Rosas R, Aguilar RR, Arslanovic N, Seck A, Smith DJ, Tyler JK, Churchill MEA. A novel single alpha-helix DNA-binding domain in CAF-1 promotes gene silencing and DNA damage survival through tetrasome-length DNA selectivity and spacer function. Elife. 2023 Jul 11;12. PubMed PMID: 37432722
Cleveland JD, Taslimi A, Liu Q, Van Keuren AM, Churchill MEA, Tucker CL. Reprogramming the Cleavage Specificity of Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype B1. ACS Synth Biol. 2022 Oct 21;11(10):3318-3329. PubMed PMID: 36153971
Davis CR, Backos D, Morais MC, Churchill MEA, Catalano CE. Characterization of a Primordial Major Capsid-Scaffolding Protein Complex in Icosahedral Virus Shell Assembly. J Mol Biol. 2022 Oct 15;434(19):167719. PubMed PMID: 35820453
BioRiv: 10.1101/2022.10.11.511754
R. Rosas, R.R. Aguilar, N. Aslanovic, J.K.Tyler and M.E.A. Churchill* “A novel Single Alpha-Helix-DNA-binding domain in CAF-1 promotes gene silencing and DNA damage survival through tetrasome-length DNA selectivity and spacer function”
Dostal V, Churchill MEA. Cytosine methylation of mitochondrial DNA at CpG sequences impacts transcription factor A DNA binding and transcription. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 2019 May;1862(5):598-607. PubMed PMID: 30807854
Duex JE, Swain KE, Dancik GM, Paucek RD, Owens C, Churchill MEA, Theodorescu D. Functional Impact of Chromatin Remodeling Gene Mutations and Predictive Signature for Therapeutic Response in Bladder Cancer. Mol Cancer Res. 2018 Jan;16(1):69-77. PubMed PMID: 28970362
Sauer PV, Gu Y, Liu WH, Mattiroli F, Panne D, Luger K, Churchill ME. Mechanistic insights into histone deposition and nucleosome assembly by the chromatin assembly factor-1. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Nov 2;46(19):9907-9917. PubMed PMID: 30239791
Wysoczynski-Horita CL, Boursier ME, Hill R, Hansen K, Blackwell HE, Churchill MEA. Mechanism of agonism and antagonism of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing regulator QscR with non-native ligands. Mol Microbiol. 2018 May;108(3):240-257. PubMed PMID: 29437248
Duex JE, Swain KE, Dancik GM, Paucek RD, Owens C, Churchill MEA, Theodorescu D. Functional Impact of Chromatin Remodeling Gene Mutations and Predictive Signature for Therapeutic Response in Bladder Cancer. Mol Cancer Res. 2018 Jan;16(1):69-77. PubMed PMID: 28970362
Sleven H, Welsh SJ, Yu J, Churchill ME, Wright CF, Henderson A, Horvath R, Rankin J, Vogt J, Magee A, McConnell V, Green A, King MD, Cox H, Armstrong L, Lehman A, Nelson TN, Williams J, Clouston P, Hagman J, Németh AH. De Novo Mutations in EBF3 Cause a Neurodevelopmental Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2017 Jan 5;100(1):138-150. PubMed PMID: 28017370
Sleven H, Welsh SJ, Yu J, Churchill MEA, Wright CF, Henderson A, Horvath R, Rankin J, Vogt J, Magee A, McConnell V, Green A, King MD, Cox H, Armstrong L, Lehman A, Nelson TN, Williams J, Clouston P, Hagman J, Németh AH. De Novo Mutations in EBF3 Cause a Neurodevelopmental Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2017 Jan 5;100(1):138-150. PubMed PMID: 28017370
Horita H, Wysoczynski CL, Walker LA, Moulton KS, Li M, Ostriker A, Tucker R, McKinsey TA, Churchill ME, Nemenoff RA, Weiser-Evans MC. Nuclear PTEN functions as an essential regulator of SRF-dependent transcription to control smooth muscle differentiation. Nat Commun. 2016 Mar 4;7:10830. PubMed PMID: 26940659
Malarkey CS, Lionetti C, Deceglie S, Roberti M, Churchill ME, Cantatore P, Loguercio Polosa P. The sea urchin mitochondrial transcription factor A binds and bends DNA efficiently despite its unusually short C-terminal tail. Mitochondrion. 2016 Jul;29:1-6. PubMed PMID: 27101895
Malarkey CS, Gustafson CE, Saifee JF, Torres RM, Churchill ME, Janoff EN. Mechanism of Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A Attenuation of CpG-Induced Antibody Production. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 9;11(6):e0157157. PubMed PMID: 27280778
Liu WH, Roemer SC, Zhou Y, Shen ZJ, Dennehey BK, Balsbaugh JL, Liddle JC, Nemkov T, Ahn NG, Hansen KC, Tyler JK, Churchill ME. The Cac1 subunit of histone chaperone CAF-1 organizes CAF-1-H3/H4 architecture and tetramerizes histones. Elife. 2016 Sep 30;5. PubMed PMID: 27690308
Miknis GF, Stevens SJ, Smith LE, Ostrov DA, Churchill ME. Development of novel Asf1-H3/H4 inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2015 Feb 15;25(4):963-8. PubMed PMID: 25582598
