Associate Director School Centered Asthma Programs
Senior Instructor
Huebschmann AG, Wagner NM, Gleason M, Brinton JT, Brtnikova M, Brewer SE, Begum A, Armstrong R, DeCamp LR, McFarlane A, DeKeyser H, Coleman H, Federico MJ, Szefler SJ, Cicutto LC. Reducing asthma attacks in disadvantaged school children with asthma: study protocol for a type 2 hybrid implementation-effectiveness trial (Better Asthma Control for Kids, BACK). Implement Sci. 2024 Aug 15;19(1):60. PubMed PMID: 39148094
Huebschmann AG, Gleason M, Armstrong R, Sheridan A, Kim A, Haas-Howard C, Bobo N, Wagner NM, Begum A. Notes From the Field: Diverse Partner Perspectives Improve the Usability and Equity Focus of Implementation Guides. Ethn Dis. 2023 Dec;DECIPHeR(Spec Issue):132-134. PubMed PMID: 38846729
Szefler SJ, Cicutto L, Brewer SE, Gleason M, McFarlane A, DeCamp LR, Brinton JT, Huebschmann AG. Applying dissemination and implementation research methods to translate a school-based asthma program. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Sep;150(3):535-548. PubMed PMID: 35569568
Stewart L, Miyazawa N, Covar R, Mjaanes C, Shimamoto R, Gleason M, Peroni D, Spahn JD, Comberiati P. Wheeze is an unreliable endpoint for bronchial methacholine challenges in preschool children. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2022 Apr;33(4):e13767. PubMed PMID: 35470941
Pediatric Allergy Principles and Practice Fourth Edition Chapter 26 Collaborating with Schools to Support Children with Asthma
Gleason M, Cicutto L, Szefler S
Gleason M, McFarlane A, Udoko M, Konon E, Szefler S "COVID-19 Impact on Participant Engagement with a School-centered Asthma Navigator Program" J Allergy Clin Immunol Volume 147 Number 2 February 2021
Pediatric Allergy Principles and Practice Fourth Edition Ch 26 Collaborating with Schools to Support Children with Asthma,
Melanie Gleason, Lisa Cicutto, Stanley J Szefler
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, White M, Hollenbach JP, Williams S, McGinn M, Villarreal M, Mitchell H, Cloutier MM, Vinick C, Langton C, Shocks DJ, Stempel DA, Szefler SJ. Building Bridges for Asthma Care Program: A School-Centered Program Connecting Schools, Families, and Community Health-Care Providers. J Sch Nurs. 2020 Jun;36(3):168-180. PubMed PMID: 30336726
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, White M, Hollenbach JP, Williams S, McGinn M, Villarreal M, Mitchell H, Cloutier MM, Vinick C, Langton C, Shocks DJ, Stempel DA, Szefler SJ. Building Bridges for Asthma Care Program: A School-Centered Program Connecting Schools, Families, and Community Health-Care Providers. J Sch Nurs. 2020 Jun;36(3):168-180. PubMed PMID: 30336726
Szefler SJ, Cloutier MM, Villarreal M, Hollenbach JP, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, Vinick C, Calatroni A, Cicutto L, White M, Williams S, McGinn M, Langton C, Shocks D, Mitchell H, Stempel DA. Building Bridges for Asthma Care: Reducing school absence for inner-city children with health disparities. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Feb;143(2):746-754.e2. PubMed PMID: 30055181
Szefler SJ, Cloutier MM, Villarreal M, Hollenbach JP, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, Vinick C, Calatroni A, Cicutto L, White M, Williams S, McGinn M, Langton C, Shocks D, Mitchell H, Stempel DA. Building Bridges for Asthma Care: Reducing school absence for inner-city children with health disparities. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Feb;143(2):746-754.e2. PubMed PMID: 30055181
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, White M, Hollenbach JP, Williams S, McGinn M, Villarreal M, Mitchell H, Cloutier MM, Vinick C, Langton C, Shocks DJ, Stempel DA, Szefler SJ. Building Bridges for Asthma Care Program: A School-Centered Program Connecting Schools, Families, and Community Health-Care Providers. J Sch Nurs. 2018 Oct 18;:1059840518805824. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30336726
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, White M, Hollenbach JP, Williams S, McGinn M, Villarreal M, Mitchell H, Cloutier MM, Vinick C, Langton C, Shocks DJ, Stempel DA, Szefler SJ. Building Bridges for Asthma Care Program: A School-Centered Program Connecting Schools, Families, and Community Health-Care Providers. J Sch Nurs. 2018 Oct 18;:1059840518805824. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30336726
Szefler SJ, Cloutier MM, Villarreal M, Hollenbach JP, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, Vinick C, Calatroni A, Cicutto L, White M, Williams S, McGinn M, Langton C, Shocks D, Mitchell H, Stempel DA. Building Bridges for Asthma Care: Reducing school absence for inner-city children with health disparities. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 Jul 25. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30055181
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, Jenkins-Nygren L, Labonde S, Patrick K. Competency-Based Framework and Continuing Education for Preparing a Skilled School Health Workforce for Asthma Care: The Colorado Experience. J Sch Nurs. 2017 Aug;33(4):277-284. PubMed PMID: 28726584
Anderson WC 3rd, Gleason MC, Miyazawa N, Szefler SJ. Approaching Current and New Drug Therapies for Pediatric Asthma. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2017 Dec;64(6):1197-1207. PubMed PMID: 29173780
Snieder HM, Nickels S, Gleason M, McFarlane A, Szefler SJ, Allison MA. Stakeholder Perspectives on Optimizing Communication in a School-Centered Asthma Program. J Sch Health. 2017 Dec;87(12):941-948. PubMed PMID: 29096412
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, Jenkins-Nygren L, Labonde S, Patrick K. Competency-Based Framework and Continuing Education for Preparing a Skilled School Health Workforce for Asthma Care: The Colorado Experience. J Sch Nurs. 2017 Aug;33(4):277-284. PubMed PMID: 28726584
Gleason M, Cicutto L, Haas-Howard C, Raleigh BM, Szefler SJ. Leveraging Partnerships: Families, Schools, and Providers Working Together to Improve Asthma Management. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2016 Oct;16(10):74. PubMed PMID: 27709456
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, Patrick K. Competency-Based Framework and Continuing Education for Preparing Skilled School Health Workforce for Asthma Care: The Colorado Experience. The Journal of School Nursing November 2016
Cicutto L, Shocks D, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, White M, Szefler SJ. Creating District Readiness for Implementing Evidence-Based School Centered Asthma Programs: Denver Public Schools as a Case Study. NASN School Nurse January 2016
Malka J, Covar R, Faino A, Fish J, Pickering P, Ramamoorthy P, Gleason M, Spahn JD. The Effect of Viral Infection on Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Children with Acute Asthma Exacerbations. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Nov-Dec;3(6):913-9. PubMed PMID: 26216254