbashian K, Huh G, Dear T, Brackman S, Seltz B. Resident Independent Rounds: How do families perceive team communication? Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, virtual poster presentation, 2021
McGinn E, Chandler G, Rosenberg L, Patel R, Seltz B. Resident Stress and its Association with Residency Program Leadership Response during COVID-19 Pandemic. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, virtual poster presentation, 2021
Nathaniel E, Ball A, Jimenez S, Seltz B, Tchou M. Pediatric Resident Experiences with High Value Care. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, virtual poster presentation, 2021
Ball A, Nathaniel E, Jimenez S, Seltz B, Tchou M. Pediatric Resident Experiences with High Value Care. Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, virtual poster presentation, 2021
Huh Grace, Iguidbashian K, Sawyer A, Dear T, Brackman S, Seltz B. Resident Independent Rounds: How do families perceive team communication? Poster presentation. Virtual Pediatric Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, 2021
Simek K, Edwards M, Levy R, Seltz B. 3rd Year Medical Students’ Perspectives of the Impact of a Night Float System on their Education. Poster presentation. Virtual Pediatric Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, 2021
Landry J, Seltz B, O’Hara K. TEAMwork! An Innovative Hospital Medicine Teaching Program,” Accepted for Poster Presentation. PAS annual meeting, 2020, Philadelphia
*cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
Jackson J, Seltz B, Zuk Jeannie, Kunrath C, Lockspeiser T, O’Kada C. Attending Presence/Behavior and Impacts on Senior Resident Autonomy.” Accepted for Poster Presentation, PAS annual meeting, 2020, Philadelphia
*cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
Anderson L, Zamkoff J, Seltz B, et al. Improving Patient:Provider Ratios on Acute Care Resident Teams. Accepted for Poster Presentation. PAS annual meeting, 2020, Philadelphia
*cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
Anderson, L, Zamkoff J, Seltz B, et al. Improving Patient:Provider Ratios on Acute Care Resident Teams. Accepted for Poster Presentation. Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting, 2020, Lake Buena Vista, FL
*cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
Ritchie L, Kulig E, Seltz B. Faculty Teachers’ Perspectives of Resident Academic Half Day. Med Sci Educ 2019;29:131-138
Wagoner H, Seltz B. Attending Physicians’ Perspectives of Resident Academic Half Day. Teach Learn Med 2019;31:
Trost M, Potisek N, Seltz B et al. Medical Student Participation in Patient- and Family-Centered Rounding: A National Survey of Pediatric Clerkships. Acad Pediatr 2019;19:549-554
Lane K, Chia C, Lessing J, Mathews B, Schaefer J, Seltz B, et al. Improving Resident Feedback on Diagnostic Reasoning after Handovers: The LOOP Project. J Hosp Med 2019;14:E1-E4
Jarjour J, Seltz B. Clinical Conundrum, poster presentation. Acute Onset Diplopia and Bilateral Ophthalmoplegia in an Adolescent after a recent upper respiratory infection. Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting. July 2019, Seattle
Lin T, Pointon T, Seltz B. Clinical Conundrum, poster presentation. A 2-month-old with Progressive Unilateral Facial Swelling: Parotitis or Something Else? Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting. July 2019, Seattle
Enzer K, Seltz B. Clinical Conundrum, poster presentation. Vomiting and weight loss in a 7-year old. Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting. July 2019, Seattle
Beil L, Seltz B. Clinical Conundrum, poster presentation. Fever of Unknown Origin in a
Traveling Teenager. Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting. July 2019, Seattle
Williams J, Zastoupil L, Tanverdi M, Seltz B. Pediatric Residents’ Experiences at Morning Report. Poster Presentation. APPD annual meeting, 2018, Atlanta
Ritchie L, Kulig E, Seltz B. Resident Academic Half Day: Perspectives of Faculty Teachers. Poster Presentation. APPD annual meeting, 2018, Atlanta
Zastoupil L, Williams J, Tanverdi M, Seltz B. Pediatric Residents’ Experiences at Morning Report. Poster Presentation. PAS annual meeting, 2018, Toronto
Kulig E, Ritchie L, Seltz B. Resident Academic Half Day: Perspectives of Faculty Teachers. Poster Presentation. PAS annual meeting, 2018, Toronto
