Nirmal Banda, PhD, MS

Research Professor, Medicine-Rheumatology

Professional Titles

  • Professor Research

Research Interests

Dr. Banda has published work related to six funded R01 grants and served as a principal investigator and co-principal investigator. Dr. Banda’s research focuses on delivery mechanisms for complement inhibitory proteins, inhibitory antibodies, and siRNAs directly to the knee joints for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. At present, he is developing a bio-therapeutic,GalNAc-MASP-1/3-siRNA for their use in Rheumatoid Arthritis-related clinical trials aimed to design and patent medical treatment for arthritis based on the development of inhibitory antibodies and specific siRNA duplexes. With patent pending, this technology may further apply to the treatment of other complement-mediated autoimmune diseases. Dr. Banda wrote a book chapter on the activation of various complement pathways in animal serum. He introduced the novel concept of how two different organs, the liver and adipose tissue, act in concert as contributing etiology in the pathogenesis of arthritis. He showed that the MASP-1 and MASP-3 proteins play an important role in the induction of inflammatory arthritis in mice and natural inhibitors of MASPs such as MAp44 may play an important role to reduce the severity of arthritis. Dr. Banda is active in the international community as an expert in arthritis research and has been invited to speak in The Netherlands, Sweden, Greece, Germany, China, India and Japan. He most recently presented at "BeTheCure for Arthritis" workshop in Stockholm, Sweden, invited by Dr. Rikard Holmdahl to set Standards on Operating Procedures (SOP) in experimental arthritis. He also spoke at the 25th International Complement Workshop in Brazil specifically to address the therapeutic use of a new natural complement inhibitor, MAp44, in arthritis. Notable recent collaborations include extensive published works with Dr. William Arend, Distinguished Professor, during the discovery of an FDA-approved drug, IL-1Ra (Anakinra, brand name Kineret®) for the treatment of Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Banda also published extensively with Dr. V. Michael Holers, Division Head of Rheumatology. Prior distinguished publications include the original fundamental hypothesis that HIV-1 indirectly kills human CD4 T-cells via apoptosis. These studies were published in 1992 and 1995 in the Journal of Experimental Medicine and Nature Medicine, respectively. This theory is now one of the most accepted mechanisms in the understanding of HIV pathogenesis today, and these earlier works have been cited over 2000 times and part of many book chapters.


  • Weinand K, Sakaue S, Nathan A, Jonsson AH, Zhang F, Watts GFM, Al Suqri M, Zhu Z, Rao DA, Anolik JH, Brenner MB, Donlin LT, Wei K, Raychaudhuri S. The chromatin landscape of pathogenic transcriptional cell states in rheumatoid arthritis. Nat Commun. 2024 May 31;15(1):4650. PubMed PMID: 38821936
  • Sakaue S, Weinand K, Isaac S, Dey KK, Jagadeesh K, Kanai M, Watts GFM, Zhu Z, Brenner MB, McDavid A, Donlin LT, Wei K, Price AL, Raychaudhuri S. Tissue-specific enhancer-gene maps from multimodal single-cell data identify causal disease alleles. Nat Genet. 2024 Apr;56(4):615-626. PubMed PMID: 38594305
  • Holers VM, Frank RM, Zuscik M, Keeter C, Scheinman RI, Striebich C, Simberg D, Clay MR, Moreland LW, Banda NK. Decay-Accelerating Factor Differentially Associates With Complement-Mediated Damage in Synovium After Meniscus Tear as Compared to Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. Immune Netw. 2024 Apr;24(2):e17. PubMed PMID: 38725672
  • Li Y, Saba L, Scheinman RI, Banda NK, Holers M, Monte A, Dylla L, Moghimi SM, Simberg D. Nanoparticle-Binding Immunoglobulins Predict Variable Complement Responses in Healthy and Diseased Cohorts. ACS Nano. 2024 Oct 22;18(42):28649-28658. PubMed PMID: 39395006
  • Izmirly PM, Kim MY, Carlucci PM, Preisinger K, Cohen BZ, Deonaraine K, Zaminski D, Dall'Era M, Kalunian K, Fava A, Belmont HM, Wu M, Putterman C, Anolik J, Barnas JL, Diamond B, Davidson A, Wofsy D, Kamen D, James JA, Guthridge JM, Apruzzese W, Rao DA, Weisman MH, Petri M, Buyon J, Furie R. Longitudinal patterns and predictors of response to standard-of-care therapy in lupus nephritis: data from the Accelerating Medicines Partnership Lupus Network. Arthritis Res Ther. 2024 Feb 20;26(1):54. PubMed PMID: 38378664
  • Holers VM, Frank RM, Clauw A, Seifert J, Zuscik M, Asokan S, Striebich C, Clay MR, Moreland LW, Banda NK. Potential causal role of synovial complement system activation in the development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament injury or meniscus tear. Front Immunol. 2023;14:1146563. PubMed PMID: 37207197
  • Li Y, Jacques S, Gaikwad H, Wang G, Banda NK, Holers VM, Scheinman RI, Tomlinson S, Moghimi SM, Simberg D. Inhibition of acute complement responses towards bolus-injected nanoparticles using targeted short-circulating regulatory proteins. Nat Nanotechnol. 2023 Oct 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37798566
  • Holers VM, Frank RM, Clauw A, Seifert J, Zuscik M, Asokan S, Striebich C, Clay MR, Moreland LW, Banda NK. Potential causal role of synovial complement system activation in the development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament injury or meniscus tear. Front Immunol. 2023;14:1146563. PubMed PMID: 37207197
  • Scheinman RI, Banda NK. Does complement play a role in pathogenic ACPA?. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 Nov;75(11):2062-2063. PubMed PMID: 37134127
  • Synovial complement activation and imbalance after anterior cruciate ligament injury or meniscus tear as a risk factor in the development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis Michael Holers, Rachel M. Frank, Andrew Clauw, Jennifer Seifert, Michael Zuscik, Sakthi Asokan, Christopher Striebich, Michael R. Clay, Larry W. Moreland, Nirmal K. Banda
  • Gaikwad H, Li Y, Wang G, Li R, Dai S, Rester C, Kedl R, Saba L, Banda NK, Scheinman RI, Patrick C, Mallela KMG, Moghimi SM, Simberg D. Antibody-Dependent Complement Responses toward SARS-CoV-2 Receptor-Binding Domain Immobilized on "Pseudovirus-like" Nanoparticles. ACS Nano. 2022 May 4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35507641
  • Banda NK, Deane KD, Bemis EA, Strickland C, Seifert J, Jordan K, Goldman K, Morgan BP, Moreland LW, Lewis MJ, Pitzalis C, Holers VM. Analysis of Complement Gene Expression, Clinical Associations, and Biodistribution of Complement Proteins in the Synovium of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Reveals Unique Pathophysiologic Features. J Immunol. 2022 Jun 1;208(11):2482-2496. PubMed PMID: 35500934 One of the figures from this article was selected by the editors for the cover page of June 1st issue of the Journal of Immunology 2022
  • ABSTRACT NUMBER: 0565 Deciphering Complement System-dependent Cellular Pathways in Human Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Tissues Using Single-cell Computational Omics Juan Vargas1, Nirmal Banda2, Ian Mantel3, Anna Jonsson4, Kevin Wei5, Deepak Rao4, Susan Goodman6, Kevin D Deane7, Jennifer Seifert8, Jennifer Anolik9, Michael Brenner10, Soumya Raychaudhuri4, Accelerating Medicines Partnership RA/SLE4, Michael Holers2, Laura Donlin6 and Fan Zhang8, 1School Public Health Biostatistics Department, Aurora, CO, 2Department of Medicine Division of Rheumatology, Aurora, CO, 3Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, 4Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, 5Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 6Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, 7University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver, CO, 8University of Colorado, Aurora, CO, 9University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, 10Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Meeting: ACR Convergence 2022, Session Title: Abstracts: Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics
  • ABSTRACT ID 163 A snap shot of complement gene expression and presence of complement proteins in synovial biopsies from early rheumatoid arthritis patients. Autoimmunity, Orally presented on Saturday May 7th 2022 AAI meeting in Portland, OR May 7th -May 10th, 2022. Abstract was selected for the Poster as well as for an oral presentation. Submission Topic Category: Immune Mechanisms of Human Disease
  • ABSTRACT NUMBER: 26 Holers, V. Michael1; Deane, Kevin D.1; Seifert, Jennifer A.2; Strick- land, Colin3; Bemis, Elizabeth A.1; RA/SLE Network, Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP)1; Morgan, B. Paul4; Lewis, Myles J.5; Pitzalis, Costantino6; Moreland, Larry W.1; Banda, Nirmal1 REGIONAL AND CELL-SPECIFIC IMBALANCE OF COMPLEMENT GENE EXPRESSION AND PROTEINS IN THE SYNOVIAL BIOPSIES FROM EARLY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS 1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado 80045 USA 2Division of Rheumatology, Department of Radiology; Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado 80045 USA 3Department of Radiology, Department of Medicine, University of Color- ado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado 80045 USA 4Systems Immunity URI, Division of Infection and Immunity, and UK DRI Cardiff, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK EMCHD2022 – Abstracts Molecular Immunology 150 (2022) 126–208 136 Poster presented at the European Meeting on Complement Human Diseases. Molecular Immunology, Vol 150, 2022 page 136.
