Earnest, M, Williams, J, Aagaard, E (2017) Toward an optimal pedagogy for teamwork. Academic medicine: October, 2107, volume 92-issue 10, (1378-1381).
Williams, JD. (2016). Stress less. Just Ask Children's. Children's Hospital Publication, Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO
8. DeHay, T, Ross, S, Williams, J D, and Ponce, A. Factors associated with accreditation: A comparison of accredited and nonaccredited psychology doctoral internship programs. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 2016, Volume 10, No 3, 125-132.
6. Williams, J.D., Erickson Cornish, J.A, Responding to health service psychology practicum competencies: An APPIC Perspective. Journal of Clinical Psychology Science and Practice, 2015.
Williams, J.D. (2013) Q& A on Internship Development. Invited lecture-Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs (CDSPP) annual meeting, Hollywood FL.
Williams, J.D. (2012). Healthcare teams: The necessary ingredients for success. Grand rounds, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO.
Williams, J. D., Earnest, M., Franson, K. Barton, A., & Brunson, D. (2013) Teamdriven Learning-Leadership in Action. Workshop presented at Collaboration Across Borders IV: Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformation Change from the Classroom to Practice. British Columbia, Canada.
Franson, K., Glover, J. & Williams, J.D. (2013). Setting the Groundwork for IPE with an All-day Orientation Program. Poster presentation at the Collaboration Across Borders IV: Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformation Change from the Classroom to Practice. British Columbia, Canada.
Yancy, L, Williams, J.D., & Earnest, M.,. (2013) Nonsequencial rollout of interprofessional education at University of Colorado. Oral presentation at the Collaboration Across Borders IV: Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformation Change from the Classroom to Practice. British Columbia, Canada.
Willams, J.D., Yancey, L., Magee, D., & Earnest, M. (2013) Use of a web based peer feedback tool to create a multi-source assessment of interprofessional student team performance. Poster at Collaboration Across Borders IV: Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformation Change from the Classroom to Practice. British Columbia, Canada.
Williams, J.D. (2012) Invited Lecture-Medical Home. The Weight of the Nation Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Cook, M. & Williams, J.D. (2012) Transforming Behavior : Training Kids and Parents Together. Continuing Education Workshop. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association Division 12. Orlando FL.
Williams, J.D. (2012) Invited lecture combined postdoctoral seminar-How your state association can help your career. Colorado Combined Postdoctoral Psychology Seminar Series, Denver CO.
Williams, J.D., (2012). Invited lecture-Internship training and the necessary tools. Pannel presentation, PITDOC Seminar, Denver CO.
Williams, J.D. & Cook, M. (2011). Demonstration Workshop of a Novel, Manualized, Intensive Outpatient Program for Children and Parents. Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida.
Earnest, M., Williams, J.D., Yancy, L., & Barley, G (2011) Development and Implementation of a Longitudinal, Interprofessional Curriculum at the Anschutz Medical Campus. International Conference, Collaborating Across Boarders, III, Tucson, Arizona
Williams, J.D., Earnest, M., & Hamilton, H. (2011). Using a Sharepoint web portal to facilitate interprofessional team-based learning. Poster submitted to AAMC annual meeting, Denver, Colorado
Williams, J.D., Earnest, M. Houston-Magee, D. & Hamilton, H. (2011). AMC healthCommons-Using Sharepoint 2010. Collaborating Across Boarders, III, Tucson, Arizona.
Cook, M., Williams, J.D., Siler, T., & Carisimo, P. (2011) Predictors of Response to a Hospital-Based Intensive Outpatient Program for Youth. Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (ABCT) annual conference
Cook, M., Siler, T., Crisostomo, P Williams, J.D.¸& Wamboldt, M. (submitted) Effectiveness of an intensive outpatient psychiatric program for children with disruptive behavior disorders: Initial findings. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Cook, M.N. (2012). Contributing author. Transforming Behavior: Training Parents and Kids Together Brookes, Publishing, Baltimore, Maryland.
Cook, M., Crisotomo, Simpson, T., Williams, J.D. & Walmboldt, M. (2012). Effectiveness of an Outpatient Program for Disruptive Children: Initial Finding. Community Mental Health Journal, SpringerLink Publishing.
Williams, J.D., Siegel, W., & Montgomery, R. (2012)APPIC Technology Update. APPIC membership conference, Tempe, AZ.
Williams, J.D., Taylor, K., $ Kerney, L. (2012) New Training Directors Workshop. APPIC membership conference, April Tempe, AZ.
Earnest, M., Williams, J.D., Garcia, L. & Ihnken, C. (2012) Medical Home and Team Based Care. Panel presentation at the Colorado Health Foundation Annual Conference, Keystone, CO.
5. Twohy, E., Malmberg, J., & Williams, J.D. (in press). A comprehensive transdiagnostic approach to pediatric behavioral health. Colorado Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology.
7. Earnest MA, Williams JD, Aagaard E, Toward and Optimal Pedagogy for Teamwork. In Press, Academic Medicine, Oct. 2016