Researcher of the Year, Department of Family Medicine
Zittleman L, Westfall JM, Sofie B, Lutgen C, Fernald D, Hall TL, Hochheimer CJ, Murphy M, Felzien M, Dickinson LM, Manning BK, LeMaster J, Nease DE Jr. The Odyssey of HOMER: Comparative Effectiveness Research on Medication for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ann Fam Med. 2024 Sep-Oct;22(5):444-450. PubMed PMID: 39313353
Fernald DH, Hester CM, Brown SR. Departure Decisions: Exit Survey of Family Medicine Residency Directors. PRiMER. 2024;8:46. PubMed PMID: 39238492
Zittleman L, Westfall JM, Callen D, Herrick AM, Nkouaga C, Simpson M, Dickinson LM, Fernald D, Kaufman A, English AF, Dickinson WP, Nease DE Jr. Does engagement matter? The impact of patient and community engagement on implementation of cardiovascular health materials in primary care settings. BMC Prim Care. 2024 Apr 25;25(1):135. PubMed PMID: 38664665
Carroll JK, Fernald DH, Hall TL, Groves HM, Grant G, Sherrill A, Crispe K, Brown A, Lampe S, Perry Dickinson W. A Unique Model and Workforce to Address Health-Related Social Needs and Health Equity: Regional Health Connectors in Colorado. Health Promot Pract. 2024 Sep;25(5):885-894. PubMed PMID: 37222293
Fernald D, Karra L, Owen V, Shore J, Holtrop J. What Does Team Function Look Like in Primary Care Integrated Behavioral Health? Paper presented at: 52nd Annual NAPCRG Meeting; 2024 Nov 20-24; Quebec City, Canada.
Hall T, Crispe K, Buss D, Fernald D, Jortberg B, Oser T, et al. Implementation Strategies for Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Primary Care: PREPARE 4 CGM Study Lessons Learned. Paper presented at: 52nd Annual NAPCRG Meeting; 2024 Nov 20-24; Quebec City, Canada.
Owen V, Shore J, Fernald D, Karra L, Holtrop J. Features of Effective Implementation of Integrated Behavioral Health: Primary Care Practice Members Weigh In. Paper presented at: 52nd Annual NAPCRG Meeting; 2024 Nov 20-24; Quebec City, Canada.
Fernald D, Lutgen C, Felzien M, Sofie B, Westfall J, Nease D. Where Did the Patients Go? Understanding Patient Non-Enrollment in the HOMER Trial on Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use. Poster presented at: 52nd Annual NAPCRG Meeting; 2024 Nov 20-24; Quebec City, Canada.
Jiang V, Nease D, Lutgen C, Fernald D, Jones D, Sofie B, Zittleman L. Why won’t primary care practices participate in Suboxone research? Poster presented at: 52nd Annual NAPCRG Meeting; 2024 Nov 20-24; Quebec City, Canada.
Hall T, Jiang V, Zittleman L, Nease D, Fernald D, Curcija K, et al. Clinician and Staff Experiences with Approaches to Induction of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care Practices. Poster presented at: 52nd Annual NAPCRG Meeting; 2024 Nov 20-24; Quebec City, Canada.
Fisher M, Lee A, Nease D, Fernald D. Paper presented at: 52nd Annual NAPCRG Meeting; 2024 Nov 20-24; Quebec City, Canada. Patient Partners Research Council: How A Check-In Question Led To Over Five Years Of Inquiry. Paper presented at: 2024 NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network Conference; 2024 Jun 17-18; Reston, VA.
Fernald D, Kwan B, Hall T, Nease D, Westfall J, Curcija K, et al. The journey to better MOUD: Practice lessons from the HOMER project. Paper presented at: STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement; 2024 Sep 15-17; Denver, CO.
Fernald DH, Nease DE Jr, Westfall JM, Kwan BM, Dickinson LM, Sofie B, Lutgen C, Carroll JK, Wolff D, Heeren L, Felzien M, Zittleman L. A randomized, parallel group, pragmatic comparative-effectiveness trial comparing medication-assisted treatment induction methods in primary care practices: The HOMER study protocol. PLoS One. 2023;18(9):e0290388. PubMed PMID: 37682828
Carroll JK, Fernald DH, Hall TL, Groves HM, Grant G, Sherrill A, Crispe K, Brown A, Lampe S, Perry Dickinson W. A Unique Model and Workforce to Address Health-Related Social Needs and Health Equity: Regional Health Connectors in Colorado. Health Promot Pract. 2023 May 24;:15248399231173703. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37222293
Halfacre J, Fernald D, Wearner R. Health Equity & Inclusivity PDSA: A real life practice example of Health Equity and Inclusion work. Paper presented at: International Conference on Practice Facilitation 2023; August 2023; Portland, OR.
