Schreiber AR, Santos J, McMahon B, Buckner TW, Olson C, Alberti MO, Guimarães-Young A, Knoeckel C, Broussard L, Aubrey M, Palmer BE, Weiss E, Connors GR, Brunner S, Wisell JA, Pacheco T, Aisner DL, Gutman JA. A Case of Fetal-Induced Graft-versus-Host Disease. N Engl J Med. 2023 Aug 17;389(7):668-670. PubMed PMID: 37585636
Borgers JSW, Tobin RP, Torphy RJ, Vorwald VM, Van Gulick RJ, Amato CM, Cogswell DT, Chimed TS, Couts KL, Van Bokhoven A, Raeburn CD, Lewis KD, Wisell J, McCarter MD, Mushtaq RR, Robinson WA. Melanoma Metastases to the Adrenal Gland Are Highly Resistant to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2021 Aug 4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34348236
Vu M, Wisell J, Wohltmann W. Cutaneous foreign body microemboli-induced occlusive vasculopathy: A complication of illicit intravenous injection of oral opioid tablets. J Cutan Pathol. 2021 Sep;48(9):1173-1177. PubMed PMID: 33934378
Lee H, Li T, Wisell J, Schowinsky J, Robinson WA. Avapritinib for Cutaneous Mastocytosis. Acta Derm Venereol. 2021 Jan 5;101(1):adv00362. PubMed PMID: 33241424
Lee H, Li T, Wisell J, Schowinsky J, Robinson WA. Avapritinib for Cutaneous Mastocytosis. Acta Derm Venereol. 2020 Nov 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33241424
Laughter MR, Florek AG, Wisell J, Newman S. Dermatitis Artefacta, a Form of Factitial Disorder Imposed on Self, Misdiagnosed as Pyoderma Gangrenosum for Eight Years. Cureus. 2020 Jul 7;12(7):e9054. PubMed PMID: 32782873
Roberts SJ, McNally B, Rosser JA, Willard N, Golitz L, Wisell J. Diverse clinical and histopathologic features of cutaneous post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders: A presentation of two cases. Australas J Dermatol. 2019 Nov;60(4):e317-e321. PubMed PMID: 31144292
Pearson DR, Wisell J, Pacheco T. Melanocytic matrical carcinoma in a solid-organ transplant recipient. Cutis. 2019 May;103(5):E30-E36. PubMed PMID: 31233591
Pearson DR, Wisell J, Pacheco T. Melanocytic matrical carcinoma in a solid-organ transplant recipient. Cutis. 2019 May;103(5):E30-E36. PubMed PMID: 31233591
Roberts SJ, McNally B, Rosser JA, Willard N, Golitz L, Wisell J. Diverse clinical and histopathologic features of cutaneous post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders: A presentation of two cases. Australas J Dermatol. 2019 Nov;60(4):e317-e321. PubMed PMID: 31144292
Fischer AS, Black N, McNally B, Wisell J. A New, Firm, Solitary Nodule in a Patient With HIV/AIDS: Answer. Am J Dermatopathol. 2018 Nov;40(11):861. PubMed PMID: 30339566
McNally B, Black N, Golitz LE, Wisell JA. Unusual presentation of ectopic extramammary Paget disease. Cutis. 2018 Jun;101(6):422-424. PubMed PMID: 30063770
Sams SB, Wisell JA. Discordance Between Intraoperative Consultation by Frozen Section and Final Diagnosis. Int J Surg Pathol. 2017 Feb;25(1):41-50. PubMed PMID: 27507675
Hintzsche JD, Gorden NT, Amato CM, Kim J, Wuensch KE, Robinson SE, Applegate AJ, Couts KL, Medina TM, Wells KR, Wisell JA, McCarter MD, Box NF, Shellman YG, Gonzalez RC, Lewis KD, Tentler JJ, Tan AC, Robinson WA. Whole-exome sequencing identifies recurrent SF3B1 R625 mutation and comutation of NF1 and KIT in mucosal melanoma. Melanoma Res. 2017 Jun;27(3):189-199. PubMed PMID: 28296713
A New, Firm, Solitary Nodule in a Patient With HIV/AIDS-Question.