  • Holers VM, La Rosa FG, Banda NK. A Potential New Mouse Model of Axial Spondyloarthritis Involving the Complement System. Immune Netw. 2021;21(6):e45. Published 2021 Dec 15. doi:10.4110/in.2021.21.e45 PMID: 35036032
  • Complement Gene Expression and Bio Distribution of Complement Proteins in the Synovium from Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Nirmal K. Banda1, Kevin D. Deane1, Jennifer Seifert1, Colin Strickland2, Bemis Elizabeth1, Kimberly Jordan3, Katriona Goldman4, B. Paul Morgan5, Myles J. Lewis4, Costantino Pitzalis4, Larry W. Moreland1, V. Michael Holers1ICW – 2021 Virtual Workshop of the International Complement Society (ICS) – Abstracts; December 07 – 10, 2021 Molecular Immunology, abstract #48 Volume 141, January 2022, Pages 116-235
  • VIRTUAL IMMUNOLOGY2021™, the AAI Annual Meeting held from Monday, May 10 - Saturday, May 15, 2021.
  • Potential Causal Role of Complement Expression in the Synovium in the Development of Early Joint Damage after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. Rachel M. Frank1, Larry W. Moreland1, 2, Michael Zuscik1, Jennifer Seifert2, Elizabeth Bemis2, CUIJBP Consortium*; V. Michael Holers2, Nirmal K. Banda2Annual Orthopedic Research conference: possible abstract(s): November 10th, Link for this meeting is:
  • Irmscher S, Zipfel SLH, Halder LD, Ivanov L, Gonzalez-Delgado A, Waldeyer C, Seiffert M, Brunner FJ, von der Heide M, Löschmann I, Wulf S, Czamara D, Papac-Milicevic N, Strauß O, Lorkowski S, Reichenspurner H, Holers MV, Banda NK, Zeller T, Binder EB, Binder CJ, Wiech T, Zipfel PF, Skerka C. Factor H-related protein 1 (FHR-1) is associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 18;11(1):22511. PubMed PMID: 34795372
  • Li Y, Wang G, Griffin L, Banda NK, Saba LM, Groman EV, Scheinman R, Moghimi SM, Simberg D. Complement opsonization of nanoparticles: Differences between humans and preclinical species. J Control Release. 2021 Oct 10;338:548-556. PubMed PMID: 34481928
  • Gaikwad H, Li Y, Gifford G, Groman E, Banda NK, Saba L, Scheinman R, Wang G, Simberg D. Correction to "Complement Inhibitors Block Complement C3 Opsonization and Improve Targeting Selectivity of Nanoparticles in Blood". Bioconjug Chem. 2021 Sep 15;32(9):2128. PubMed PMID: 34478264
  • Takahashi K, Banda NK, Holers VM, Van Cott EM. Complement component factor B has thrombin-like activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 May 7;552:17-22. PubMed PMID: 33740660
  • Wang N, Wu W, Qiang C, Ma N, Wu K, Liu D, Wang JX, Yang X, Xue L, Diao TY, Liu JY, Li A, Zhang B, Li ZF, Farrar CA, Banda NK, Bayarri-Olmos R, Garred P, Zhou W, Li K. Protective Role of Collectin 11 in a Mouse Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2021 Aug;73(8):1430-1440. PubMed PMID: 33605085
  • V. Michael Holers, Francisco G. La Rosa, and Nirmal K. Banda. A Potential New Mouse Model of Axial Spondyloarthritis Involving the Complement System Immune Netw. 2021 Dec;21(6):e45. English. Published online Dec 15, 2021.
  • Protective role for collectin-11 in rheumatoid arthritis in mice by Wang, Na; Wu, Weiju; Qiang, Cui; Ma, Ning; Wu, Kunyi; Liu , Dan; Wang, Jia-Xing; Yang, Xiao; Xue, Li; Diao, Teng-Yue; Liu, Jia-Yu; Li, Ang; Zhang, Baojun; Li , Zong-Fang; Farrar , Conrad A.; Banda, Nirmal K.; Bayarri-Olmos, Rafael ; Garred, Peter; Zhou, Wuding; Li, Ke, Journal of Arthritis & Rheumatology. Manuscript ID is ar-20-0743.R1. In press 2021
  • C2 IgM natural antibody enhances experimental passive transfer arthritis in mice and its use in a recombinant single chain antibody-fused complement inhibitor C2-Crry to target therapeutics in vivo attenuates collagen-induced arthritis Nirmal K. Banda1*, Stephen Tomlinson2, Robert I. Scheinman3, Nhu Ho1,3, Joseline Ramos Ramirez1, Gaurav Mehta1, Guankui Wang3, Vivian Pham Vu3, Dmitri Simberg3, Liudmila Kulik1, and V. Michael Holers1 Submitted to the 28th International Complement Workshop to be held in September 2020 in Berlin, Germany but meeting was canceled due to COVID-19 and rescheduled in the fall of 2021
  • Multipectral ImmnuoHistoChemical Bio Distribution of Complement Components in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovium Nirmal K. Banda1, Kevin D. Deane1, Kimberly Jordan2, Jennifer Seifert1, V. Michael Holers1 1Division of Rheumatology, 2Department of Immunology & Microbiology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado Submitted to the 28th International Complement Workshop to be held in September 2020 in Berlin, Germany but meeting was canceled due to COVID-19 and rescheduled in the fall of 2021
  • RNA Profiling and Multispectral Immnuohistochemical Analysis of Complement Components in the Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovium Nirmal K. Banda1, Myles J. Lewis2, Kevin D. Deane1, Kimberly Jordan3, Jennifer Seifert1, Costantino Pitzalis2, V. Michael Holers1 13th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics aka Aegean conference but the meeting was canceled due to COVID-19
  • Schnabolk G, Obert E, Banda NK, Rohrer B. Systemic Inflammation by Collagen-Induced Arthritis Affects the Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Differently in Two Mouse Models of the Disease. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Dec 1;61(14):11. PubMed PMID: 33289791
  • Banda NK, Tomlinson S, Scheinman RI, Ho N, Ramirez JR, Mehta G, Wang G, Vu VP, Simberg D, Kulik L, Holers VM. C2 IgM Natural Antibody Enhances Inflammation and Its Use in the Recombinant Single Chain Antibody-Fused Complement Inhibitor C2-Crry to Target Therapeutics to Joints Attenuates Arthritis in Mice. Front Immunol. 2020;11:575154. PubMed PMID: 33178202
  • Gaikwad H, Li Y, Gifford G, Groman E, Banda NK, Saba L, Scheinman R, Wang G, Simberg D. Complement Inhibitors Block Complement C3 Opsonization and Improve Targeting Selectivity of Nanoparticles in Blood. Bioconjug Chem. 2020 Jul 15;31(7):1844-1856. PubMed PMID: 32598839
  • Holers VM, Borodovsky A, Scheinman RI, Ho N, Ramirez JR, Dobó J, Gál P, Lindenberger J, Hansen AG, Desai D, Pihl R, Thiel S, Banda NK. Key Components of the Complement Lectin Pathway Are Not Only Required for the Development of Inflammatory Arthritis but Also Regulate the Transcription of Factor D. Front Immunol. 2020;11:201. PubMed PMID: 32153567
  • Systemic Inflammation by Collagen-Induced Arthritis Affects the Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Differently in Two Mouse Models of the Disease. Schnabolk G, Obert E, Banda NK, Rohrer B. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Dec 1;61(14):11. doi: 10.1167/iovs.61.14.11.
  • C2 IgM Natural Antibody Enhances Inflammation and Its Use in the Recombinant Single Chain Antibody-Fused Complement Inhibitor C2-Crry to Target Therapeutics to Joints Attenuates Arthritis in Mice. Banda NK, Tomlinson S, Scheinman RI, Ho N, Ramirez JR, Mehta G, Wang G, Vu VP, Simberg D, Kulik L, Holers VM. Front Immunol. 2020 Oct 16;11:575154. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.575154. eCollection 2020. PMID: 33178202 Free PMC article.
  • Na Wanga, Weiju Wub, Cui Qiangc, Ning Maa, Dan Liud, Jia-Xing Wanga, Xiao Yanga, Li Xuee, Jia-Yu Liud, Ang Lic, Baojun Zhangf, Zong-Fang Lig, Conrad A. Farrar, Nirmal K. Banda, Rafael Bayarri-Olmosi, Peter Garredi, Wuding Zhoub, Ke Lia,g. Collectin-11 regulates adaptive immune responses and mediates protection against collagen-induced arthritis. 2020. Nature Communication. Submitted
  • V. Michael Holers, Anna Borodovsky, Robert I. Scheinman, Nhu Ho, Joseline Ramos Ramirez, József Dobó, Péter Gál, Jared Lindenberger, Annette G. Hansen6, Dhruv Desai, Rasmus Pihl, Steffen Thiel, Nirmal K. Banda. Key components of the complement lectin pathway are not only required for the development of inflammatory arthritis but also regulate the transcription of Factor D. Accepted and in press on Jan 27 202 for publication in the journal of Frontiers in Immunology.
