55. Johnson JL, Moore EE, Kashuk JL, Banerjee A Cothren CC, Biffl WL. Sauaia A. Early Transfusion of FFP is Independently Associated with Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure, Am J Surg, 2009 (Senior author) (in press)
56. Beauchamp K, Kashuk J, Moore EE, Sauaia A. Cranioplasty Following Post-Traumatic Decompressive Craniectomy: Is Timing of the Essence? J Trauma, 2009 (in press).(Senior author)
57. Wood JH, Partrick DA, Bruny JL, Sauaia A, Moulton SL. Operative Versus Non-Operative Management of Blunt Pancreatic Trauma in Children. J Ped Surg, 2010 (in press).
58. Wood JH, Partrick DA, Hays T, Sauaia A, Karrer FM, Ziegler MM. Contemporary Pediatric Splenectomy: Indications, operative approaches, and clinical outcomes. Pediatrics, 2010 in press.
59. Kashuk, J, Moore, EE, Hartman, Z, Sauaia A., Biffl WL, Cothren CC, Barnett C, Stahel P, Sillman CC, Sauaia A. Postinjury Coagulopathy Management: Goal Directed Resuscitation via Point-of-care Thrombelastography. Annals Surg, 2010 (in press) (Senior author)
60. Kashuk, J, Moore, EE, Hartman, Z, Sauaia A. Current Enthusiasm for Urban Bicycle Use in America: The Perfect Storm for an Injury Epidemic. J Trauma, 2010 (submitted) (Senior author)
4. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE: Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure. In: Mattox KL, Feliciano DV, Moore EE (eds.). Trauma: Seventh Edition. Norwalk, CN: Appleton & Lange, (in press).
TRauma Care: Traumatic No Matter Where You Are.
Katherine L Kenerson; Angela Sauaia, MD, PhD; Dario Birolini, MD, FACS; Belchor Fontes, MD; Ernest E Moore, MD, FACS, FCCM, FACN; Almerindo L Souza Jr., MD; and Renato S Poggetti, MD, FACS
Senior author, main mentor
TRAUMA CARE: TRAUMATIC NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE. Katherine L Kenerson; Angela Sauaia, MD, PhD; Dario Birolini, MD, FACS; Belchor Fontes, MD; Ernest E Moore, MD, FACS, FCCM, FACN; Almerindo L Souza Jr., MD; and Renato S Poggetti, MD, FACS
42. Older age and blood transfusion are co-conspirators in the development of postinjury multiple organ failure and subsequent death. 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Western Trauma Association, Crested Butte, CO, February 2009
44. HELLP Syndrome: When Is Surgical Help Needed? Southwestern Surgical Congress, 61st Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 2009
53. Kulungowski A, Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Gallup H, Sandaria M, Biffl WL, Cothren CC, Johnson JL, Sauaia A. HELLP Syndrome: When Is Surgical Help Needed? Am J Surg. 198(6):916-20, 2009. (Senior Author)
54. Sauaia A, Dellavalle RP. Health Disparities: An Introduction to Dermatology Providers. Dermatol Clin. 27(2): 103-7, 2009 (First Author).
Project TEACH: Teaching Equity to Advance Community Health at http://cctsi.ucdenver.edu/Community-Translation/Pages/ProjectTEACH.aspx
Colorado Health Disparities Profiles available at http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hs/regionaldata/healthDisparitiesdata.html
HCPR Health Disparities Program at www.uchsc.edu\hcpr\disparity.php
44. HELLP Syndrome: When Is Surgical Help Needed? Southwestern Surgical Congress, 61st Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 2009. (senior author)
45. Rapid Thrombelastography is Associated with Hypercoagulability and Predicts Thromboembolic Events in Surgical Patients- Central Surgical Association, annual meeting, March 6, 2009 (senior author)
46. Rapid Thrombelastography improves management of postinjury coagulopathy American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Pittsburgh, PA Oct 2, 2009 (senior author)
47. Current enthusiasm for urban bicycle use in America: the perfect storm for an injury epidemic: American College of Surgeons annual meeting, plenary presentation, Chicago, IL, October, 2009 (senior author)
48. Postinjury Thrombocytopenia is Associated With Adverse Outcomes: Eastern Association for Surgery of Trauma, annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ February, 2010 (senior author).