Hall T, Curcija K, Fernald D, Jiang V, Zittleman L, Nease D. Practice Experiences with Approaches to Induction of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder: The HOMER Study. Paper presented at: NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network Conference; May 2023; Bethesda, MD.
Holtrop JS, Eskew A, Gurfinkel D, Kreisel C, Owen V, BrownLevey S, Hosokawa P, Fernald D, Tolle L, Calderone J, Gritz M. Patient Perceptions of Benefits and Barriers to Behavioral Health Care Integrated in Primary Care. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Nov 1; 21 (Supp 3): 5142.
Fernald D, Jortberg B, Halfacre J, Wearner R, Dickinson P, Kirchner S. Is Virtual Practice Facilitation Good Enough? Facilitator and Practice Perspectives from the FAST Unhealthy Alcohol Use Trial. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Nov 1; 21 (Supp 3): 4984.
Jortberg B, Halfacre J, Swenson C, Dickinson P, Fernald D, de la Cerda D, Dickinson LM. Improving Care for Unhealthy Alcohol Use: Results from the Facilitating Alcohol Screening and Treatment (FAST) Colorado Study. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Nov 1; 21 (Supp 3): 5038.
Fernald DH, Hester CM, Brown SR. "We've Really Built Something": Why Family Medicine Program Directors Stay in Their Positions-A Qualitative Study. J Grad Med Educ. 2022 Aug;14(4):451-457. PubMed PMID: 35991101
Fernald D, Hall T, Lutgen C, Alai J, Gonzales S, Sofie B, Ancona J, Felzien M, Nease D. “Patient Initiation of Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder and Referral to a Randomized Study: Lessons from the HOMER Study.” 50th NAPCRG Annual Meeting | November 2022
Fernald D, Tapp, H, Fulda, K, van den Berk-Clark C. “Growing and Adapting PBRN Research During a Pandemic: A CASFM PBRN Workshop.” NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network Conference, Bethesda, MD | June 2022
Fernald D, Hall T, Dickinson P. “Scaling Up Field Notes for Research: What We Learned About Using Field Notes in Multiple Practice-Based Interventions.” NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network Conference, Bethesda, MD | June 2022
Fernald D, Knierim K, Thompson T. “Building on the Six Building Blocks: Supporting Colorado Safety-Net Clinics to Implement Safe Opioid Management.” NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network Conference, Bethesda, MD | June 2022
Brown S, Fernald D, Hester C. “Why Do Program Directors Leave Our Positions? And Why Do We Stay?” AAFP Residency Leadership Summit, Kansas City, MO | March 2022.
Zittleman L, LeMaster J, Westfall J, Fernald D, et al. Research in the Time of Cholera (or COVID-19): lessons from the field and implications for future research. NAPCRG Annual Meeting | November 2022
Crispe K, de la Cerda D, Dickinson LM, et al. The PRimary care Education and Practice Adoption Resource Evaluation for Continuous Glucose Monitoring (PREPARE 4 CGM) Study. NAPCRG Annual Meeting | November 2022
Carroll J, Fernald D, Hall T, et al. A Unique Model and Workforce to Address Health-Related Social Needs and Health Equity: Regional Health Connectors in Colorado. Health Promotion Practice [Submitted. Under review]
Solberg LI, Kuzel A, Parchman ML, Shelley DR, Dickinson WP, Walunas TL, Nguyen AM, Fagnan LJ, Cykert S, Cohen DJ, Balasubramanaian BA, Fernald D, Gordon L, Kho A, Krist A, Miller W, Berry C, Duffy D, Nagykaldi Z. A Taxonomy for External Support for Practice Transformation. J Am Board Fam Med. 2021 Jan-Feb;34(1):32-39. PubMed PMID: 33452080
Solberg LI, Kuzel A, Parchman ML, Shelley DR, Dickinson WP, Walunas TL, Nguyen AM, Fagnan LJ, Cykert S, Cohen DJ, Balasubramanaian BA, Fernald D, Gordon L, Kho A, Krist A, Miller W, Berry C, Duffy D, Nagykaldi Z. A Taxonomy for External Support for Practice Transformation. J Am Board Fam Med. 2021 Jan-Feb;34(1):32-39. PubMed PMID: 33452080
Fernald DH, Zittleman L, Gilchrist EC, Brou LI, Brou LI, Niebauer L, Ledonne C, Sutter C, Felzien M, Westfall JM, Green LA. UPSTREAM! Together evaluation results from community efforts to prevent mental, emotional, and behavioral health problems. Eval Program Plann. 2021 Dec;89:102000. PubMed PMID: 34555734