  • Nirmal K. Banda. Discovery of a New Potential Mouse Model of the Axial Spondyloarthritis. The American Association of Immunologists. Poster # P1347 133.9. abstract published on page 251. May 9-May 13 2019 San Diego, CA
  • THE ROLE OF COMPLEMENT IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Topic Editors: Maciej Cedzynski, Institute of Medical Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Nicole M. Thielens, University Grenoble Alpes, CEA, CNRS, Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS), France Tom Eirik Mollnes, Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo, Norway; Bodø Hospital and University of Tromsø, Norway; Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Thomas Vorup-Jensen, Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Demnark Citation: Cedzynski, M., Thielens, N. M., Mollnes, T. E., Vorup-Jensen, T., eds. (2019).The Role of Complement in Health and Disease. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88963-159-9
  • Elizabeth A. Bemis, Jill M. Norris, Jennifer Seifert, Ashley Frazer-Abel, Yuko Okamoto, Marie L. Feser, M. Kristen Demoruelle, Kevin D. Deane, Nirmal K. Banda and V. Michael Holers. COMPLEMENT AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINANTS IN THE EARLY NATURAL HISTORY OF HUMAN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Poster #4 17th European meeting on complement in human disease (EMCHD) 2019. September 14-September 17, 2019
  • Bemis EA, Norris JM, Seifert J, Frazer-Abel A, Okamoto Y, Feser ML, Demoruelle MK, Deane KD, Banda NK, Holers VM. Complement and its environmental determinants in the progression of human rheumatoid arthritis. Mol Immunol. 2019 Aug;112:256-265. PubMed PMID: 31207549
  • Lofchy LA, Vu VP, Banda NK, Ramirez JR, Smith WJ, Gifford G, Gaikwad H, Scheinman RI, Simberg D. Evaluation of Targeting Efficiency of Joints with Anticollagen II Antibodies. Mol Pharm. 2019 Jun 3;16(6):2445-2451. PubMed PMID: 31091104
  • Gifford G, Vu VP, Banda NK, Holers VM, Wang G, Groman EV, Backos D, Scheinman R, Moghimi SM, Simberg D. Complement therapeutics meets nanomedicine: overcoming human complement activation and leukocyte uptake of nanomedicines with soluble domains of CD55. J Control Release. 2019 May 28;302:181-189. PubMed PMID: 30974134
  • Fridkis-Hareli M, Storek M, Or E, Altman R, Katti S, Sun F, Peng T, Hunter J, Johnson K, Wang Y, Lundberg AS, Mehta G, Banda NK, Michael Holers V. The human complement receptor type 2 (CR2)/CR1 fusion protein TT32, a novel targeted inhibitor of the classical and alternative pathway C3 convertases, prevents arthritis in active immunization and passive transfer mouse models. Mol Immunol. 2019 Jan;105:150-164. PubMed PMID: 30513451
  • Protective role of collectin-11 in type II collagen-induced arthritis in mice Na Wang 1, Weiju Wu2, Cui Qiang 2, Qingqing Yang 1, Nirmal K. Banda 3, Wuding Zhou2, Ke Li 1,* 1 Xi’an Jiaotong University, Core Research Laboratory, Xi’an, China 2 King’s College London, MRC Centre for Transplantation, London, UK 3 University of Colorado AMC, Division of Rheumatology, Aurora, USA
  • Recombinant single chain antibody-fused complement inhibitor locally target and attenuates arthritis in mice Nirmal K. Banda 1,*, Joseline R. Ramirez 1, Xiaofeng Yang 2, Numair Khan1, Guankui Wang 3, Dmitri Simberg 3, Liudmila Kulik 1, Stephen Tomlinson2, V. Michael Holers 1 1 University of Colorado at Denver, AMC, Medicine, Aurora, CO, United States 2 Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Charleston, SC, United States 3 University of Colorado at Denver, AMC, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Aurora, CO, United States
  • Effects on arthritis of RNAi-mediated targeting of liver expression of mannan-binding lectin associated serine protease 1 and 2 V. Michael Holers 1, Dhruv Desai 2, Robert I. Scheinman3, Joseline R. Ramirez 1, Numair Khan1, Annette G. Hansen4, Steffen Thiel 4, Anna Borodovsky 2, Nirmal K. Banda 1,* 1 University of Colorado at Denver, Medicine, Aurora, United States 2 Alnylam Pharmaceutical Inc, Boston, United States 3 University of Colorado at Denver, Skaggs School of Pharmacy, Aurora, United States 4 University of Aarhus, Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus, Denmark
  • The human complement receptor type 2 (CR2)/CR1 fusion protein TT32, a novel targeted inhibitor of the classical and alternative pathway C3 convertases, prevents arthritis in active immunization and passive transfer mouse models? Masha Fridkis-Harelia,1 , Michael Storeka,1 , Eran Ora , Richard Altmana , Suresh Kattia , Fang Suna , Tao Penga , Jeff Huntera,1 , Krista Johnsona,1 , Yi Wanga , Ante S. Lundberga , Gaurav Mehtab , Nirmal K. Bandab,?,1 , V. Michael Holersb
  • Targeting of Liver Mannan-Binding Lectin-Associated Serine Protease-3 with RNA Interference Ameliorates Disease in a Mouse Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Banda NK, Desai D, Scheinman RI, Pihl R, Sekine H, Fujita T, Sharma V, Hansen AG, Garred P, Thiel S, Borodovsky A, Holers VM. Immunohorizons. 2018 Sep;2(8):274-295. doi: 10.4049/immunohorizons.1800053.
  • Modulation of Inflammatory Arthritis in Mice by Gut Microbiota Through Mucosal Inflammation and Autoantibody Generation. Jubair WK, Hendrickson JD, Severs EL, Schulz HM, Adhikari S, Ir D, Pagan JD, Anthony RM, Robertson CE, Frank DN, Banda NK, Kuhn KA. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2018 Aug;70(8):1220-1233. doi: 10.1002/art.40490. Epub 2018 Jul 2.
  • The relationship between complement C3 expression and the MUC5B genotype in pulmonary fibrosis. Okamoto T, Mathai SK, Hennessy CE, Hancock LA, Walts AD, Stefanski AL, Brown KK, Lynch DA, Cosgrove GP, Groshong SD, Cool CD, Schwarz MI, Banda NK, Thurman JM, Yang IV, Holers VM, Schwartz DA. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2018 Jul 1;315(1):L1-L10. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00395.2017. Epub 2018 Mar 22. PMID: 29565179
  • Complement in the Initiation and Evolution of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Holers VM, Banda NK. Front Immunol. 2018 May 28;9:1057. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01057. eCollection 2018. Review. PMID: 29892280 Free PMC Article
  • Age-related macular degeneration and the role of systemic inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis Gloriane W Schnabolk, Medical University of South Carolina (Primary Presenter) Elisabeth Obert, Medical University of South Carolina Nirmal Banda, University of Colorado Anshutz Medical Campus Kit Simpson, Medical University of South Carolina Baerbel Rohrer, Medical University of South Carolina ID: RD2018TA-54 XVIIIth International Symposium on Retinal Degeneration RD2018 September 03-08, 2018 Killarney, Ireland
  • Sex-based Analysis in Mouse Model of Exudative Age-related Macular Degeneration in the Presence of Systemic Inflammation by Collagen-induced Arthritis Gloriane Schnabolk (presenting author)1, Elisabeth Obert1, Nirmal K. Banda2, and Bärbel Rohrer1,3 1Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 29425; 2Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045; 3Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Division of Research, Charleston, SC 29401 BIRCWH (Building Interdisciplinary Research in Women’s Health)
  • PAD4 Inhibition is Sufficient for the Amelioration of Collagen-Induced Arthritis Short Title: Selective PAD4 Inhibition Blocks Murine Experimental Arthritis Van C. Willis1, Nirmal K. Banda1, Kristen N. Cordova1, Piyanka E. Chandra2, William H. Robinson2, David C. Cooper3, Dave Lugo4, Gaurav Mehta1, Simon Taylor4, Paul P. Tak4, Rab K. Prinjha4, Huw D. Lewis4# and V. Michael Holers1# Accepted and in press Clinical and Experimental Immunology Jan 2017
  • Discovery of a New Potential Murine Model of the Axial Spondyloarthritis Liron Caplan, Sumitra Ahdikari, V. Michael Holers, Nirmal K. Banda 1Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Center and UC Denver School of Medicine, 2Division of Rheumatology, UC Denver School of Medicine
  • Microbiota modify inflammatory arthritis through mucosal inflammation and autoantibody generation Widian K. Jubair, Jason D. Hendrickson, Sumitra Adhikari, Diana Ir, Charles E. Robertson, Daniel N. Frank, Nirmal K. Banda, Kristine A. Kuhn Division of 1Rheumatology, and 2Infectious Diseases and the 3Mucosal Inflammation Program, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora CO An Oral presentation: ABSTRACT NUMBER: 404 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting 2017
  • Conference Name: Complement Pathways in Disease Harnessing Innate Immune Recognition of Injured Tissues for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Purposes Stephen Tomlinson, PhD1, Catherine A. Foss, PhD2, Liudmila Kulik, PhD3, Carl Atkinson, PhD1, Bärbel Rohrer, PhD1, Nirmal K. Banda3, PhD, Martin G. Pomper, MD2, Joshua Thurman, MD3, and V. Michael Holers, MD3 1Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina; 2Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; 3University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado An oral presentation: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 The New York Academy of Sciences, 7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich St Fl 40, New York, USA
