Denberg TD, Lin CT, Myers BA, Cashman JM, Kutner JS, Steiner JF. Improving Patient Care Through Health Promotion Outreach. J Ambulatory Care Management 2008;31:76-87.
Hambidge SJ, Emsermann CB, Federico S, Steiner JF. Disparities in pediatric preventive care in the United States, 1993-2002. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2007;161:30-36.
Steiner JF. Hospitalizations for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions: where do we go from here? [commentary] Ambulatory Pediatrics 2007;7:263-4.
Denberg TD, Flanigan RC, Kim FJ, Hoffman RM, Steiner JF. Self-reported volume of radical prostatectomies among urologists in the USA. BJU International 2007;99:339-343.
Denberg TD, Ross SE, Steiner JF. Patient acceptance of a novel preventive care delivery system. Preventive Medicine 2007;44:543-546.
Federico SG, Steiner JF, Beaty BL, Crane LA, Kempe A. Disruptions in insurance
coverage: patterns and relationship to health care access, unmet need and utilization prior to enrollment in the State Child Health Insurance Plan. Pediatrics 2007;120:e1009.
Bayliss EA, Ellis JL, Steiner JF. Barriers to self-management and quality of life outcomes in seniors with multimorbidities. Ann Fam Med 2007;5:395-402.
Main DS, Henderson WG, Pratte K, Cavender TA, Schifftner TL, Kinney A, Stoner T, Steiner JF, Fink AS, Khuri SF. Relationship of processes and structures of care in general surgery to postoperative outcomes: a descriptive analysis. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2007. 204:1157-65.
Plomondon ME, Magid DJ, Steiner JF, MaWhinney S, Gifford BD, Shih SC, Grunwald GK, Rumsfeld JS. Primary care provider turnover and quality of care in managed care organizations. Am J Managed Care 2007;13: 465-472.
McGinnis B, Olson KL, Magid D, Bayliss EA, Korner EJ, Brand DW, Steiner JF. Factors related to adherence to statin therapy. Ann Pharmacotherapy 2007;41:1805-1811.
Kempe A, Daley MF, Stokley S, Crane LA, Beaty BL, Barrow J, Babbel C, Dickinson LM, Steiner JF, Berman S. Impact of a Severe Influenza Vaccine Shortage on Primary Care Practice. Am J Prev Med 2007;33:486-491.
Batal HA, Krantz MJ, Dale RA, Mehler PA, Steiner JF. Impact of prescription size on statin adherence and cholesterol levels. BMC Health Services Research 2007; 7:175 doi:10.1186/1472-6963-7-175
Coombes JM, Steiner JF, Bekelman DB, Prochazka AV, Denberg TD. Clinical outcomes associated with attempts to educate patients about lower endoscopy: a narrative review. J Community Health 2007. DOI 10.1007/s10900-007-9081-5.
Steiner JF, Gardner EM. Assessing medication adherence from pharmacy records. [editorial] Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2006;15: 575-577.
Barry DW, Melhado TV, Chacko KM, Lee RS, Steiner JF, Kutner JS. Patient and physician perceptions of timely access to care. J Gen Intern Med 2006;21:130-133.
Cyran EM, Albertson G, Schilling LM, Lin CT, Ware L, Steiner JF, Anderson RJ. What do attending physicians contribute in a house officer-based ambulatory continuity clinic? J Gen Intern Med 2006;21:435-439.
Hambidge SJ, Phibbs SL, Davidson AJ, LeBaron CW, Chandramouli V, Fairclough DL, Steiner JF. Individually significant risk factors do not provide an accurate clinical prediction rule for infant under-immunization in one disadvantaged urban area. Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006;6:165-172.
Kempe A, Bunik M, Ellis J, Magid D, Hegarty T, Dickinson LM, Steiner JF. How safe is triage by an after-hours telephone call center? Pediatrics 2006;118:457-463.
Phibbs SL, Hambidge SJ, Steiner JF, Davidson AJ. The impact of inactive infants on clinic-based immunization rates. Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006;6:173-177.
Denberg TD, Beaty BL, Glodé LM, Steiner JF, Hoffman RM. Trends and predictors of aggressive therapy for clinical locally advanced prostate cancer. BJU International 2006;98:335-340.
Denberg TD, Melhado TV, Steiner JF. Patient treatment preferences in localized prostate carcinoma: the influence of emotion, misconception, and anecdote. Cancer 2006;107:620-630.
Ho PM, Rumsfeld JS, Masoudi FA, McClure DL, Plomondon ME, Steiner JF, Magid DJ.
The impact of medication non-adherence on hospitalization and mortality among patients with diabetes. Arch Intern Med 2006;166:1836-1841.