Fernald D, Hester CM, Brown SR. Why Family Medicine Program Directors Leave Their Position. Fam Med. 2021 May;53(5):347-354. PubMed PMID: 34019680
Dickinson WP, Nease DE Jr, Rhyne RL, Knierim KE, Fernald DH, de la Cerda DR, Dickinson LM. Practice Transformation Support and Patient Engagement to Improve Cardiovascular Care: From EvidenceNOW Southwest (ENSW). J Am Board Fam Med. 2020 Sep-Oct;33(5):675-686. PubMed PMID: 32989062
Fernald DH, Mullen R, Hall T, Bienstock A, Kirchner S, Knierim K, de la Cerda D, Callan D, Rhyne RL, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. Exemplary Practices in Cardiovascular Care: Results on Clinical Quality Measures from the EvidenceNOW Southwest Cooperative. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 Nov;35(11):3197-3204. PubMed PMID: 32808208
Fernald D, Brown S, MD, Van Auken K, Hester C. Factors Related to Family Medicine Residency Program Director Departure: A Multiple-Method Study of Program Director Tenure. Paper presented at 2020 North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 20, 2020 [virtual conference].
Fisher M, Brewer SE, Westfall JM, Simpson M, Zittleman L, O'Leary ST, Fernald DH, Nederveld A, Nease DE Jr. Strategies for Developing and Sustaining Patient and Community Advisory Groups: Lessons from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP) Consortium of Practice-Based Research Networks. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 Sep-Oct;32(5):663-673. PubMed PMID: 31506362
Fisher M, Brewer SE, Fernald DH, Summers Holtrop J, Nederveld A, O'Leary ST, Simpson M, Westfall JM, Zittleman L, Nease DE Jr. Process for Setting Research Priorities: A Case Study from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP) Consortium. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 Sep-Oct;32(5):655-662. PubMed PMID: 31506361
Hessler DM, Fisher L, Bowyer V, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Kwan B, Fernald DH, Simpson M, Dickinson WP. Self-management support for chronic disease in primary care: frequency of patient self-management problems and patient reported priorities, and alignment with ultimate behavior goal selection. BMC Fam Pract. 2019 Aug 29;20(1):120. PubMed PMID: 31464589
Knierim KE, Hall TL, Dickinson LM, Nease DE Jr, de la Cerda DR, Fernald D, Bleecker MJ, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. Primary Care Practices' Ability to Report Electronic Clinical Quality Measures in the EvidenceNOW Southwest Initiative to Improve Heart Health. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 Aug 2;2(8):e198569. PubMed PMID: 31390033
Fernald D, Hall T, Montgomery L, Hartman C, Jortberg B, Buscaj E, King J, Dickinson M, Dickinson WP. Colorado Residency PCMH Project: Results From a 6-Year Transformation Effort. Fam Med. 2019 Jul;51(7):578-586. PubMed PMID: 31125420
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Fernald DH, Cuffney M, Fisher L. A Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Strategies for Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 May-Jun;32(3):341-352. PubMed PMID: 31068398
Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Hessler DM, Dickinson LM, Wearner R, Connelly L, Holtrop JS, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Practice Characteristics Associated with Better Implementation of Patient Self-Management Support. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 May-Jun;32(3):329-340. PubMed PMID: 31068397
Kwan BM, Fernald D, Ferrarone P, Loskutova N, Summers Holtrop J, Staton EW, Westfall JM. Implementation and Evaluation of a Laboratory Safety Process Improvement Toolkit. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 Mar-Apr;32(2):136-145. PubMed PMID: 30850450
Hall T, Dickinson LM, Fernald D, Kirchner S, Dickinson P. Dose & Implementation of Facilitation for Primary Care Practice Improvement: Findings from EvidenceNOW Southwest. Poster presented at 2019 North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 16-20, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
