Araiza, A., Lucero, E., Freund, R.K., Markham, N., Chial, H., Dell'Acqua, M.L., and Potter, H. Investigating kinesin-5 overexpression in hippocampal long-term potentiation; Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. Diversity Poster Session, Chicago Illinois; October 2019.
S-Nitrosylation regulates CaMKII targeting and plasticity
Author List: Nicole L. Rumian, Steven J. Coultrap, Ronald K. Freund, Sarah G. Cook, and K. Ulrich Bayer. 33rd Annual Student Research Forum, Anschutz Medical Campus, Univ. CO, Dec. 2018.
Wang, A. C-J., Freund, R., Lucero, E., Coughlan, C. Dell’Aqua, M., Potter, H., Folate prevents the detrimental effects of oligomeric Aß on Insulin receptor localization and function and long-term potentiation, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (2017).
Freund RK, Graw S, Choo KS, Stevens KE, Leonard S, Dell'Acqua ML. Genetic knockout of the a7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene alters hippocampal long-term potentiation in a background strain-dependent manner. Neurosci Lett. 2016 Aug 3;627:1-6. PubMed PMID: 27233215
Freund RK, Gibson ES, Potter H, Dell'Acqua ML. Inhibition of the Motor Protein Eg5/Kinesin-5 in Amyloid ß-Mediated Impairment of Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation and Dendritic Spine Loss. Mol Pharmacol. 2016 May;89(5):552-9. PubMed PMID: 26957206
Coultrap SJ, Freund RK, O'Leary H, Sanderson JL, Roche KW, Dell'acqua ML, Bayer KU. Autonomous CaMKII Mediates Both LTP and LTD Using a Mechanism for Differential Substrate Site Selection. Cell Rep. 2014 Feb 13;6(3):431-7. PubMed PMID: 24485660
Corser-Jensen CE, Goodell DJ, Freund RK, Serbedzija P, Murphy RC, Farias SE, Dell'Acqua ML, Frey LC, Serkova N, Heidenreich KA. Blocking leukotriene synthesis attenuates the pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury and associated cognitive deficits. Exp Neurol. 2014 Jun;256:7-16. PubMed PMID: 24681156
Coultrap SJ, Freund RK, O'Leary H, Sanderson JL, Roche KW, Dell'Acqua ML, Bayer KU. Autonomous CaMKII mediates both LTP and LTD using a mechanism for differential substrate site selection. Cell Rep. 2014 Feb 13;6(3):431-7. PubMed PMID: 24485660
Buard I, Coultrap SJ, Freund RK, Lee YS, Dell'Acqua ML, Silva AJ, Bayer KU CaMKII "autonomy" is required for initiating but not for maintaining neuronal long-term information
storage. J Neurosci 30:8214-8220 (2010)
Corser-Jensen, C.E., Goodell, D.J., Freund, R.K., Serbedzija, P., Murphy, R.C., Farias, S., Dell’Acqua, M.L., Frey, L.C., Serkova, N. and Heidenreich, K. A. Blocking leukotriene production attenuates secondary brain damage and cognitive deficits induced by traumatic brain injury, Experimental Neurology, in press.
Freund, R.K., Graw, S., Choo, K.S., Stevens, K.E., Leonard. S. and Dell'Acqua, M.L.,Genetic knockout of the a7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene alters hippocampal synaptic plasticity in a background strain-dependent manner, under review.