53. Kulungowski A, Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Gallup H, Sandaria M, Biffl WL, Cothren CC, Johnson JL, Sauaia A. HELLP Syndrome: When Is Surgical Help Needed? Am J Surgery , in press (Senior Author)
54. Sauaia A, Dellavalle RP. Health Disparities: An Introduction to Dermatology Providers. Dermatology Clinics of North America. 2009, in press (First Author).
43. Cranioplasty following Decompressive Craniectomy- Is Timing of the Essence? 67th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Maui, Hawaii, US, 2008
38. HMGB1 is markedly elevated early after injury. Shock International Meeting, Cologne, Germany, 2008. (Co- author)
39. Adrenal insufficiency after injury is associated with multiple organ failure. Shock International Meeting, Cologne, Germany, 2008. (Senior author)
40. Targeted 1:1 FFP: RBC Ratios In Pelvic Fractures: Disassociation Of Coagulopathy With Mortality. 67th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Maui, Hawaii, US, 2008
41. Defining the role of the surgical intensivist in the era of acute care surgery. 67th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Maui, Hawaii, US, 2008 (Co-author)
Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Haenel J, Wilson, M, Moore JB, Cothren CC, Biffl WL, Banerjee A, Sauaia A.Post Injury Life Threatening Coagulopathy: Is 1:1 FFP:RBC the Answer?. J Trauma, 65(2):261-70 2008 (Senior Author)
50. Sauaia A, Moore EE, Banerjee A. Blood Substitutes and risk of myocardial infarction and death . JAMA, 300(11):1297, 2008 (First author)
51. Sauaia A, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Ciesla DJ, Biffl WL, Banerjee A. Validation of Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure Scores. Shock, Oct 2008, (e-publication ahead of print). (First author)
52. Peltz ED, Moore EE, Eckels PC, Damle SS, Tsuruta Y, Johnson JL, Sauaia A, Silliman CC, Banerjee A, Abraham EHmgb1 is markedly elevated within six hours of mechanical trauma in humans. Shock, Dec 2008 (e-publication ahead of print)
49. Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Haenel J, Wilson, M, Moore JB, Cothren CC, Biffl WL, Banerjee A, Sauaia A.Post Injury Life Threatening Coagulopathy: Is 1:1 FFP:RBC the Answer?. J Trauma, 2008, in press (senior author)
3. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) 2007 Medical School Objectives Report: Prevention and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity: Examples of innovation, available at https://services.aamc.org/Publications/
35. Early Transfusion of FFP is Independently Associated with Postinjury MOF. 2007 Annual Meeting of the Western Surgical Association. Colorado Springs, CO, 2007. (Second author)
36. Massive coagulopathy: is 1:1 Plasma: RBC Ratio the answer? 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Las Vegas, Nebraska, 2007. (Senior author)
45. Fischer SM; Gozansky W; Sauaia A; Min SJ; Kutner JS; Kramer AM. Lack of Ethnic Differences in End-of-Life Care in the VA. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Aug-Sep;24(4):277-83, 2007
47. Sauaia A; Min S; Lack D; Apodaca C; Osuna D; Stowe S; McGinnis GF; Latts LM; Byers T. A church-based community-health worker health education: impact on Latinas enrolled in public and private health insurance plans. Prev Chronic Dis [serial online], 2007, October online issue.
46. Watlington AT; Byers T; Mouchawar J; Sauaia A; Ellis J. Does Having Insurance Affect Differences in Clinical Presentation between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Women with Breast Cancer? Cancer, 109(10):2093-9.2007
48. Fischer SM, Sauaia A, Kutner JS "Patient Navigation: A Culturally Competent Strategy to Address Disparities in Palliative Care" Journal of Palliative Medicine, 10(5):1023-8.2007.
Fischer SM; Gozansky W; Sauaia A; Min SJ; Kutner JS; Kramer AM. Lack of Ethnic Differences in End-of-Life Care in the VA. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2007, in press.