Fernald D, Gilchrist E, Zittleman L, Westfall J, Green L. UPSTREAM Together! Results and Lessons from Community Efforts to Prevent Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Health Problems. Paper presented at 2019 North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 16-20, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
Dalton AF, Lyon C, Parnes B, Fernald D, Lewis CL. Developing a Quality Measurement Strategy in an Academic Primary Care Setting: An Environmental Scan. J Healthc Qual. 2018 Nov Dec;40(6):e90-e100. PubMed PMID: 30113366
Fernald DH, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Wearner R, Dickinson LM, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Recruiting Primary Care Practices for Research: Reflections and Reminders. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018 Nov-Dec;31(6):947-951. PubMed PMID: 30413552
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Fernald DH, Fisher L. A protocol for a cluster randomized trial comparing strategies for translating self-management support into primary care practices. BMC Fam Pract. 2018 Jul 24;19(1):126. PubMed PMID: 30041598
English AF, Dickinson LM, Zittleman L, Nease DE Jr, Herrick A, Westfall JM, Simpson MJ, Fernald DH, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. A Community Engagement Method to Design Patient Engagement Materials for Cardiovascular Health. Ann Fam Med. 2018 Apr;16(Suppl 1):S58-S64. PubMed PMID: 29632227
Kwan BM, Rockwood A, Bandle B, Fernald D, Hamer MK, Capp R. Community Health Workers: Addressing Client Objectives Among Frequent Emergency Department Users. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2018 Mar Apr;24(2):146-154. PubMed PMID: 28141671
Fernald D, Simpson M, Nease D, Hahn D, Hoffman A, et al. Implementing Community-Created Self-Management Support Tools in Primary Care Practices: Multimethod Analysis From the INSTTEPP Study. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews. 2018 October; 5(4):267-275
Nease D, M Daly J, Dickinson LM, Fernald D, Hahn D, T Levy B, et al. Impact of a Boot Camp Translation Intervention on Self-Management Support in Primary Care. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews. 2018;5:256-66. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.1635.
Simpson MJ, Daly JM, Fernald DH, Westfall JM, Michaels LC, Levy BT, Hahn DL, Fagnan LJ, Nease DE Jr. How to translate self-management support tools into clinical practice. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2018;5:276-86. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.1636
Fagnan LJ, Simpson MJ, Daly JM, Michaels LC, Hahn DL, Levy BT, Fernald DH, Westfall JM, Nease DE Jr. Adapting boot camp translation methods to engage clinician/patient research teams within Practice-based research networks. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2018;5:298-303. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.1633
Fernald D, Mullen R, Bienstock A, et al. Identify Your Exemplary Practices: Lessons from the EvidenceNOW Southwest Collaborative. Poster presented at NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network Conference, June 25, 2018, Bethesda, MD.
Zittleman L, Westfall J, Callan D, et al. Practice Preferences for Regional Boot Camp Translation Produced Materials: Results From Four Boot Camp Translations for EvidenceNOW Southwest. Poster presented at 2018 North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 9-13, 2018, Chicago, IL.
Zittleman L, Fernald D, Gilchrist E, et al. UPSTREAM! Together: Creating Locally Relevant Community Interventions to Prevent Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Health Problems in Three Unique Communities. Poster presented at 2018 North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 9-13, 2018, Chicago, IL.
Kirchner S, Fernald D, Hall T, et al. Key Activities of Practice Facilitators and Clinical Health Information Technology Advisers: Findings from EvidenceNOW Southwest. Poster presented at 2018 North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 9-13, 2018, Chicago, IL.
Fernald D, Mullen R, Bienstock A, et al. Exemplary Practices in Cardiovascular Care: Lessons From the EvidenceNOW Southwest Collaborative. Poster presented at 2018 North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 9-13, 2018, Chicago, IL.
