Associate Professor Emeritus, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation-Physical Therapy Program
Graduate Schools
DPT, University of Colorado Denver
MHS, Washington University In St. Louis
Undergraduate School
BS, Washington University in Saint Louis (MO)
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation-Physical Therapy Program
Professional Titles
Director of Clinical Education
Rodriguez J, Davidson W, Palmer J, Rapport MJ. Impact of Student Debt on Decisions of Terminal Clinical Education Experiences in Physical Therapist Education. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 2022; June 29;20(3), Article 8.
McDevitt A, Rapport MJ, Rodriguez J, Miller M. Faculty Perceptions on the Clinical Reasoning Assessment Tool to Support Learning in Physical Therapist Students: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 2022;36(1),57-64
Magnusson, D, Dannemiller, L, Rodriguez J, Judd D, Pasco M. Better Together: Optimizing Student Experiences through a Holistic Approach to Student Well-Being. [Education Session] Accepted -Education Leadership Conference. Milwaukee, WI. October 28, 2022.
Covington K, Myers K, Rodriguez J. Exploring DPT Students’ Perceptions of Team Function in a Collaborative Integrated Clinical Education Experience. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 2017;31(3):37-44.
Struessel T, Rodriguez J, Van Zytveld CR. Advocating for a systems approach to enhance patient safety in physical therapy practice: A clinical commentary. PTJ-PAL, 2017;17(1):J22-J27.
Rodriguez JR, Myers KS. Understanding academic-clinical partnerships through objective assessment using a social network analysis tool. [poster presentation] Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, TX, February 17, 2017.
Van Zytveld CR, Struessel T, Rodriguez J. Lessons Learned from a Major Near Miss: A Case Report Including Recommendations to Improve Future Patient Safety in Rehabilitation. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 2016; July.
Rapport MJ, Kelly MK, Ridge TH, Rodriguez J, Tomlinson S. A shared vision for clinical education: The year-long internship. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 2014;28(1b), 22-29.
Buccieri KM, Rodriguez J, Smith SS, Robinson R, Gallivan SP, and Frost, JS. Director of Clinical Education Performance Assessment Surveys: A 360-degree assessment of the unique roles and responsibilities of this position in physical therapy education. Accepted for Publication by J Phys Ther Ed, final revisions sent 01-2012.
Buccieri KM, Rodriguez J, Smith SS, Robinson R, Gallivan sP, and Frost JS. Director of Clinical Education Performance Assessment Surveys: A 360-Degree Assessment of the Unique Roles and Responsibilities of This Position in Physical Therapy Education. J Phys Ther Ed.2012;26(3)13-24.
Rapport MJ, Kelly MK, Hankin TR, Rodriguez JR, Tomlinson SS. A shared vision for clinical education: The year-long internship. J of Phys Ther Ed. anticipated date of publication Spring 2014.
Van Zytveld CR, Struessel T, Rodriguez J. Lessons learned from a major near miss: A case report including recommendations to improve future patient safety in rehabiliation. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice.
Struessel T, Rodriguez J, Van Zytveld CR. Advocating for a systems approach to enhance patient safety in physical therapy practice: A clinical commentary. PTJ-PAL, 2017;17(1):J22-J27.
Covington K, Myers K, Rodriguez J. Exploring DPT students’ perceptions of team function in a collaborative integrated clinical education experience. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Accepted for publication, Journal of Phys Ther Ed. 2018, Issue 1.