Jess Finlay-Schultz, PhD

Assistant Research Professor, Pathology

Graduate School
  • PhD, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (2010)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, University of Colorado - Boulder (CO) (2002)

Professional Titles

  • Research Assistant Professor


  • Ward AV, Riley D, Finlay-Schultz J, Brechbuhl HM, Hill KB, Varshney RR, Kabos P, Rudolph MC, Sartorius CA. Targeting aberrant fatty acid synthesis and storage in endocrine resistant breast cancer cells. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 3. PubMed PMID: 38895323
  • McGinn O, Riley D, Finlay-Schultz J, Paul KV, Kabos P, Sartorius CA. Cytokeratins 5 and 17 Maintain an Aggressive Epithelial State in Basal-Like Breast Cancer. Mol Cancer Res. 2022 Sep 2;20(9):1443-1455. PubMed PMID: 35639459
  • Ward AV, Matthews SB, Fettig LM, Riley D, Finlay-Schultz J, Paul KV, Jackman M, Kabos P, MacLean PS, Sartorius CA. Estrogens and Progestins Cooperatively Shift Breast Cancer Cell Metabolism. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Mar 31;14(7). PubMed PMID: 35406548
  • Hickey TE, Selth LA, Chia KM, Laven-Law G, Milioli HH, Roden D, Jindal S, Hui M, Finlay-Schultz J, Ebrahimie E, Birrell SN, Stelloo S, Iggo R, Alexandrou S, Caldon CE, Abdel-Fatah TM, Ellis IO, Zwart W, Palmieri C, Sartorius CA, Swarbrick A, Lim E, Carroll JS, Tilley WD. The androgen receptor is a tumor suppressor in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Nat Med. 2021 Feb;27(2):310-320. PubMed PMID: 33462444
  • Wahdan-Alaswad RS, Edgerton SM, Salem H, Kim HM, Tan AC, Finlay-Schultz J, Wellberg EA, Sartorius CA, Jacobsen BM, Haugen BR, Liu B, Thor AD. Exogenous Thyroid Hormone Is Associated with Shortened Survival and Upregulation of High-Risk Gene Expression Profiles in Steroid Receptor-Positive Breast Cancers. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 Jan 15;27(2):585-597. PubMed PMID: 33097494
  • McGinn O, Ward AV, Fettig LM, Riley D, Ivie J, Paul KV, Kabos P, Finlay-Schultz J, Sartorius CA. Cytokeratin 5 alters ß-catenin dynamics in breast cancer cells. Oncogene. 2020 Mar;39(12):2478-2492. PubMed PMID: 31988452
  • Brechbuhl HM, Barrett AS, Kopin E, Hagen JC, Han AL, Gillen AE, Finlay-Schultz J, Cittelly DM, Owens P, Horwitz KB, Sartorius CA, Hansen K, Kabos P. Fibroblast subtypes define a metastatic matrisome in breast cancer. JCI Insight. 2020 Feb 27;5(4). PubMed PMID: 32045383
  • Finlay-Schultz J, Jacobsen BM, Riley D, Paul KV, Turner S, Ferreira-Gonzalez A, Harrell JC, Kabos P, Sartorius CA. New generation breast cancer cell lines developed from patient-derived xenografts. Breast Cancer Res. 2020 Jun 23;22(1):68. PubMed PMID: 32576280
  • Wahdan-Alaswad RS, Edgerton SM, Salem H, Kim HM, Tan AC, Finlay-Schultz J, Wellberg EA, Sartorius CA, Jacobsen BM, Haugen BR, Liu B, Thor AD. Exogenous Thyroid Hormone Is Associated with Shortened Survival and Upregulation of High-Risk Gene Expression Profiles in Steroid Receptor-Positive Breast Cancers. Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Oct 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33097494
  • Riemondy KA, Ransom M, Alderman C, Gillen AE, Fu R, Finlay-Schultz J, Kirkpatrick GD, Di Paola J, Kabos P, Sartorius CA, Hesselberth JR. Recovery and analysis of transcriptome subsets from pooled single-cell RNA-seq libraries. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Feb 28;47(4):e20. PubMed PMID: 30496484
  • Riemondy KA, Ransom M, Alderman C, Gillen AE, Fu R, Finlay-Schultz J, Kirkpatrick GD, Di Paola J, Kabos P, Sartorius CA, Hesselberth JR. Recovery and analysis of transcriptome subsets from pooled single-cell RNA-seq libraries. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Nov 29. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30496484
  • Fettig LM, McGinn O, Finlay-Schultz J, LaBarbera DV, Nordeen SK, Sartorius CA. Cross talk between progesterone receptors and retinoic acid receptors in regulation of cytokeratin 5-positive breast cancer cells. Oncogene. 2017 Nov 2;36(44):6074-6084. PubMed PMID: 28692043