Kwan BM, Rockwood A, Bandle B, Fernald D, Hamer MK, Capp R. Community Health Workers: Addressing Client Objectives Among Frequent Emergency Department Users. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2017 Publish Ahead of Print. PubMed PMID: 28141671
Knierim K, Hall T, Fernald D, Staff TJ, Buscaj E, Allen JC, Onysko M, Dickinson WP. Effects of Hospital Systems on Medical Home Transformation in Primary Care Residency Training Practices. J Ambul Care Manage. 2017 Jul Sep;40(3):220-227. PubMed PMID: 27893519
Knierim K, Hall T, Fernald D, Staff TJ, Buscaj E, Allen JC, Onysko M, Dickinson WP. Effects of Hospital Systems on Medical Home Transformation in Primary Care Residency Training Practices. J Ambul Care Manage. 2016 Nov 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27893519
Buscaj E, Hall T, Montgomery L, Fernald DH, King J, Deaner N, Dickinson WP. Practice Facilitation for PCMH Implementation in Residency Practices. Fam Med. 2016 Nov;48(10):795-800. PubMed PMID: 27875602
Balasubramanian BA, Fernald D, Dickinson LM, Davis M, Gunn R, Crabtree BF, Miller BF, Cohen DJ. REACH of Interventions Integrating Primary Care and Behavioral Health. J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;28 Suppl 1:S73-85. PubMed PMID: 26359475
Cifuentes M, Davis M, Fernald D, Gunn R, Dickinson P, Cohen DJ. Electronic Health Record Challenges, Workarounds, and Solutions Observed in Practices Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care. J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;28 Suppl 1:S63-72. PubMed PMID: 26359473
Davis MM, Balasubramanian BA, Cifuentes M, Hall J, Gunn R, Fernald D, Gilchrist E, Miller BF, DeGruy F 3rd, Cohen DJ. Clinician Staffing, Scheduling, and Engagement Strategies Among Primary Care Practices Delivering Integrated Care. J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;28 Suppl 1:S32-40. PubMed PMID: 26359470
Fernald D, Hamer M, James K, Tutt B, West D. Launching a Laboratory Testing Process Quality Improvement Toolkit: From the Shared Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP). J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;28(5):576-83. PubMed PMID: 26355129
West DR, James KA, Fernald DH, Zelie C, Smith ML, Raab SS. Laboratory medicine handoff gaps experienced by primary care practices: A report from the shared networks of collaborative ambulatory practices and partners (SNOCAP). J Am Board Fam Med. 2014 Nov-Dec;27(6):796-803. PubMed PMID: 25381077
Knierim KE, Fernald DH, Staton EW, Nease DE Jr. Organizing your practice for screening and secondary prevention among adults. Prim Care. 2014 Jun;41(2):163-83. PubMed PMID: 24830604
Fernald D, Wearner R, Dickinson WP. Supporting primary care practices in building capacity to use health information data. EGEMS (Wash DC). 2014;2(3):1094. PubMed PMID: 25848621
James KA, Fernald DH, Huff J, Ross S, Staton EW, West D, Ricciardi R. GAPS in implementing health assessments in primary care: a literature review. J Ambul Care Manage. 2014 Jan-Mar;37(1):2-10. PubMed PMID: 24309390
West DR, James KA, Fernald DH, Zelie C, Smith ML, Raab SS. Laboratory medicine handoff gaps experienced by primary care practices: A report from the shared networks of collaborative ambulatory practices and partners (SNOCAP). J Am Board Fam Med. 2014 Nov-Dec;27(6):796-803. PubMed PMID: 25381077
Knierim KE, Fernald DH, Staton EW, Nease DE Jr. Organizing your practice for screening and secondary prevention among adults. Prim Care. 2014 Jun;41(2):163-83. PubMed PMID: 24830604
Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Dickinson LM, Coombs L, Deaner N, O'Neill C, deGruy F, Green L, Dickinson WP. Curriculum redesign for teaching the PCMH in Colorado Family Medicine Residency programs. Fam Med. 2014 Jan;46(1):11-8. PubMed PMID: 24415503
James KA, Fernald DH, Huff J, Ross S, Staton EW, West D, Ricciardi R. GAPS in implementing health assessments in primary care: a literature review. J Ambul Care Manage. 2014 Jan-Mar;37(1):2-10. PubMed PMID: 24309390
Fernald D, Wearner R, Dickinson WP. Supporting Primary Care Practices in Building Capacity to Use Health Information Data. eGEMs (Generating Evidence & Methods to improve patient outcomes). 2014;2(3).
Brandt E, Fernald DH, Parnes B, Pace W, West DR. An Electronic Card Study of Treatment Strategies for Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA). In: Battles JB, Cleeman JI, Kahn KL, Weinberg DA, eds. Advances in the Prevention and Control of HAIs. AHRQ Pub. No. 14-0003. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; June 2014:205-213.
