Jason Williams, PsyD

Associate Adjoint Professor, Psychiatry-Child-CHC

Graduate Schools
  • PsyD, Alliant International University (1996)
  • MS, University of Southern California (2005)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, University of California–Irvine (CA) (1992)

Professional Titles

  • Clinical Director
  • Director of Quality and Safety


  • Earnest, M, Williams, J, Aagaard, E (2017) Toward an optimal pedagogy for teamwork. Academic medicine: October, 2107, volume 92-issue 10, (1378-1381).
  • Williams, JD. (2016). Stress less. Just Ask Children's. Children's Hospital Publication, Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO
  • 8. DeHay, T, Ross, S, Williams, J D, and Ponce, A. Factors associated with accreditation: A comparison of accredited and nonaccredited psychology doctoral internship programs. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 2016, Volume 10, No 3, 125-132.
  • 6. Williams, J.D., Erickson Cornish, J.A, Responding to health service psychology practicum competencies: An APPIC Perspective. Journal of Clinical Psychology Science and Practice, 2015.
  • Williams, J.D. (2013) Q& A on Internship Development. Invited lecture-Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs (CDSPP) annual meeting, Hollywood FL.
  • Williams, J.D. (2012). Healthcare teams: The necessary ingredients for success. Grand rounds, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO.
  • Williams, J. D., Earnest, M., Franson, K. Barton, A., & Brunson, D. (2013) Teamdriven Learning-Leadership in Action. Workshop presented at Collaboration Across Borders IV: Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformation Change from the Classroom to Practice. British Columbia, Canada.
  • Franson, K., Glover, J. & Williams, J.D. (2013). Setting the Groundwork for IPE with an All-day Orientation Program. Poster presentation at the Collaboration Across Borders IV: Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformation Change from the Classroom to Practice. British Columbia, Canada.
  • Yancy, L, Williams, J.D., & Earnest, M.,. (2013) Nonsequencial rollout of interprofessional education at University of Colorado. Oral presentation at the Collaboration Across Borders IV: Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformation Change from the Classroom to Practice. British Columbia, Canada.
  • Willams, J.D., Yancey, L., Magee, D., & Earnest, M. (2013) Use of a web based peer feedback tool to create a multi-source assessment of interprofessional student team performance. Poster at Collaboration Across Borders IV: Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformation Change from the Classroom to Practice. British Columbia, Canada.
  • Williams, J.D. (2012) Invited Lecture-Medical Home. The Weight of the Nation Conference, Denver, Colorado.
  • Cook, M. & Williams, J.D. (2012) Transforming Behavior : Training Kids and Parents Together. Continuing Education Workshop. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association Division 12. Orlando FL.
  • Williams, J.D. (2012) Invited lecture combined postdoctoral seminar-How your state association can help your career. Colorado Combined Postdoctoral Psychology Seminar Series, Denver CO.
  • Williams, J.D., (2012). Invited lecture-Internship training and the necessary tools. Pannel presentation, PITDOC Seminar, Denver CO.
  • Williams, J.D. & Cook, M. (2011). Demonstration Workshop of a Novel, Manualized, Intensive Outpatient Program for Children and Parents. Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida.
  • Earnest, M., Williams, J.D., Yancy, L., & Barley, G (2011) Development and Implementation of a Longitudinal, Interprofessional Curriculum at the Anschutz Medical Campus. International Conference, Collaborating Across Boarders, III, Tucson, Arizona
  • Williams, J.D., Earnest, M., & Hamilton, H. (2011). Using a Sharepoint web portal to facilitate interprofessional team-based learning. Poster submitted to AAMC annual meeting, Denver, Colorado
  • Williams, J.D., Earnest, M. Houston-Magee, D. & Hamilton, H. (2011). AMC healthCommons-Using Sharepoint 2010. Collaborating Across Boarders, III, Tucson, Arizona.
  • Cook, M., Williams, J.D., Siler, T., & Carisimo, P. (2011) Predictors of Response to a Hospital-Based Intensive Outpatient Program for Youth. Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (ABCT) annual conference
  • Cook, M., Siler, T., Crisostomo, P Williams, J.D.¸& Wamboldt, M. (submitted) Effectiveness of an intensive outpatient psychiatric program for children with disruptive behavior disorders: Initial findings. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
  • Cook, M.N. (2012). Contributing author. Transforming Behavior: Training Parents and Kids Together Brookes, Publishing, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Cook, M., Crisotomo, Simpson, T., Williams, J.D. & Walmboldt, M. (2012). Effectiveness of an Outpatient Program for Disruptive Children: Initial Finding. Community Mental Health Journal, SpringerLink Publishing.
  • Williams, J.D., Siegel, W., & Montgomery, R. (2012)APPIC Technology Update. APPIC membership conference, Tempe, AZ.
  • Williams, J.D., Taylor, K., $ Kerney, L. (2012) New Training Directors Workshop. APPIC membership conference, April Tempe, AZ.
  • Earnest, M., Williams, J.D., Garcia, L. & Ihnken, C. (2012) Medical Home and Team Based Care. Panel presentation at the Colorado Health Foundation Annual Conference, Keystone, CO.
  • 5. Twohy, E., Malmberg, J., & Williams, J.D. (in press). A comprehensive transdiagnostic approach to pediatric behavioral health. Colorado Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology.
  • 7. Earnest MA, Williams JD, Aagaard E, Toward and Optimal Pedagogy for Teamwork. In Press, Academic Medicine, Oct. 2016

Professional Memberships

  • APPIC, Board of Directors

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado

Specialty Information

  • Psychology (1998)
  • Certified Clinical Psychologist, License (1998)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Mental Health and Behavior - Anxiety
  • Mental Health and Behavior - Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
  • Mental Health and Behavior - Depression
  • Mental Health and Behavior - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Mental Health and Behavior - Phobias
  • Mental Health and Behavior - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Child and Teen Health - Parenting
  • Child and Teen Health
  • Mental Health and Behavior
  • Mental Health and Behavior - Stress
Clinical Interests
I enjoy working with children and their families who are struggling with impulse control disorders.