Donelan-McCall NS, Knudtson MD, Olds DL. Maternal and Child Mortality: Analysis of Nurse Home Visiting in 3 RCTs. Am J Prev Med. 2021 Oct;61(4):483-491. PubMed PMID: 34420828
Lorber MF, Olds DL, Donelan-McCall N. The Impact of a Preventive Intervention on Persistent, Cross-Situational Early Onset Externalizing Problems. Prev Sci. 2019 Jul;20(5):684-694. PubMed PMID: 30684213
Donelan-McCall, N. (2017). Parenting and Home Visiting Interventions. In E. Votruba-Drzal and E. Dearing (Eds) Handbook of Early Childhood Development Programs, Practices, and Policies: Theory-based and Empirically-supported Strategies for Promoting Young Children’s Growth in the U.S. Wiley: PA.
Donelan-McCall, N. and Olds, DL (2017). The Nurse-Family Partnership: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. In H. Steele and M. Steele (Eds). Handbook of Attachment-Based Interventions, 1st Edition.
Olds DL, Holmberg JR, Donelan-McCall N, Luckey DW, Knudtson MD, Robinson J. Effects of Home Visits by Paraprofessionals and by Nurses on Children: Follow-up of a Randomized Trial at Ages 6 and 9 Years. JAMA Pediatr. 2014 Feb 1;168(2):114-21. PubMed PMID: 24296904
Olds DL, Holmberg JR, Donelan-McCall N, Luckey DW, Knudtson MD, Robinson J. Effects of home visits by paraprofessionals and by nurses on children: follow-up of a randomized trial at ages 6 and 9 years. JAMA Pediatr. 2014 Feb;168(2):114-21. PubMed PMID: 24296904
Olds D, Donelan-McCall N, O'Brien R, MacMillan H, Jack S, Jenkins T, Dunlap WP 3rd, O'Fallon M, Yost E, Thorland B, Pinto F, Gasbarro M, Baca P, Melnick A, Beeber L. Improving the nurse-family partnership in community practice. Pediatrics. 2013 Nov;132 Suppl 2:S110-7. PubMed PMID: 24187112
Shlafer RJ, Poehlmann J, Donelan-McCall N. Maternal jail time, conviction, and arrest as predictors of children's 15-year antisocial outcomes in the context of a nurse home visiting program. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2012;41(1):38-52. PubMed PMID: 22233244
Donelan-McCall N, Olds D. Prenatal/postnatal home visiting programs and their impact on the social and emotional development of young children (0–5). Spiker D, Gaylor E, topic eds. In: Tremblay RE, Boivin M, Peters RDeV, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Montreal, Quebec: Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development and Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Early Child Development; 2012:1-8. Available at: Accessed [insert date].
Reports from "Development of Staffing Quality Measures - Continuation" funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS Contract: HHSM-500-2005-CO001C; Modification No. CO0004):
Documentation of the Payroll Data Specifications: Final Report, January 2007 (contributing author, authors are not listed in the report).
Report from "SNF QI Stability Project" Funded by MedPAC. Final report, May 2006
Report from "Development of Staffing Quality Measures - Phase 1" funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (Contract No. 500-02-CO01): Andrew Kramer, Theresa Eilertsen, Donelan-McCall, Ron Fish, Laura Palmer, Ann Romaglia, Kristine Mattivi, Marilyn Rantz, Alan White, and Donna Hurd. Final Report, July 2005
Donelan-McCall, N (October, 2005). A review of research in PACE: Reactions and next steps. Presented at the 2005 National PACE Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
3. Donelan-McCall, N. (In Press). Parenting and Home Visiting Interventions. In E. Dearing and E. Votruba-Drzal (Eds). Handbook of Early Childhood Development Programs, Practices, and Policies: Theory-based and Empirically-supported Strategies for Promoting Young Children’s Growth in the U.S. Wiley: PA.
Donelan-McCall, N. (In Press). Parenting and Home Visiting Interventions. In E. Dearing and E. Votruba-Drzal (Eds). Handbook of Early
Childhood Development Programs, Practices, and Policies: Theory-based and Empirically-supported Strategies for Promoting Young
Children’s Growth in the U.S. Wiley: PA.
Donelan-McCall, N. & Olds, D.L. (In Press). The Nurse-Family Partnership: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. In H. Steele and M. Steele (Eds). Handbook of Attachment-Based Interventions, 1st Edition.
Donelan-McCall N, Olds D. Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visiting Programs and Their Impact on Children’s Social and Emotional Development. In: Tremblay RE, Boivin M, Peters RDeV, eds. Spiker D, Gaylor E, topic eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online].