Smith ML, Raab SS, Fernald DH, James KA, Lebin JA, Grzybicki DM, et al. Evaluating the connections between primary care practice and clinical laboratory testing: a review of the literature and call for laboratory involvement in the solutions. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2013;137(1):120-5.
Fernald D, Balasubramanian B, Cohen D, Cifuentes C. Measuring the reach of primary care-behavioral health integration innovations: challenges and solutions. Poster presented at WONCA World Conference 2013, June 25-29, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic.
Fernald D, Dickinson P, Jortberg B, Deaner N. Change Framework for Building The Patient-centered Medical Home in Family Medicine Residencies. Paper presented at STFM Annual Spring Conference, May 5, 2013, Baltimore, MD.
Smith ML, Raab SS, Fernald DH, James KA, Lebin JA, Grzybicki DM, Zelie C, West DR. Evaluating the connections between primary care practice and clinical laboratory testing: a review of the literature and call for laboratory involvement in the solutions. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2013 Jan;137(1):120-5. PubMed PMID: 23276182
Fernald DH, Wearner R, Dickinson WP. The journey of primary care practices to meaningful use: a Colorado Beacon Consortium study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2013 Sep-Oct;26(5):603-11. PubMed PMID: 24004712
Fernald DH, Tsai AG, Vance B, James KA, Barnard J, Staton EW, Pace WD, West DR. Health Assessments in Primary Care: A How-to Guide for Clinicians and Staff. AHRQ Publication No. 13-0061-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. September 2013. Available at:
Westfall JM, Ingram B, Navarro D, Magee D, Niebauer L, Zittleman L, Fernald D, Pace W. Engaging Communities in Education and Research: PBRNs, AHEC, and CTSA. Clinical and Translational Science. 2012;(In Press)
Stewart EE, Fernald D, Staton EW. A Tookit to Improve the Treatment of CA-MRSA. Fam Pract Manag. 2012;19(5):21–24.
Fernald D, Harris A, Deaton EA, et al. A standardized reporting system for assessment of diverse public health programs. Prev Chronic Dis. 2012;9:E147.
Fernald DH, Balasubramanian B, Cifuentes M. Setting the Stage for Measuring the Reach of Primary Care Innovations: An Evaluation Approach. Poster presented at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, December 3, 2012, New Orleans, LA.
Fernald D, James K, Staton E, Huff J, West D. Stakeholder Input on the Selection, Implementation, and Effective Use of Health Risk Assessments in Primary Care. Poster presented at NAPCRG Practice-based Research Network Conference, June 22, 2012, Bethesda, MD.
Jortberg B, Fernald D, Dickinson P. Changes in Curricular "PCMH-ness" in Colorado Family Medicine Residency Programs. Paper presented at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, December 4, 2012, New Orleans, LA.
Westfall J, McGinnis P, Sussman A, Zittleman L, Fernald D. Practice-based Research Networks as a Mechanism to Integrate Primary Care and Public Health into Communities of Solution. Workshop presented at NAPCRG Practice-based Research Network Conference, June 22, 2012, Bethesda, MD.
Fernald DH, Coombs L, Dealleaume L, West D, Parnes B. An Assessment of the Hawthorne Effect in Practice-based Research. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2012;25(1):83-6.
Fernald DH, Dickinson LM, Froshaug DB, et al. A Quest for Evidence About Improving Multiple Health Risk Behaviors in Primary Care: Lessons from the Prescription for Health COMBO Study. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2012(In Press.)
Thompson D, Fernald DH, Mold JW. Intra-Class Correlation Coefficients Typical of Cluster-Randomized Studies: Information from the Robert Wood Johnson Prescription for Health Project. Ann Fam Med. 2012; (In Press).
Fernald D. (2011) Tools to Assess Patient Centered Medical “Homeness” in Primary Care. Paper presented at the AHRQ National PBRN Research Conference, June 22, 2011, Bethesda, MD.
Fernald D. (2011) Assessment of Relevant Laboratory Testing Processes for Improvement in Primary Care. Paper presented at the AHRQ National PBRN Research Conference, June 22, 2011, Bethesda, MD.