  • Interconnections and Key Roles of Alternative and Lectin Pathway Components in the Pathogenesis of Experimental Rheumatoid Arthritis Nirmal K. Banda1, Robert I. Scheinman2, Wuding Zhou3, Conrad A. Farrar3, Steven H. Sacks3, Steffen Thiel4, Yuichi Endo5, Teijo Fujita5, Hideharu Sekine5, V. Michael Holers1 1Department of Medicine, University of Colorado, Aurora, Colorado USA; 2Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado, Aurora, Colorado USA, 3MRC Centre for Transplantation, Division of Transplantation Immunology & Mucosal Biology, King's College London, United Kingdom, 4Department of Biomedicine, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 5Department of Immunology, Fukushima Medical University, Japan; An oral presentation #35: 10th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics, Greece
  • Altered HSC fate underlies aberrant blood phenotypes in rheumatoid arthritis Giovanny Hernandez1, Susan Kuldanek1, Jennifer Rabe1, Gegory Kirkpatrick2, Leila Noetzli2, Sumitra Acharya3, Biniam Adane1, Craig T. Jordan1, Jorge DiPaola2, V. Michael Holers3, Nirmal Banda3, Eric M. Pietras1,4 1Division of Hematology, 2Division of Rheumatology, 3Department of Pediatrics. 4Department of Microbiology and Immunology. University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA 80045. Poster presentation: 59th Annual Meeting and Exposition (December 9-12, 2017), Georgia, Atlanta, GA
  • siRNA-Mediated Targeting of Hepatocyte Mannan-Binding Lectin-Associated Serine Protease-3 for the Treatment of Murine Collagen-Antibody-Inducsed Arthritis (CAIA), a Model for Human Rheumatoid Arthritis Nirmal K. Banda1, Dhruv Desai2, Adam Casterano2, Robert I. Scheinman3, Sumitra Acharya1, Hideharu Sekine4, Teizo Fujita4; Annette G. Hansen5, Steffen Thiel5, Anna Borodovsky2, V. Michael Holers1 1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado; 2Alnylam Pharmaceutical Inc., Boston; 3Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora; 4Department of Immunology, Fukushima Medical University, Japan; 5Clinical Molecular Medicine at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark Abstract # 91. An oral presentation at the 16th European Meeting on Complement in Human Disease September 8th-12th, 2017
  • Wu L, Uldahl KB, Chen F, Benasutti H, Logvinski D, Vu V, Banda NK, Peng X, Simberg D, Moghimi SM. Interaction of extremophilic archaeal viruses with human and mouse complement system and viral biodistribution in mice. Mol Immunol. 2017 Oct;90:273-279. PubMed PMID: 28846925
  • Banda NK, Acharya S, Scheinman RI, Mehta G, Takahashi M, Endo Y, Zhou W, Farrar CA, Sacks SH, Fujita T, Sekine H, Holers VM. Deconstructing the Lectin Pathway in the Pathogenesis of Experimental Inflammatory Arthritis: Essential Role of the Lectin Ficolin B and Mannose-Binding Protein-Associated Serine Protease 2. J Immunol. 2017 Sep 1;199(5):1835-1845. PubMed PMID: 28739878
  • Wang G, Griffin JI, Inturi S, Brenneman B, Banda NK, Holers VM, Moghimi SM, Simberg D. In Vitro and In Vivo Differences in Murine Third Complement Component (C3) Opsonization and Macrophage/Leukocyte Responses to Antibody-Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoworms. Front Immunol. 2017;8:151. PubMed PMID: 28239384
  • Willis VC, Banda NK, Cordova KN, Chandra PE, Robinson WH, Cooper DC, Lugo D, Mehta G, Taylor S, Tak PP, Prinjha RK, Lewis HD, Holers VM. Protein arginine deiminase 4 inhibition is sufficient for the amelioration of collagen-induced arthritis. Clin Exp Immunol. 2017 May;188(2):263-274. PubMed PMID: 28128853
  • Chen F, Wang G, Griffin JI, Brenneman B, Banda NK, Holers VM, Backos DS, Wu L, Moghimi SM, Simberg D. Complement proteins bind to nanoparticle protein corona and undergo dynamic exchange in vivo. Nat Nanotechnol. 2017 May;12(4):387-393. PubMed PMID: 27992410
  • Modulation of inflammatory arthritis by gut microbiota through mucosal inflammation and autoantibody generation Widian K. Jubair,1,3,* Jason D. Hendrickson,1,3,* Erin L. Severs,1,3 Hanna M. Schulz1,3, Sumitra Adhikari,1 Diana Ir,2 Jose Pagan4, Robert Anthony4, Charles E. Robertson,2 Daniel N. Frank,2 Nirmal K. Banda,1 and Kristine A. Kuhn1,3 Department of Medicine, Divisions of 1Rheumatology and 2Infectious Diseases and the 3Mucosal Inflammation Program, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora CO 4 Harvard University, Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
  • Microbiota modify inflammatory arthritis through mucosal inflammation and autoantibody generation Kristi Kuhn, Widian K. Jubair, Jason D. Hendrickson, Sumitra Adhikari, Diana Ir, Charles E Robertson, Daniel N Frank and Nirmal K. Banda: J Immunol May 1, 2017, 198 (1 Supplement) 55.16; AAI
  • Microbiota Modify Inflammatory Arthritis through Mucosal Inflammation and Autoantibody Generation WK Jubair1,3, JD Hendrickson1,3, SAdhikari1, DIr2, CE Robertson2, DN Frank2, NK Banda1, KA Kuhn1,3 Division of 1Rheumatology, and 2Infectious Diseases and the 3Mucosal Inflammation Program. abstract # 2 An Oral presentation: Post doctoral Research Day June 29th 2017
  • Wang G, Chen F, Banda NK, Holers VM, Wu L, Moghimi SM, Simberg D. Activation of Human Complement System by Dextran-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Is Not Affected by Dextran/Fe Ratio, Hydroxyl Modifications, and Crosslinking. 2016 Front Immunol. 7: 418. PMID: 27777575
  • New therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities for injured tissue-specific targeting of complement inhibitors and imaging modalities. 2016. Holers VM, Tomlinson S, Kulik L, Atkinson C, Rohrer B, Banda N, Thurman JM. Semin Immunol. (3):260-7. PMID: 27282113
  • Complement proteins bind to nanoparticle protein corona and undergo dynamic exchange in vivo. Chen F1,2, Wang G2, Griffin JI2, Brenneman B2, Banda NK3, Holers VM3, Backos DS4, Wu L5, Moghimi SM5,6,7, Simberg D2Nat Nanotechnol. 2016 Dec 19. doi: 10.1038/nnano.2016.269. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Increased C3 Expression In The Lung Of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Is Associated With The Muc5b Promoter Variant 2016 T. Okamoto1, S. K. Mathai1, J. M. Thurman1, N. K. Banda1, V. M. Holers1, I. V. Yang1, M. I. Schwarz1, D. A. Schwartz1 1University of Colorado, Aurora, CO A73 LUNG FIBROSIS: NEW DIRECTIONS TO INFORM THE FUTURE / Thematic Poster Session / Sunday, May 15/9:00 AM-4:15 PM / Area D, Hall D (North Building, Lower Level) MOSCONE CENTER
  • Role of Microbiota in Development of Autoimmune Arthritis. Widian Jubair1, Jason Hendrickson2, Sumitra Adhikari3, Nirmal Banda3, Diana Ir4, Charles Robertson4, Daniel Frank4 and Kristine Kuhn2, 2016 1Rheumatology, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO, 2Division of Rheumatology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, 3Division of Rheumatology, UC Denver School of Medicine, Denver, CO, 4Division of Infectious Disease, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO Meeting: 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting Date of first publication: September 28, 2016 Abstract Number: 469: [abstract]. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2016; 68 (suppl 10). Accessed December 9, 2016.
  • Assembly and activation of complement pathways on nanoparticle surface: lessons from iron oxides Dmitri Simberg, Guankui Wang, Nirmal Banda, Fangfang Chen, and S Moein Moghimi Friday, September 30 2nd International Conference on Immune Responses to Biosurfaces: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Interventions 26/09/2016 - 01/10/2016 Where: Rhodes, Greece Conference Center: Sheraton Rhodes Hotel Oral presentation
  • Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines Drive the Development of a Prothrombotic Platelet Phenotype in Inflammation and Aging. Pavel Davizon-Castillo1, Katrina Ashworth, MS1*, Kelly Higa, MS2*, Giovanny Hernandez3*, Sumitra Acharya4*, Robert A. Campbell, PhD5*, Matthew Rondina, MD5, Colm B. Collins, PhD4*, Anthony Donato, MD6*, Lisa Lesniewski7*, James DeGregori8*, Michael Holer9*, Nirmal Banda9*, Jorge Di Paola, MD10,11 and Eric Martin Pietras, PhD3* 58th ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition, Program: Oral and Poster Abstracts Session: 311. Disorders of Platelet Number or Function: Poster III Monday, December 5, 2016, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM December 3-6, 2016 The premier event in malignant and non-malignant hematology Hall GH (San Diego Convention Center) San Diego, CA 3747
  • Increased C3 mRNA expression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is associated with the MUC5B promoter variant Tsukasa Okamoto1, Mathai K. Susan1, Joshua M. Thurman2, Nirmal K. Banda3, V. Michael Holers3, Ivana V. Yang1, Marvin I. Schwarz1, David A. Schwartz1 , 1Department of Medicine, University of Colorado at Denver, CO 2Department of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, University of Colorado at Denver, CO 3Division of Rheumatology, University of Colorado Denver, CO 2016 American Thoracic Society (ATS) meeting
  • Complement mannan-binding lectin associated serine proteases 1 and 3 generated by allo-liver transplantation cleave in vivo pro-Factor D generated by the adipose tissue into active Factor D Submission ID: 142 IMMUNE MECHANISMS OF HUMAN DISEASE: Complement and Other Innate Immune Modulators and Therapeutics in Pathogenesis of Human DiseaseThe American Association of Immunologists (AAI), May 13-17th, 2016, Seattle).