Colorado Colon Screening Program Navigator Guidebook: editor
Colorado Colon Screening Program Manual (co-author with Byers, Wolf and others)
A planning guide for church-based health promotion interventions for Latinos by Angela Sauaia, MD, PhD. Available at http://www.uchsc.edu/hcpr/documents/GuideforLatinas.pdf
Newsletter (total 3 issues so far) for the Children's Cultural Competence Project
co-author with Carol HOdgson and others of several training materials for PBL cases, PBL tutor guides, small group sessions and lectures in the CU-SOM curriculum
Ciesla DJ, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Cothren CC, Banerjee A, Burch JM, Sauaia A. Decreased progression of postinjury lung dysfunction to the acute respiratory distress syndrome and multiple organ failure. Surgery. 2006 Oct;140(4):640-7; discussion 647-8
Ciesla DJ; Moore EE; Johnson JL; Burch JM; Cothren CC; Sauaia A. Obesity Increases the Risk of Organ Failure After Severe Trauma. J Am Coll Surg, 203:539-45, 2006. (Senior author)
Sauaia A. (first author) RO3 NCI-NIH: final report of the TACLE (Temporal Analysis of a Cancer Latino Education) project. 2006
Ciesla DJ; Moore EE; Johnson JL; Burch JM; Cothren CC; Sauaia AClay C. Cothren, MD, and Angela Sauaia, MD, PhD, Denver,The role of the lung in postinjury multiple organ failure. Surgery, 2006.
Effect of a Church-Based Approach to Increase Breast Cancer Screening Among Latinas on Medicaid. Published in the NCI and SAMHSA Research-tested Intervention Programs (RTIPs) website at (http://cancercontrolplanet.cancer.gov/rtips).
Colorado Colon Cancer Screening Program Navigator Manual(in collaboration with the CCCSP Team)
Women's Health Curriculum for the CU-SOM, Cultural Competence Module to be published by APGO in hard copy as well as online
Sauaia A.: Executive Summary and Recommendations: Colorado Health Disparities Conference, co-sponsored by the Chancellor's office of the University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, the Office of the Honorable Colorado State Senator Peter Groff and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals 2005
Sauaia A. et al. (first author) Report to CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) for Contract 7th Scope of Work 500-02-CO01, Task 1e. Project Title: Tepeyac Project: a community-based, church-delivered approach to reduce disparities in breast cancer screening among Latinas in Colorado. 2005
Sauaia A. (first author) RO3 NCI-NIH: first year report of the TACLE (Temporal Analysis of a Cancer Latino Education) project. 2005
Facilitator Guide: PBL case of as 18-month old boy with anemia for the 1st CU-SOM students
Colon Cancer Screening Educational Brochures
(Spanish and English)
A Four-year Cultural Competence Medical School Curriculum: the UCDHSC Experience. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Diversity Week Research Exchange. Denver CO, April 2005
Decreased blood transfusion trauma resuscitation is associated with a decreased risk of postinjury multiple organ failure. 7th World Congress on Shock and Inflammation, 2005.
Advances in Surgical Critical Care Have Decreased the Severity of the Postinjury Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Central Surgical Association, Kentucky, 2005.
Obesity increases the risk of postinjury organ dysfunction but not death in high risk trauma patients, Western Trauma Association, 2005.
Stacy Fischer's
Welsh AL, Sauaia A, Jacobellis J, Min S, Byers T. Effect of a Church-Based Approach to Increase Breast Cancer Screening Among Latinas on Medicaid. Prev Chronic Dis [serial online] 2005 Oct. Available from: URL: //www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/oct/04_0140.htm
Fischer SM, Gozansky W, Sauaia A, Min SJ, Kutner JS, Kramer. A Practical Tool to Identify Patients Who May Benefit from a Palliative Approach: The CARING Criteria. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2006 (in press)
Watlington AT; Byers T; Mouchawar J; Sauaia A; Ellis J. Does Having Insurance Affect Differences in Clinical Presentation between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Women with Breast Cancer? Cancer, 2007, in press
Sauaia A; Min S; Lack D; Apodaca C; Osuna D; Stowe S; McGinnis GF; Latts LM; Byers T. A church-based community-health worker health education: impact on Latinas enrolled in public and private health insurance plans. Prev Chronic Dis [serial online], 2007, in press
A Practical Tool to Identify Patients Who May Benefit from a Palliative Approach: The CARING Criteria. Fischer SM, Gozansky W, Sauaia A, Min SJ, Kutner JS, Kramer A Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2006 (in press).
Pain Prevalence and Treatment: Are There Ethnic Differences in Hospitalized Adults? 29th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, Los Angeles CA, 2006
Ciesla DJ; Moore EE; Johnson JL; Burch JM; Cothren CC; Sauaia A. A 10-year Prospective Study of Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure: Has Anything Changed? Arch Surg, 2006 (in press)