Boris Draznin, MD, PhD

Professor, Medicine-Endocrinology/Metabolism/Diabetes

Medical School
  • MD, Minsk State Medical Institution, USSR (1968)
Graduate School
  • PhD, Vilnius Institute of Experimental Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania (1973)
  • University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (1980)
Russian, Spanish, Hebrew, English

Professional Titles

  • Director, Adult Diabetes Program


  • Virtual Patient Simulation Offers an Objective Assessment of CME Activity by Improving Clinical Knowledge and the Levels of Competency of Healthcare Providers. JOURNAL OF CME2023, VOL. 12, 2166717© 2023
  • Draznin B. Hirsch IB. Time to Follow the Evidence: Glycemic control and cardiovascular benefits of new diabetes medications. Am J Med 2021; 134:420-422.
  • Iancu I, Pozniak E, Draznin B. Virtual patient simulation platforms challenging traditional CME: Identification of gaps in knowledge in management of Type 2 diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Journal of European CME, 10:1. Published on line Nov 22, 2021
  • Diabetes in Practice: Case studies with commentaries.
  • Diabetes Management
  • Draznin B. Hirsch IB. Time to Follow the Evidence: Glycemic control and cardiovascular benefits of new diabetes medications. Am J Med 2021 (in press).
  • Draznin B. (Editor) Diabetes Technology – Science and Practice. American Diabetes Association. (in press, 2019).
  • Hirsch IB, Draznin B. Transition of Patients to and from Insulin Degludec: A Clinical Challenge. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31840748
  • LeRoith D, Biessels GJ, Braithwaite SS, Casanueva FF, Draznin B, Halter JB, Hirsch IB, McDonnell ME, Molitch ME, Murad MH, Sinclair AJ. Treatment of Diabetes in Older Adults: An Endocrine Society* Clinical Practice Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 May 1;104(5):1520-1574. PubMed PMID: 30903688
  • Diabetes Technology: Science and Practice
  • Boris Draznin and Michael McDermott. Infrastructure of Diabetes Clinics and Centers to Support Diabetes Technology. in Diabetes Technology:Science and Practice. B.Draznin (editor), ADA 2019.
  • Draznin B, Kahn PA, Wagner N, Hirsch IB, Korytkowski M, Harlan DM, McDonnell ME, Gabbay RA. Clinical diabetes centers of excellence: a model for future adult diabetes care. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 103:809-812; 2018.
  • Draznin B, Nathan DM, Korytkowski M, McDonnell M, Schutta MH, Cefalu WT. Guidelines vs. Guidelines – what’s best for the patient? Ann Intern Med, Aug 2018; 169:186-187.
  • Draznin B, Nathan DM, Korytkowski M, McDonnell M, Schutta MH, Cefalu WT. Guidelines vs. Guidelines. Letter to the Editor. Ann Intern Med, Aug 2018; 169:896-897.
  • Atypical Diabetes
  • Low Wang. C and Draznin B. Insulin Resistance. In Atypical Diabetes, ed. Boris Draznin. American Diabetes Association, March 2018.
  • Draznin B, Kahn PA, Wagner N, Hirsch IB, Korytkowski M, Harlan DM, McDonnell ME, Gabbay RA. Clinical diabetes centers of excellence: a model for future adult diabetes care. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018 (in press).
  • Grodzinsky A, Arnold, SV, Jacob D, Draznin B, Kosiborod M. Diabetes friendly management of cardiovascular disease: A review. Endocr. Practice 23:363-371, 2017.
  • Food, Fasting, Insulin, and Glycemic Control in the Hospital. In Managing diabetes and hyperglycemia in the hospital setting. Ed. Boris Draznin, MD, PhD.
  • Hyperglycemia in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. In Managing diabetes and hyperglycemia in the hospital setting. Ed. Boris Draznin, MD, PhD.
  • Management of Hospitalized Adult Patients with Cystic Fibrosis-related Diabetes. In Managing diabetes and hyperglycemia in the hospital setting. Ed. Boris Draznin, MD, PhD.
  • Insulin Resistance in Patients Treated with Therapeutic Hypothermia and in Patients with Severe Burns. In Managing diabetes and hyperglycemia in the hospital setting. Ed. Boris Draznin, MD, PhD.