  • Mannan-Binding Lectin-Associated Serine Protease 1/3 Cleavage of Pro-Factor D into Factor D In Vivo and Attenuation of Collagen Antibody-Induced Arthritis through Their Targeted Inhibition by RNA Interference-Mediated Gene Silencing. Banda NK, Acharya S, Scheinman RI, Mehta G, Coulombe M, Takahashi M, Sekine H, Thiel S, Fujita T, Holers VM 2016 J Immunol.197 (9):3680-3694. PMID: 27707997
  • Complement mannan-binding lectin associated serine proteases 1 and 3 generated by allo-liver transplantation cleave in vivo pro-Factor D generated by the adipose tissue into active Factor D American Association of Immunology meeting (IMMUNOLOGY 2016) Washington WA Seattle May 13-17, 2016 Poster Session Title: Altered Immune Pathways in Disease Submission ID: 142 , Final Program Number: 124.30, Presentation Day: Sunday, May 15 Poster Board Number: P563
  • Targeted inhibition by RNA interference-mediated gene silencing of mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease (MASP)-1/3 expression attenuates collagen antibody-induced arthritis (CAIA) Pages 1131-1132 Nirmal K. Banda, Sumitra Acharya, Robert I. Scheinman, Gaurav Mehta, Minoru Takahashi, Simon Mortensen, Steffen Thiel, Hideharu Sekine, Teizo Fujita, V. Michael Holers Immunobiology 221(2016) 1133-1225 Oral presentation at the XXVIth ICW September 4-8, 2016 Kanazawa, Japan
  • Alterations in the Colonic Microbiome Precede the Development of Murine Inflammatory Arthritis Jason Hendrickson1, Gaurav Mehta2, NIRMAL BANDA1 and Kristine A. Kuhn1, 1University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, 2Division of Rheumatology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO ABSTRACT NUMBER: 2552 • Tuesday, November 10, 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
  • A New Approach for the Treatment of Arthritis with a Novel Conjugate of anti-C5aR1 mAb-protamine-C5siRNA Gaurav Mehta1, Robert I. Scheinman2, V. Michael Holers1, Nirmal K. Banda1 1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado; 2School of Pharmacy, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado 15th Meeting on Complement in Human Disease, Sweden
  • Human clinical trials: A Subcutaneously Administered RNAi Therapeutic (ALN-CC5) Targeting Complement C5 for Treatment of PNH and Complement mediated diseases: Interim Phase1 Study Results in Healthy Volunteers Benny Sorensen, Jorg Taubel, James Bush, Anna Borodovsky, Noryuiki Kawahata, David Salant, Banda Nirmal, Christine Powell, Linda Kusner, Henry Kaminski, Akshay Vaishnaw, Pushkal Garg (Cambridge/MA, USA). Abstract #246 15th EMCHD, June 27-30, 2015 Uppsala, Sweden
  • A Subcutaneously Administered Investigational RNAi Therapeutic (ALN-CC5) Targeting Complement C5 for Treatment of PNH and Complement Mediated Diseases: Initial Phase 1 Study Results in Healthy Volunteers. Benny Sorensen, Jorg Taubel, Jim Bush, Anna Borodovsky, Noriyuki Kawahata, Lauren Melton, Jennifer Panagoulias, Jeffery Cehelsky, Helen Mclean, Christine Powell, Kristina Yucius, Renta Hutabarat, Prasoon Chaturvedi, Garvin Warner, David Salant, V. Michael Holers, Nirmal Banda, Linda Kusner, Henry Kaminski, Akshay Vaishnaw and Pushkal Garg. Abstract # 13. 8th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics from September 1-September 6, 2015 in Chania, Crete, Greece
  • Pathogenic Natural Antibodies: Common Neoepitopes Found Across Multiple Disease Models and Use as Targeting Modules for Novel Complement Inhibitors. Stephen Tomlinson, Liudmila Kulik, Carl Atkinson, Nirmal Banda, Barbel Rohrer, Joshua Thurman and Michael Holers. Abstract # 27. 8th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics from September 1-September 6, 2015 in Chania, Crete, Greece
  • A New Approach for the Treatment of Arthritis in Mice with a Novel Conjugate of an Anti-C5aR1 Antibody and C5 Small Interfering RNA. Mehta G, Scheinman RI, Holers VM, Banda NK. 2015. J Immunol. 194(11):5446-54 PMID: 25917104
  • Modulatory Role of Surface Coating of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoworms in Complement Opsonization and Leukocyte Uptake. Inturi S, Wang G, Chen F, Banda NK, Holers VM, Wu L, Moghimi SM, Simberg D. 2015.ACS Nano 24;9(11):10758-68.PMID: 26488074
  • Essential Role for the Lectin Pathway in Collagen Antibody-Induced Arthritis Revealed Through Use of Adenovirus Programming Complement Inhibitor MAp44 Expression. Banda NK, Mehta G, Kjaer TR, Takahashi M, Schaack J, Morrison TE, Thiel S, Arend WP, and Holers VM. 2014.Journal of Immunology, 193(5):2455-68. PMID: 25070856
  • High-Relaxivity Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoworms with Minimal Immune Recognition and Long-Circulating Properties. 2014. Guankui Wang, Swetha Inturi, Natalie J. Serkova, Sergey Merkulov, Keith McCrae, Nirmal K. Banda and Dmitri Simberg. ACS Nano 8(12):12437-49.
  • Analysis of the complement activation in mice. Banda NK, Takahashi K. Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1100:365-71. doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-724-2_31. PMID: 24218276 [PubMed - in process]
  • Complement System is Crucial for the Clearance of Superparamagnetic Dextran Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Spleen and Peritoneal, but not Liver Macrophages Ying Chao1, Santosh Kesari1, Guankui Wang2, Nirmal K. Banda3, Liliane Fossati-Jimack4, Marina Botto4 and Dmitri Simberg2,* 1Neuro-Oncology Program, Moores UCSD Cancer Center, UC San Diego, 3855 Health Sciences Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA 2The Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, 12850 East Montview Blvd.,?Aurora, CO 80045, USA 3Division of Rheumatology, School of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, 1775 Aurora Court., Aurora, CO 80045 4Centre for Complement & Inflammation Research (CCIR), Division of Immunology and Inflammation, Department of Medicine, Imperial College London Hammersmith Campus, Du Cane Road London W12 ONN, UK submitted to Journal of ACS Nanoparticles
  • The Human Complement Receptor Type 2 (CR2)/CR1 Fusion Protein TT32, a Novel Targeted Inhibitor of the Classical and Alternative Pathway C3 Convertases, Prevents Arthritis in Active Immunization and Passive Transfer Mouse Models Alexion: Masha Fridkis-Hareli1, Michael Storek1, Eran Or1, Richard Altman1, Krista Johnson1, Tao Peng1, Jeff Hunter1, Yi Wang1, Suresh Katti1, Ante S. Lundberg1 UCD: Nirmal K. Banda2, Gaurav Mehta2, V. Michael Holers2 1Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA, and Cheshire, CT, USA. 2Division of Rheumatology, School of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver, CO, USA. Journal of Immunology (available for review)
  • Essential Role for the Lectin Pathway in Collagen Antibody-Induced Arthritis Revealed Through Use of Adenovirus Programming Complement Inhibitor MAp44 Expression Nirmal K. Banda1, Gaurav Mehta,1 Troels R. Kjaer,2 Minoru Takahashi,3 Jerome Schaack,4 Thomas E. Morrison,4 Steffen Thiel,2 William P. Arend,1 and V. Michael Holers1 1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado; 2Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark; 3Department of Immunology, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima, Japan; 4Department of Microbiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado Journal of Immunology (available for review)
  • New Insights into Disease-Specific Absence of Complement Factor H Related Protein C in Mouse models of Spontaneous Autoimmune Diseases Nirmal K. Banda, Gaurav Mehta, Viviana P. Ferreira, Rafael L. Ufret-Vincenty, Matthew C. Pickering, Christine Skerka, Peter F. Zipfel, V. Michael Holers a University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora CO; b University of Toledo Health Science Campus, Toledo, OH; c UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas; dImperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital Campus, London; eHans Knoell Institute, Jena Germany Molecular Immunology Journal (available for review)