Denberg TD, Coombes JM, Byers TE, Marcus AC, Feinberg LE, Steiner JF, Ahnen DJ. Effect of a mailed brochure on appointment-keeping for screening colonscopy: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2006;145:895-900.
Simon TD, Phibbs S, Dickinson LM, Kempe A, Steiner JF, Davidson AJ, Hambidge SJ. Less anticipatory guidance is associated with more subsequent injury visits among infants. Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006;6:318-325.
Denberg TD, Kim FJ, Flanigan RC, Fairclough D, Beaty BL, Steiner JF, Hoffman RM. The influence of patient race and social vulnerability on urologist treatment recommendations in localized prostate carcinoma. Med Care 2006; 44: 1137-1141.
Main DS, Nowels CT, Cavender TA, Etschmeier M, Steiner JF. A qualitative study of work and work return in cancer survivors. Psycho-oncology 2005;14:992-1004
Denberg TD, Beaty BL, Kim FJ, Steiner JF. Marriage and ethnicity predict treatment in localized prostate cancer. Cancer 2005:103:1819-25
Braun PA, Beaty BL, DiGuiseppi C, Steiner JF. Recurrent early childhood injuries among disadvantaged children in primary care settings. Injury Prevention 2005;11:251-55
Denberg TD, Melhado TV, Coombes JM, Beaty BL, Berman K, Byers TE, Marcus AC, Steiner JF, Ahnen DJ. Predictors of non-adherence to screening colonoscopy. J Gen Intern Med 2005;20:989-95
Masoudi FA, Baillie CA, Wang Y, Bradford WD, Steiner JF, Havranek EP, Foody JM, Krumholz HM. The complexity and cost of drug regimens of older patients hospitalized with heart failure in the United States, 1998-2001. Arch Intern Med 2005;165:2069-2076
Bayliss EA, Ellis JL, Steiner JF. Subjective assessments of comorbidity correlate with quality of life health outcomes: Initial validation of a comorbidity assessment instrument. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2005;3:51
Steiner JF. The use of stories in clinical research and health policy. JAMA 2005;294:2901-2904
Hambidge SJ, Phibbs SL, Davidson AJ, LeBaron CW, Chandramouli V, Fairclough DL, Steiner JF. Individually significant risk factors do not provide an accurate clinical prediction rule for infant under-immunization in one disadvantaged urban area. Ambulatory Pediatrics (in press).
Kempe A, Bunik M, Ellis J, Magid D, Hegarty T, Dickinson LM, Steiner JF. How Safe is Triage by an After-Hours Telephone Call Center? Pediatrics (in press).
Phibbs SL, Hambidge SJ, Steiner JF, Davidson AJ. The impact of infants who move or go elsewhere for care on clinic-based immunization rates. Ambulatory Pediatrics (in press).
Denberg TD, Beaty BL, Glodé LM, Steiner JF, Hoffman RM. Trends and predictors of aggressive therapy for clinical locally advanced prostate cancer. Brit J Urol (in press
Steiner JF, Gardner EM. Assessing medication adherence from pharmacy records. [editorial] Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (in press).
Barry DW, Melhado TV, Chacko KM, Lee RS, Steiner JF, Kutner JS. Patient and physician perceptions of timely access to care. J Gen Intern Med (in press)
Denberg TD, Flanigan RC, Kim FJ, Hoffman RM, Steiner JF. Self-reported volume of radical prostatectomies among urologists in the USA. BJU International (in press).
Steiner JF, Cavender TA, Nowels CT, Beaty BL, Bradley CJ, Fairclough DL, Main DS. The impact of physical and psychosocial factors on work characteristics after cancer. Psycho-Oncology (in press).
Hanratty R, Estacio RO, Dickinson LM, Chandramouli V, Steiner JF, Havranek EP. Development of a Hypertension Registry for Population Management from Electronic Data in a Safety Net Institution. J Health Care Poor Underserved (in press).
Padilla R, Bull SS, Raghunath SG, Fernald D, Havranek EP, Steiner JF. Designing a cardiovascular disease prevention web site for Latinos: qualitative community feedback. Health Promotion Practice (in press).
Havranek EP, Emsermann CDB, Froshaug DN, Masoudi FA, Krantz MJ, Hanratty R, Estacio RO, Dickinson LM, Steiner JF. Thresholds in the Relationship between Mortality and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Defined by Electrocardiography. J Electrocardiography (in press).
Crane LA, Daley MF, Barrow J, Babbel C, Stokley S, Dickinson LM, Beaty BL, Steiner JF, Kempe A. Sentinel Physician Networks as a Technique for Rapid Immunization Policy Surveys. Evaluation and the Health Professions (in press).