Fernald DH, Deaner N, O'Neill C, Jortberg B, DeGruy F, Dickinson WP. The Rise, Fall, & Persistence of Barriers to Medical Home Transformative Change. Poster presented at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 15, 2011. Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Rhyne R, Sussman AL, Fernald D, Weller N, Daniels E, Williams RL. Reports of persistent change in the clinical encounter following research participation: a report from the Primary Care Multiethnic Network (PRIME Net). J Am Board Fam Med. 2011;24(5):496-502.
Leverence RR, Williams RL, Potter M, Fernald D, Unverzagt M, Pace W, et al. Chronic non-cancer pain: a siren for primary care--a report from the PRImary care MultiEthnic Network (PRIME Net). J Am Board Fam Med. 2011;24(5):551-61.
Fernald DH, Deaner N, Neill CO, et al. Overcoming Early Barriers to PCMH Practice Improvement in Family Medicine Residencies. Family Medicine. 2011;43(7):503-509.
Parnes B, Fernald D, Coombs L, et al. Improving the Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Primary Care: A Report From State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP-USA) and the Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network (DARTNet). Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2011;24(5):534-42.
Thompson D, Fernald DH, Mold JW. Intra-Class Correlation Coefficients Typical of Cluster-Randomized Studies: Information from the Robert Wood Johnson Prescription for Health Project. Ann Fam Med. 2011
Fernald DH, Parnes B, Coombs L, West DM. (2010) How to get patient feedback on quality improvement efforts: a tale of two methods. Poster presented at AHRQ National PBRN Research Conference, June 16-18, 2010. Bethesda, MD.
Green LA, Fernald DH, Cifuentes M. Measuring Unhealthy Behaviors in Primary Care. Poster presentation at the 19th Wonca World Conference of Family Doctors, May 19-23, 2010, Cancun, Mexico
Westfall, JM, Fernald DH. Stop the Escalators: Using the Built Environment to Increase Usual Daily Activity. Pragmatic and Observational Research. 2010;1(1):7-9.
Padilla R, Bull S, Raghunath SG, Fernald D, Havranek EP, Steiner JF. Designing a cardiovascular disease prevention web site for Latinos: qualitative community feedback. Health promotion practice. 2010 ;11(1):140-7.
Ross SE, Schilling LM, Fernald DH, Davidson AJ, West DR. Health information exchange in small-to-medium sized family medicine practices: Motivators, barriers, and potential facilitators of adoption. International journal of medical informatics. 2010 ;79(2):123-129.
Fernald D, Cifuentes M, Dickinson LM, Green LA. Results From the use of Brief Measures to Assess Health Behavior Change Interventions in PBRNs: A Prescription for Health Report. A paper presentation at North American Primary Care Research Group, 2009 Annual Meeting, November 15, 2009, Montreal, Canada.
Staton, E and Fernald D, Niebauar L, Parnes B, Westfall J, Zittleman L. Card Studies: An Observational Research Method. A workshop at North American Primary Care Research Group, 2009 Annual Meeting, November 18, 2009, Montreal, Canada.
Fernald D, Dickinson LM. Addressing Multiple Health Risk Behaviors: Lessons for the Medical Home From the Combo Study . Paper presented at the 42nd Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. May 2, 2009. Denver, Colorado.
Froshaug DB, Dickinson LM, Fernald DH, Green LA. Personal Health Behaviors are Associated with Physical and Mental Unhealthy Days: A Prescription for Health (P4H) Practice-based Research Networks Study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2009 July 1;22(4):368-74.
Padilla R, Bull S, Raghunath SG, Fernald D, Havranek EP, Steiner JF. Designing a Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Web Site for Latinos: Qualitative Community Feedback. Health Promotion Practice. In Press.
Voorhees K, Fernald DH, Emsermann C, Zittleman L, Smith PC, Parnes B, Winkelman K, Westfall JM. Underinsurance in Primary Care: A report from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP). JABFM. In Press.
Fernald DH, Froshaug D, Dickinson LM, Cifuentes M, Green L. (2008) Multiple Health Risk Behaviors in Primary Care: A Report from Prescription for Health. Poster presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 9, 2008. Washington, D.C.
Fernald DH. (2008) Monitoring multiple health risk behaviors in primary care: A Report from Prescription for Health. Paper presented at AHRQ National PBRN Research Conference, June 11-13, 2008. Bethesda, MD.