  • Potential Roles for Local Adipocytes and Fibroblasts in Activation of the Alternative Pathway of Complement in Inflammatory Arthritis in Mice William P. Arend,1 Gaurav Mehta,1 Alexandra H. Antonioli,1 Minoru Takahashi,2 Kazue Takahashi,3 Gregory L. Stahl, 4 V. Michael Holers,1 Nirmal K. Banda1 1Division of Rheumatology, Departments of Medicine and Immunology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado; 2Department of Immunology, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima, Japan; 3Developmental Immunology, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Boston, Massachusetts; 4Center of Experimental Therapeutics and Reperfusion Injury, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract published at the 14th European Meeting on Complement in Human Diseases held in Jena, Germany from August 17-21, 2013 Abstract # 27 Published in Molecular Immunology Journal
  • Banda NK and Takahashi K. Analysis of the complement activation in mice. 2014. Method Mole Biol, 1100:365-71. PMID: 24218276
  • Gaurav Mehta, Viviana P. Ferreira, Christine Skerka, Peter F. Zipfel, Banda, NK 2014. New Insights into Disease-Specific Absence of Complement Factor H Related Protein C in Mouse Models of Spontaneous Autoimmune Diseases. Molecular Immunology Journal, 62(1):235-48. PMID: 25033230
  • Banda NK, Mehta G, Kjaer TR, Takahashi M, Schaack J, Morrison TE, Thiel S, Arend WP, and Holers VM. 2014. Essential Role for the Lectin Pathway in Collagen Antibody-Induced Arthritis Revealed Through Use of Adenovirus Programming Complement Inhibitor MAp44 Expression. Journal of Immunology, 193(5):2455-68. PMID: 25070856
  • Banda, NK, Gaurav Mehta, Ying Chao, Guankui Wang, Swetha Inturi, Liliane Fossati-Jimack, Marina Botto, LinPing Wu, Seyed M Moghimi and Dmitri Simberg. 2014. Mechanisms of complement activation by dextran-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoworms in mouse versus human serum. Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 11(1):64. PMID: 25425420
  • Wang G, Inturi S, Serkova NJ, Merkulov S, McCrae K, Russek SE, Banda NK, Simberg D. 2014. High-Relaxivity Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoworms with Decreased Immune Recognition and Long-Circulating Properties. ACS Nano. 2014 Dec 23;8(12):12437-49.PMID: 25419856
  • Banda NK, Gaurav Mehta, Minoru Takahashi, Jerry Schaack, Thomas Morrison, Steffen E. Thiel, William P. Arend, and V. Michael Holers. Essential role for the lectin pathway in collagen antibody-induced arthritis revealed through the use of adenovirus programming complement inhibitor MAp44 expression. XXV International Complement Workshop, September 14-18, 2014 Abstract # 162 Published in the Molecular Immunology Journal 61:210-292 page 273
  • Bio-nano interface interactions between iron oxide MRI contrast agents and innate immune system Nirmal K Banda, Gaurav Mehta, Ying Chao, Igor F Tsigelny, Guankui Wang, Swetha Inturi, Liliane Fossati-Jimack, Marina Botto, LinPing Wu, Seyed Moein Moghimi, and Dmitri Simberg Immune Responses to Biosurfaces: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Interventions Chania, Crete, Greece September 27 - October 2 2014
  • Aln-CC5, an Investigational RNAi Therapeutic Targeting C5 for Complement Inhibition Anna Borodovsky, PhD1*, Kristina Yucius2*, Andrew Sprague2*, Nirmal K Banda, PhD3*, V. Michael Holers, MD3*, Akshay Vaishnaw, MD, PhD2*, Martin Maier, PhD2*, Rajeev Kallanthottathil, PhD2*, Klaus Charisse, PhD4*, Satya Kuchimanchi, PhD2*, Muthiah Manoharan, PhD2*, David J Salant, MD5*, Kevin Fitzgerald, PhD2*, Rachel Meyers, PhD2* and Benny Sorensen, MD, PhD2* 1300 Third St, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA 2Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA 3Division of Rheumatology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO 4Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cambridge, MA 5Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA Abstract #1606 56th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition San Francisco, CA December 6-9, 2014
  • Nirmal K. Banda, Gaurav Mehta, Viviana P. Ferreira, Claudio Cortes, Matthew C. Pickering, Michael K. Pangburn, William P. Arend, V. Michael Holers. Essential Role of Surface-Bound Endogenous Complement Factor H in controlling Immune-complex-induced arthritis. Journal of Immunology, 190 (In Press).
  • Rengasamy Asokan, Nirmal K. Banda, Gerda Szakonyi, Xiaojiang S. Chen, and V. Michael Holers. Human Complement Receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) as a Receptor for DNA: Implications for its Roles in the Immune Response and the Pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). 2013. Molecular Immunology, 53:99-110
  • Nirmal K. Banda and Kazue Takahashi. 2013 - The Complement Protocol. Book chapter "Analysis of the complement activation in mice". Methods in Molecular Biology (In press)
  • William P. Arend, Gaurav Mehta, Alexandra Antonioli, Minoru Takahashi, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, V. Michael Holers,* Nirmal K. Banda Roles of adipocytes and fibrobalsts in activation of the alternative pathway of complement in inflammatory arthritis in mice. Journal of Immunology. Manuscript submitted to the Journal of Immunology in Feb (Available for review).
  • Banda NK, Mehta G, Ferreira VP, Cortes C, Pickering MC, Pangburn MK, Arend WP, Holers VM. 1. Essential role of surface-bound complement factor H in controlling immune complex-induced arthritis. 2013. Journal of Immunology, 190 (7): 3560-3569. NIHMSID # 439811, PMID: 22205026
  • Arend WP, Mehta G, Antonioli AH, Takahashi M, Takahashi K, Stahl GL, Holers VM, Banda NK. 2013 Roles of fibroblasts and adipocytes in activation of the alternative pathway of the complement in inflammatory arthritis in mice. Journal of Immunology, 190(12):6423-6433. NIHMSID # 466078, PMID: 22365785
  • My research work related to the role of fat cells in arthritis was on "News channel 7" and also on "Fox News 31" on May 8, 2013 at 5:30 P.M. Several news papers published the story related to my arthritis-related research work and it was also posted on the University Website.( You can go to Google and search "Fat triggers arthritis Nirmal Banda" and you will find several news articles in many leading News papers and magazines regarding my arthritis-related research work in UK,US and many other countries. It was also on radio and you can listen "fat triggers arthritis podcast" (
  • Arthritis Roles of adipocytes and fibroblasts in activation of the alternative pathway of complement in inflammatory arthritis in mice. J Immunol. 2013 Jun 15;190(12):6423-33. World Biomecal Frontiers, Arthritis section, 2013 Nov-Dec ISSN: 2328-0166
  • Nirmal K. Banda and Kazue Takahashi Analysis of the complement activation in mice. Methods in Molecular Biology (2012)
  • Banda NK, Stephanie Hyatt, Magdalena Glogowska, Kazue Takahashi, Tod J. Merkel, Gregory L. Stahl, Stacey Mueller-Ortiz, Rick Wetsel, William P. Arend, V. Michael Holers. Role of C3a Receptors, C5a Receptors, and Complement Protein C6 Deficiency in Collagen Antibody-Induced Arthritis in Mice. 2012. Journal of Immunology, 1;188(3):1469-78.
  • Laura R La Bonte, Vasile I Pavlov ,Ying S Tan, Kazue Takahashi; Minoru Takahashi, Nirmal K Banda, Teizo Fujita, and Gregory L Stahl. MBL-Associated Serine Protease -1 (MASP-1) is a Significant Contributor to Coagulation in a Murine Model of Occlusive Thrombosis. 2012 Journal of Immunology,188(2):885-91.
  • Nirmal K. Banda, Gaurav Mehta, Viviana P. Ferreira, Claudio Cortes, Michael K. Pangburn, William P. Arend, V. Michael Holers. Endogenous Complement Factor H Plays an Important Role in Controlling Immune Complex-Induced Inflammatory Arthritis. American College of Rheumatology, November 9-14, 2012 Washington DC.
  • Nirmal K. Banda, Gaurav Mehta, Viviana P. Ferreira, Claudio Cortes , Michael K. Pangburn, William P. Arend, V. Michael Holers. Essential Role of Surface-Bound Complement Factor H in Controlling Immune Complex-Induced Arthritis. XXIV International Complement Workshop, October 10-October 15, 2012 Chania, Crete, Greece.
  • V. Michael Holers, Nirmal K. Banda, Gaurav Mehta, and Alexion Participants. The human complement receptor type 2 (CR2)/CR1 fusion protein TT32, a targeted inhibitor of the classical and alternative pathway C3 convertases, prevents arthritis in active immunization and passive transfer models and acts by CR2-dependent membrane-targeting of CR1 regulatory activity. XXIV International Complement Workshop, October 10-October 15, 2012 Chania, Crete, Greece.