Zan J, Choi O, Meharena H, Uhlson CL, Churchill ME, Hill RT, Fuqua C. A solo luxI-type gene directs acylhomoserine lactone synthesis and contributes to motility control in the marine sponge symbiont Ruegeria sp. KLH11. Microbiology. 2015 Jan;161(Pt 1):50-6. PubMed PMID: 25355937
Sánchez-Giraldo R, Acosta-Reyes FJ, Malarkey CS, Saperas N, Churchill ME, Campos JL. Two high-mobility group box domains act together to underwind and kink DNA. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2015 Jul;71(Pt 7):1423-32. PubMed PMID: 26143914
Miknis GF, Stevens SJ, Smith LE, Ostrov DA, Churchill ME. Development of novel Asf1-H3/H4 inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2015 Feb 15;25(4):963-8. PubMed PMID: 25582598
Zan J, Choi O, Meharena H, Uhlson CL, Churchill ME, Hill RT, Fuqua C. A solo luxI-type gene directs acylhomoserine lactone synthesis and contributes to motility control in the marine sponge symbiont Ruegeria sp. KLH11. Microbiology. 2015 Jan;161(Pt 1):50-6. PubMed PMID: 25355937
Blakeslee WW, Wysoczynski CL, Fritz KS, Nyborg JK, Churchill ME, McKinsey TA. Class I HDAC inhibition stimulates cardiac protein SUMOylation through a post-translational mechanism. Cell Signal. 2014 Dec;26(12):2912-20. PubMed PMID: 25220405
Das C, Roy S, Namjoshi S, Malarkey CS, Jones DN, Kutateladze TG, Churchill ME, Tyler JK. Binding of the histone chaperone ASF1 to the CBP bromodomain promotes histone acetylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Mar 25;111(12):E1072-81. PubMed PMID: 24616510
B.K. Dennehey, S. Noone, W.H. Liu, L. Smith, M.E.A. Churchill*, and J.K. Tyler* " The C-terminus of the histone chaperone Asf1 crosslinks to histone H3 in yeast and promotes the interaction with histones H3 and H4" (2013) Molecular Cellular Biology 33, 605-621 [PMC3666882].
E.M. Griner, M.E.A. Churchill, D.L. Brautigan, and D. Theodorescu* "PKC? phosphorylation of RhoGDI at Ser 31 disrupts interactions with Rac1 and decreases GDI activity" (2013) Oncogene, 32, 1010-1017 [PMC3578973].
Y. Okkotsu, P. Tieku, L.F. Fitzsimmons, M.E.A. Churchill, and M.J. Schurr* “Pseudomonas aeruginosa AlgR phosphorylation modulates rhamnolipid production and motility” (2013) J. Bacteriology, 195, 5499-5515 [PMC3889618].
C. Das, S. Roy, C.S. Malarkey, D.N.M. Jones, T.G. Kutateladze, M.E.A. Churchill and J.K. Tyler* “Recognition of acetylated histone H3 lysine 56 and the histone chaperone ASF1 by the CBP bromodomain promotes acetylation of non chromatin-bound histones” (2013, In press) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, .
H. Razzaghi*, A. Tempczyk-Russell, K. Haubold, S.A. Santorico, T. Shokati, U. Christians, M.E.A. Churchill "Genetic and Structure-Function Studies of Missense Mutations in Human Endothelial Lipase" (2013) PLOS One, 8, e55716 [PMC3607615].
C.L. Wysoczynski, S.C. Roemer, V. Dostal, R.M. Barkley, M.E.A. Churchill*, and C.S. Malarkey* “Reversed-phase ion-pair liquid chromatography method for purification of duplex DNA” (2013) Nucleic Acids Res., epub [PMC3814375].
Churchill ME, Sibhatu HM, Uhlson CL Defining the structure and function of acyl-homoserine lactone autoinducers. Methods Mol Biol 692:159-71 (2011)
Pascreau G, Churchill ME, Maller JL Centrosomal localization of cyclins E and A: Structural similarities and functional differences. Cell Cycle 10:199-205 (2011)
Churchill ME, Chen L Structural basis of acyl-homoserine lactone-dependent signaling. Chem Res 111:68-85 (2011)
D.C. Donham II, J.K. Scorgie, and M.E.A. Churchill* “The Activity of the Histone Chaperone Yeast Asf1 in the Assembly and Disassembly of Tetrasomes” (2011) Nucleic Acids Research epub.
Churchill ME, Klass J, Zoetewey DL Structural analysis of HMGD-DNA complexes reveals influence of intercalation on sequence selectivity and DNA bending. J Mol Biol 403:88-102 (2010)
Das C, Tyler JK, Churchill ME The histone shuffle: histone chaperones in an energetic dance. Trends Biochem Sci 35:476-489 (2010)
Tizzano M, Gulbransen BD, Vandenbeuch A, Clapp TR, Herman JP, Sibhatu HM, Churchill ME, Silver WL, Kinnamon SC, Finger TE Nasal chemosensory cells use bitter taste
signaling to detect irritants and bacterial signals. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:3210-3215 (2010)
Pascreau G, Eckerdt F, Churchill ME, Maller JL Discovery of a distinct domain in cyclin A sufficient for centrosomal localization independently of Cdk binding. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107(7):2932-7