  • Inpatient Management of Patients with Extreme Insulin Resistance Receiving U-500 Insulin. In Managing diabetes and hyperglycemia in the hospital setting. Ed. Boris Draznin, MD, PhD.
  • Management of Patients Postpancreatectomy. In Managing diabetes and hyperglycemia in the hospital setting. Ed. Boris Draznin, MD, PhD.
  • Diabetic Gastroparesis: Update with Emphasis on Inpatient Management. In Managing diabetes and hyperglycemia in the hospital setting. Ed. Boris Draznin, MD, PhD.
  • Klonoff DC, Draznin B, Drincic A, Dungan K, Gianchandani R, Inzucchi SE, Nichols JH, Rice MJ, Seley JJ. PRIDE Statement on the Need for a Moratorium on the CMS Plan to Cite Hospitals for Performing Point-of-Care Capillary Blood Glucose Monitoring on Critically Ill Patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Oct;100(10):3607-12. PubMed PMID: 26398626
  • Hellman R, Draznin B. Do we need to broaden the scope of inpatient diabetes education to include our faculty?. Endocr Pract. 2015 Apr;21(4):448-9. PubMed PMID: 25667380
  • 26. Draznin B. Editor “Diabetes Case Files: Real Problems, Practical Solutions”. American Diabetes Association, 2015.
  • Seggelke SA, Hawkins RM, Gibbs J, Rasouli N, Wang CL, Draznin B. Transitional Care Clinic for Uninsured and Medicaid covered Patients with Diabetes Discharged from the Hospital May Reduce Re-admissions: A Pilot Quality Improvement Study. Hospital Practice 42:46-51, 2014.
  • Draznin B, Gilden J, Golden SH, Inzucchi SE for the PRIDE investigators. Pathways to quality inpatient management of hyperglycemia and diabetes: A call to action. Diabetes Care (in press), 2013.
  • Wang CCL, Draznin B. The use of insulin in hospitalized patients with diabetes:Navigate with care. Diabetes Spectrum (in press), 2013.
  • 24. Cornier MA, Draznin B. Low carbohydrate diets in the treatment of the metabolic syndrome. Ed. Henning Beck-Nielsen (In press). 2013.
  • Wang CC, Adochio RL, Leitner JW, Abeyta IM, Draznin B, Cornier MA. Acute effects of different diet compositions on skeletal muscle insulin signaling in obese individuals during caloric restriction. Metabolism 62:595-603, 2013.
  • Wang CCL, Leitner JW, Sarraf M, Gianani R, Draznin B, Greyson CR, Reusch JE, Schwartz GG. Arterial insulin resistance in Yucatan micropigs with diet-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome. J Diabetes Complications. 27:307-315, 2013.
  • Draznin B, Gilden J, Golden SH, Inzucchi SE for the PRIDE investigators. Pathways to quality inpatient management of hyperglycemia and diabetes: A call to action. Diabetes Care 36:1807-1814, 2013.
  • Wang CCL, Draznin B. The use of insulin in hospitalized patients with diabetes: Navigate with care. Diabetes Spectrum 26: 124-130, 2013.
  • Wang CCL, Draznin B. Practical approach to management inpatient hyperglycemia in selected populations. Hospital Practice 41: 45-53, 2013.
  • Bergouignan A, Gozansky W, Barry D, Leitner JW, MacLean PS, Hill JO, Draznin B, Melanson EL. Increasing dietary fat elicits similar changes in fat oxidation and markers of muscle oxidative capacity in lean and obese humans. PLos 7:e30164-30178, 2012.
  • Bergouignan A, Gozansky W, Barry D, Leitner JW, MacLean PS, Hill JO, Draznin B, Melanson EL. Increasing dietary fat elicits similar changes in fat oxidation and markers of muscle oxidative capacity in lean and obese humans. PLos 7:e30164-30178, 2012.
  • Hsia E, Seggelke S, Gibbs J, Hawkins RM, Cohlmia E, Rasouli N, Wang C, Kam I, Draznin B. Subcutaneous Administration of Glargine to Diabetic Patients Receiving Insulin Infusion Prevents Rebound Hyperglycemia. J Clin Endocr Metab 97:3132-3137, 2012.
  • Draznin B, Wang C, Adochio R, Leitner JW, and Cornier M. Effect of dietary macronutrient composition on AMPK and SIRT1 expression and activity in human skeletal muscle. Horn Met Res 44:650-655, 2012.