  • Banda NK, Stephanie Hyatt, Alexandra H. Antonioli, Jason T. White, Magdalena Glogowska, Kazue Takahashi, Tod J. Merkel, Gregory L. Stahl, Stacey Mueller-Ortiz, Rick Wetsel, William P. Arend, V. Michael Holers. Role of C3a Receptors, C5a Receptors, and Complement Protein C6 Deficiency in Collagen Antibody-Induced Arthritis in Mice. 2012. Journal of Immunology, 1;188(3):1469-78.
  • Liubchenko Ganna, Holly Appleberry, V. Michael Holers, Banda, NK, Van C. Willis,Lyubchenko, Taras. Potentially autoreactive naturally occurring transitional T3 B lymphocytes exhibit a unique signaling profile. 2012. Journal of Autoimmunity (Accepted: In press)(available onLine now)
  • Laura R La Bonte, Vasile I Pavlov ,Ying S Tan, Kazue Takahashi; Minoru Takahashi, Nirmal K Banda, Teizo Fujita, and Gregory L Stahl. MBL-Associated Serine Protease -1 (MASP-1) is a Significant Contributor to Coagulation in a Murine Model of Occlusive Thrombosis. 2012. Journal of Immunology, 188(2):885-91.
  • Qian Wang, Andrew L. Rozelle, Christin M. Lepus, Carla R. Scanzello, Jason J. Song, D. Meegan Larsen, James F. Crish, Gurkan Bebek, Susan Y. Ritter, Tamsin M. Lindstrom, Inyong Hwang, Heidi H. Wong, Leonardo Punzi, Angelo Encarnacion, Mehrdad Shamloo, Stuart B. Goodman, Tony Wyss-Coray, Steven R. Goldrin, Nirmal K. Banda, Joshua M. Thurman, Reuben Gobezie, Mary K. Crow, V. Michael Holers, David M. Lee, and William H. Robinson. Identification of a central role for complement in osteoarthritis. 2011. Nature Medicine, 17(12):1674-1679.
  • Banda NK, Minoru Takahashi, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, Stephanie Hyatt, Magdalena Glogowska, Timothy A. Wiles, Yuichi Endo, Teizo Fujita, V. Michael Holers, William P. Arend. Mechanisms of Mannose-Binding Lectin-Associated Serine Proteases-1/3 Activation of the Alternative Pathway of Complement. 2011. Molecular Immunology, 49: 281– 289
  • Nina D, Banda, NK, A. Roos, F. Beurshens, Daha, M and L. Trouw. 2011. Complement activation by auto(antibodies). 2011. Complement activation by murine autoantibdoies. Molecular Immunology, 48(14):1656-65
  • Banda, NK, Stephanie Hyatt, Magdalena Glogowska, Kazue Takahashi, Tod J. Merkel, Gregory L. Stahl, Bao Lu, Craig Gerard,Stacey Mueller-Ortiz, Rick Wetsel, William P. Arend, V. Michael Holers. 2011. Independent role for complement C3a and C5a receptors and the membrane attack complex in the pathogenesis of collagen antibody-induced arthritis in mice: Potential Therapeutic Implications. 13th European meeting on complement in human diseases. August 21-August 25, 2011. Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Comparative role of complement receptors for C3a and C5a and of complement protein C6 in the pathogenesis of collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice. 2011 Nirmal K. Banda, Stephanie Hyatt, Magdalena Glogowska, Kazue Takahsahi, Tod J. Merkel, Gregary L.Stahl, Bao Lu, craig Gerard, Stacey Muller-Ortiz, Rick Wetsel, William P. Arend, and V. Michael Holers Journal of Immunology (In preparation)
  • MASP-1 and pro-Df are produced by synovial cells and may locally activate the complement alternative pathway to induce inflammatory arthritis in mice. 2011. Nirmal K. Banda, Minoru Takahashi, Stephanie Hyatt, Magdalena Glowgowska, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory Stahl, Teizo fujita, V. Michael Holers, William P. Arend. Journal of Immunology (In preparation)
  • Nina Daha,Nirmal K. Banda, anja Roos, Frank Beurskens, Mohammand Daha, Leendert Trouw. Nirmal K. Banda, Complement activation by murine autoantibodies. 2011. Journal of Molecular Immunology (In press).
  • Van C. Willis, Alison M. Gizinski, Banda NK, Bryan Knuckley, Kristen Cordova, Yuan Luo, Corey P. Causey, Brandt Levitt, Magdalena Glogowska, Maya BenBarak, Piyanka Chandra, Liudmila Kulik, William H. Robinson, William P. Arend, Paul R. Thompson, V. Michael Holers. N-a-Benzoyl-N5-(2-Chloro-1-Iminoethyl)-L-Ornithine Amide, a Protein Arginine Deiminase Inhibitor, Reduces the Severity of Murine Collagen-Induced Arthritis. 2011. Journal of Immunology (In Press).
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Wood AK, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, V. Michael Holers and William P. Arend. 2010. Complement activation pathways in murine immune-complex induced arthritis and in C3a and C5a generation in vitro. Clin. Exp. Immuno. 159 (1): 100-108.
  • Banda NK, Minoru Takahashi, Brandt Levitt, Magdalena J. Glogowska, Jessica Nicholas, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, Teizo Fujita, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2010. Essential role of complement MASP-1/3 in the murine collagen antibody-induced model of inflammatory arthritis. Journal of Molecular Immunology, 47(13)#36 : 2269
  • Banda NK, Minoru Takahashi, Magdalena J. Glogowska, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, Teizo Fujita, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2010. MASP-1 and Pro-factor D proteinsare present in synoviocytes and may locally activate the complement alternative pathway to induce inflammatory arthritis in mice. 2010. Arthritis & Rheumatism,62 (10 supplement) # 2227 :S936
  • Banda NK, Minoru Takahashi, Brandt Levitt,Magdalena J. Glogowska, Jessica Nicholas, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2010. Novel and essential role of MASP1/3 in collagen induced arthritis in mice. Journal of Clinical Immunology (Manuscript in preparation for Journal of Clinical Investigations)
  • Banda NK, Minoru Takahashi, Brandt Levitt, Magdalena J. Glogowska, Jessica Nicholas, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, Teizo Fujita, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2010. Essential role of complement MASP-1/3 in the murine collagen antibody-induced model of inflammatory arthritis. Journal of Immunology, 185 (9):5598-5606
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Minoru Takahashi, Magdalena Glogowska, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, Teizo Fujita, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2009. Essential role of MASP1/3 in activation of the complement alternative pathway in collagen antibody-induced arthritis in mice. Abstract: American College of Rheumatology (ACR) meeting. October 16-October 21, 2009 Philadelphia, PA
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Magdalena J. Glogowska, Joshua M. Thurman, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory Stahl, Stephen Tomlinson, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2009. Targeted inhibition of the alternative pathway of complement with complement receptor 2-factor H (CR2-fH) protein attenuates collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice. Abstract for poster presentation: 12th European meeting on complement in human diseases. September 5-September 8, 2009 Visegrad, Hungry
  • Van willis, Alison M. Gizinski, Banda, NK, Bryan Knuckley, Kristen Nordick, Yaun Luo, Corey P. Causey, , Brandt Levitt, Magfalena Glogowska, Maya BenBarak, Piyanka Chandra, William H. Robinson, William P. Arend, V. Michael Holers, and Paul R. Thompsom. 2009. Treatment with Cl-amidine, a Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase (PAD) inhibitor, significantly reduces collagen induced arthritis (CIA). Abstract by presented by Van Willis The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 182, 50.6
  • Van Willis1, Alison Gizinski2, Bryan Knuckley3, Nirmal K. Banda1, Kristen Cordova1, Yuan Luo3, Corey Causey3, Brandt Levitt1, Magdalena Glogowska1, Piyanka Chandra4, Maya BenBarak4, Liudmila Kulik1, William P. Arend1, William Robinson4, Paul R. Thompson3 and V. Michael Holers1, 1UCDenver, Aurora, CO, 2Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 3Univ of S Carolina, Columbia, SC, 4Stanford School of Med, Stanford, CA Treatment with Cl-Amidine, a Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase (PAD) Inhibitor, Significantly Reduces the Severity of Collagen Induced Arthritis (CIA)The American College of Rehumatology meeting October 2009 poster number 665
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Viviana P. Ferreira, Magdalena J. Glogowska, Joshua M. Thurman, Kazue Takahashi, Claudio Cortes, Michael K. Pangburn, Stephen Tomlinson, William P. Arend and v. Michael Holers. 2009. Targeted inhibition of the alternative pathway of complement with complement receptor 2-factor H (CR2-fH) protein attenuates collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice. Journal of Immunology (Manuscript in preparation).
  • Kosuke E, Kazuya O, Morihiro M, Atsunori F, Kazuhisa M, Shinji K, Jun H, Takahiro O, Banda NK, Hideki Y. 2009. Adenovirus-mdeiated gene transfer of adiponectin reduces the severity of collagen-induced arthritis in mice. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 378: 186-191.
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L.Stahl, V. Michael Holers and William P. Arend. 2009. Role of the classical and alternative pathways of complement in generating C5 convertase activity in mouse and human serum. Journal of Immunology (Manuscript in prepartion).