Fischer AS, Black N, McNally B, Wisell J.
Am J Dermatopathol. 2017 Apr 25. doi: 10.1097/DAD.0000000000000913. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.
PMID: 28475512
Whole-exome sequencing identifies recurrent SF3B1 R625 mutation and comutation of NF1 and KIT in mucosal melanoma.
Hintzsche JD, Gorden NT, Amato CM, Kim J, Wuensch KE, Robinson SE, Applegate AJ, Couts KL, Medina TM, Wells KR, Wisell JA, McCarter MD, Box NF, Shellman YG, Gonzalez RC, Lewis KD, Tentler JJ, Tan AC, Robinson WA.
Melanoma Res. 2017 Jun;27(3):189-199. doi: 10.1097/CMR.0000000000000345.
PMID: 28296713
Revisiting PAX-8's Labeling of Merkel Cell Carcinoma.
Wang DP, Stevens RA, Wisell JA.
Am J Dermatopathol. 2017 Nov;39(11):873-874. doi: 10.1097/DAD.0000000000000769. No abstract available.
PMID: 28002100
Kinase gene fusions in defined subsets of melanoma.
Turner J, Couts K, Sheren J, Saichaemchan S, Ariyawutyakorn W, Avolio I, Cabral E, Glogowska M, Amato C, Robinson S, Hintzsche J, Applegate A, Seelenfreund E, Gonzalez R, Wells K, Bagby S, Tentler J, Tan AC, Wisell J, Varella-Garcia M, Robinson W.
Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2017 Jan;30(1):53-62. doi: 10.1111/pcmr.12560.
PMID: 27864876
Discordance Between Intraoperative Consultation by Frozen Section and Final Diagnosis.
Sams SB, Wisell JA.
Int J Surg Pathol. 2017 Feb;25(1):41-50. doi: 10.1177/1066896916662152. Epub 2016 Aug 20.
PMID: 27507675
Wang DP, Stevens RA, Wisell JA. Revisiting PAX-8's Labeling of Merkel Cell Carcinoma. Am J Dermatopathol. 2016 Dec 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28002100
Turner J, Couts K, Sheren J, Saichaemchan S, Ariyawutyakorn W, Avolio I, Cabral E, Glogowska M, Amato C, Robinson S, Hintzsche J, Applegate A, Seelenfreund E, Gonzalez R, Wells K, Bagby S, Tentler J, Tan AC, Wisell J, Varella-Garcia M, Robinson W. Kinase Gene Fusions in Defined Subsets of Melanoma. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2016 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27864876
Hintzsche J, Kim J, Yadav V, Amato C, Robinson SE, Seelenfreund E, Shellman Y, Wisell J, Applegate A, McCarter M, Box N, Tentler J, De S, Robinson WA, Tan AC. IMPACT: a whole-exome sequencing analysis pipeline for integrating molecular profiles with actionable therapeutics in clinical samples. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016 Jul;23(4):721-30. PubMed PMID: 27026619
Wohltmann W, Rampton R, Bezdek Benage K, Wisell J. Hyperpigmented Plaques on the Feet. Am Fam Physician. 2015 Aug 1;92(3):219-20. PubMed PMID: 26280143
Shrotriya S, Tyagi A, Deep G, Orlicky DJ, Wisell J, Wang XJ, Sclafani RA, Agarwal R, Agarwal C. Grape seed extract and resveratrol prevent 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide induced oral tumorigenesis in mice by modulating AMPK activation and associated biological responses. Mol Carcinog. 2015 Apr;54(4):291-300. PubMed PMID: 24243690
Lambert Smith F, Wisell J, Brown M. Advanced acral melanoma. JAAD Case Rep. 2015 May;1(3):166-8. PubMed PMID: 27051719
Benoit A, Wisell J, Brown M. Cutaneous spindle cell carcinoma misdiagnosed as atypical fibroxanthoma based on immunohistochemical stains. JAAD Case Rep. 2015 Nov;1(6):392-4. PubMed PMID: 27051790
Gamba CS, Lambert Smith F, Wisell J, Brown M. Tattoo reactions in an HIV patient: Autoeczematization and progressive allergic reaction to red ink after antiretroviral therapy initiation. JAAD Case Rep. 2015 Nov;1(6):395-8. PubMed PMID: 27051791
David P Wang, Jeffrey Schowinsky, Joshua A Wisell. HMGA2 Expression Is Useful in the Diagnosis of Spermatic Cord Fatty Lesions. Modern Pathology. 2014 Feb;27(S2):31A.