Wheeler B, Seltz B, Grubenhoff J, Tanverdi M, Olson A. Improving Residents’ Diagnostic Reasoning Through Peer-to-Peer Feedback – the LOOP study. Poster Presentation. PAS annual meeting, 2018, Toronto
Williams J, Zastoupil L, Tanverdi M, Seltz B. Mo(u)rning Report: Evidence-Based Strategies for Strengthening a Time-Tested Tradition. PAS annual meeting, 2018 Toronto
Zastoupil L, McIntosh A, Sopfe J, Burrows J, Kraynik J, Lane L, Hanson J, Seltz B. Positive Impact Of Transition from Noon Conference to Academic Half Day in a Pediatric Residency Program. Acad Pediatr 2017;17:436-442
Wagoner H, Seltz B. Resident Academic Half Day: Perspectives of Hospitalists and Other Faculty Poster Presentation. Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting, 2017, Nashville
Isbey S, Sallee C, Lockwood J, Seltz B. Impact of a Novel Direct Observation of Teaching Evaluation (DOTE) on Feedback for Residents-as-Teachers. Poster Presentation. APPD Annual meeting, 2017, Anaheim
Flood S, Cotter J, Yang C, Griffin G, Seltz B, Lockspeiser T. Impact of an Innovative Resident Developed Peer-to-Peer Residents as Teachers Workshop. Poster Presentation. PAS annual meeting, 2017, San Francisco
Cotter J, Seltz B, Ziniel S, Reese J. Escalation Curriculum: Teaching Residents How and When to Escalate Patient Concerns. Poster Presentation. PAS annual meeting, 2017, San Francisco
Seltz B, Zastoupil L, Hannum C, Hsieh E, Garg P. Is Daily Noon Conference Old School? Developing a Successful Academic Half Day Curriculum for Pediatric Residency Programs. APPD annual meeting, 2017, Anaheim
Seltz B, Preloger E, Hanson J, Lane L. Ward Rounds With or Without an Attending Physician: How Interns Learn Most Successfully. Acad Pediatr 2016;16:638-644
Yang C, Mayer J, Anderson L, Seltz B. School Health in Residency: Identifying Gaps in Pediatric Training. Poster presentation. APPD annual meeting, 2016, New Orleans
Zastoupil L, Burrows J, Kraynick J, Lane L, Hanson J, Seltz B. Impact of Transitioning from Noon Conference to Academic Half Day on Resident Attendance, Interruptions, and Protected Educational Time. Poster presentation. APPD annual meeting, 2016, New Orleans
McIntosh A, Sopfe J, Lane L, Hanson J, Seltz B. Transition from Noon Conference to Academic Half Day in a Pediatric Residency Program. Poster presentation. APPD annual meeting, 2016, New Orleans
Sallee C, Isbey S, Lockwood J, Seltz B. Directed Feedback for Residents as Teachers using the Direct Observation of Teaching Evaluation (DOTE). Poster presentation, Pediatric Hospital Medicine annual meeting, 2016, Chicago
Triolo T, Seltz B. Pediatric Puzzler. Choking and Cyanosis in an Infant with Sickle Cell Disease. Contemp Pediatr, Feb, 2015.
Preloger E, Seltz B, Lane L, Hanson, J. Ward rounds with and without an attending physician: what are interns learning? Poster presentation. PAS National Conference, San Diego, 2015
Preloger E, Seltz B, Lane L, Hanson, J. Ward rounds with and without an attending physician: what are interns learning? Poster presentation. PHM National Conference, San Antonio, 2015
Seltz B, Montgomery A, Lane L, Soep J, Hanson J. Medical Students’ Experiences Working with Frequently Rotating Pediatric Inpatient Attending Physicians. Hosp Pediatr 2014;4:239-246
Noffsinger J, Seltz B. I Never Got Any Feedback: a Truth for Many Residents Rotating on Nights. Poster presentation. APPD annual meeting, 2014, Chicago.
Seltz B, Bakel L, Tiehen J, Gao D, Cadnapaphornchai M, Lum G, Ford D. Efficacy and Safety of Clopidogrel in Children with Diarrhea Associated Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. Thrombosis Research 2012;130:e26-e30
Seltz B, Colvin M, Barton L. Atypical Pneumonias in Children. In: Chernick V, Boat T, Wilmott R, Bush A, eds: Kendig’s Diseases of the Respiratory Tract in Children, 8th edn. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2012:493-505
Pneumonia Clinical Care Guideline
Triolo T, Seltz B. Pediatric Puzzler. Choking and Cyanosis in an Infant with Sickle Cell Disease. Accepted for Publication. Contemporary Pediatrics.
Faculty Teachers' Perspectives of Resident Academic Half Day. Med Science Educ. In press.
Landry J, Seltz B, O’Hara K. TEAMwork! An Innovative Hospital Medicine Teaching Program. Acad Med 2022, accepted for publication