  • Finlay-Schultz J, Gillen AE, Brechbuhl HM, Ivie JJ, Matthews SB, Jacobsen BM, Bentley DL, Kabos P, Sartorius CA. Breast Cancer Suppression by Progesterone Receptors Is Mediated by Their Modulation of Estrogen Receptors and RNA Polymerase III. Cancer Res. 2017 Sep 15;77(18):4934-4946. PubMed PMID: 28729413
  • Brechbuhl HM, Finlay-Schultz J, Yamamoto TM, Gillen AE, Cittelly DM, Tan AC, Sams SB, Pillai MM, Elias AD, Robinson WA, Sartorius CA, Kabos P. Fibroblast Subtypes Regulate Responsiveness of Luminal Breast Cancer to Estrogen. Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Apr 1;23(7):1710-1721. PubMed PMID: 27702820
  • Corr BR, Finlay-Schultz J, Rosen RB, Qamar L, Post MD, Behbakht K, Spillman MA, Sartorius CA. Cytokeratin 5-Positive Cells Represent a Therapy Resistant subpopulation in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2015 Nov;25(9):1565-73. PubMed PMID: 26495758
  • Finlay-Schultz J, Sartorius CA. Steroid hormones, steroid receptors, and breast cancer stem cells. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2015 Jun;20(1-2):39-50. PubMed PMID: 26265122
  • Finlay-Schultz J, Cittelly DM, Hendricks P, Patel P, Kabos P, Jacobsen BM, Richer JK, Sartorius CA. Progesterone downregulation of miR-141 contributes to expansion of stem-like breast cancer cells through maintenance of progesterone receptor and Stat5a. Oncogene. 2015 Jul;34(28):3676-87. PubMed PMID: 25241899
  • Cittelly DM, Finlay-Schultz J, Howe EN, Spoelstra NS, Axlund SD, Hendricks P, Jacobsen BM, Sartorius CA, Richer JK. Progestin suppression of miR-29 potentiates dedifferentiation of breast cancer cells via KLF4. Oncogene. 2013 May 16;32(20):2555-64. PubMed PMID: 22751119
  • Kabos P, Finlay-Schultz J, Li C, Kline E, Finlayson C, Wisell J, Manuel CA, Edgerton SM, Harrell JC, Elias A, Sartorius CA. Patient-derived luminal breast cancer xenografts retain hormone receptor heterogeneity and help define unique estrogen-dependent gene signatures. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Sep;135(2):415-32. PubMed PMID: 22821401
  • Canastar A, Logel J, Graw S, Finlay-Schultz J, Osborne C, Palionyte M, Drebing C, Plehaty M, Wilson L, Eyeson R, Leonard S. Promoter methylation and tissue-specific transcription of the a7 nicotinic receptor gene, CHRNA7. J Mol Neurosci. 2012 Jun;47(2):389-400. PubMed PMID: 22052086
  • Finlay-Schultz J, Canastar A, Short M, El Gazzar M, Coughlan C, Leonard S. Transcriptional repression of the a7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit gene (CHRNA7) by activating protein-2a (AP-2a). J Biol Chem. 2011 Dec 9;286(49):42123-32. PubMed PMID: 21979958
  • Stephens SH, Logel J, Barton A, Franks A, Schultz J, Short M, Dickenson J, James B, Fingerlin TE, Wagner B, Hodgkinson C, Graw S, Ross RG, Freedman R, Leonard S. Association of the 5'-upstream regulatory region of the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit gene (CHRNA7) with schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2009 Apr;109(1-3):102-12. PubMed PMID: 19181484

Professional Memberships

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Member
  • The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), Member
  • The Endocrine Society, Member
  • American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Member
  • RNA Society, Member
Personal Interests
My partner and I are avid homebrewers and active in both our local homebrew clubs (Foam on the Range, Aurora City Brew Club) and at the national level. We compete in homebrew competitions, winning numerous awards, and we also judge at the local level. I also enjoy knitting and gardening in my spare time.

Volunteer Activities
I am dedicated to promoting the importance of music in our lives. I have been volunteer staff with the CU "Golden Buffalo" Marching Band as their Uniform Coordinator since 2009 and established an endowment in 2005 to award scholarships to outstanding marching band members. I am also a Founder and Treasurer of the Silver Buffs Marching Band Alumni Association at CU Boulder, whose mission is to support the current members of the CU marching band through service and fundraising.

Public Speaking