Sanjana Mehrotra, Joshua A Wisell, Sharon B Sams. Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia: A Review of Follow Up Surgical Treatment. Modern Pathology. 2014 Feb;27(S2):68A.
Sharon B Sams, Joshua A Wisell. Determining Specimen Adequacy for Breast Carcinoma Predictive Markers on Cytology Specimens. Modern Pathology. 2014 Feb;27(S2):511A.
Jeffrey T Schowinsky, Joshua A Wisell, Sharon B Sams. Root Cause Analysis of the Frequency and Etiology of Discrepancies between Intraoperative Frozen Section Results as Reported in Pathology Reports Versus Surgical Operative Notes. Modern Pathology 2014 Feb; 27(S2):512A.
Wisell J, Amato CM, Robinson WA. Identifying and monitoring somatic mutations in cell free DNA of patients with metastatic melanoma. 2014 Nov; 50(S6): 59-60.
Shah K, Wohltmann W, Wisell J, McCarver M, Robinson W. Aggressive cellular fibrous histiocytoma encompassing the right lower leg. Poster presented at: American Society of Dermatopathology 51st Annual Meeting; Nov 2014; Chicago, IL.
Novel cutaneous effects of combination chemotherapy with BRAF and MEK inhibitors: a report of two cases. Green JS, Norris DA, Wisell J. Br J Dermatol. 2013 Jul;169(1):172-6. doi: 10.1111/bjd.12279. PMID: 23413975
Epithelial stem cell mutations that promote squamous cell carcinoma metastasis. White RA, Neiman JM, Reddi A, Han G, Birlea S, Mitra D, Dionne L, Fernandez P, Murao K, Bian L, Keysar SB, Goldstein NB, Song N, Bornstein S, Han Z, Lu X, Wisell J, Li F, Song J, Lu SL, Jimeno A, Roop DR, Wang XJ. J Clin Invest. 2013 Oct 1;123(10):4390-404. doi: 10.1172/JCI65856. PMID: 23999427
Discrepancies between Intraoperative Consultations and Final Pathology Report: Root Cause Analysis as a Means for Performance Improvement. Sams SB, Wisell JA. Mod Pathol. 2013 Feb;26(S2):483A. doi:10.1038/modpathol.2013.25
Influence of External Factors on Frozen Section Performance. JA Wisell JA , Sams SB. Mod Pathol. 2013 Feb;26(S2):489A. doi:10.1038/modpathol.2013.25
Collision of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Atypical Fibroxanthoma: A case series of seven patients. Messner K, Wisell J, Golitz L
Green JS, Norris DA, Wisell J. Novel cutaneous effects of combination chemotherapy with BRAF and MEK inhibitors: a report of two cases. Br J Dermatol. 2013 Jul;169(1):172-6. PubMed PMID: 23413975
White RA, Neiman JM, Reddi A, Han G, Birlea S, Mitra D, Dionne L, Fernandez P, Murao K, Bian L, Keysar SB, Goldstein NB, Song N, Bornstein S, Han Z, Lu X, Wisell J, Li F, Song J, Lu SL, Jimeno A, Roop DR, Wang XJ. Epithelial stem cell mutations that promote squamous cell carcinoma metastasis. J Clin Invest. 2013 Oct;123(10):4390-404. PubMed PMID: 23999427
Contributing editor for breast pathology and dermatopathology sections of the 2013 Year Book of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Elsevier Mosby. In Press
SB Sams, JA Wisell. Discrepancies between Intraoperative Consultations and Final Pathology Report: Root Cause Analysis as a Means for Performance Improvement. Mod Pathol. 2013;26(S2):483A
JA Wisell, SB Sams. Influence of External Factors on Frozen Section Performance. Mod Pathol. 2013;26(S2):489A
Green JS, Norris DA, Wisell J. Novel Cutaneous Effects of Combination Chemotherapy with BRAF and MEK Inhibitors: a Report of Two Cases. Br J Dermatol. 2013 Feb 16. [Epub ahead of print]
Kabos P, Finlay-Schultz J, Li C, Kline E, Finlayson C, Wisell J, Manuel CA, Edgerton SM, Harrell JC, Elias A, Sartorius CA. Patient-derived luminal breast cancer xenografts retain hormone receptor heterogeneity and help define unique estrogen-dependent gene signatures. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Sep;135(2):415-32
Cutaneous decidualized endometriosis in a nonpregnant female: a potential pseudomalignancy. Am J Dermatopathol. 2012 Jul;34(5):541-3.