Voorhees K, Fernald DH, Emsermann C, Zittleman L, Smith PC, Parnes B, Winkelman K, Westfall JM. Underinsurance in Primary Care: A report from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP). J Am Board Fam Med 2008 Jul 1;21(4):309-16.
Fernald DH, Froshaug DB, Dickinson LM, Balasubramanian, BA, Dodoo MS, Holtrop JS, Hung, DY, Glasgow RE, Niebauer LJ, Green LA. Common Measures, Better Outcomes (COMBO): A Field Test of Brief Health Behavior Measures in Primary Care. Am J Prev Med. 2008; 35(5):S414-S422
Balasubramanian BA, Cohen DJ, Clark EC, Isaacson NF, Hung DY, Dickinson LM, Fernald DH, Green LA, Crabtree BF: Practice-level approaches for behavioral counseling and patient health behaviors. Am J Prev Med 2008; 35(5):S407-S413.
Hung DY, Glasgow RE, Dickinson LM, Froshaug DB, Fernald DH, Balasubramanian BA, Green LA: The chronic care model and relationships to patient health status and health-related quality of life. Am J Prev Med. 2008; 35(5):S398-S406.
West DR, Pace WD, Dickinson LM, Harris DM, Main DS, Westfall JM, Fernald DH, Staton EW. Relationship Between Patient Harm and Reported Medical Errors in Primary Care: A Report from the ASIPS Collaborative. In Henriksen K, Battles JB, Keyes MA, Grady ML, editors. Advances in patient safety: New directions and alternative approaches. Vol. 1. Assessment. AHRQ Publication No. 08-0034-1. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; August 2008.
Fernald, DH , Froshaug D, Dickinson LM, Cifuentes M, Green L. Common Measures for Multiple Health Risk Behavior Assessment in Primary Care: Why Bother and What Can We Learn? Poster presented at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 17, 2008. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Staton E, Fernald D. Designing Useable Electronic Interfaces for Research. (2007) Workshop presented at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 18, 2008. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Fernald DH, Bailey D, Dickinson LM, Cifuentes M, Green L. (2007) Multiple Health Risk Behaviors in Primary Care: A Report from Prescription for Health. Poster presented at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, October 22, 2007. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Fernald DH, Cifuentes M, Niebauer L, Green LA. (2007) Emerging Practice Systems Should Be Able to Service Chronic Disease Care and Prevention: Efficiency! Paper presented at 18th Wonca World Conference, July 26, 2007. Singapore.
Staton E, Fernald D. Designing Useable Electronic Interfaces for Research. (2007) Workshop presented at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, October 21, 2007. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Voorhees K, Emsermann C, Fernald D, Zittleman L, Smith P, Parnes B. (2007) Underinsured in Primary Care: A Report from SNOCAP. Poster presented at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, October 22, 2007. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Bailey D, Emsermann C, Fernald D, Dickinson M, Cifuentes M, Green L. (2007) Another Look at the Importance of Hierarchical Analysis in PBRN Research: A Report from Prescription for Health Poster presented at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, October 22, 2007. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Jortberg BT, Dickinson LM, Fernald DH, Bienstock A, et al. Improving care for unhealthy alcohol use: Results from the Facilitating Alcohol Screening and Treatment (FAST) Colorado Study. J Am Board Fam Med. In Press.
Dickinson WP, Gritz M, Knierim KE, Kirchner S, Fernald DH, et al. Impact of Practice Transformation Support on Practice Efforts to Implement Behavioral Health Integration: A Report from the Colorado State Innovation Model Initiative. J Am Board Fam Med. In Press.
Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Hessler DM, et al. Baseline Practice Characteristics for Connection to Health: A Cluster-Randomized Trial Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. J Am Board Fam Med. In Press.
Fernald, DH. Review of Transforming Teamwork: Cultivating Collaborative Cultures. Fam Syst Health. In Press.
Fernald D, Hall T, Montgomery L, Hartman C, Jortberg B, Buscaj E, et al. Colorado Residency PCMH Project: Results from a Six-Year Transformation Effort. J Am Board Fam Med. In Press.
Dickinson WP, Nease DE, Rhyne RL, Knierim KE, Fernald DH, de la Cerda DR, Dickinson LM. Impact of Practice Transformation Support and Patient Engagement on Practice Efforts to Improve Cardiovascular Care: A Report from EvidenceNOW Southwest. J Am Board Fam Med. In Press.