Nichole Reisdorph, PhD

Associate Professor, Colorado School of Public Health


  • Jia, Y., Domenico, J., Takeda, K., Han, J., Wang, M., Armstrong, M., Reisdorph, N., O’Connor, B., Lucas, J., Gelfand, E. (2013). The Steroidogenic Enzyme Cyp11a1 Regulates CD8+ Tc2 Skewing in Allergic Lung Disease. PNAS, accepted.
  • Hughes, G., Coldren, C., Schnell, C., Kedl, R., LaFlamme, D., Kechris-Mays, K., Armstrong, M., Reisdorph, N., Reisdorph, R. (2013). Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Gene Expression in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, accepted.
  • 30. Yang, Y., Cruickshank, C., Armstrong, M., Mahaffey, S., Reisdorph, R., Reisdorph, N. (2013, submitted). New sample preparation approach for mass spectrometry-based profiling of plasma results in improved coverage of metabolome with excellent reproducibility. Journal of Chromatography B (Submitted).
  • Broccardo, C., Mahaffey, S., Schwarz, J., Wruck, L, David, G, Reisdorph, N., Leung, D. (2010) Comparative Proteomic Profiling of Atopic Dermatitis Patients Based on History of Eczema Herpeticum Infection and S. Aureus Colonization. J Allergy Clinical Immunology. 127:186-193.
  • Munks, M., McKee, A., MacLeod, M., Powell, R., Degen, J., Reisdorph, N., Kappler, J, Marrack, P. (2011). Aluminum adjuvants elicit fibrin-dependent extracellular traps in vivo. Blood. In Press.
  • Mukherjee, A., Reisdorph, N., Guda, C., Pandey, S., Roy, S. (2011) Changes in ovarian protein epxression during primordial follicle formation in the hamster. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 348:87-94. PMID: 21821096
  • Rabinovitch, N., Reisdorph, N., Silveira, L., Gelfand, E. (2011) Urinary LTE4 Levels Identify Children with Tobacco Smoke Exposure at Risk for Asthma Exacerbation J Allergy Clinical Immunology. 128:323-327. PMID: 21807251
  • Delong, T., Baker, R., Reisdorph, N., Reisdorph, R., Powell, R., Armstrong, M., Barbour, G., Bradley, B., Haskins, K. (2011) Islet Amyloid Polypeptide is a Target Antigen for Diabetogenic CD4+ T Cells. Diabetes. 60:2325-2330.
  • Broccardo, C., Mahaffey, S., Schwarz, J., Wruck, L, David, G, Reisdorph, N., Leung, D. (2011) Comparative Proteomic Profiling of Atopic Dermatitis Patients Based on History of Eczema Herpeticum Infection and S. Aureus Colonization. J Allergy Clinical Immunology. 127:186-193
  • Scruggs, S.B., Reisdorph, R., Reisdorph, N., Solaro, R.J., Buttrick, P.M. (2010) A Novel, In-Solution Separation of Endogenous Cardiac Sarcomeric Proteins and Identification of Distinct Charged Variants of Regulatory Light Chain. Mol Cell Proteomics. In Progress PMID 20445002
  • Stadinski, B., Delong, T., Reisdorph, N., Reisdorph, R., Powell, R., Armstrong, M., Piganelli, J., Barbour, G., Bradley, B., Marrack, P., Mahata, S., Kappler, J., Haskins, K. (2010) Chromogranin A is a Major T Cell Autoantigen in Type 1 Diabetes. Nature Immunology 11:225-231. PMID: 20139986