Sartorius CA, Finlay-Schultz J, Li C, Rosen RB, Hendricks P, Wisell J, Finlayson C, Elias A, Kabos P. Progestins exert divergent growth effects and regulate tumor-unique gene cohorts in patient derived breast cancer xenografts. Cancer Res. 2012;72(24 Suppl):508s.
DeClerck BK, Post MD, Wisell JA. Cutaneous Decidualized Endometriosis in a Non- Pregnant Female: A Potential Pseudomalignancy. Am J Dermatopathol. (accepted for publication, in press)
Contributing editor for dermatopathology section of the 2012 Year Book of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Elsevier Mosby. In Press
Langston L, Fernelius C, Wisell J, Golitz L. Ocular oncocytoma: report of two cases. Poster 582 presented at the ASDP 49th Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
Fernelius C, Yin L, Wisell J, Golitz L. Cutaneous findings of experimental allostim treatment for glioblastoma. Poster 645 presented at the ASDP 49th Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
DeClerck BK, Post MD, Wisell JA. Cutaneous decidualized endometriosis in a nonpregnant female: a potential pseudomalignancy. Am J Dermatopathol. 2012 Jul;34(5):541-3. PubMed PMID: 22534633
Kabos P, Finlay-Schultz J, Li C, Kline E, Finlayson C, Wisell J, Manuel CA, Edgerton SM, Harrell JC, Elias A, Sartorius CA. Patient-derived luminal breast cancer xenografts retain hormone receptor heterogeneity and help define unique estrogen-dependent gene signatures. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Sep;135(2):415-32. PubMed PMID: 22821401
Kounalakis N, Diamond J, Rusthoven K, Horn W, Jindal S, Wisell J, Klein CE, Elias A, Finlayson C, Borges VF. Diagnosis of invasive lobular carcinoma in a young woman presenting with pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ on core biopsy. Oncology (Williston Park). 2011 Apr 15;25(4):351-6. PubMed PMID: 21618957
Hristov AC, Wisell J. A "high-risk" epithelioid hemangioendothelioma presenting as a solitary, ulcerated, subcutaneous tumor. Am J Dermatopathol. 2011 Dec;33(8):e88-90. PubMed PMID: 22042264
Hristov AC, Wisell J. Am J Dermatopathol. 2011 Dec;33(8):e88-90. PMID: 22042264
Wu JM, Thoburn CJ, Wisell J, Farmer ER, Hess AD. CD20, AIF-1, and TGF-beta in graft-versus-host disease: a study of mRNA expression in histologically matched skin biopsies. Mod Pathol. 2010 May;23(5):720-8. PubMed PMID: 20190732
Bolaños-Meade J, Anders V, Wisell J, Farmer ER, Vogelsang GB. Grover's Disease after Bone Marrow Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2007 Sep;13(9):1116-7. PubMed PMID: 17697974
Wisell J, Boitnott J, Haas M, Anders RA, Hart J, Lewis JT, Abraham SC, Torbenson M. Glycogen pseudoground glass change in hepatocytes. Am J Surg Pathol. 2006 Sep;30(9):1085-90. PubMed PMID: 16931952