  • Willis VC, Gizinski AM, Banda NK, Causey CP,Cordova K, Knuckley B, Levitt B, Glogowska M, Arend WP, Thompson PR, Holers VM. 2009 Treatment with Cl-amidine, a Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase Inhibitor, Significantly Reduces the Severity of Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Mice. Manucript in preparation
  • VC Willis, A Gininski,NK Banda,CP Causey, K Cordova, B Knuckley, B levitt, M Glogowska, WP Arend, PR Thompson, VM Holers. 2009. Treatment with Cl-amidine, a Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase Inhibitor, Significantly Reduces the Severity of Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Mice. The American Association of Immunologists, Abtract # 1127, May 8-12, 2009 Seattle, Washington
  • Kosuka Ebina, Kazuya O, Morihiro M, Atsunori F, Kazuhisa M, Shinji K, Jun Hashimoto, Takahiro O, Banda NK, Hideki Yoshikawa. 2009. Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of adiponectin reduces the severity of collagen-induced arthritis in mice. BBRC 378, 186-193.
  • Banda NK, Levitt B, wood AK, Takahsashi K, Stahl GL, Holers VM, Arend WP. 2009. Complement activation pathways in murine immune complex-induced arthritis and in C3a and C5a generation in vitro. Clinical Experimental Immunology, 159(1):100-108.
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Magdalena J. Glogowska, Joshua M. Thurman, Kazue Takahashi, Stephen Tomlinson, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2009. Targeted inhibition of the alternative pathway of complement with complement receptor 2-factor H (CR2-fH) protein attenuates collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice. Journal of Immunology, 189(9):5928-5937.
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Viviana P. Ferreira, Magdalena J. Glogowska, Joshua M. Thurman, Kazue Takahashi, Claudio Cortes, Michael K. Pangburn, Stephen Tomlinson, William P. Arend and v. Michael Holers. 2008. Targeted inhibition of the alternative pathway of complement with complement receptor 2-factor H (CR2-fH) protein attenuates collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice. Abstract: American College of Rheumatology (ACR) meeting. October 24-October 29, 2008 San Francisco, CA
  • Alison M. Gizinski, Banda, NK, Bryan Knuckley, Kristen Nordick, Yaun Luo, Corey P. Causey, Van willis, Brandt Levitt, Magfalena Glogowska, Maya BenBarak, Piyanka Chandra, William H. Robinson, William P. Arend, V. Michael Holers, and Paul R. Thompsom. 2008. Treatment with Cl-amidine, a Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase (PAD) inhibitor, significantly reduces the severity of collagen induced arthritis (CIA). Abstract and oral presentation by Dr. Gizinski at the ACR Rheumatology Research Workshop. August 22-24, 2008 Chicago, IL
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Allyson Wood, Magdalena Glogowska, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2008. The alternative pathway of complement alone can mediate collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice and generate high levels of C5a in vitro. Abstract: XXII International Complement Workshop September 28-October 2, 2008 at Basel, Switzerland
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Viviana P. Ferreira, Magdalena J. Glogowska, Joshua M. Thurman, Kazue Takahashi, Claudio Cortes, Michael K. Pangburn, Stephen Tomlinson, William P. Arend and v. Michael Holers. 2008. Targeted inhibition of the alternative pathway of complement with complement receptor 2-factor H (CR2-fH) protein attenuates collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice. Abstract: CU Denver, 6th Annual Research Day,November 1, 2008 Anschutz Medical Campus, Education 2 North Building, Room 1303, Aurora, CO
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Allyson Wood, Magdalena Glogowska, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2008. The alternative pathway of complement alone can mediate collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice and generate high levels of C5a in vitro. Abstract: CU Denver, 6th Annual Research Day,November 1, 2008 Anschutz Medical Campus, Education 2 North Building, Room 1303, Aurora, CO
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Viviana P. Ferreira, Magdalena J. Glogowska, Joshua M. Thurman, Kazue Takahashi, Claudio Cortes, Michael K. Pangburn, Stephen Tomlinson, William P. Arend and v. Michael Holers. 2008. Targeted inhibition of the alternative pathway of complement with complement receptor 2-factor H (CR2-fH) protein attenuates collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice. Abstract: CU Denver, Translational Immunology Symposium, Children Hospital, Conference room 2nd floor, Aurora, CO
  • Banda NK, Brandt Levitt, Allyson Wood, Magdalena Glogowska, Kazue Takahashi, Gregory L. Stahl, William P. Arend and V. Michael Holers. 2008. The alternative pathway of complement alone can mediate collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice and generate high levels of C5a in vitro. Abstract: CU Denver, Translational Immunology Symposium, Children Hospital,Conference room 2nd floor, Aurora, CO
  • The role of N-glycans in IgG antibodies in activation of the alternative pathway of complement. Arthitis & Rheumatism. 2008 Manuscript under revision
  • Targeted inhibition of alternative pathway of the complement with complement receptor 2 factor H (CR2-fH) protein attenuated anti-collagen antibody induced arthritis in mice. J Immunol, 2008 Manuscript in preparation
  • Banda NK, Allyson K. Wood, Kazue Takahashi, Brandt Levitte, Pauline M. Rudd, Louise Royle, Jodie L. Abrahams, Gregory L. Stahl, V. Michael Holers and William P. Arend. 2008. Initiation of alternative pathway of complement by immune complexes is dependent on N-glycans in IgG antibodies. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 58(10):3081-3089.
  • The alternative pathway is necessary and sufficient for complement involvement in the effector phase of anti-collagen antibdoy induced arthritis (ACAIA). Clinical Immunology. 2007 Volume 123, abstract number Sa.63 Focis meeting San Diego,June 7-11
  • Initiation and amplification of complement activtion by the alternative pathway is suffucient for development of collagen induced arthritis in mice. American College of Rheumatology. 2007 abstract number 382(1768): Animal models clues to pathogenesis, page 259. ACR/ARHP Scientific meeting November 6-11, 2007 Boston
  • Mechanisms of IgG activation of the alternative pathway of complement. 2007 Innate immunity leading to rehumatic diseases. American College of Rheumatology. 2007 abstract number 2129, page 225, ACR/ARHP Scientific meeting November 6-11, 2007 Boston
  • Initiation and amplification of complement activtion by the alternative pathway is suffucient for development of collagen induced arthritis in mice. 2007 School of Medicine, Presented on Research Day at the Marriott Denver Tech Center.
  • Mechanisms of IgG activation of the alternative pathway of complement. 2007 School of Medicine, presented on Research Day at the Marriott Denver Tech Center.
  • Initiation and amplification of complement activtion by the alternative pathway is suffucient for development of collagen induced arthritis in mice. 2007 Denver Translational Immunology Symposium held on November 14th at Anschutz Medical Center, RC1 Hensel Phelps West, Aurora, CO.
  • Mechanisms of IgG activation of the alternative pathway of complement. 2007 Denver Translational Immunology Symposium held on November 14th at Anschutz Medical Center, RC1 Hensel Phelps West, Aurora, CO.
  • Initiation and amplification of complement by the alternative pathway in immune complex-induced arthritis in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2007 submitted
  • G0-igG antibodies activate the alternative pathway of the complement. 2007 Journal of Immunology,MS in preparation.
  • The Alternative Pathway is Necessary and Sufficient for Complement Involvement in the Effector Phase of Anti-Collagen Antibody Induced Arthritis (ACAIA). 2007 FOCIS meeting from June 7-11, San Diego, California
  • Book name "HIV and the Pathogenesis of AIDS". This book has been written by Dr. Jay A. levy, MD, Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, 513 Parnassus, Room S1280 San Francisco, CA 91143-1270. My work published in the J Ex. Med 1992 has been included in this book for the new edition. This book is available in our library.
  • Pathogenic complement activation in collagen antibody-induced arthritis in mice requires amplification by the alternative pathway. J Immunol. 2007 Sep 15;179(6):4101-9.
  • Alternative complement pathway activation is essential for inflammation and joint destruction in the passive transfer model of collagen-induced arthritis. Journal of Immunology. Resubmitted after initial review.
  • Designed new protocols for complement related research work and these will be incorported into new publications in the near future.
  • Alternative complement pathway activation is essential for inflammation and joint destruction in the passive transfer model of collagen-induced arthritis. J Immunol. 2006 Aug 1;177(3):1904-12.
  • The lectin pathway of complement activation participates in the passive transfer model of collagen-induced arthritis. 2006 XXI International Complement Workshop, China. This abstract was selected for oral presentation and Ms. Allyson Wood presented these data.
  • The lectin pathway of complement activation participates in the passive transfer model of collagen-induced arthritis. 2006 First Annual Musculoskeletal Research Symposium by Department of Orthopaedics, October 28, 2006 UCHSC. This work was selected for oral presentation for 30 minutes. I presented these data.
  • Alternative pathway of the complement is essential in the passive transfer model of collagen-induced arthritis. American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Boston, MA 02115 :Abstract # 1087 Selected for oral and poster presentation.
  • Intracellular IL-1 Receptor Antagonist Type 1 Inhibits IL-1-Induced Cytokine Production in Keratinocytes through Binding to the Third Component of the COP9 Signalosome. J Immunol. 174(6):3608-16.
  • Role of alternative pathway of the complement in the pathogeneis of inflammatory arthritis. SOM 3rd Annual Research Day.
  • Pathogenesis of Autoantibodies in a translational science session on "Autoantibodies revisited" EULAR meeting.