  • Rasouli N., Seggelke S, Gibbs J, Hawkins RM, Casciano M, Cohlmia E, Taylor-Cousar J, Wang C, Pereira R, Hsia E, Draznin B. Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes in adults: inpatient management of 121 patients during 410 admissions. J Diab Sci Technol 6:1038-1044, 2012.
  • Seggelke SA, Gibbs J, Draznin B. Pilot study of using NPH insulin to counteract the effect of methylprednisolone in hospitalized patients with diabetes. Hosp Med (in press) 2011.
  • 140. Seggelke SA, Gibbs J, Draznin B. Pilot study of using NPH insulin to counteract the effect of methylprednisolone in hospitalized patients with diabetes. J Hosp Med 6: 175-176, 2011.
  • 141. Draznin B. Mechanism of the mitogenic influence of hyperinsulinemia. Diabetology Metab Syndrome. 3:10-12, 2011.
  • 142. Hsia E, Draznin B. Intensive control of diabetes in the hospital: Why, how and what is in the future? J Diab Sci Technol 5:1596-1601, 2011.
  • 143. Hsia E, Seggelke SA, Gibbs J, Rasouli N, and Draznin B. Comparison of 70/30 biphasic insulin with glargine/lispro regimen in non-critically ill diabetic patients on continuous enteral nutrition therapy. J Clin Nutr 26:714-717, 2011.
  • Lee J, Xu Y, Lu L, Leitner JW, Greyson C, Draznin B, Schwartz GG. Multiple abnormalities of myocardial insulin signaling in a porcine model of diet-induced obesity. Am J Physiol 298:H310-319, 2010.
  • Nadeau KJ, Zeitler PS, Bauer TA, Brown MS, Dorosz JL, Regensteiner JG, Drazni Reusch JE.A Unique Phenotype of Insulin Resistance in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Implications for Cardiovascular Function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95:513-521, 2010
  • 133. Kim T, Leitner JW, Adochio R, and Draznin B. Knockdown of JNK rescues 3T3-L1 adipocytes from insulin resistance induced by mitochondrial dysfunction. Biochem Biophys Res Communication 2009 (in press).
  • 132. Adochio R, Leitner JW, Hedlund R, and Draznin B. Rescuing 3T3-L1 adipocytes from insulin resistance induced by stimulation of Akt-mTOR-S6K1 pathway and serine phosphorylation of IRS-1: Effect of reduced expression of p85a subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and S6K1 kinase. Endocrinology 150:1165-1173, 2009.
  • 133. Kim T, Leitner JW, Adochio R, and Draznin B. Knockdown of JNK rescues 3T3-L1 adipocytes from insulin resistance induced by mitochondrial dysfunction. Biochem Biophys Res Communication 378:772-776, 2009.
  • 134. Moriarty MW, McCurdy CE , Janssen RC , Shaw T, Leitner JW, Friedman JE , Draznin B. In vivo knockdown of p85 a with an antisense oligonucleotide improves insulin sensitivity in Lep ob / ob and diet-induced obese mice. Horm Metab Res 41:757-761, 2009.
  • 135. Nadeau KJ, Zeitler PS, Bauer TA, Brown MS, Dorosz JL, Draznin B, Reusch JEB, Regensteiner JG. Insulin resistance in adolescents with Type 2 diabetes is associated with impaired exercise capacity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94:3687-3695, 2009.
  • 137. Adochio RL, Leitner JW, Gray K, Draznin B, and Cornier MA. Early responses of insulin sensitivity to high-carbohydrate and high-fat overfeeding. Nutrition & Metabolism (Lond) 6:37, 2009.
  • Anthony Accurso, Richard K Bernstein, Annika Dahlqvist, Boris Draznin, Richard D Feinman, Eugene J Fine, Amy Gleed, David B Jacobs, Gabriel Larson, Robert H Lustig, Anssi H Manninen, Samy I McFarlane, Katharine Morrison, Jørgen Vesti Nielsen, Uffe Ravnskov, Karl S Roth, Ricardo Silvestre, James R Sowers, Ralf Sundberg, Jeff S Volek, Eric C Westman, Richard J Wood, Jay Wortman, Mary C Vernon. Dietary carbohydrate restriction in type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome: time for a critical appraisal. Nutrition & Metabolism, 8:5-9, 2008.
  • 130. Pereira R, Leitner JW., Draznin B. Pioglitazone acutely stimulates adiponectin secretion from mouse and human adipocytes via activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase Life Sciences 83:638-643, 2008.
  • 131. Muntoni S, Muntoni S, and Draznin B. Effects of chronic hyerinsulinemia in insulin resistant patients. Curr Diab Rep 8:233-238, 2008.
  • 126. Nadeau KJ, Ehlers LB, Aguirre LE, Reusch JEB, and Draznin B. Discordance between intramuscular triglyceride and insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle of Zucker diabetic rats after treatment with fenofibrate and rosiglitazone. Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism 2007
  • Wang CCL, Sorribas V, Sharma G, Levi M, and Draznin B. Insulin attenuates vascular smooth muscle calcification but increases vascular smooth muscle cell phosphate transport. Atherosclerosis 195: e65-e75, 2007.
  • 121. Wang C, Sharma G, and Draznin B. EGR-1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells: effects of insulin and oxidant stress. American J Hypertension 19:366-372, 2006.
  • 122. Cornier M-A, Bessesen DH, Gurevich I, Leitner JW, and Draznin B. Nutritional up-regulation of p85? expression is an early molecular manifestation of insulin resistance. Diabetologia 49:748-754, 2006.
  • 123. Nadeau KJ, Ehlers LB, Aguirre L, Moore RL, Jew KN, Ortmeyer HK, Hansen BC, Reusch JE-B, and Draznin B. Exercise Training and Calorie Restriction Increase SREBP-1 Expression and Intramuscular Triglyceride in Skeletal Muscle. American Journal of Physiology 291:E90-91, 2006.
  • 124. Draznin B. Molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance: serine phosphorylation of IRS-1 and increased expression of p85a – the two sides of a coin. Diabetes 55:2392-2397, 2006.
  • 117. Cornier MA, Donahoo WT, Pereira R, Gurevich I, Westergren R, Enerback S, Eckel PJ, Goalstone ML, Hill J, Eckel RH, and Draznin B. Insulin sensitivity determines the effectiveness of dietary macronutrient composition on weight loss in obese women. Obesity Research 13:703-709, 2005.
  • 118. Pereira R and Draznin B. Inhibition of PI 3-kinase signaling pathway leads to decreased insulin-stimulated adiponectin secretion from 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Metabolism 54:1636-1643, 2005
  • 119. Barbour L, Rahman SM, Gurevich I, Leitner JW, Fisher S, Roper M, Knotts T, Vo Y, Yakar S, LeRoith D, Kahn CR, Cantley L, Friedman J, and Draznin B. Increased P85alpha is a potent negative regulator of skeletal muscle insulin signaling and induces in vivo insulin resistance associated with growth hormone excess. Journal Biological Chemistry 280:37489-37494, 2005.
  • 19. Draznin B. Adventures of the Soupman. PublishAmerica 2005.
  • 120. Reusch JE-B and Draznin B. Atherosclerosis in diabetes and insulin resistance. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (in press).
  • 121. Wang C, Sharma G, and Draznin B. EGR-1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells: effects of insulin and oxidant stress. American J Hypertension (in press).
  • 122. Cornier M-A, Bessesen DH, Gurevich I, Leitner JW, and Draznin B. Nutritional up-regulation of p85? expression is an early molecular manifestation of insulin resistance. Diabetologia (in press).
  • . Nadeau KJ, Ehlers LB, Aguirre L, Moore RL, Jew KN, Ortmeyer HK, Hansen BC, Reusch JE-B, and Draznin B. Exercise Training and Calorie Restriction Increase SREBP-1 Expression and Intramuscular Triglyceride in Skeletal Muscle. American Journal of Physiology (in press).

Professional Memberships

  • AAP, Member
  • ASCI, Member
  • ADA, Member
  • EASD, Member
  • Endocrine society, Member

Practice Locations

UCHealth Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion - Anschutz Medical Campus
1635 Aurora Ct
Aurora, CO 80045

UCHealth Diabetes and Endocrinology Clinic - Anschutz Medical Campus
1635 Aurora Ct
6th Floor
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Board Certification (1983)
  • Internal Medicine, Board Certification (1980)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Endocrine System (Hormones) - Adult Type 1 Diabetes
  • Endocrine System (Hormones) - Adult Type 2 Diabetes
  • Endocrine System (Hormones)